CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A fallen angel is more potentially plausible lore wise. The best chances for a divine being to survive the corruption is to embrace it like Fera (Marae's sister) did. Can't beat it, so join it and survive. 

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Aug 26, 2015
A fallen angel is more potentially plausible lore wise. The best chances for a divine being to survive the corruption is to embrace it like Fera (Marae's sister) did. Can't beat it, so join it and survive. 

Yes, but joining also makes it just another demon. Neutral, almost-human fallen who discarded his powers to be less vulnerable to corruption seems more promising.


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Aug 27, 2015
Yeah from what I've heard about Dominika her content was never finished but the problem wasn't that her method of escape would destroy Mareth but rather that it's activation would destroy the magical wards of Teladre, leaving it unprotected. It's also possible that the ritual itself would involve the sacrifice of the citizens of the city as a power source. Her methods are different than the demons and In some respects perhaps even worse. Because it seems like she was willing to outright exterminate the entire population of the city to further her goals. Whereas if the demons had their way the people would still be alive. The demons don't seem to be keen on murder, they prefer conversion and recruitment to their cause.

Yeah right my bad for messing up what Dominika was up to. Well still it's...blood sacrifice of they lifes for possible way out of this realm for her. That thing of easy to get in and hard to get out now I look at it throu Stellar TAransformation angle looks like some akin to black hole ^^

See this is what i meant about my ideas behing burrowed under walls of text and disapearing into oblivion

In case you missed it i proposed a scylla/octopus tf on previous page with ink spiting and grapple attacks

Something like her you have in mind?


If you look for hydra pics there is also interesting thing with those snake bodies as legs for her...looking quite odd but I not sure if it would be practical to have something like that as race ingame (maybe some special type of npc to looks similar).

A fallen angel is more potentially plausible lore wise. The best chances for a divine being to survive the corruption is to embrace it like Fera (Marae's sister) did. Can't beat it, so join it and survive.

Wasn't that pic from monster girls encyclopedia? xD

Well on seriuos note fallen angel can be sometimes called...devil/demon so it could be in that case trated almsot as Mareth demons. Well maybe almost at it possibly would have soul and seen by others as another demon-morph. To bring angels would be tricky quest without totaly screwing over canon. I could in future try do this and see what will result from that.
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Aug 26, 2015
Well on seriuos note fallen angel can be sometimes called...devil/demon so it could be in that case trated almsot as Mareth demons. Well maybe almost at it possibly would have soul and seen by others as another demon-morph. To bring angels would be tricky quest without totaly screwing over canon. I could in future try do this and see what will result from that.

That's why I've offered human-like neutral fallen angel, who is not actually angel anymore, and with loss of divine power is not such vulnerable to corruption as well. Knowledge, though, is power itself...


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Sep 2, 2015
That's why I've offered human-like neutral fallen angel, who is not actually angel anymore, and with loss of divine power is not such vulnerable to corruption as well. Knowledge, though, is power itself...

So, like what, a Dark Valkyrie?

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Aug 27, 2015
Like some akin to Nephilim?

Anyway It's quite late for me so today no sneaky SS from progress. But I do done tweaked gorgon hairs a lil more (now they would amke any PC with hair less than medium-long or even bald grown set length of snake hairs. IN case of longer one hairs they just changes shape into snakes. And like lizan TF those new snaky hair shouldn't grown (I can't bend my head around see ingame text of...your snake-like hairs reaching new treshold or smth like that). Other than this scene for gaining gorgon eyes should be fine as now and only thing connected to eyes are fleshing out second half of petrify m.special that comses with those eyes. Then technicaly TF will be finished and need only more testing (and finding way to be gained ingame naturaly).

(PS. Sitting to comp with thoughts of spending evening on coding/writing wasn't the best idea...made today less than yesterday casual session of writng/coding -_-')
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Aug 28, 2015
Rather than adding new race TFs though. Personally I can't help but feel that after the gorgon TF is finished,  a higher priority should be placed on making TFs for races that already exist in the game. Those that have NPCs of the species but that the player can't yet become. Stuff like Orc (Rogar) TF, Gnoll (Plains hyena) TF,  plant (Teladre mage lady, Esraeyl, Holli, Marae) TF, ect. 

Is there a sheep TF yet? Cause if not that should also be on the list. But yeah before adding new races there are gaps that need to be filled in terms of races already in the world.

There are chameleons in the bog and I think there is an M/M event in the bazar were you have an encounter with a bear morph and a tiger morph. (Might be wrong about the species since I've never actually pursued an experience of that scene due to it being M/M) 

Also come to think of it wouldn't a TF for the glacial rift Valkeries occupy most of niche for a depowered/ impure or depowered angel TF? 
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Aug 28, 2015
Well octopus/scylla is prety much as relevant as a shark morph would be truly but hey sure theres more pressing tf to do first
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Aug 27, 2015
Nephilims are half-angels.

A bit more like this guy, I think.

Humm isn't it former Archangel Tyrael meet at D3? Well that would be...yeah I think I got it more about angel giving it divinity to live among mortals.

Those that have NPCs of the species but that the player can't yet become. Stuff like Orc (Rogar) TF, Gnoll (Plains hyena) TF,  plant (Teladre mage lady, Esraeyl, Holli, Marae) TF, ect. 

Is there a sheep TF yet?

There are chameleons in the bog and I think there is an M/M event in the bazar were you have an encounter with a bear morph and a tiger morph. (Might be wrong about the species since I've never actually pursued an experience of that scene due to it being M/M) 

Also come to think of it wouldn't a TF for the glacial rift Valkeries occupy most of niche for a depowered/ impure or depowered angel TF? 

All TF than not make it for any of 0.6 builds would be added at later time thou not in larger amount only one at time at best unlike now I trying to make and push out few more TF items. Actualy if not for making few more of them I would already moved to 0.7 builds which would mostly be about changes to endgame/NG+.

Sheep TF is planned to be part of Archery exp that will involve changes to Owca village. Not know if it will be in one of 0.7 or later builds.

Plus maybe not all noticing that when I making some new TF I try add few more things than basic TF item and eventual one special. And for some TF I admit I would not have initial idea how to make them accessable ingame since many of already existing TF itmes are combat drops so lack of combat encounter with some race makes it lil harder to hand over to player TF for said race. And I not sure how people would feel if I just add to Benoit inventory rotation all those TF items. It could fast lead to tons of TF items as possible offer in each of three slots he have (well could have make 4th slot to lessen load still place he sell stuff is corrupted place so seeing there items that aren't so much themed as been tainted/corrupted would be slight out of place).

As for TF for items we not have npc's or enemies...yeah that an issue I see myself too and always thinking if not add all those new races as npc in places I plan add new npc or two.

Well octopus/scylla is prety much as relevant as a shark morph would be truly but hey sure theres more pressing tf to do first

LoL actualy it's more like which TF I feel like in mood to make. Version 0.6 was planned to add much stuff about animal-morphs so TF for some of them was included.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Humm isn't it former Archangel Tyrael meet at D3? Well that would be...yeah I think I got it more about angel giving it divinity to live among mortals.

Yep, Tyrael, former Archangel of Justice in person.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok end of work for tonight. Adding Gorgon related stuff was more troublesome than actualy finishing itself. Thus PC can get nice perk that will his/her life easie in world where all want just make it blind from all those 'flashy' attacks to then take 'advantage' or if not this make it worthy to get it's retaining petrify attack at all times ^^

Still think name for snake hair p.special seems quite cliche :/
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Apr 28, 2016
when it comes to this hole mode and TF wouldn't it be more understandable to focus on asian lore instead of western. a good example would be japans yokai. there is so many of them that you will never run out of new options to go with. and also incase anybody didn't really notes this there aren't a lot of asian monsters in this game the only one that sticks out is the freakin oni that lives in that cave (which i want to recruit personally) just to f with you. rather then that there was only mojo and the monks but he is a mouse so.... ya, no good.

also i saw that you were really big on golems. in that regard don't forget about the elementals they need there lovin to. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Golems of few types are already on my future plans (maybe at east 1-2 of them would be added soon). As for asian type monsters we got aside Oni Kitsunes, which would I try make slight more...mystical.

Mod Trello board - as I may forget some of your suggestion you can go there look around and leave commnet or two to not let me forget :p

As for Oni actualy soon(er or later) she would be easy to find and have fun times with xD

Now the thing I realized...gorgon TF giving PC access to 4 specials o_O I can't think about any other race that will give pc with so many type of special attacks. Should I cut out some of them? They got atm: snake bite, naga lower body constrict, gorgon snake hair atk (simiar to anemone special) and ofc trademark perify.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Golems of few types are already on my future plans (maybe at east 1-2 of them would be added soon). As for asian type monsters we got aside Oni Kitsunes, which would I try make slight more...mystical.

Mod Trello board - as I may forget some of your suggestion you can go there look around and leave commnet or two to not let me forget :p

As for Oni actualy soon(er or later) she would be easy to find and have fun times with xD

Now the thing I realized...gorgon TF giving PC access to 4 specials o_O I can't think about any other race that will give pc with so many type of special attacks. Should I cut out some of them? They got atm: snake bite, naga lower body constrict, gorgon snake hair atk (simiar to anemone special) and ofc trademark perify.

Constrict and petrify. I would also make it so the petrification is done over time slowing them down little by little and it can stack.. but I would make the fatigue cost high and unaffected by perks that reduce the cost.

Or i would add it to the typical naga menu when your constricting an enemy lowering their speed the longer they stay trapped.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Constrict and petrify. I would also make it so the petrification is done over time slowing them down little by little and it can stack.. but I would make the fatigue cost high and unaffected by perks that reduce the cost.

Or i would add it to the typical naga menu when your constricting an enemy lowering their speed the longer they stay trapped.

Petrify .costs are atm quite high compared to the others specials (well not yet as costly as grey spells but some between them and normals spells) and as effect stuns enemies for fixed amount of turn As long it's singular type of enemy. It can thou also slightly affect groups of enemies (really short duratin but stil each turn count I suppose against those enemies). Unaffected by cost reducion would be I think easy to do so I may look into using this way.

On typical daily notes of progress:

A slight progress on Centaurinum (less then half planned changes are already put in it).

Working of making sure all enemies that use blind attacks (using flash not throwing sand in pc eyes) would be working with gorgon-changed eyes.

First stage of adding enemies weakness to fire or ice damage. In short it mean particular enemies/npc's are more hurt by fire attacks while having higher resistance to ice ones or reverse. So now if one want for ex. fight Hel it would be good idea introduce her to some of ice spells/attacks as she would be much more hurt by them while trying attacking her with fire-type attacks will make her take less dmg. Similary with yeti if you try kill him with ice attacks...well it would take longer compared to In future should be added some of enemies that will make use of this too and even some that would be really weak to one of elemental type of dmg while been almsot fully immune to oposite element.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
 I wouldnt remove any ability from medusa due to the simple fact naga has little next to no attractive boost beside of its ability and a +10 speed heck the snake face hair and eyes likely makes it uncombinable with harpy as such only thing left to medusa is its numerous ability. In the end if we look at it that way naga gains bite constrict petrify and poison hair wich does the same thing as constrict and petrify with a very ordinary flat +10 to speed. Due to the snake hair Couatl (naga harpy obtained from winged arm feather hair and wings) is technicaly impossible. Medusa should be a super species in its own right and therefore cant be combined to anything. Weither you give medusa an improved ability score or a lot of ability a morph that requires this many body part needs to be worthwhile.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
 I wouldnt remove any ability from medusa due to the simple fact naga has little next to no attractive boost beside of its ability and a +10 speed heck the snake face hair and eyes likely makes it uncombinable with harpy as such only thing left to medusa is its numerous ability.

I some time ago changed so having only naga lower body without been gorgon-morph (or medusa if you like to call them this way) hav only +5 speed scalable with NG+ tiers bonus. PC with lower taur body got jsut +10 to speed. As for gorgon it giving +10 speed and +5 toughness, centaurs repectively +20/+5. SO gorgon morphs DO getting something else of merely max speed bonus (tou since both nag and centaur lower bodies are usualy at least slight larger of any other types of lower bodies that all just bipedal - thus each getting +5 for been 'larger' than otehr morphs).
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Aug 28, 2015
In that case i would deactivate the anemone hair venom and turn transfer the power of the effect to the gorgon gaze or make it so you need max hair lenght before gorgon hair can be achieved in order to actualy eventaly remove the anemone poison and switch it to the gaze attack. Small point i want to explain is that removing gorgon morph access to poison would remove it from naga as well wich is just not what we want.

If done properly the gorgon gaze potency will be based on the hair lenght (yea thats crazy but how else to make it worth to lenghten your anemone hair). The Anemone lust attack never was intended to be a part of the change only a temporary checkpoint before the living hairs turns into snakes because lets face is your snakes likely bite for the same venom your own bite does.

So in order... the player aquire anemone hair - the player use snake oil and gain snake tongue - player gains snake bite - anemone hair morph to snake hairs - player gains snake eyes or player gains snake tails

so in prerequisite Anemone hair and Snake bite is required to obtain snake hair removing the player ability to use anemone venom but making the player able to aquire snake eyes wich in turns unlock the petrification gaze
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Aug 27, 2015
Gorgon hair if PC got current ones hair too short or is bald even would cause snakes to....well literaly grown out of scalp until they reach proper minimal length. And later it would stop grown as long it would have them. Not best solution but I still not get around to tinker hair grown messages to make snake hair able to grown longer.

As for biting and hair snake biting they for sure are using same poison. And probably since fang using bite got almost 0 range while snake hairs can be used at least on some distance it could be made that having hair of gorgons would disable bite attack from snake fangs.
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Mar 27, 2016
Just did Urta's quest and it seemed to be impossible to continue afterwords. Just a blank screen if you offer to knock her up, same with the other choices as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
@Ormael, will you allow the gorgon eye special be able to be used by PC's who don't have the naga/lamia lower body?
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Aug 27, 2015
@Jiffler That special - Petrify - is connected with PC having gorgon eyes gained as effect from Gorgon Oil. But if pc wish to spend spare perk point will get perk allowing use this special even without gorgon eyes. Just like it was with salmander adrenal glands perk but here changed are pc eyes ;)

After talking with Liadri as person that was mostly interested in gorgon tf effects I would probably also remove snake hair sepcial of biting and change that at first (without meantioned perk above) it will be needed to have gorgon type of hair and eyes to unlock it (later with perk game will a little bitm more 'forgiving' to pc on what body parts types s/he need to have to still been able use petrify).

@Kharn I know about this bug and I can promise you that before I move to versions 0.7 will fix it (well so that max few more weeks...but who knows maybe 0.6a will be with it fixed - for sure will make my best to make it fixed here along of giving people Gorgon Oil, Centaurinum and for now not much talkative npc to interact with ^^ )
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Sep 2, 2015
@Jiffler That special - Petrify - is connected with PC having gorgon eyes gained as effect from Gorgon Oil. But if pc wish to spend spare perk point will get perk allowing use this special even without gorgon eyes. Just like it was with salmander adrenal glands perk but here changed are pc eyes ;)

After talking with Liadri as person that was mostly interested in gorgon tf effects I would probably also remove snake hair sepcial of biting and change that at first (without meantioned perk above) it will be needed to have gorgon type of hair and eyes to unlock it (later with perk game will a little bitm more 'forgiving' to pc on what body parts types s/he need to have to still been able use petrify).

@Kharn I know about this bug and I can promise you that before I move to versions 0.7 will fix it (well so that max few more weeks...but who knows maybe 0.6a will be with it fixed - for sure will make my best to make it fixed here along of giving people Gorgon Oil, Centaurinum and for now not much talkative npc to interact with ^^ )

Cool, now if only Kitteh could get on board with adding the perks of Adrenal Glands and Gorgon Eyes
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Aug 27, 2015
Well he can do this as long he do it own way or talk with me about code for that. Thou Adranal Glands and Gorgon Eyes is part a group of perks so not know how he would view adding whole group of them and I still plan add few more perks to this group like one for lizans.
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Mar 27, 2016
Also noted with Salamander Adrenal Glads perk I don't carry over Lustzerking through New Game+'s after changing off of Salamander.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Issue with Adrenal Glands noted and would be fixed for the next build, which should arrive before next week sunday.
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Mar 27, 2016
Cap on Fatigue is 1999? Guess I overleveled since picking up any other Fatigue talent doesn't further it past that point.

Edit: Seems past the first new game plus I'm having extreme difficulties getting Vapula to camp. Beat them by lust (currently on New Game++++ they have 1500 max lust and level 5 tease with Seduction perk only increases it by 11-12) doesn't give an option to do use them. Is it an issue with Corruption Tolerance?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes game code have caps for max hp, lust, fatigue, soulforce. I didn't set it higher than 1999 would req. someone to play all the way up to NG++ or NG+++ to hit this cap. No worry I will aslo include in upcomming version higher max fatigue cap so you won;t be stuck at merely 1999.
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