The Nursery


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I was initially going to have Brigit be able to be oviposited by Steele, but then I realized that there's no actual ovipositor in the game (Nyreadick notwithstanding), and fuck if I'm going to repeat the Leithan Mistake and add content for it. Maybe give her belly an incubator chamber instead for delicious pregnant-belly robowaifu? That sounds like fun for the whole family.

Bothrioc TF? :allears:

Seriously though, the idea of intimately transferring eggbabies to someone else sounds extremely hot. I for one was really fond of the Frog Girl in CoC, probably loved her just as much as 'normal' oviposition content, and was pretty disappointed after finding out that Kerokoras don't work the same way. However, will there be a boring, soulless machine or simply another person alternative for weirdos like me, who aren't all that comfortable with banging Robomom, doubly so passing pregnancies onto her? 

Also, I can't help but find hillaruous, in a sick and twisted way, the idea of poor egg-babies being tossed down the chain of chumps like the dish duty.

As for Sterilex: e-mail would be sufficient IMO, and the poor bastards who will ignore it would have just as likely ignored the relevant bit of the tutorial. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Oh my god that was a lot to read... I tend to read much more when I am working, but I am kind of not used to read that much in my free time. Where was I? Oh yes. I don't like vat wombs either, but that is not really a reason why they should not be available? Speed-up pills are kind of weird and should be hugely expensive, would not make much sense else, I mean New Texas would need several colonies and a HUGE military presence to obtain new ones every couple of months. Sterilex early on and an alternative to bearing eggs yourself would be solutions, though I do not think that eggnancies are that long, are they? So I would consider eggnancies a minor problem at best.


I thought argenten's idea for the time skip method was quite good. More realistic(ish) way of speeding up pregnancy than a pill.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm gonna TL;DR through the last page because holy shit so many words.

I think vat-wombs should just be a lot expensive rather than late-game unlocks.

An one the pills we already have transformatives that spontaneously grow half of an adult animal from your butt without any issues.

Thanks Savin, it's much better to know that those ideas were not entirely dismissed.

I'm not sure how much I'd like cramming a "Have Safe Sex" lesson into the game's tutorial. I have a hard time imagining Tricky Vic standing over you in his tutorial hologram reminding you to wear a rubber before you pump Celise full of baby batter. Maybe just get an email or something right after starting out reminding you -- make it a little more natural/less invasive. I'd say "I'll go write that right now" but I'm on sickcation so remind me next Monday or so. Maybe by then we'll have figured out what an SSTD is and how it works, too, so I can mention them as well.

I am, however, 100% behind an "Infertility" starter sexperk being added. Would actually give me an option other than "Milky" to ever bother starting with. @Gedan: Can has pls? 

I think the best way to do deal with vic doing the safe sex talk, would be for Vic to explain slightly more in-depth why he gave you the nursery.  From what I remember he barely touches it at all in the intro and I feel like he gave it to the PC because he regrets that he wasn't there for his other children.

An spam email is a good solution, but then again why not both.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
You know what? In this instance, if you really can't see the problem with what you're saying and how you're saying it, I agree.

Please, don't say anything. Just keep it to yourself.

Yes, this. +1

I think vat-wombs should just be a lot expensive rather than late-game unlocks.

Money is sooooooo not an issue in the game if you aren't afraid of time and a little humiliation :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Money is sooooooo not an issue in the game if you aren't afraid of time and a little humiliation :p

 remember Fen at one time complaining that there weren't enough money sinks in game. It would also make sense for rushers to have access to Vat-wombs, kinda like how Dead Space had them in the giant mining ship.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
 I was initially going to have Brigit be able to be oviposited by Steele, but then I realized that there's no actual ovipositor in the game (Nyreadick notwithstanding), and fuck if I'm going to repeat the Leithan Mistake and add content for it. Maybe give her belly an incubator chamber instead for delicious pregnant-belly robowaifu? That sounds like fun for the whole family.

Why do I get off on people being stuffed with eggs but not babies what the fuck Savin.

Anyway. Pregnancy Accelerator drugs might be a thing, if we can all suspend our disbelief that such things wouldn't cause harm to poor fetusbabby. Probably expensive one-shots, though. Could see players who want big, pregnant bellies using it to skip the first trimester, or breed-hungry chars using it to bump out numerical hoards of kids.

Which, as much as Misty might like the intimate aspect of pregnancy, it's also worth remembering there's the Alpha Male player (or the femme equivalent, the Broodmare) who wants to have lots and lots of kids, possibly with with lots and lots of partners. Scratch that lizard-brain urge to spread the gene pool far and wide. Or the cookie-clicker urge to see numbers go up on your screen. Not sure which. Either way, not sure the same content packs will appeal to both groups, but they should both be kept in mind for designing content in general.

That seems fair for Birgit, I agree making an ovipositor strictly for the eggnancy transfer is a bad idea but Birgit being able to take them from w/e storage Steele can put them in to carry them herself also seems like something a robowaifu wet nurse would do. 

Not sure about the egg stuffing being different than babies for you, but for me...idk, both are equally hot, if the eggs have the advantage of being faster and potentially not as life altering for the mother as a baby will.

Yeah idk if I'll ever be able to completely suspend belief on a rapid pregnancy pill. With TF items yeah it might alter the body, but the vast majority of changes are largely cosmetic and one-shot in nature. Babies are infinitely more complex and errors/problems that would be all too easy to form keep coming to mind for me. Then again I might just be the minority in that regard and if there's sufficient in game fig-leafing/explaining away, I think I'll be fine. 

I'll admit I'm greedy and I like both the intimacy aspect of pregnancy but I also enjoy the fantasy/indulgence into the primal alpha male side. I don't care about numbers in regards to the babies, but the multiple partners with the chance to breed them regularly is one of my stronger fetishes. It's actually a little weird for me how my brain will arrive "pregify the lady!.../herm!". It'll either be an extension of an intimate and close relationship (such as the one that can grow from say Emmy, Syri, Sera, or Shade {not starting a round of "these characters must have babies, just how my brain sees it as a natural extension.}) or it could be the result of a character or character interaction that gets the testosterone flowing to the point where the brain goes "Must inflate hot female/herm until she becomes equally big with child!" like Penny {even if I can count her just as intimate as the others}, Kara, Ramis { @Nonesuch : Seriously, a hot Welsh, warrior woman of the catlike persuasion...her and just delight in making strong and strong willed women I want to fill with babies in game even if I know it'll be tricky to the point of impossibility to pull it off.}, and Captain Khorgan.

What we need is bunny girls.

Sweet, loving, cuddly bunnygirls who love having their huge, gravid bellies rubbed and snuggled.

But also breed like bunnies.

Space Sponty wen

Why is it always bunny girls?! I don't hate them but man have I been subject to overexposure with bunny morphs. What happened to the bear morphs, or the shark morphs, or bird morphs other than harpies? (I don't hate harpies but another case of overexposure/they being the first thing people think of for avian TF)

Joking rant aside, it does sound like a race that I would enjoy very much *hopeful grin*

I'm not sure how much I'd like cramming a "Have Safe Sex" lesson into the game's tutorial. I have a hard time imagining Tricky Vic standing over you in his tutorial hologram reminding you to wear a rubber before you pump Celise full of baby batter. Maybe just get an email or something right after starting out reminding you -- make it a little more natural/less invasive. I'd say "I'll go write that right now" but I'm on sickcation so remind me next Monday or so. Maybe by then we'll have figured out what an SSTD is and how it works, too, so I can mention them as well.

I am, however, 100% behind an "Infertility" starter sexperk being added. Would actually give me an option other than "Milky" to ever bother starting with. @Gedan: Can has pls? 

Yeah, I agree with the idea of the email going (remember to cover/kill ya sperm if you don't want kids...kid) would be the best way to go about it and I think the infertility perk is an equally valid starter option. I might like pregnancy and breeding, but I also know that not everyone does and the perk would be a good way to keep balance...I'd just avoid touching it for good :p

I thought argenten's idea for the time skip method was quite good. More realistic(ish) way of speeding up pregnancy than a pill.

Why thank you, the key thing I was going for was plausibility. Can the player accept it as an option/mechanic for speeding up a pregnancy in a game setting? Also equally important was coding concerns, it would need to be something that could work without needing thousands of minute changes to keep up with the game.


Why thank you, the key thing I was going for was plausibility. Can the player accept it as an option/mechanic for speeding up a pregnancy in a game setting? Also equally important was coding concerns, it would need to be something that could work without needing thousands of minute changes to keep up with the game.

It does seem simple adavance the game timer and call the next pregnancy message. Plus the whole pod thing could be sexual also. Like the egg trainer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Just wondering, in CoC there was no way to avoid anal pregnancies from satyrs and eggs. Will there be a way to avoid it in TiTS? It's a bit annoying when you're a total butt slut and you can be sterile vaginally but somehow give birth from your ass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nevermind. The Babies in Dead Space are clones made for accelerated growth and farmed for organs.


Aug 26, 2015
I think the best way to do deal with vic doing the safe sex talk, would be for Vic to explain slightly more in-depth why he gave you the nursery.  From what I remember he barely touches it at all in the intro and I feel like he gave it to the PC because he regrets that he wasn't there for his other children.

For once I agree with you on something, chiefly because this would help make Vic less of a horrible asshole.

Maybe by then we'll have figured out what an SSTD is and how it works, too, so I can mention them as well.

Done.  Let's never do this again.


Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
I'm not sure how much I'd like cramming a "Have Safe Sex" lesson into the game's tutorial.

I've been sneaking a little into some encounters. Prai's stuff includes some subtle "check for circulation and airways" bondage safety bits.


Aug 26, 2015
For some reason I'm getting notifications from the other thread when I'm only following this one. It says there are new posts in the nursery thread but links me to the other one when I click on it.

Not sure how this forum controls notifications but try unsubscribing from this (and the other if it shows up), then resubscribe to this one. I had used the forum's split function to separate posts to the new thread. Hopefully that helps.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Friendly reminder to please stay on topic!

The questionable bits have been transferred to here:

I just came from that thread. I did wonder why parts of this thread had become a whole new one. I also found it funny for some reason...

But yeah you´re right.

New question: How will the nursery treat the different types of kids and births? By that I mainly mean the live birthed kids, and the eggs. Will we be able to find babies in one room, while finding eggs in incubators?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
but I don't think there's going to be any way of outright avoiding pregnancies other than not losing/engaging with NPC's that oviposit.

None planned. I'm not really worried about players experiencing content they don't strictly want on a combat loss, and if they let an NPC like Taivra oviposit them that's their own fault.

But yeah Brigit transference is sounding better and better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
None planned. I'm not really worried about players experiencing content they don't strictly want on a combat loss, and if they let an NPC like Taivra oviposit them that's their own fault.

That's too bad. Ah well there's always the option to save edit... Or I guess just not letting every NPC buttfuck you, as if that's really an option pfftt.
It is a bit annoying for things like the egg on Mhen'ga though. There isn't even any real warning for that. (Unless there is and I missed it.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Missed this in all the hubbub. Sorry! :$  

That´s okay, it´s not like I´ve been sitting up looking at my PC screen for 15 hours straight waiting for a reply...

(I really haven´t  :p )

You're going to be able to find all of your babies in one place. And that place is a computer terminal in the Nursery that tells you how many you have... :v:  

As for unique kids, current goings-on seem to indicate they'll have their own dedicated little parts of the Nursery. Separate rooms tailored specifically for them and whatnot. I guess it can be assumed that all the different kid styles would have similar rooms/accommodations, but the only ones you're likely to "see" in any meaningful way will be for unique kids.

Ok then. But I´m guessing that it´s open for expansions, and that even some random encounter kids can get some generic content if someone bothers to write it. (*wishful thinking)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
The problem with generic kid content is that it would be tedious and flat. We can't reference anything about generic kids other than their race and age group, nor can we give them names or anything, and it would just be very difficult to write anything other than one-off's like "You see some of your [race] kids playing nearby."

Not saying there's no merit to something like that, and I'm sure that kind of general acknowledgement will be present in some form, but it's a far cry from real "content" like the Water Princess interactions Savin's drafting up.

I wasn´t really expecting much to begin with. Just f. ex. some small one liners like "you spot some of the Raskvel kids trying to fix some broken toys, completely ignoring the newer ones". Small stuff like that is actually enough for me  :$

In hindsight, I realize that I made it sound like that anyone could create water princess level content for any random encounter kid...

I agree with you that real interactions can only fit with the unique kids.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
There is.

Welp... I'm clearly an idiot.

"you spot some of the Raskvel kids trying to fix some broken toys, completely ignoring the newer ones"

That actually sounds really adorable.  :$


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I wasn´t really expecting much to begin with. Just f. ex. some small one liners like "you spot some of the Raskvel kids trying to fix some broken toys, completely ignoring the newer ones". Small stuff like that is actually enough for me  :$

I can get behind that sorta thing, totally.