A fallen angel is more potentially plausible lore wise. The best chances for a divine being to survive the corruption is to embrace it like Fera (Marae's sister) did. Can't beat it, so join it and survive.
Yeah from what I've heard about Dominika her content was never finished but the problem wasn't that her method of escape would destroy Mareth but rather that it's activation would destroy the magical wards of Teladre, leaving it unprotected. It's also possible that the ritual itself would involve the sacrifice of the citizens of the city as a power source. Her methods are different than the demons and In some respects perhaps even worse. Because it seems like she was willing to outright exterminate the entire population of the city to further her goals. Whereas if the demons had their way the people would still be alive. The demons don't seem to be keen on murder, they prefer conversion and recruitment to their cause.
See this is what i meant about my ideas behing burrowed under walls of text and disapearing into oblivion
In case you missed it i proposed a scylla/octopus tf on previous page with ink spiting and grapple attacks
A fallen angel is more potentially plausible lore wise. The best chances for a divine being to survive the corruption is to embrace it like Fera (Marae's sister) did. Can't beat it, so join it and survive.
Well on seriuos note fallen angel can be sometimes called...devil/demon so it could be in that case trated almsot as Mareth demons. Well maybe almost at it possibly would have soul and seen by others as another demon-morph. To bring angels would be tricky quest without totaly screwing over canon. I could in future try do this and see what will result from that.
Like some akin to Nephilim?
So, like what, a Dark Valkyrie?
Those that have NPCs of the species but that the player can't yet become. Stuff like Orc (Rogar) TF, Gnoll (Plains hyena) TF, plant (Teladre mage lady, Esraeyl, Holli, Marae) TF, ect.
Is there a sheep TF yet?
There are chameleons in the bog and I think there is an M/M event in the bazar were you have an encounter with a bear morph and a tiger morph. (Might be wrong about the species since I've never actually pursued an experience of that scene due to it being M/M)
Also come to think of it wouldn't a TF for the glacial rift Valkeries occupy most of niche for a depowered/ impure or depowered angel TF?
Well octopus/scylla is prety much as relevant as a shark morph would be truly but hey sure theres more pressing tf to do first
Humm isn't it former Archangel Tyrael meet at D3? Well that would be...yeah I think I got it more about angel giving it divinity to live among mortals.
Golems of few types are already on my future plans (maybe at east 1-2 of them would be added soon). As for asian type monsters we got aside Oni Kitsunes, which would I try make slight more...mystical.
Mod Trello board - as I may forget some of your suggestion you can go there look around and leave commnet or two to not let me forget
As for Oni actualy soon(er or later) she would be easy to find and have fun times with xD
Now the thing I realized...gorgon TF giving PC access to 4 specialsI can't think about any other race that will give pc with so many type of special attacks. Should I cut out some of them? They got atm: snake bite, naga lower body constrict, gorgon snake hair atk (simiar to anemone special) and ofc trademark perify.
Constrict and petrify. I would also make it so the petrification is done over time slowing them down little by little and it can stack.. but I would make the fatigue cost high and unaffected by perks that reduce the cost.
Or i would add it to the typical naga menu when your constricting an enemy lowering their speed the longer they stay trapped.
I wouldnt remove any ability from medusa due to the simple fact naga has little next to no attractive boost beside of its ability and a +10 speed heck the snake face hair and eyes likely makes it uncombinable with harpy as such only thing left to medusa is its numerous ability.
@Jiffler That special - Petrify - is connected with PC having gorgon eyes gained as effect from Gorgon Oil. But if pc wish to spend spare perk point will get perk allowing use this special even without gorgon eyes. Just like it was with salmander adrenal glands perk but here changed are pc eyes
After talking with Liadri as person that was mostly interested in gorgon tf effects I would probably also remove snake hair sepcial of biting and change that at first (without meantioned perk above) it will be needed to have gorgon type of hair and eyes to unlock it (later with perk game will a little bitm more 'forgiving' to pc on what body parts types s/he need to have to still been able use petrify).
@Kharn I know about this bug and I can promise you that before I move to versions 0.7 will fix it (well so that max few more weeks...but who knows maybe 0.6a will be with it fixed - for sure will make my best to make it fixed here along of giving people Gorgon Oil, Centaurinum and for now not much talkative npc to interact with ^^ )
Issue with Adrenal Glands noted and would be fixed for the next build, which should arrive before next week sunday.