AOkay, so after some planning, discussion, questioning, and more discussion, there seems to be a tentative agreement about a "new" aspect of TiTS' pregnancy system: genetics!
The lore of gene mods is such that passing down modded traits is not supposed to be possible. That's not how they work. There's some notable inconsistencies with that in the game right now (Briha and Kelly come to mind), but tying up those loose ends isn't what this is about. This is about forward progress!!
Pending eventual coding implementation, we're hopefully going to have a new system in the game that will track the superficial traits Captain Steele has immediately upon exiting character creation. That is, stuff like eye color, hair color, and skin/fur/scale color. When these are properly stored within the code, it will allow writers to call back to them using either new parser calls or... something. What
that allows is a consistent and tidy set of genetics that Steele can reliably pass onto their children, even generic ones. Steele's traits won't need to be tracked during pregnancies, and your kids aren't going to be wildly inconsistent in their appearances. They'll be
your kids (even if you look different than they do

So, for an example of how this
might work, here's a blurb from my [WIP] zil birth scene:
[baby.hairColor] and [baby.skinColor] would return the hair and skin color Steele had at the start of their adventure. Their "true" hair and skin color that they were born with, essentially. Of course, since this isn't implemented yet, there's no guarantee it's going to use parser calls in that exact way. This is just an example.
This feature will make creating children with inherited traits much easier, and, as far as I'm aware, lighten the coding legwork required to track pregnancies, since traits will no longer need to be saved in a statblock (like they are for Briha) unless someone wants to go way out their way to account for specific special snowflake features. (If that last part's not true, any coder can feel free to correct me!)
When this is implemented, there's going to be an in-game prompt that will let you re-enter your "birth traits" into the Codex or some other database thing. That's how this is going to work for saves that predate it. I don't know much about the coding of it beyond that, though. Sorry.
Anyways, that's it. Have a great day!