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  1. Grimoire

    [WIP] The Masquerade (Mask Maker)

    Hello, my name is Grimoire and this is my first NPC submission! This is one of my first entries as a writer for TITS, known for one of my other projects from back in the day of COC on a massive project called Sou'jure: City of Corruption. This submission will focus on an NPC named after myself...
  2. Grimoire

    TITS Question: Community Content

    Since it's been awhile and i don't know what's currently planned and what's currently being allowed to be submitted as Event Submissions. I figured i put this thread here to answer a few questions i have and hopefully someone is kind of enough to tell me the answer. 1: Are the Devs accepting...
  3. Grimoire

    Grim's Tome in Tainted Smut

    Hello, Grimoire Welcome to my TITS Project and Discussion tread! I have been meaning to make a new thread to add to my signature links as well as a place to discuss whatever I'm working on in regards to TITS related projects. I'll have a Creative Writing section with the link to it below. As...
  4. Grimoire

    The Seraphim [Very Old Event Submission]

    Hello everyone! I just found something that I dug up from 2014 (2016) in my Google documents. I found a very old Event Submission that I created long ago when TITS was still on Tavros in Alpha stage. Oh my God, I lost my mind when I opened this box. WHY!! Why haven't I finished this yet!? I...
  5. Grimoire

    [Continues] Morcrux Campaign: Tale of Two Scales

    History The World of Morcrux was once a lush and beautiful world of non-magical beings living in harmony with the Celestial Gods that roamed the Physical Plane. The world had hope, a paradise of Eden safeguarded away by the Celestial Gods and places of worship flourished. Every creature...
  6. Grimoire

    Expanding Content on Mirrin

    Hello, I'm just curious if anyone would like the idea of me expanding on the NPC of Mirrin from Ten Ton Gym on New Texas (Tavros)? I'm planning on writing a small expansion on her and one day ACTUALLY finishing a submission of my own and be credited for SOMETHING I've done. My Expansion will...
  7. Grimoire

    Morcrux: Discussion Thread

    Hello there fellow adventurers, I am Grimoire and i wish to run a campaign to help me with some ideas to make into my books. This is a world of my own design with some elements of DnD and alot of my own creation that has an evolutionary change to it that happens over time which begins in the...
  8. Grimoire

    Project Feedback [Non-Game Related]

    Hello. I'm working on one of my books and i was curious if i could get some feedback on something in relation to a theme i'm working on currently as we speak. Particularly, the book is based on a trans-dimensional being from a modern world landing in a Corruption of Champions style setting but...
  9. Grimoire

    Elite: Dangerous - Anyone Play?

    Just curious if anyone here plays it, until Vault 76 comes out, it's my main game of choice. EDIT: Um, if anyone plays, I would be up for a co-op. PM for gamertag for Xbox
  10. Grimoire

    [Book] Villainous (WIP)

    Please Do Not Comment Here go here to comment [Strong Graphic Imagery, Vulgarity, Sexual Content, Drugs and Alcohol Use: Viewer Discretion is Advised] Thank You Prologue: Setting is the year 2000, five continents situated in three oceans and archipelagos litter the seas in between...
  11. Grimoire

    Grimoire's CW Projects

    I haven't written anything in years since getting a salary job so this is for me to get back into the swing of things and practice my craft. These projects are my own damn work so dont take anything without asking please. If you like it, great, if you don't: I dont care. Alot of what are going...
  12. Grimoire

    [Idea Revival] Sou'jure: City of Corruption

    Hello everyone, it has been a long time since I've been here and i see we don't have our idea section anymore. That being said, quite a few people have contacted me over the years regarding my authored expansion project that i previously worked on back in ... 2013? Anyway ... Reason i brought...
  13. Grimoire

    Muse #1 (Probably my best one)

    Overlooking the beautiful sight of the city, lies the home to one of the renowned people to shape the subculture of Miami, penthouse suite #227. Behind the doors of Suite #227 is the genius behind the greatness that is the musical arts, a paragon of the upper class and savvy business, the man...
  14. Grimoire

    Satyromania #1

    Ugh this is annoying, mornings are just the worst. Every day is repetitive, over and over, scanning tax documents, filing, writing reports is not what you had pictured yourself in your high school days. Just standing there at the printer watching the buzzing ring in your head, photo scanner...
  15. Grimoire

    Salsa #1

    - Dennis: “shhh, you’ll be okay” - Celina: “I can’t do this” - Dennis: “Yes you can, you’ve been alone for so long. Let me be with you” - Celina: “Dennis” - Dennis: “Celina, I want you” - Voice: “As do I” - Celina: “Gabriel?” - Gabriel: “Celina” - Dennis: “We can be...
  16. Grimoire

    Voyeur Lens #1

    The aroma of the first date in three years, the presence of cherry blossom perfume and sweat permeate the room accompanied by a radiant beauty on a night like this. It makes you wonder how you’ve manage to find the time to find a person to share your thoughts with after being alone for so long...