Ship Threat: Anastasia




Story: Anastasia is a spy sent out to see what the CEO of Steele is doing out in the rush after his father's apparent death. The cunning minx is a highly trained seductress, thief and spy but chooses to show herself to you, the player, in an effort to foster future employment while still succeeding in her mission. Follow ups with Anastasia are planned.

Ship Threats: Anastasia is the first of three ship threats planned for the game. Ship threats are travel interrupts based on CoC's camp threats and just like in CoC guards and other automated defenses can be made that allow you to disable and modify your encounters with these ship threats.

I and the commissioner have looked through the gdoc but he's a cool guy so editiors/idea/suggestions are welcome
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I don't see anything particularly wrong in the doc aside from the PC first only being referred to as Mr. Steele in the first conversation with Anastasia and a lack of mischievous dialogue variants.


I don't see anything particularly wrong in the doc aside from the PC first only being referred to as Mr. Steele in the first conversation with Anastasia and a lack of mischievous dialogue variants.

i don't think she ever calls the pc by []... at least i hope she doesn't the mr. steele thing is supposed to be a nod to old spy movies where everybody is trying to kill each other while being super civil.

Also the dialogue pc personality is a scalle from 1-100 with 1 being saint and 100 being asshole (or the other way around... idk) in the absence of the third personality option your option goes 1-50 = nice and 51-100 = hard.  Although i will still go and double check them all ty


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
i don't think she ever calls the pc by []... at least i hope she doesn't the mr. steele thing is supposed to be a nod to old spy movies where everybody is trying to kill each other while being super civil.

Also the dialogue pc personality is a scalle from 1-100 with 1 being saint and 100 being asshole (or the other way around... idk) in the absence of the third personality option your option goes 1-50 = nice and 51-100 = hard.  Although i will still go and double check them all ty

Normal alignment is 1-33 being nice, 33-66 being mischievous and 66-100 being hard, though I'm equally unsure how the game handles not having a mischievous dialogue variant. Also the dialogue only has Anastasia call the PC Mr. Steele without ever making a check for the PC's sex in the very first conversation you have with her.


 Also the dialogue only has Anastasia call the PC Mr. Steele without ever making a check for the PC's sex

Oh shit you are right about that. I will have to fix that after work today.

The alignment stuff i can fix by saying nice/mischievous for the nice option or by writing in a nice option. Kind of ran out of words for the commission so during the first editing run I didn't add the mischievous option. The commissioner already knows about the lacking third personality option so i'll just fix nice to be the mischevious option also as an edit.
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Aug 26, 2015
Normal alignment is 1-33 being nice, 33-66 being mischievous and 66-100 being hard, though I'm equally unsure how the game handles not having a mischievous dialogue variant. Also the dialogue only has Anastasia call the PC Mr. Steele without ever making a check for the PC's sex in the very first conversation you have with her.

It doesn't.  The code does an if-then: it's perfectly valid to only have two branches instead of three.  I often combine Kind and Mischievous when it doesn't make much sense for them to be different.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
It doesn't.  The code does an if-then: it's perfectly valid to only have two branches instead of three.  I often combine Kind and Mischievous when it doesn't make much sense for them to be different.

Yeah I noticed that in a few docs I've read, but I wasn't 100% certain.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Her mistaking you for the current steele CEO is interesting, but the PC quest for the probes is public knowledge at least according colenso, Xanthe and I think a few other characters. Its kinda hard to believe that she would spend all this time researching the PC so she can ambush him/her without learning about the probes. I dont think you would have to change much to make it more consistent as the PC would probally be targeted by spies even if they arent the CEO.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Her mistaking you for the current steele CEO is interesting, but the PC quest for the probes is public knowledge at least according colenso, Xanthe and I think a few other characters. Its kinda hard to believe that she would spend all this time researching the PC so she can ambush him/her without learning about the probes. I dont think you would have to change much to make it more consistent as the PC would probally be targeted by spies even if they arent the CEO.

That's kinda already explained in there, that the people who hired her are incompetent. It's also likely they bought her because she is a quick worker, so she probably ziplined straight for you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
That's kinda already explained in there, that the people who hired her are incompetent. It's also likely they bought her because she is a quick worker, so she probably ziplined straight for you.

But it makes her look bad as a professional, unless the whole thing will turn out to be a ruse at the end.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
But it makes her look bad as a professional, unless the whole thing will turn out to be a ruse at the end.

Getting her ass beat by Steele makes her look bad. Doing exactly what the client wanted does not. Despite said client being stupid.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Doing exactly what the client wanted does not. Despite said client being stupid.

Not researching her target properly does though. So if she knows that Captain Steele is currently a space hobo and just rolls with what her clients tasked her to do for a time being - she is cool. But if she honestly believes that PC is already the CEO of Steele Tech and bases her double- and tripple-crossing schemes on that fact - that's bad spying.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not researching her target properly does though. So if she knows that Captain Steele is currently a space hobo and just rolls with what her clients tasked her to do for a time being - she is cool. But if she honestly believes that PC is already the CEO of Steele Tech and bases her double- and tripple-crossing schemes on that fact - that's bad spying.

I don't expect the information that the player is going on a probe hunt is common knowledge. The fact that Steele Tech doesn't have a CEO it probably isn't common knowledge either.


I don't expect the information that the player is going on a probe hunt is common knowledge. The fact that Steele Tech doesn't have a CEO it probably isn't common knowledge either.

I honestly felt the same way at the beginning but thinking about it. EVERY steele employee got a memo not to help steele. Even with a non-disclosure agreement it's hard to keep that info in house.

Still I wouldn't say it is common knowledge. I would instead say it is knowledge that is easily obtained (which the event does explain)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I honestly felt the same way at the beginning but thinking about it. EVERY steele employee got a memo not to help steele. Even with a non-disclosure agreement it's hard to keep that info in house.

Still I wouldn't say it is common knowledge. I would instead say it is knowledge that is easily obtained (which the event does explain)

I'm pretty sure a few NPCs mention seeing you in the news.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
They must be mostly females... which honestly is a statistically probability considering the high number of vagina havers. 

I'm pretty sure they all are.

Though really I have to wonder why most everyone who is even remotely civilized doesn't at least sorta recognize you as that person on the news.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
They must be mostly females... which honestly is a statistically probability considering the high number of vagina havers. 

Burt, the barkeep on Mhen'ga mentions having heard about your mission/the Steele heir/ess in the news. And then you respond with, "That's me!" So there's at least one male that does so.


Burt, the barkeep on Mhen'ga mentions having heard about your mission/the Steele heir/ess in the news. And then you respond with, "That's me!" So there's at least one male that does so.

So like the whole thing with your rival/cousin sneaking in and seeing your message from your father was irrelevant because the whole world basically knows that you're looking for probes. Even without the information about the genetic scan being common knowledge your cousin(s) and brothers and sisters that have access to the news should all realize they can take your birthright.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So like the whole thing with your rival/cousin sneaking in and seeing your message from your father was irrelevant because the whole world basically knows that you're looking for probes. Even without the information about the genetic scan being common knowledge your cousin(s) and brothers and sisters that have access to the news should all realize they can take your birthright.

The main reason Rival had for spying on you was to get all the details as soon as you did, since even space paparazi don't get their scoops before the event happens. They wanted to capitalize on their resource advantage and get a head start while you are still reeling from your pops kicking the bucket. The fact that they immediately picked up a huge Idiot Ball and can't put it down ever since is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I honestly felt the same way at the beginning but thinking about it. EVERY steele employee got a memo not to help steele. Even with a non-disclosure agreement it's hard to keep that info in house.

Still I wouldn't say it is common knowledge. I would instead say it is knowledge that is easily obtained (which the event does explain)

I kinda mentally slapped it with "presumed to be a corporate lie or incompetent". Because as she says, what CEO puts all there cards on the table, ya the info supposedly isn't hard to acquire but is it the whole thing? Send lil Ms. Spy there to find out. Incompetent or no, that would've made sure seeing as its a rival company of some sort, giving them knowledge on weather or not to expand, attack, or guard there secrets.

That is what I thought when reading it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
“So you know my name?” you ask quizzically, as you move a knight to c3(y)².

“Well, of course!” replies Semith, who responds by tapping a pawn forward in three dimensions with unnerving speed. “I only dabble in stocks and shares really - I haven’t the will or need for it to be a full-time job - but even I know about Steele Tech, and how its former owner decided to select its inheritor. Sensational stuff! Brilliantly eccentric billionaire behaviour, the kind of thing every businessman dreams of being able to do one day. On some of the insider tip websites I go to, the dedicated thread about you doubles in size every minute.”

“Really?” you say uneasily. Some sympathy creeps into Semith’s mischievous, smouldering gaze.

“It must be quite tough being saddled with that kind of celebrity, particularly straight after the death of your father,” he goes on in a more sober tone. “I am sorry. I would hate to have that kind of attention fixed on me, whatever the circumstances were.” He considers the board thoughtfully. “If it’s any consolation, I don’t think you’re that widely talked about outside of business circles. It’s just the way that world is - fevered and incestuous. Fortunes are on the line, after all.”

So they should be REALLY incompetent, since your story, even if not very much known everywhere (you are not only galactic celebrity, after all, even if galaxy feels so small in TiTS where everyone seems to know everyone), is well known for any interested audience.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
So they should be REALLY incompetent, since your story, even if not very much known everywhere (you are not only galactic celebrity, after all, even if galaxy feels so small in TiTS where everyone seems to know everyone), is well known for any interested audience.

A lot of the people you meet that do know each other run in similar circles and are mostly on probe planets, so it's likely that daddy dearest planned out at least some meetings.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
This isn't really something i'm into, but i do feel like it would be a positive addition to the game.  I can always savescum around her until i'm able to beat her into oblivion.  If you are willing to write a bit more, i would love to see a means for Anno (or any other follower tech savvy enough to get past the lock down) to screw with her.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
I don't kno if you're still around, but I have a question!

"pcIsTech = false"

where did you find this tag? I haven't seen any other document use it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I don't kno if you're still around, but I have a question!

"pcIsTech = false"

where did you find this tag? I haven't seen any other document use it.

It's just pseudocode. In the real thing he would do something like if (pc.characterClass != GLOBAL.CLASS_ENGINEER)

( != means not equal )


Doing a edit/revision planning run on Anastasia starting... now

  • Reading through I'm realizing I don't know where ship content is right now, so researching that using the wiki rn
  • Scene wouldn't work for non metalic ships such as energy ships, bio-ships or the like. Will have to edit either scene or variables to compensate
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Doing a edit/revision planning run on Anastasia starting... now

  • Reading through I'm realizing I don't know where ship content is right now, so researching that using the wiki rn
  • Scene wouldn't work for non metalic ships such as energy ships, bio-ships or the like. Will have to edit either scene or variables to compensate
Ship stuff is still getting coded. So unless you creators have a super secret wiki we don´t know about, I´d suggest to talk with Fenoxo instead.