CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Next one will be 0.6a one and Lethice ending will arrive in 0.7a. So not nearest one but one after it.

Weekends seems bad times for me to try work on mod -_-'

Only managed tweak a lil bit max caps for hp, fatigue, lust and then test them at max lvl and stats and make really little progress on Evangeline :(

Now max hp is 19999, lust 1999, fatigue 6999 and soulforce 1299.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Next one will be 0.6a one and Lethice ending will arrive in 0.7a. So not nearest one but one after it.

Weekends seems bad times for me to try work on mod -_-'

Only managed tweak a lil bit max caps for hp, fatigue, lust and then test them at max lvl and stats and make really little progress on Evangeline :(

Now max hp is 19999, lust 1999, fatigue 6999 and soulforce 1299.

View attachment 3443



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh since you likes to one punch enemies during testing fights with enemies having PC with such stats as on pic he was hitting like a truck them for at least 10k+ dmg (18k+ if crit) xD

Ofc that SS was taken from having lvl 120 (seen on pic), maxed stats, all possible perks buyed out and playing in NG++++ but I think he not had any non-human dody parts aside maybe wings/tail so he haven't any additional bonuses from racial scores nor took Bro Brew so those stats could still be a lil bit higher but not by huge margin.
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Aug 27, 2015
Small progress for last days/hours. Working on making Evangeline ready to make her grand entrance, well ok still it wouldn't be too flashy...more like she make some not funny thing to PC first time they meet and then make an offer, whoch pc can let down will hurt it in long run. But even after turn down her offer initialy she will wait for accepting it later. Trust me all it would be worth to agree to her offer - in ong run it would have only benefits and no downsides...unless been more prone to TF on larger scale than before when using TF items you count as bad thing ^^

On other side I think Gedan gave me here 'blessing' to not been dickhead and get with underhand ways code for Lethice finale so will work to make it added in this incoming or next version of the mod. SO if release of this one will not happen till all know what it mean, right?
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Aug 27, 2015
Working turtle kinda slow but seems max sunday date of 0.6a build dropping seems quite realistic.

Made new scary debuff: Ezekiel Curse that can hit PC (loosing 500 hp per turn is scary right? but not fear for now only version that can hit PC will cutting down 100 hp per turn), and new perk: Ezekiel Blessing that will give easier TF-ing PC (effect like history: alchemy perk) and really minor max stats bonus unless it's used in NG+++ or higher where it would be slight better.

New mad alchemic is also almost finished and will be providing PC with centaur/gorgon tf crafting options for now (more tf options later same as 1-2 more interaction options with her).

And then next version after 0.6a would have at least one suprise, unless I spoil all of them earlier.
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Aug 27, 2015
A new dawn has come ^^

Or was it just new 0.6a version of mod I forgot.

So not much in this update or much depend how each of you would look at it. I added 2 new TF items to became centaur (lower body of taur with horge bits while upper body will be fully human) and gorgon (a little less scale covered, with swirling and hissing snake hairs naga version that will teahc enemies to not gaze in your eyse...for too long ;) )

Then we got two new perks for enemies that will make them more hurt by ice or fire attacks while at the same time taking reduced dmg from opposite tpye of elemental attacks. For each perk I found in whole merry band of enemies/nps 6 cases to name few like: Holli, Hellhound, Yeti or Hel.

And last but not least...I think a new npc to interact. She still much barebone not even much talkative with pc or wanting to spar. But she can craft cheap TF items. Or should I say she's only one source so far ingame of two new TF items...and she can be camp member too. Also she can give pc item to get perk that would increace chance for transformations from eating/drinking TF items similar working like History: Alchemist. And on top of that all all can taste of weakened version of debuff for pc that can cause loosing via hp to enemies in merely few turns.
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Aug 27, 2015
Hehe seems no new bugs jumped out as not see any post over it. As or mod grown I not working on new stuff as much on doing actualy something I needed done long ago (Jiffler probably could by now make a guess what I hint at). But when this thing go out of the way then Phoenix TF should arrive shortly after, which will be then not onl from phoenixes dropped but also craftable by Eve (but first with next update she will get option for siren TF crafting).
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Aug 27, 2015
So hewre I went to make some sneaky tbhing. Well kinda sneaky.


Just a new build for mod. CHanged name of it as I decided that word Xian fits more than Wuxia for what I want this mode to became ^^

Been all about martial proveness is fun but why not go for immortal heroes that pushing limits of immortality and cultivation on almost each step.

Ok so aside mod name change it contain quite little compared to last version. It's JUST Incubus Drider+Mitzi, Minotaur King+Excellia, Lethice+her demons fan club. So now I can tell my mod got CoC endint that vanilla version have for few weeks ;D

MUCHA GRACIAS (or how it's correctly said in that language) for Gedan to not been against me legaly obtaining this code :capitalism:

It's still rough and some outcomes looks weird plus I still feel thise 3 fights aren't much more difficult than other D3 figts so will be tweaking all about D3 bosses across few next builds. For now I expect you all will provide me with input about fights balance (about part after finally beating Lethice I know it look almost as one can see bare code WILL be patched up along other stuff about D3 in this few new builds to come).

I wanted add eye color for PC seeing talk in revamp thread but...ugh me derpy me not know how to make it but I will add it someday even if it will be much cosmetic thing.
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Aug 26, 2015
Numb Rock is item sold by Sean (that it's this incubus that opening shop outside Deep Cave aka Zetaz lair).

Glacial Storm Perk req. to know any of ice-based attacks (so ice spike, ice rain or ice dragon breath should be enough for this), have Channeling perk and 75+ int. Ice Spike is new black spell that you can learn from any Black Book or from Dominika. It's 5th black spell so int req. for it is quite high (if I not wrong some around 70-80 int). Ice Rain and Fire Storm are spells that you learn from Grey Book (it's one of Glacail Rift Valkyrie drop). But to learn those two spells you need to have 125+ int. To get so much int currently is quite pericular path, which I want make more accesable in the future without forcing PC to pick specific perks or specific animal body parts (due to those morphs giving int boost).

Violet Pupil Transformation IS that HoT spell you meantioned and item that allow you learning it can be bought in new village I added He'Xin'Dao. Req. for it is ofc aside having money to have perk Soul Personage - perk from lvl's 12+ (this perk you get buying first Cultivation and then Soul Apprentice perks). It and better item to recover soulforce are both gated behind having Soul Personage perk. All those perks are lvl-up ones so all you need is to meet req. for them and have spare perk points to buy out. Keep in mind after getting this spell it can be deactivated at any moment as it normaly drain each turn soulforce to keep healing PC (but if pc run out of soulforce it will deactivate itself anyway).

No it's not bug it's just as now salmander TF effects on body parts seems to be MOODY. And by that I mean they mostly likes to proc when pc got human arms, legs and no tail. TF for getting human face and ears seems less moody procing more often. For next build (which should drop around 10-15 days max from now) would change code slightly to make it easier to gain salmander body parts. Or if I manage do this adjusting proc rate for body part earlier release some small update earlier.

PS. Hehe I see someone got arcade load screen for LoL as avator. :p Me gusta

Could you send me PM with their names? Or even better add there ss with achiev page showing them unlocked?

I almost thought anyone forgot about it and not tried anymore hunt them ^^ And since you said ALL 7 I know that 2 of them req. quite long grinding xD

Where can I find Dominika? Oh wait never mind I find her.  But now I can't find the city where I get the soul force?  Where is it?  What does it mean by "You suddenly feel like you very own lifeforce are been at steady pace extinquished the longer you keep fighting. You better finsh this fight fast or find way to cure your current situation as otherwise..."  How can I get rid of it,  It causing my HP to slowly go down.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Now this looks like an amazing mod!! <3

Making the enemies have a higher lust amount was a great choice in my opinion, since making a tease based character was OP.

Also I love having a Job system like FoE, since it adds variety making it to where can you replay with a different new character trying out different builds.

Sadly do to my own personal preference on gaming, I'm going to wait a couple builds until enough content is present for a more pleasant experience.

I look forward to this, very much. xD  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But now I can't find the city where I get the soul force?  Where is it?  What does it mean by "You suddenly feel like you very own lifeforce are been at steady pace extinquished the longer you keep fighting. You better finsh this fight fast or find way to cure your current situation as otherwise..."  How can I get rid of it,  It causing my HP to slowly go down.

That city you could find while using Explore button just like you finding each new area. And that city name is He'Xin'Dao located in places menu in last row. So if you stiol not see it in places menu mean you need to look for it.

That other thing you meantioned if new debuff I added i in 0.6a callled Ezekiel Curse. It drain 100 hp and to heal from it...invite Evangeline to camp so she will give you Ezekiel Fruit. This item is quite usefull as not only it will remove this nasty debuff (at least for low lvl charas it's much painfull - and it should as Evangeline initial scene should normaly proc when PC is no higher than lvl 6) but also giving easier transforming and small bonus to some of stats.

Unless if you used that item and have perk Ezekiel Blessing but still it drain your HP then let me know as it would then be bug.

Now this looks like an amazing mod!! <3

Making the enemies have a higher lust amount was a great choice in my opinion, since making a tease based character was OP.

Also I love having a Job system like FoE, since it adds variety making it to where can you replay with a different new character trying out different builds.

Sadly do to my own personal preference on gaming, I'm going to wait a couple builds until enough content is present for a more pleasant experience.

I look forward to this, very much. xD  

Thank you for kind words :$

Yeah I made max lust increase since it would make using tease to beat enemies more interesting than almost "one-shooting" enemies at endgame. If you think some of enemies max lust bonus seems to be off (too high or too low) let me know as I added those values dividing enemies on groups depending on few factors with only 2 or more special cases (Lethice and Marae that I can call from top of my head but I think only those two are special here) to decide how much bonus lust they got.

Yeah each new build isn't much difference so if you want wait it would be beast look at current stage of mod grown for each big numbered version like 0.7a then 0.8a and so on. There will be still one or maybe two versions for 0.6 that will mostly be about new TF itmes and making small adjustments to code I jsut added that made my mode be based of coc 1.0.2 than coc 0.9.4.

Speaking of it I yesterday made changes to monsters hp and Lethice ended up with like 4-5 times more HP now. Sadly Marae even with 20k+ hp seems quite not treatening as boss even stronger than Lethice. I admit Lethice was even more challanging to fight than Marae now....looks like time for buffing of our godess has come.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm having issues. It tells that my lifeforce is being drained and it happens every time I enter a battle. I lose 100 HP every turn because of that. Even after fleeing and losing, it doesn't go away. I'm using 0.6b. There are also several typos.


It happens after recruiting Evangeline. Think that can be fixed?

Here's the attached save.

View attachment Lifeforce issues
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New Member
Dec 10, 2015
With regards to the debuff thing, it confused me for a while, but I've got it figured out now.

The deal with it is that when you encounter Evangeline, she hits you with that debuff. When you agree to let her join you, you recieve a fruit from her. You have to eat that fruit to clear the debuff. I've also found that it's more reliable to refuse her the first time you meet, to ensure that the debuff is properly applied and then removed by the fruit.

Hope this helps everyone!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah that is (soft) encourage to invite sooner or later her to camp as otherwise this debuff will make people playing more annoying...unless someone want challange and can stil play with it on (but that if some already been high enugh to not care for 100 hp per turn drain and still bi-winning xD ).

So not worry Kitteh you just not invited her to camp thus not have Ezekiel fruit to vcure you out of this debuff. But if it linger if you inv her then yes it would be bug.

I've also found that it's more reliable to refuse her the first time you meet, to ensure that the debuff is properly applied and then removed by the fruit.

That debuff condictions to happen is:

a) having Evanggeline affection below 3% (merely by joining her affection is set to 3% already)

b) player not have Ezekiel Blessing perk that is gained after eating fruit she giving you

So after recruiting her or right away or after initial refusing it should ends that when she's in camp her affection is already at 3% and then eating fruit will make second condition also fulffied that in result will make this debuff dispel.

So did you Zombvee have situation that even with inviting her right away at first occasion and then using fruit debuff nt displled?

@Kitteh6660 Ouch soo sorry for typos...would hunt them down to remove all of them in next build.

And on the post end question toward all readign this thread: What name should have Siren TF? We got Minerva that is classified as siren and PC can become siren but technicaly we not have existing Siren TF (at least when I oked over code couldn't find nothign that looked remotly like siren TF thus I decided to add this for next build right after phoenix TF)

So I'm off now to devour some daily dose of wuxia/xianxia novels and then work on phoenix TF work with 50/50 chance I could post at the end of my day some SS with progress on this item.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2015
So did you Zombvee have situation that even with inviting her right away at first occasion and then using fruit debuff nt displled?

I did have that happen once, but I couldn't replicate it or recall the exact specifics of what triggered it, since I reloaded to a prior save immediately when I realised what had happened. Ever since, I've made sure to wait until I encounter her again, and that seems to guarantee that it's properly cleared.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Could you be so kind and for testing purpose check with a few times with fresh made character to see if it still could happen? (well I would do anyway some test today to be sure I not missed some rare conditions that can bug this) If it was only once then it culd been sme accidentaly glitch. But if you manage even without knowing exactly specifics trigger it again I will know I need look at this part of code to see if all is propetly working (as I not had that accident like yu meantioned in testing I made)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So Phoenix TF...or should I already call it Nocello Liquer slowly taking shape. Phoenixes already drops it. Even Phoenix Platoon in Hel Dungeon will drop one after beating them. Naturaly Evangeline will craft it too if PC bring one Golden Seed and Salamander Firewater to her with some gems.


And now I seeing hilarious thing when I looked over various locations with phoenixes...they body parts listed in almost each place are at least with one difference from other. Like from harpy legs or salamander ones, same with tails that got one of those species. So I cleared it up all a little bit taking mainly as guideline dungeone phoenixes. So not phoenix is harpy feather hair, human face, phoenix wings (well they technicaly barelt diff from harpy ones but CoC not have something ike wings color so needed make totaly new body part here), salamander legs and tail plus lizard cock(s). Still thinking of how deal with arm and matter of special attack that phoenix-turned PC will have.

If I will get all body part in place would probably later on drop another SS this time showing appearance tab ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I figured it out. Unfortunately in that save, I accidentally discarded the fruit, not realizing that it would help the debuff go away. Waiting 5 days doesn't make the debuff go away either.

The game doesn't give any indications of when I get the debuff. Running from the imp doesn't leave me with the debuff.

With only 187 HP, this debuff is pretty game-breaking and makes the game almost unplayable since I lose in second turn. Would there be a possibility of having the debuff be nerfed to reduce HP by 10% per turn, max of 100 HP? Or add a button to have Evangeline give you a second fruit. Or completely remove the debuff from the game entirely?

To summarize, I have her invited to my camp and I accidentally discarded the fruit so I'm stuck with the debuff.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah sure I can make it easy weaker to between 20-60 hp per turn instead of 100 so it won't make it hurt much. This debuff placed here was an indirect way to encourage people to invite Evangeline to the camp but maybe I been too strick in setting how much it hurt PC that didn't invited her fast enough or somehow lost fruit :/

On other note...arms will be harpy ones. As sneak peak will say Phoenix racial bonuses (for now I set bar on 6 or more points in racial score for bonuses but I still pondering if not lower it to 5) will be as follow: +15 to speed, +10 to toughness and +5 to libido and +25 to max lust.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Here are the steps to reproduce the bug regarding the curse.

  1. Encounter Evangeline from Explore and fight the imp.
  2. Defeat the imp.
  3. Invite Evangeline to your camp.
  4. Discard the fruit.

Under stats, it shows 3% affection yet the curse is stuck. I can't get another fruit. It's not even listed under Debug menu. The attached save has Evangeline under Followers and there's 3% affection under Stats. It might be better to ENTIRELY remove the debuff from the game. It's pretty silly to leave PC with a debuff.

Also, phoenix TF sounds interesting.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I adjusted debuff to be doing similar as you suggested Kitteh so now below 1k max HP it would only drain 10% of max hp per turn.

That bug you pointed out way to reproduce bug...till I not toss new build it will be impossible to deal with. Since it's after midnight here I will do and release new build with fix after I come back from work. So that mean for the next 16 hours from now it won't be out.

Now I know I may be a evil person but will before dropping for a night leave this SS.


As to be expected that is naturaly phoenix TF use efects on PC appearance. With that I'm out to get some sleep before work.
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Aug 28, 2015
Nice to see Kitteh playing ormael modes it means theres chance some content gets transfer. You plan getting all of Ormael Tf and some of the perks kitteh?
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Aug 27, 2015
As I said a new build that is mainly fixing that ezekiel fruit unfortunate bug. Simply said it will allow once free of charge use of ezekiel fruit without even having it anymore ^^

Aside that changes to fix situation with ezekiel curse not much of new stuff her. Well enemies should have now a lil more max HP up to mnsters of HP like Lethice (over 10k+) and pure Marae (over 20k+).

Code for phoenix TF was mostly made inacitve so until next 'proper' not 'bug fixing' release it will be off-limit.

EDIT: Note for some salamander fan out there...nope you won't have your PC race named salamander-morph anymore just simple salamander :p
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Aug 27, 2015
Phoenix TF seems almost finished. All parts of code for TF effects and special attacks are in place. I still need to test and balance (for now phoenix fire breath seems a little too stong). Aside meantioned fire breath phoenix turned PC would be able use salamander tail slap attack but no lustzerker unless PC made it pernamently enabled with correct perk.

That was a good evening i must admit. Done nice work on finishing TF item and tomorrow maybe will try after balancing it touch siren TF...or manticore TF.
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Aug 28, 2015
For those who wants to know ive designed and wrote a scylla TF for Ormael to code in game so prepare for ink squirting and tentacle rape.
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Aug 27, 2015
Stub of Black Ink (scylla TF) is already coded. It merely just adjust things like strenght or inteligence or tone for PC but soon I would move to adding actual body part TF effects...and ink spray special ^^

There was also some bug with 6 spells that use changed by me dmg forumla that at set int values was making spell deal terrible low dmg compared to what it could deal with PC int 1 point higher or lower. SO at 150 int it was really huge difference comapred to 149 int.
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Feb 28, 2016
In the changelog it mentions that you can buy a nailbox, but I can't find where.  I thought it would be at the carpentry store but it's not.  Additionally, the build option for the wood storage isn't working.


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Aug 27, 2015
Nailbox buy option is in Carpenter shop in Tel'Adre on right to toolbox buy option. Also for it to show up PC need first buy toolbox. If after having Toolbox bought you still not see option next to it for buying nailbox it would be bug then.

As for wood storage or others build option inf Misc. Building menu both require first enough fatigue so as long PC got too low max fatigue it would be always saying PC is too exhausted for it. Hint ...around 250 spare fatigue should be enought to build wood storage. Max fatigue rise each tome PC lvl-up (+5 per lvl) or when perks that would rise it are picked.
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Feb 28, 2016
Nailbox buy option is in Carpenter shop in Tel'Adre on right to toolbox buy option. Also for it to show up PC need first buy toolbox. If after having Toolbox bought you still not see option next to it for buying nailbox it would be bug then.

As for wood storage or others build option inf Misc. Building menu both require first enough fatigue so as long PC got too low max fatigue it would be always saying PC is too exhausted for it. Hint ...around 250 spare fatigue should be enought to build wood storage. Max fatigue rise each tome PC lvl-up (+5 per lvl) or when perks that would rise it are picked.

I managed to get the nailbox by removing the toolbox from my inventory using CoCEd and repurchasing it.