Numb Rock is item sold by Sean (that it's this incubus that opening shop outside Deep Cave aka Zetaz lair).
Glacial Storm Perk req. to know any of ice-based attacks (so ice spike, ice rain or ice dragon breath should be enough for this), have Channeling perk and 75+ int. Ice Spike is new black spell that you can learn from any Black Book or from Dominika. It's 5th black spell so int req. for it is quite high (if I not wrong some around 70-80 int). Ice Rain and Fire Storm are spells that you learn from Grey Book (it's one of Glacail Rift Valkyrie drop). But to learn those two spells you need to have 125+ int. To get so much int currently is quite pericular path, which I want make more accesable in the future without forcing PC to pick specific perks or specific animal body parts (due to those morphs giving int boost).
Violet Pupil Transformation IS that HoT spell you meantioned and item that allow you learning it can be bought in new village I added He'Xin'Dao. Req. for it is ofc aside having money to have perk Soul Personage - perk from lvl's 12+ (this perk you get buying first Cultivation and then Soul Apprentice perks). It and better item to recover soulforce are both gated behind having Soul Personage perk. All those perks are lvl-up ones so all you need is to meet req. for them and have spare perk points to buy out. Keep in mind after getting this spell it can be deactivated at any moment as it normaly drain each turn soulforce to keep healing PC (but if pc run out of soulforce it will deactivate itself anyway).
No it's not bug it's just as now salmander TF effects on body parts seems to be MOODY. And by that I mean they mostly likes to proc when pc got human arms, legs and no tail. TF for getting human face and ears seems less moody procing more often. For next build (which should drop around 10-15 days max from now) would change code slightly to make it easier to gain salmander body parts. Or if I manage do this adjusting proc rate for body part earlier release some small update earlier.
PS. Hehe I see someone got arcade load screen for LoL as avator.

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Could you send me PM with their names? Or even better add there ss with achiev page showing them unlocked?
I almost thought anyone forgot about it and not tried anymore hunt them ^^ And since you said ALL 7 I know that 2 of them req. quite long grinding xD