CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Salamander Firewater can drop when you fight Hel and is currently only one ingame source of it (unless I add some down the road more salamander npc's that we can fight). Helspawn can be spared too but never to begin with she was droping any TF item so now she still won't drop it. Do you think it would be fine for her to drop it? TF itself is afterall type of alcoholic drink that can TF player. And Helspawn not always ends up behaving just like her mother so giving her always chance to drop it sounded for me slight unfitting.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Salamander Firewater can drop when you fight Hel and is currently only one ingame source of it (unless I add some down the road more salamander npc's that we can fight). Helspawn can be spared too but never to begin with she was droping any TF item so now she still won't drop it. Do you think it would be fine for her to drop it? TF itself is afterall type of alcoholic drink that can TF player. And Helspawn not always ends up behaving just like her mother so giving her always chance to drop it sounded for me slight unfitting.

Since their both salamanders, I think she should drop it too, but probably at a reduced rate, like 25% or 35%.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Salamander Firewater can drop when you fight Hel and is currently only one ingame source of it (unless I add some down the road more salamander npc's that we can fight). Helspawn can be spared too but never to begin with she was droping any TF item so now she still won't drop it. Do you think it would be fine for her to drop it? TF itself is afterall type of alcoholic drink that can TF player. And Helspawn not always ends up behaving just like her mother so giving her always chance to drop it sounded for me slight unfitting.

BTW, when will the physical transformations from the Firewater be implemented?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
BTW, when will the physical transformations from the Firewater be implemented?

In 0.6.XXX-mander Edition build (0.6.2), which you probably playing there was one typo that was making impossible to get any physical TF only getting one of two of stats changes. In 0.6.XXX-mander (Re)Edition ( I fixed that unfortunate bug and now it would work normaly. So you just need or download build from first post or post I made 4 hours ago. Eventualy here you got this link too without need to look for it:

As for Helspawn game code per se not allow to set x% chance for drops but your suggestion seems reasanable and I will add it to Helspawn drop table thou with much lower chance for it than her mother have ^^

As for manders TF itself it have 2 specials actualy (one is variation of tail attack that deal fire aoe damage) and ofc fabled Lustzerker skill (this one if you care to spend one spare perk point can be make pernament so your pc could enter lustzerk always even if not been salamander-morph anymore ;) )
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
In 0.6.XXX-mander Edition build (0.6.2), which you probably playing there was one typo that was making impossible to get any physical TF only getting one of two of stats changes. In 0.6.XXX-mander (Re)Edition ( I fixed that unfortunate bug and now it would work normaly. So you just need or download build from first post or post I made 4 hours ago. Eventualy here you got this link too without need to look for it:

As for Helspawn game code per se not allow to set x% chance for drops but your suggestion seems reasanable and I will add it to Helspawn drop table thou with much lower chance for it than her mother have ^^

As for manders TF itself it have 2 specials actualy (one is variation of tail attack that deal fire aoe damage) and ofc fabled Lustzerker skill (this one if you care to spend one spare perk point can be make pernament so your pc could enter lustzerk always even if not been salamander-morph anymore ;) )

OOH, interesting!!!

Also, how to go Gorgon?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gorgon is a TF i did propose for a while im glad its finaly implemented... snake hairs all the way mmmm
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Also, how to go Gorgon?

Gorgon is sadly atm victim of me wanting give people fully working Salamander TF and as for now only Gorogon counter in racial scores showing up so till next version when I will add Gorgon TF with way of getting it it's impossible to became gorgon-morph (thou atm it's still possible to get 2-3 pts in it for having few of gorgon-morph body parts that it share with naga race like snake face or naga lower body).

As for what it will be it's something Liadri suspecting ^^ Lower body of snake, human-ish upper body, snake face (game call this way normal human face with snake fangs) gorgon hairs and gorgon eyes. That two latter body parts will unlock special I for now calls 'gorgon gaze', which would for sure have chance to stun enemy (explained naturaly as enemy turning temporaly into the stone) and maybe leaving after effect similar to basilisk atack of lowering enemy speed.

After thinking I may even finish those two TF I foreshadowed in latest build and release it with saving other ones things I intend to put in mod before moving on to 0.7 version in another one build (all depends how in next few days I would stand with free time - still not done with taxes -_-')
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Soooooo, all things consodered, @Ormael, thanks to your mod of a mod, my character is now a Charizard :)

Arigatou for kind words on my lil mod :p

Mind to share which ones of body parts/perks you combined to became Charizard? I betting on mix of dragon/salmander with Dragon Fire perk xD

The Salamander fire water is slight not working I think 

Tryst me if you had Edition not (Re)Edition of XXX_manders you wouldn't even get virstualy ANY body part TD'd into one of salamanders. Now RNG for it not much favorable (I not think any TF item giving PC TF'd body part after single use) but still some in middle of all others of how often it can TF pc ;)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Arigatou for kind words on my lil mod :p

Mind to share which ones of body parts/perks you combined to became Charizard? I betting on mix of dragon/salmander with Dragon Fire perk xD

I did indeed combine dragon and salamander body stats together, but I wanted dragon feet instead. Since I'm not a fan of digitigrade legs much, I leveled up to get the Salamander Adrenal Glands so that I could morph my feet without the consequences of loosing Lustzerk.

BTW, I wanted to know 2 things; 

1. Why does the Salamander transformation not transfer over to your non-mander mod?

2. Why is Lethice's throne room nonexistent in this mod???
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey, would it be possible to send the salamander TF codes for me to integrate into CoC Revamp Mod? I'd gladly appreciate it.

I might also give the mod a try as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
BTW, I wanted to know 2 things; 

1. Why does the Salamander transformation not transfer over to your non-mander mod?

2. Why is Lethice's throne room nonexistent in this mod???

1. I'm little confused what my non-mander mod you mean. Could you try clarify? I suspecting you could mean my first public released build for mod (as current one is 3rd). If I quessed wrong I hope you would clarify a lil more so I can then properly and fully answer your question.

2. I build mod using code I can find on herp-a-derp github if we talk about base vanilla CoC content. And there code for Lethice room and ending wasn't placed so I cut the Throne Room that was in Revamp mod. It's still possible to ascendent without killing lethice as long all other bosses there are defeated. On CoC ending code I need talk with Gedan and I having high hopes that in builds starting from 0.7 would be added this jsut the way it's in vanilla version (with few changes ofc to accomodate that it's possible to play after beating Lethice). So as I'm at at one of 0.6 versions for a few next versions Throne Room won't be accesable ingame.

Hey, would it be possible to send the salamander TF codes for me to integrate into CoC Revamp Mod? I'd gladly appreciate it.

Hoi Hoi there. Without beating around a bush I do asked Savin few things about salamanders to make this TF right (if not for that I probably would make in few places stupid mistakes that will screw all). So to give Savin a face would ask him if he not againt me sharing this code with you. One or maybe max two days (if he play DS 3 too much) I should know the answer.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I like both mod, but since the stats of both is different it's hard time for me to playing both of the game. Why don't you guys join force and create the new world, I mean, the best of both mod =)).


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
1. I'm little confused what my non-mander mod you mean. Could you try clarify? I suspecting you could mean my first public released build for mod (as current one is 3rd). If I quessed wrong I hope you would clarify a lil more so I can then properly and fully answer your question.

2. I build mod using code I can find on herp-a-derp github if we talk about base vanilla CoC content. And there code for Lethice room and ending wasn't placed so I cut the Throne Room that was in Revamp mod. It's still possible to ascendent without killing lethice as long all other bosses there are defeated. On CoC ending code I need talk with Gedan and I having high hopes that in builds starting from 0.7 would be added this jsut the way it's in vanilla version (with few changes ofc to accomodate that it's possible to play after beating Lethice). So as I'm at at one of 0.6 versions for a few next versions Throne Room won't be accesable ingame.

1. Yes, the public release version is what I meant.

2. Oh well, I'll just wait for the updates.

I like both mod, but since the stats of both is different it's hard time for me to playing both of the game. Why don't you guys join force and create the new world, I mean, the best of both mod =)).

Agreed, become legion you guys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Salamander fire water is slight not working I think 

Did you use mod version named 0.6.XXX-manders Edition or 0.6.XXX-manders (Re)Edition? IN former case slamander Tf was not working as intended which was fixed in latter. If latter then I could only say RNG for some reason hates you on what I can hardly help aside of making transforming body parts even easier than before (but that could make Slamanader TF item with highest chance of mutations).

1. Yes, the public release version is what I meant.

Well the first released public version was older one so it not have code for salamander TF or new body parts/app desc/new specials it added. So trying to play on older version with save from newer one can cause at best situation like you said of some features missing. At worst I suppose game just will go west not carring you wanted play it. So I with much regret must say it's hard for me to just add salamander TF stuff to old version (not sure why on github all 3 versions are shown in wrong places with latest one not been on top of the list of releases :/ )

@Kitteh6660 I got words he not gonna mind me sharing so I would in next 1-3 days send you code. In what form you want get this code? As PR for your mod on github or as PM here with txt file containing code or some other way?

Of others related things: I do scrapped idea of adding Helspawn Salamander TF as possible drop but...instead I came with idea of PC finding during explorations mansion that at the outer section will have room that have quite large amount of TF items laying around just for anyone to grab them (well as long you deal with golem guardian of this room first ofc). So it would be stacks of 5 TF items of 4 kinds. Salamander TF, Shark TF, Harpy TF and 4th TF which I still not decided but must be related to earth element like 3 former was connected to fire, water and air.

Anyone of you can help me picking earth-related TF to place in that mansion? Somehow I can't figure out which TF item would fit to this :/
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Perhaps mouse or naga TF? The dreams while as a mouse morph seem to state the mice were a farming community.
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Aug 28, 2015
Minotaurs seem to be fitting as an Earth themed beast. The only problem is that the TF is gendered. Equinum might also work and has the advantage of being gender neutral like the others. Hehe dem earth ponies. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok so gathering propositions so far we got: Mouse TF, Naga TF (well if I would pick naga one I could as well just change it for upcomming Gorgon TF), Sand trap TF, Lizans TF and Horse TF.

For now I would keep wait for possible more options of TF item related to earth while looking at net for all earth-type mythical beasts. Maybe it would end as adding some totlay new interesting race to CoCverse.

Pull requests will suffice. :)

Ok then in max few days expect PR for Salamander TF ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well if you are looking to make a new earth TF could you please consider making it a plant TF? Something that can give your character back mounted vine tentacles, bark skin, leaf hair, wooden horns, ect.  Nonesuch wrote a TF like that for TiTS but it seems like it would fit much better in a magical fantasy setting.

Rather than copying his you'd likely need to write your own version from scratch due to the diffrences in the setting specific descriptions. (And to avoid any IP issues)  But yeah a plant TF is something CoC has needed for a long time. 

One of the members of the Telardre circle of mages is a plant morph actually. She's the one that asks you to report any of Dominika's suspicious behavior/ to hand over the spell blade she gives you if I recall correctly. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if you are looking to make a new earth TF could you please consider making it a plant TF? Something that can give your character back mounted vine tentacles, bark skin, leaf hair, wooden horns, ect.

One of the members of the Telardre circle of mages is a plant morph actually. She's the one that asks you to report any of Dominika's suspicious behavior/ to hand over the spell blade she gives you if I recall correctly. 

Yeah I remeber her... due to dominica not finished stuff and etc. she seems quite underused as npc. Well now I think on it earth Tf would be also Dryad TF (could involve many of elemnts of plant TF you meantioned too). Or I would go west and make both plant/dryad TF (but then dunno how it would make them so much different :( ). Well that plant woman PC can meet in Sand Witch dungeon or in deepwood (or was it forrest) can give fruit that making PC some more like plant. And Holli alos can help PC become more plant-like not meantioning Corrupted Glades slowly TF into some close to dryad/plant life form.

So I think I got enough sources to make plant/dryad TF. And it may be better then earlier proposed ones....well for now I want asap finish gorgon TF and Evangeline stuff (and make that PR I promised) *merge into the shadows*
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Yeah I remeber her... due to dominica not finished stuff and etc. she seems quite underused as npc. Well now I think on it earth Tf would be also Dryad TF (could involve many of elemnts of plant TF you meantioned too). Or I would go west and make both plant/dryad TF (but then dunno how it would make them so much different :( ). Well that plant woman PC can meet in Sand Witch dungeon or in deepwood (or was it forrest) can give fruit that making PC some more like plant. And Holli alos can help PC become more plant-like not meantioning Corrupted Glades slowly TF into some close to dryad/plant life form.

So I think I got enough sources to make plant/dryad TF. And it may be better then earlier proposed ones....well for now I want asap finish gorgon TF and Evangeline stuff (and make that PR I promised) *merge into the shadows*

Well, Essrayle (NPC Dryad in Sand Witch's Dungeon and Forest/Deepwoods) gives the Purple plant if you free her from the cave, so why not mod that to give dryad transformations instead of making an entirely new item? If not, make a bottled item called "Dryad's Nectar" or something.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, Essrayle (NPC Dryad in Sand Witch's Dungeon and Forest/Deepwoods) gives the Purple plant if you free her from the cave, so why not mod that to give dryad transformations instead of making an entirely new item? If not, make a bottled item called "Dryad's Nectar" or something.

Humm...slight mod it to be normal TF item, make Essrayle giving it or in dungeon or in Forest/Deepwood encounter as additional reward for agree to 'gardening' with her...yeah I think you gave good idea to work on and see what I get from it Jiffler ^^

And I do like name of Dryad Nectar as name for some TF item....hope if you see me add item such named you won't sue me for copyrights :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah I remeber her... due to dominica not finished stuff and etc. she seems quite underused as npc. Well now I think on it earth Tf would be also Dryad TF (could involve many of elemnts of plant TF you meantioned too). Or I would go west and make both plant/dryad TF (but then dunno how it would make them so much different :( ). Well that plant woman PC can meet in Sand Witch dungeon or in deepwood (or was it forrest) can give fruit that making PC some more like plant. And Holli alos can help PC become more plant-like not meantioning Corrupted Glades slowly TF into some close to dryad/plant life form.

So I think I got enough sources to make plant/dryad TF. And it may be better then earlier proposed ones....well for now I want asap finish gorgon TF and Evangeline stuff (and make that PR I promised) *merge into the shadows*

Woot. Yeah go ahead and finish up the TF's you've already commited to. If anything that actually makes me more hopeful that you'll actually be the one to finaly bring to fruition tbe idea of a plant TF. (I use the term plant TF cause it's gender neutral but if you're gonna make it a dryad TF could you please make it affect males as an Ent / Treant TF?)

As in have the TF be gender neutral in the changes it induces and make the race score noun depend on the characters femininity/masculinity levels. A sufficiently androgynous PC could perhaps get the generic plant title as opposed to the feminine dryad or masculine ent designations?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Humm...slight mod it to be normal TF item, make Essrayle giving it or in dungeon or in Forest/Deepwood encounter as additional reward for agree to 'gardening' with her...yeah I think you gave good idea to work on and see what I get from it Jiffler ^^

And I do like name of Dryad Nectar as name for some TF item....hope if you see me add item such named you won't sue me for copyrights :D

Lol, I won't sue you xD

Woot. Yeah go ahead and finish up the TF's you've already commited to. If anything that actually makes me more hopeful that you'll actually be the one to finaly bring to fruition tbe idea of a plant TF. (I use the term plant TF cause it's gender neutral but if you're gonna make it a dryad TF could you please make it affect males as an Ent / Treant TF?)

As in have the TF be gender neutral in the changes it induces and make the race score noun depend on the characters femininity/masculinity levels. A sufficiently androgynous PC could perhaps get the generic plant title as opposed to the feminine dryad or masculine ent designations?

According to Greek Mythology, Satyr's are the male equivalent to the Dryads...

Weird, but ok :/


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm aware of that but yeah if it's gonna be a plant TF Ents / Treants are a better ideal for a masculine plant.