the rival


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
To be fair this thread is basically about incest to begin with.

Ironically though, nobody had mentioned incest prior to "what would Anno think?", discussing the Steele/Steele pairing alone wasn't enough for incest to be brought up x3

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
So while establishing a background of close childhood relationship between PC and Rival can smooth the path towards the romance route, it will also provide a strong reasons for Steele Junior to have some(a lot) reservations about banging Jack/Jill.

Yes, I seem to remember reading once that it's been theorised that humans' natural aversion to viewing their siblings in a sexual way develops as a result of growing up together rather than some kind of reflexive genetic-similarity avoidance. In fact, generally people are more attracted to those who are similar to them. Though, lets face it, that probably isn't true of TiTS players almost by definition, what with all the aliens/monsters we apparently want to bang. Anyway I'm rambling, the point is you're right, there is a tension there if you're talking about childhood relationships transitioning into romance. But maybe thats where part of the transgressive appeal lies? Like I said, I'm here more for a possible redemption arc anyway.

Though now thats got me wondering more generally about the social/sexual mores/taboos that might remain in the wider TiTS universe. Embry gives us some indication that some species have hangups about e.g. trans people, but most of the time it seems like pretty much anything goes. Obviously in terms of content available it's what the devs want to put in the game, I'm thinking more about in-game characters' reactions to stuff.
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Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Though now thats got me wondering more generally about the social/sexual mores/taboos that might remain in the wider TiTS universe.

iirc most Ausars from their homeworld are anti-muzzles, and I think there's supposed to be a broad anti"toaster fucker" sentiment for most places(anti marryng/being romantic with robots, while fucking them is acceptable). Seems taboos onlu  really mean anything on the homeworlds of species, with the members of a species that you encounter in space not giving a fuck about cultural taboos. I think there's some race that was anti TFs in general, too.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Rubs face.

Incest is still squicky in universe. Incest is squicky because it's a huge disaster to social family constructs. Yes, including your cousin. You have a biological imperative to not bang your family due to genetic issues that might arise from off-spring, yes, but it's also a psychological issue. Before you get on your philosophical high horse and go on about how society is like this for blah blah blah, do the simplest thought exercise; imagine fucking your mother. Or father, whatever is compatible with your sexuality, don't give a shit. Don't just think on whimsy about the after effects or some overly sexualized porno dialog or something, think of doing the act. Think of the aftermath. Think of what changes from that point on, even if it's once. It's not just a cultural taboo, some vague set of rules of "Don't do this" derived from common law. There's a lot more nuance to it that, frankly, you (all) are skipping over because it's convenient... and have several times before when called out on when this subject came up. (Etis.) "But it's a porn game!" Sure is, but at that point you might as well remove any associations of relationships because there isn't going to be a difference, no one acts differently etc. It isn't some incest fetishism, anyway.

Yes, but there are two points here. First, those are exceptions from the rules. Second, they usually understand that their opinion is just their personal and not commonly accepted.

Says who? You suddenly brought up a thought of "well, clearly it's the future so everything is lax and cousin boinking is okay" apropos nothing, even saying "Well there's no evidence to the contrary!!!" There's no evidence of it being the case, either, and the thing shown of "Incest still squicks people" you act like isn't an example, just some exception. Because it's convenient? C'mon.

Even that is mostly nurture. Yes, there's some natural aversion to incest, but the main reason current ideals have it as a big "NO" is all from people saying so. If the natural urge was that strong we wouldn't have so many cases throughout history and the world of inbred lines of royalty. From as far back as ancient Egypt to post-Renaissance Europe, there probably are areas still that don't find it wrong to have pure/untainted bloodlines. Given time (and there's a lot of it in this nebulous future) the taboo may have (and probably has given the text) weakened considerably to fringe areas.

Some is an understatement and makes me giggle. Your examples aren't to helpful, however; as far back as ancient Egypt it was largely a religious prompting and not necessarily even carried out in the first place, while feudal europe had arranged marriages that didn't exactly result in lots of love or tons of banging, either, outside of necessary heirs. Homosexuals managed the same thing, calling that proof incest can keep preserving is a bit of a fallacy when it was pretty much culturally forced upon the people in question and in a much less "affectionate" time.

Yes, I seem to remember reading once that it's been theorised that humans' natural aversion to viewing their siblings in a sexual way develops as a result of growing up together rather than some kind of reflexive genetic-similarity avoidance.

That isn't a theory, btw. Or, rather, it's not some "guess." 

There will be incest content in the game, that's a given. I mean, there already is. You will be able to do something with the rival, but that won't be for many more years of game development. Sit pretty. Short of Savin snapping and going postal, Syri and Anno are going to bang and you'll be invited eventually. This'll be after Syri quest and potentially Uveto at least, so you've still got a paltry few months of waiting on this one, too. And there's further encounters with Shade, of course, but I can't remember what plans were in store for her.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Before you get on your philosophical high horse and go on about how society is like this for blah blah blah, do the simplest thought exercise; imagine fucking your mother. Or father, whatever is compatible with your sexuality, don't give a shit.

I thiiiiiiiink maybe mother/father stuff might be a LITTLE different than cousin stuff ;P I'm absolutely clueless as to whether or not there's a medical difference, like if there'd be MORE or LESS incestuous breeding problems in that case, but as far as psychological issues are concerned I think that'd be worse. Or I'm alone on this, but I just know that if Steele Jr. had the HOTTEST character in the entire game as their mother/father, I still would not do anything romantic with them, while I am more than willing to do romantic stuff with Jill, so at least for me there's a far larger barrier there. Which, I do consider Jill and Jack to be the best looking female and male in game atm(imo, of course. Syri 2nd, 3rd is Saendra's A.I., but there's literally nothing you can ever do with her ;x), but I don't think I'd have an issue with it even if they weren't.

Of course personally I never said there was no problems with it in universe, I just said all the fancy medical technology/know how MAY eliminate any inbreeding problems. I did say it only matters if the player has an issue with it though, which I still think is true, because by the time you get to do anything with your cousin(Savin said end-game), you're going to be such a huge badass that basically no one can openly say anything against you.(I mean that's already kind of the case, I'm just assuming it's going to be even more like that later)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Everyone on this forum needs to read Ted's last paragraph and then stop discussing incest.

Also go tip Savin on his Patreon after he delivers on the wincest.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
stop discussing incest.

Kinda difficult to do, given that this is a thread about the rival and that half the players want to bang Steele's cousin (and the other half wants to kill them)

definitely agree with the last sentence tho :)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Kinda difficult to do, given that this is a thread about the rival and that half the players want to bang Steele's cousin (and the other half wants to kill them)

definitely agree with the last sentence tho :)

Well incest aside, I can't imagine that THAT many people really want to kill the rival(also, I find it a lil funny when the cousin is called like "Steele's cousin", since their last name is Steele too). I mean what REALLY does Jill do that would warrant people wanting to kill them? in REAL life, maaybe some people would want to kill a family member over something like this, but this is technically Jill trying to steal something that none of us really care about. And, she doesn't actually impede you at any point in the game yet. The first time, even if you don't fight her, she gives you the coordinates, the 2nd time she accidentally gives you the coordinates again(accident? or PRETEND accident? /o/), and the 3rd time it's hard to say, but she kind of tries to warn you.(I mean even if it's her fault that things are bad, her warning you isn't exactly something that benefits her. Unless she asks you to save her, I forget)
But yeah people can hate her if they want, I don't care, I'm just a little unsure if that many people really could with so little against her.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Well incest aside, I can't imagine that THAT many people really want to kill the rival.

Joined: 25 May


In all seriousness though, why would I want to kill my Tsundehime?

Actually, I want Jack to be Space Kelt, and Jill to be Super Space Kiha. Oh, oh! Or a Battle Couple with Jill, but that's even less likely to happen.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I can't imagine that THAT many people really want to kill the rival

Clearly you underestimate some players' murderboner where the rival is concerned.

There was a thread that discussed possible ends for TiTS, and some players had rather murderous tendencies where Jack/Jill was concerned. Or wanted them to become the PC's sex-slave (and not in a fun way for Jack/Jill). Or some other imaginative scenarios that were the equivalent of bad ends for Jack/Jill.

Dunno why that is, though. Probably because you don't even fight the Rival directly and yet they keep looking down on the PC. (whereas Dane gets a lot of sympathy despite raping your ass with his nightmare knotted tentacle cock if you lose to him on M'henga)

I quite like the rival personnally, in a "they're trying so hard to be the Big Bad that it's almost cute" sort of way.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Joined: 25 May


Well the last time I played/was on here, was probably when the game came out, but I didn't make an account ;P Admittedly even I hated the rival back then, but only really because in addition to their bad attitude, they had the old art style, so they had no redeeming factor to me. Once Cheshire's art came into play, it changed a bit...

Clearly you underestimate some players' murderboner where the rival is concerned.

Dunno why that is though. Probably because you don't even fight the Rival directly and yet they keep looking down on the PC. (whereas Dane gets a lot of sympathy despite raping your ass with his nightmare tentacle knotted cock if you lose to him on M'henga)

His nightmare what-now? .......I never lost to Dane >_>; But ehhhh oh well, I don't get it, there's more easily hated characters imo at this point. *coughs*Dr.Badger*coughs*(tho they're not new or anything)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
there's more easily hated characters imo at this point. *coughs*Dr.Badger*coughs*(tho they're not new or anything)

There are huge difference: you actually have an option to do something with Badger. Though initial meeting scene is still cheesy.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
There are huge difference: you actually have an option to do something with Badger. Though initial meeting scene is still cheesy.

Even for Badger tho, with me hating Dr. Badger most of all, I still don't really want to kill them, or torture them for that matter.(do wish you could fight them tho) I just don't see the appeal...(nor do I expect to or anything, I'm just sayin) hmm, now that made me think.. I kinda wonder just how many people killed Taivra when given the option. For me it never once occurred to me to actually pick that option.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Even for Badger tho, with me hating Dr. Badger most of all, I still don't really want to kill them, or torture them for that matter.(do wish you could fight them tho) I just don't see the appeal... hmm, now that made me think.. I kinda wonder just how many people killed Taivra when given the option. For me it never once occurred to me to actually pick that option.

"Do something" doesn not mean necessarily kill.

There are no reason to kill Tavira - she is no threat to you, you have no reason to really hate her and you are not getting enything from this route. There are obvious best choice - subjugation.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Murderbone again rear it head in this thread xD

Anyway endgame solution for rival won;t come before...well endgame. And here we sit talking about thing that would happen irl after...3-5 years. Oh and I think I was one of those in other thread that called dibs on murderbonner solution for rival...cuz why not? There is so little options to kill anyone ingame. We can...jsut blow tarkus, kill few npc's and that all. Where place for real muderbner fans to indulge at the finest?

Now I wish for next plot planet rival would actualy be way too late to find probe like s/he knew we landed on planet but find out we found probe after like...we already going toward next plot planet. I wonder how high chances for such plot twist would be?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm not so sure that the rival will last to endgame. I'm kinda expecting them to get usurped by someone more dangerous and competent within a few planets. Probably by Uncle Max.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Fuck, I thought he was dead.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Vic had access in some way to deal with genetic damage tech per se it just...not been able to deal with Vic-tier of genetic damage ;)

Also Uncle Max been new could be hard to pull out in convincing way why all of sudden uncle joins the rush of probe hunt. Maybe some other not yet showed uncle max child that would try to be meaner, bigger dick/cunt, more witty villain than Jack/Jill.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
I'm not so sure that the rival will last to endgame. I'm kinda expecting them to get usurped by someone more dangerous and competent within a few planets. Probably by Uncle Max.

I agree, given that the rival is seemingly weaker than you, so I just don't get HOW they could possibly stay relevant. But I dunno if that means that the rival romance will get pushed forward, if it means that the rival will be absent for long periods of time for some next planets assuming Savin will stick to keeping the romance at the very end(I mean the rival could still show up every planet, but Idk what they'd be doing at this point), or if rival will get stronger to stick around.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
I don't want to kill anyone that I can think of. But there are a few characters I wouldn't mind having the option to slap in the face. Nothing brutal mind you, a very polite slap to the face. Note: Cousin is not a member of this list. 

I agree, given that the rival is seemingly weaker than you, so I just don't get HOW they could possibly stay relevant. 

Money and/or influence. They have a lot more money than you do, right? Enough to get some undesirables to replace Dane, I'm sure. Maybe more than one. Maybe a small pirate army? Plus, they are one of the very few people who can take your inheritance from you. That might be a pretty decent bargaining chip to get plenty of outside help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The rival seems like somebody who should have more of a presence. As proven by the intro, they certainly have enough resources and the knowledge to use them.

But after their introduction, Jack/Jill seems to dissapear almost completely. At best, they become minor obstacles you can even ignore completely. That's not a good way to keep somebody relevant. Where are the pirates coming after the bounty on your head? Where are the restless natives who are suddenly convinced you are responsible for whatever ails them? Where is the minor goverment bureaucrat who keeps you busy for a whole day with extra paperwork because fuck you I'm Jack/Jill? With all the problems in the game, at least some of them could be send by cousin.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
But after their introduction, Jack/Jill seems to dissapear almost completely. At best, they become minor obstacles you can even ignore completely. That's not a good way to keep somebody relevant. Where are the pirates coming after the bounty on your head? Where are the restless natives who are suddenly convinced you are responsible for whatever ails them? Where is the minor goverment bureaucrat who keeps you busy for a whole day with extra paperwork because fuck you I'm Jack/Jill? With all the problems in the game, at least some of them could be send by cousin.

The paperwork-thing aside all of this seems way to evil fore Jill/Jack, considering that s/he doesn't really seem to intend to harm the PC at all (aside from stealing their money that is). In fact s/he never attaks you or does anything outright mean to you aside from insulting you verbally. The only time a fight occurs is on Mhen'Gha and you have to initiate that one. If you don't start anything Jill/Jack even peacefully gives you the coordinates for the next probe. Which is pretty damm generous actually since had s/he not done that s/he would have beaten you right there.

So sending pirates to kill you or riling up natives against you would seem kind of out of character if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Money and/or influence. They have a lot more money than you do, right? Enough to get some undesirables to replace Dane, I'm sure. Maybe more than one. Maybe a small pirate army? Plus, they are one of the very few people who can take your inheritance from you. That might be a pretty decent bargaining chip to get plenty of outside help.

Yeah, I mean when I say I don't know how they'll stay relevant, I say it knowing there's ways, I just mean I don't know which way. Although as far as having more money... I'm not 100% sure on that, they let you buy the probe...(well, they bug your ship after that if I remember correctly, so maybe they just let you get it because of that) But yeah as long as they can buy new equipment, that'd make them stronger, though I still doubt you'll directly fight Jill any time soon, considering how direct fights usually end in this game. Them firing Dane is probably meant to lead to them getting new help though. Also, speaking of them being one of the only people who can take your inheritance, that's actually reason they'd be in danger possibly, I wouldn't be surprised if Jill ends up having trouble with some group(s) later on.

The rival seems like somebody who should have more of a presence. As proven by the intro, they certainly have enough resources and the knowledge to use them.

But after their introduction, Jack/Jill seems to dissapear almost completely. At best, they become minor obstacles you can even ignore completely. That's not a good way to keep somebody relevant. Where are the pirates coming after the bounty on your head? Where are the restless natives who are suddenly convinced you are responsible for whatever ails them? Where is the minor goverment bureaucrat who keeps you busy for a whole day with extra paperwork because fuck you I'm Jack/Jill? With all the problems in the game, at least some of them could be send by cousin.

That is possible(though, your own name does mean a lot, possibly more than Jill's to people, even if you aren't fully the head of the company yet), but I just don't think that's how the rival is meant to be. If they really wanted to stop you, they could just sabotage your ship, that's all, you'd be out. The rival has many chances to screw you over, but specifically doesn't try to. They get the probe first? they let you have the data. You can't afford the probe? they "accidentally" lean on it(knowing full well at that point what activates the probe). And the warning they give on Myrellion, even if it may have been to save themself.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm cruising around the universe having tons of buttsex, so I'm not really managing to be all that pissed about whatever my rival took tbh.