Space Paws (alpha v0.75.2 public // v0.82.1 for patrons)

Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
Hi there!

We're Taifun RIders and we're developing a game named Space Paws. It's a VN+dating sim mix with furries and humans, where you wake up after 1000 year of cryogenization with your mission partnerand you don't remember anything about you and your past.

Our intention is to animate almost everything in the game. The final version will include 4-5 planets, at least 30 animated&interactive H-scenes, animated brackgrounds, expressions...





Take a look, check it and share your impressions.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Odd, the .swf seems to just load indefinitely without actually starting the game.  This was in Chrome.

EDIT: The .exe seems to work fine.

EDIT2:  Played through it.  Eh, it isn't terribly spectacular but it is a step above your typical porn game.  There are a couple puzzles and a handful of sex scenes (who of which are animated) in the current version, though sadly a big chunk of the game is uninteresting stat grinding and the writing is rather mediocre.  If I were to suggest something to make the game better it would be to redesign the basic gameplay.  The stuff you've got on top of that is rather good, but increasing stats just to get the next scene in the game isn't very compelling.
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Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
Tried it and not bad I will follow it.

But indulge my curiosity, are you spanish?

And yes, we're

This is a really good game. Very worth playing.

Many thanks man! 

Odd, the .swf seems to just load indefinitely without actually starting the game.  This was in Chrome.

EDIT: The .exe seems to work fine.

EDIT2:  Played through it.  Eh, it isn't terribly spectacular but it is a step above your typical porn game.  There are a couple puzzles and a handful of sex scenes (who of which are animated) in the current version, though sadly a big chunk of the game is uninteresting stat grinding and the writing is rather mediocre.  If I were to suggest something to make the game better it would be to redesign the basic gameplay.  The stuff you've got on top of that is rather good, but increasing stats just to get the next scene in the game isn't very compelling.

Yup, the swf has a preloader and some browsers turn crazy when you put a preloader. Try the swf with a flash projector/player. It'll work or, as you can see, the .exe ;)

Yes, it's not typical, is different, that's what we're  trying to make.
About your opinion of the game "uninteresting", "medicore writing", "change the gameplay..." Well, that's your opinion. I've got another opinion on other forum very similar, but we've got many many others congratulating us for the funny writing, for being a porn game with a spectacular story....
So, it's very very difficult to please everybody. Some people like a thing and a others dislike it and vice versa.
The gameplay is inspired by many other Simdatings and visual novels, but in our opinion, we've improved the gameplay putting some minigames to break the monotony of the most of the Simdating and VN. Maybe it's not an action game, or an RPG (with a better gameplay, of course) but for quotying a game, Sim Girls was a great game and its gameplay was very similar, increase stats and 3-4 minigames.

If we make a second game (hope it'll happen) the gameplay then will be different, specially for making something different of what we did.But it's not in our mind to change it on Space Paws. We think it's working quite well

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, the big thing about the current game mechanics is that I think it would be a better game if you did away with all the attribute building, energy, and day timer, and instead focus on the mini-games and puzzles.  Turn it into a full on point and click adventure game since you actually already have a good foundation to build on for that.  The stats and energy mechanics don't add anything to the game except force the player to go back to the ship periodically to rest and build stats for awhile.
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Mar 19, 2016
The graphics are relatively good, though the town could certainly use a bit for details. I particularly like the 2 main characters, though I prefer the redhair woman.
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Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
Well, the big thing about the current game mechanics is that I think it would be a better game if you did away with all the attribute building, energy, and day timer, and instead focus on the mini-games and puzzles.  Turn it into a full on point and click adventure game since you actually already have a good foundation to build on for that.  The stats and energy mechanics don't add anything to the game except force the player to go back to the ship periodically to rest and build stats for awhile.

Yes, that's right.The stat doesn't add anything more right now. But the idea is that all these stats are building a certain personality. And, when we have done the 4 planets, if you go for the girl on planet two you should make a certain personality total incompatible with personality liked by the girl on the 4th planet. The same happens with Alison, the human girl. 
That's the handicap of releasing alphas, that many ideas are not correctly developed yet ;)

The graphics are relatively good, though the town could certainly use a bit for details. I particularly like the 2 main characters, though I prefer the redhair woman.

Yes, we know that the market/town should be improved. On 0.25.1 we improved the landing zone and the cryo room. We want to improve the market, it's a tedious work (many many details) but it'll be reworked as the main characters and others backgrounds were.
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Mar 26, 2016
Is it already possible to to go to more than one planet? I've 'finished' the game in terms of going in the direction of the queen on the first planet, and also discovering the inside of the diary. Are those the two ends currently?

Also, the game is fantastic!!

personally, just adding more content to the game at the current 'quality' of content is totally fine by me
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Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
Is it already possible to to go to more than one planet? I've 'finished' the game in terms of going in the direction of the queen on the first planet, and also discovering the inside of the diary. Are those the two ends currently?

Also, the game is fantastic!!

personally, just adding more content to the game at the current 'quality' of content is totally fine by me

Thanks for your comment!
What you've seen is what it is for the moment (Roselyn's provisional ending and Alison's diary). Space Paws has only around 6-7 months of development. So it will have more content in every update.
Anyway, there'll be some litlle improvements on the quality. better backgrounds, animated environments... (more support = more time to do everything better)

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Reactions: Lone Wolf115

Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
Thank you so much. Now I can sleep hahaha

You're welcome

On the other hand. The v0.30 of Space Paws is already available for patrons (that supported us on March). Here's the changelog:

Added a new  and "hidden*" easter egg (including a new minigame and 2 animated H-scenes)-Added talking animations in ALL characters-Added blinking animation on Roselyn's and Alison's faces-H-scene on Lake with Roselyn is now animated-Added animations in many backgrounds: Main menu, market, landing zones. (yes, I've written ZONES, not ZONE :p . Did we say we wouldn't work on the new planet at all? Oh, well... we lied lol)- The weight of the game has been drastically optimizied. The swf weights almost the 50% of v0.25.1-New main menu background theme. -The sound quality has been improved.-We believe we've solved the most of the bugs that make the game crash when it was played online.-Credits have been updated (with all + 25$ patrons )
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
where you wake up after 1000 year of cryogenization with your female couple

either you are a slave owner who owns 2 lesbian females who are in a relationship with each other or this is an error

can you please clarify


I normally run standalone swf files in adobe flash player projector. A standalone swf runner from adobe.

Specifically I use the debug mode because it so useful in providing debug info to people who make flashes.

Yours gives the following error every time it launches

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at SpacePaws_alpha0_fla::MainTimeline/cargando()

you can find the projector here

note that there are other downloads on that page, scroll down to where it says

Download the Flash Player projector content debugger
DownloadDownload the Flash Player projector 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
"Your mission is to plant sprouts on planets so that they will produce oxygen and fruit for humanity"

But the first planet has me going unto a populated planet full of plants, fruits, and oxygen. Ok the local stuff is probably not compatible with human diet, but there is plenty of oxygen, and its not exactly an ideal place to try to introduce our alien species either nor will the combined environment be good for humanity when we eventually get around to that planet. That is if we go with the theory that local foods are incompatible.

But then when you finally talk to rosalyn about it sounds like the sprout will actually produce full humans, some sort of super science genetically engineered "make humans" plant? thats quite different from what it said at first if that is what you mean.


"Terraform those planets for humanity"

But it says humanity is dead and we are supposed to repopulate humanity. So, it's really for ourselves and descendants, so there is no real reason for us to move from planet to planet and terraform more than one, since it will be a very long time until more than one planet is needed


anyways, nice game overall, it was a pleasant experience
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Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
either you are a slave owner who owns 2 lesbian females who are in a relationship with each other or this is an error

can you please clarify


I normally run standalone swf files in adobe flash player projector. A standalone swf runner from adobe.

Specifically I use the debug mode because it so useful in providing debug info to people who make flashes.

Yours gives the following error every time it launches

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at SpacePaws_alpha0_fla::MainTimeline/cargando()

you can find the projector here

note that there are other downloads on that page, scroll down to where it says

Download the Flash Player projector content debugger
DownloadDownload the Flash Player projector 

Very very useful comments mrttao :)

Right! It'll sound better "with your mission partner", right? We'll fix it right now.

That error was present on 0.25.1 but it's already fixed. We'll check again just in case. We think it was the reason why sometimes it crashed to some people and we fixed it due to that.


"Your mission is to plant sprouts on planets so that they will produce oxygen and fruit for humanity"

But the first planet has me going unto a populated planet full of plants, fruits, and oxygen. Ok the local stuff is probably not compatible with human diet, but there is plenty of oxygen, and its not exactly an ideal place to try to introduce our alien species either nor will the combined environment be good for humanity when we eventually get around to that planet. That is if we go with the theory that local foods are incompatible.

But then when you finally talk to rosalyn about it sounds like the sprout will actually produce full humans, some sort of super science genetically engineered "make humans" plant? thats quite different from what it said at first if that is what you mean.


"Terraform those planets for humanity"

But it says humanity is dead and we are supposed to repopulate humanity. So, it's really for ourselves and descendants, so there is no real reason for us to move from planet to planet and terraform more than one, since it will be a very long time until more than one planet is needed


anyways, nice game overall, it was a pleasant experience

As Jack the Ripper said, let's go by parts:

The planets you'll find are full of life. And you can stay there so...why? Why do you have to plant sprouts for the mankind? As you pointed out, it's not well explained.
You're able to stay on those planets for a limited time. After 100 days (or maybe less, depending on the final lenght of the game) of exposition on these planets, you'd become ill. You're living on a planet that is not made for you, the races living on these planets are adapted to the conditions these planets offer, but you need to plant these biotechnologically modified sprouts. Every sprout is thought to provide different elements, on the air, on the depending on the planet you'll need to plant some sprouts or some others.
It's similar to being a smoker. You can live smoking during ages until you become ill.

About the conversation with Roselyn, you're right. We must fix it. Sometime it's difficult to explain simply something quite complex.

Finally, you don't have to plant sprouts on every planet. You choose the best planet for the humanity, it means, you choose the  girl you want to flirt with. You will be able to visit all the planets with Alison, and then choose the one you prefer. Depending on the planet chosen, you'll obtain a diferent ending.

We really found your constructive review very useful, so on next updates the robot (E-MILLIO) will explain better everything. The plot is very impotant for us, so we don't want to neglect any detail.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
The planets you'll find are full of life. And you can stay there so...why? Why do you have to plant sprouts for the mankind? As you pointed out, it's not well explained.
You're able to stay on those planets for a limited time. After 100 days (or maybe less, depending on the final lenght of the game) of exposition on these planets, you'd become ill. You're living on a planet that is not made for you, the races living on these planets are adapted to the conditions these planets offer, but you need to plant these biotechnologically modified sprouts. Every sprout is thought to provide different elements, on the air, on the depending on the planet you'll need to plant some sprouts or some others.
It's similar to being a smoker. You can live smoking during ages until you become ill.

that is really not how biology works. The ability to eat the local foods is already pretty suspect, getting an alien pregnant is less reasonable than having sex with a tomato and producing tomato-human hybrids. At least the tomato has somewhat similar DNA basis. On earth alone we have 22 different completely arbitrary encoding systems for DNA, if you use genes from the wrong encoding system you get nonsense instead of proteins. Just bacteria entering your body would clog it with stuff you lack the enzymes to breakdown.

Also, if the planet atmosphere is being modified to make it more favorable to humans than that should be devastating to the local population. It makes more sense to either terraform an empty planet, or to modify the humans to fit their new planet. If terraforming an already populated planet then you need to also modify all the existing pop to make them not suffer in the new atmospheric conditions

Finally, you don't have to plant sprouts on every planet. You choose the best planet for the humanity, it means, you choose the  girl you want to flirt with. You will be able to visit all the planets with Alison, and then choose the one you prefer. Depending on the planet chosen, you'll obtain a diferent ending.

We really found your constructive review very useful, so on next updates the robot (E-MILLIO) will explain better everything. The plot is very impotant for us, so we don't want to neglect any detail.

I see, I thought it said we need to terraform multiple planets, rather than just the one. Thanks for clarifying
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
that is really not how biology works. The ability to eat the local foods is already pretty suspect, getting an alien pregnant is less reasonable than having sex with a tomato and producing tomato-human hybrids. At least the tomato has somewhat similar DNA basis. On earth alone we have 22 different completely arbitrary encoding systems for DNA, if you use genes from the wrong encoding system you get nonsense instead of proteins. Just bacteria entering your body would clog it with stuff you lack the enzymes to breakdown.

Also, if the planet atmosphere is being modified to make it more favorable to humans than that should be devastating to the local population. It makes more sense to either terraform an empty planet, or to modify the humans to fit their new planet. If terraforming an already populated planet then you need to also modify all the existing pop to make them not suffer in the new atmospheric conditions

I'm gonna have to agree with this. Even with it being Sci-fi the sci-fi of how the biology thing makes no sense especially with the food and the atmosphere. And what mrttao said is correct, by terraforming a planet for human life you are essential committing Xenocide against the other species on the planet that already lives there. Smartest thing to do would be to modify the humans to live or be adapted to the environments of these planets.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I'm gonna have to agree with this. Even with it being Sci-fi the sci-fi of how the biology thing makes no sense especially with the food and the atmosphere. And what mrttao said is correct, by terraforming a planet for human life you are essential committing Xenocide against the other species on the planet that already lives there. Smartest thing to do would be to modify the humans to live or be adapted to the environments of these planets.

speaking of modifying the humans. that keeps the existing plot intact, you are still putting up scanners in various environs. instead of calibrating them for terraformation plants you are collecting data to modify yourself to fit the new environment better
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Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
that is really not how biology works. The ability to eat the local foods is already pretty suspect, getting an alien pregnant is less reasonable than having sex with a tomato and producing tomato-human hybrids. At least the tomato has somewhat similar DNA basis. On earth alone we have 22 different completely arbitrary encoding systems for DNA, if you use genes from the wrong encoding system you get nonsense instead of proteins. Just bacteria entering your body would clog it with stuff you lack the enzymes to breakdown.

Also, if the planet atmosphere is being modified to make it more favorable to humans than that should be devastating to the local population. It makes more sense to either terraform an empty planet, or to modify the humans to fit their new planet. If terraforming an already populated planet then you need to also modify all the existing pop to make them not suffer in the new atmospheric conditions

I see, I thought it said we need to terraform multiple planets, rather than just the one. Thanks for clarifying

So, we agree that it's not weird to find a dog-like alien race that speaks the same language as you, right? lol

Ok. At this point if I tell you why it'll work and why it won't be devastating to the local population I'd make you an enourmous spoiler. That point is already thought and it'll be explained at the end of the game. I can only ask you patience and trust.

I love to discuss this details, but don't forget a thing, a false fact, can make a big movie/game. For example, in Space movies, there're always explosions on the space, and that's impossible due to absence of oxygen. On "Interstellar" a magnific movie on my oppinion, there's a planetary system without any sun and with a black hole. So, where it comes all the light you see on the movie? 

Despite all this, we'll try to be more "realistic" than most of the big productions ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
So, we agree that it's not weird to find a dog-like alien race that speaks the same language as you, right? lol

Ok. At this point if I tell you why it'll work and why it won't be devastating to the local population I'd make you an enourmous spoiler. That point is already thought and it'll be explained at the end of the game. I can only ask you patience and trust.

I love to discuss this details, but don't forget a thing, a false fact, can make a big movie/game. For example, in Space movies, there're always explosions on the space, and that's impossible due to absence of oxygen. On "Interstellar" a magnific movie on my oppinion, there's a planetary system without any sun and with a black hole. So, where it comes all the light you see on the movie? 

Despite all this, we'll try to be more "realistic" than most of the big productions ;)

Fair enough. There were some IC hints that it is "odd" how similar those are to things from earth. So I will wait for the full explanation

also, glad the debug info I got you helped.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115

Taifun Riders

Jan 18, 2016
The latest update of Space Paws (0.38.1v) is already available for our patrons. 
Now, we're using a charge upfront method to charge to our new patrons. This way, if you make a new pledge, you'll be charged immediately and because of this, you'll able to access to you rewards without waiting to the start of the new month :)

Here's the changelog:

-New story and characters on a new planet (Not fully developed yet)
-3 new H-scenes (1 animated 2 static) on the new planet
-Animated H-scene on the hut with Roselyn
-A little step forward on Alison's story (with a very short minigame & H-scene)
-The potions' minigame of the Easter Egg has been changed.
-Fixed some bugs: objects disappearing, blinking eyes appearing in weird situations...
-Mute Button has been temporary deleted. It'llbe added again shortly, but we saw it was a bit buggy and we didn't want to delay the release date.
-Many typos,  mistakes on the text have been corrected.

This update will be made public once our patrons have a new update (something more than a month)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
it is worth noting that blogspot is owned by google and is mirrored in every single country in the world.

if someone posts a blogspot address that ends in .es that means that person lives in spain, and you can freely remove the .es to get the USA mirror, or add in a .your-country to get any other country's mirror
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