Wsan writing

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Jan 8, 2016
Fair enough then. The "bad end" won't be like that; the idea is that Steele retains control of the company in public, but is a submissive in private. It's somewhat of a trope for a powerful woman to want to be dominated in her private life, but it exists for a reason (it's hot) and plus Steele isn't really initially in a position of power. The 'Space Kelt' jokes just come up every time there's a dominant taur, really. It doesn't help that my initial plan for him really was pretty much just Space Kelt, and some parts of the doc probably aren't updated.

Another problem with relationships in general in porn games is that players don't want to have stuff randomly sprung on them. It's expected that when you encounter an NPC who ticks a few fetish boxes, they will continue to tick those boxes and ONLY those boxes in subsequent encounters because it's weird and dumb otherwise. But the author doesn't want to write the same scene 5 times and the player doesn't want to read the same scene 5 times, so you have to balance it or else you end up with the first problem I had with Edan's stuff, which was reconciling the start and end of his interactions. In the end the author just has to hope the people who initially liked the character stay liking the character; sometimes the player themselves won't know they want it until they read it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think this is probably a two-part issue; one is the perception that having a dom means you are, effectively, a slave (and this is already pretty much present in the game, which perhaps biases players if they don't already know about the spectrum of how rough it can be). The other is that this is a game about sex and fetishes, and the people who are looking for dom/sub sex in this game are probably into the more dominant side to do with rough sex rather than the "actual relationship" side, and as a result the writing is targeted to (and written by) those people. As it is, Edan's path starts like the former and ends up like the latter.

For me, it's not even the rough part is a real problem, it's just little step off just "intense". I just can't understand how someone who is not pathological victim can enjoy being humiliated. I understand this as logical outcome of traditional "fight for rape" thing, but outside it? Actually, that's exactly my problem - I can't conceive it NOT as "fight for rape", and when I have no way to win it I feel it as foul play.


Jan 8, 2016
I just can't understand how someone who is not pathological victim can enjoy being humiliated.

For me it's less about humiliation and more about the other aspects of it. Not being in control, loss of power, etc. It's not inaccurate to say those are linked to humiliation, but I don't really focus on that so much. I guess it's the concept of someone realizing they enjoy giving everything up that's attractive, and doubly so when the PC is a person in a position of extreme power. I won't lie though, I don't know exactly why I enjoy submissive content; I have people on tumblr who are actual submissives following me for my writing and maybe it's just selection bias at play, but without going into my real life I'll just say I don't resemble the typical sub. So I guess I don't know why it appeals to people as much as it does.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe being submissive/humiliated is simply a way to be part of a community and not just a step above the others because you have power or you have some skillz. (simply, to remember that we are all equal)

The only thing that annoys me is when things happen without a sense, anyway it is what I think and I'm not the writer, the final choice is yours.

(i like submissive content they give me that sense of rest because you dont need to take too much decisions)
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
TiTS scenes are just to get you off; they don't need to be realistic. Unless you get off to realism.


Jan 8, 2016
TiTS scenes are just to get you off; they don't need to be realistic. Unless you get off to realism.

You might change your tone once you read what I have written for this non-taur scene. Check back in like 30 minutes and I'll edit the rest of it in. I just dunno how far the mainstream game can go with absurdity, even with gated options - on a sliding scale where 0 is Aka6 and 10 is Sparrow (if you're familiar with either of these artists), this is like an 8 or 9.

Doc updated.

Writing up a masturbation scene for watching the girl without letting her know you're there, too.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
TiTS scenes are just to get you off; they don't need to be realistic. Unless you get off to realism.

There are some limits to which you could stretch your suspension of disbelief. Which is directly tied to how much of a fetish particular thing is for you. Not everyone is into high volumes, you know.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Hey I didn't say I was; in any case there's a scene for everyone.

How is Aka6 is a 0?! 0 should be like real life consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
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Jan 8, 2016
How is Aka6 is a 0?!

My scale is relatively adjusted to compensate for the fact my taste has slipped further and further into the deep end.

Male taur scene soon! The female non-taur scene is just a derivative of the male scene with different ways of getting off, the female taur scene will be a little similar to the male scene but in both holes. Then there's the female Treated taur scene, which will be different again. Then I guess I write followup scenes.
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Aug 27, 2015
I just can't understand how someone who is not pathological victim can enjoy being humiliated.

Kelt was one of the most popular characters in CoC.

YOU might not be able to understand what it is about a particular kink that gets people going, but the fact remains that it does. It requires a really basic amount of empathy to look at your own little quirks and fetishes and know not to judge, lest.


Aug 27, 2015
As much as I've seen, he was popular in another sense. More like hated.

No, you wouldn't get people eulogising about his wonderful personality on here. Plenty of people played the game specifically to get broken by him, though. On other smut game sites where CoC turns up in discussion, he generally gets mentioned more often than not. Abusive centaur dom is really popular as much as you'd like to believe otherwise, a quick glance through Amazon's erotica section will tell you that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Abusive centaur dom is really popular as much as you'd like to believe otherwise, a quick glance through Amazon's erotica section will tell you that.

I dunno, mang... Isn't there supposed to be a big difference between the degree of humiliation that accompanies typical Dom/sub things and mysogenistic rants that Kelt delivered? Is unequivocal abuse (that doesn't even have a 'it's 'cause he loves her so much' defense) really that trendy in smut and erotic literature? And among people that put themselves into the role of the abused, no less?

Next thing you know, the main audience of good old female degrading hentai would turn out to be women.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I see it this way: in a game that has been often accused of being femdom-centric, a male character that takes such mechanics  (even to such ridiculous extents) is bound to stick out around certain circles. A similar thing could be said about Ceraph and the way she dealt with BDSM.

I could type about my own experiences here, but I don't want to annoy Wsan by derailing the thread even more.
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Aug 27, 2015
Is unequivocal abuse (that doesn't even have a 'it's 'cause he loves her so much' defense) really that trendy in smut and erotic literature? And among people that put themselves into the role of the abused, no less?

Next thing you know, the main audience of good old female degrading hentai would turn out to be women.

This has derailed Wsan's thread (again, sorry mate) so I won't go into this at length, but it really depends on how you qualify "unequivocal abuse". I hate reaching for this example but the relationship described in 50 Shades of Grey is abusive, to the extent that it's anathema in BDSM circles because it gives the practice a bad name. However there's no denying how popular that type of smut is, and yes, most people identify with the sub, at least from my own experience.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
You are right. Sorry, Wsan. As a self-imposed pennance I would try to power through the Edan's doc later tonight and leave some sort of helpful feedback.

P.S. Anyone up for a topic about 'good' vs. 'bad' D/s dynamics?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Nik_van_Rijn: Oh god, not here please. You meant a different thread right? It'll storm shit regardless, but still.

Man, whenever BDSM shows up in mainstream/otherwise vanilla work, people always compare it to 50Shades, as if it invented the concept of a fetish (some people honestly believe this).

Anyway, I don't give a fuck what NPCs do to my PC (usually); I'm just trying to get off. Role playing, realism, et cetera, are just some of various means of improving the quality of the ends. I think we can all agree that our outlooks and behavior in real life are very different.
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Jan 8, 2016
A derail is good every now and then so I don't fill the thread with musings about my writing like some crazy cat lady's facebook wall. I don't mind. Re: Kelt, he was by far my favourite character in CoC, but I also don't really care what the forums say about him. What we have on the forums is a tiny minority of the most dedicated fans (I personally didn't bother signing up here until after I had talked to Fenoxo about wanting to write) and no matter what opinion they hold it's kinda moot as to the game at large. Not that they don't matter at all (feedback is nice), but in the longterm scheme of things...

As a self-imposed pennance I would try to power through the Edan's doc later tonight and leave some sort of helpful feedback.

You'll never make it out alive, it's like 60k words. Just look at the most recent scene if you want. On a related note, I'm just about done with Haley's male taur scene. I'll update the document in a bit. Also I borrowed hentai logic for the non-taur female scene, which is probably some kind of cardinal sin.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A derail is good every now and then so I don't fill the thread with musings about my writing like some crazy cat lady's facebook wall. I don't mind. Re: Kelt, he was by far my favourite character in CoC, but I also don't really care what the forums say about him. What we have on the forums is a tiny minority of the most dedicated fans (I personally didn't bother signing up here until after I had talked to Fenoxo about wanting to write) and no matter what opinion they hold it's kinda moot as to the game at large. Not that they don't matter at all (feedback is nice), but in the longterm scheme of things...

You'll never make it out alive, it's like 60k words. Just look at the most recent scene if you want. On a related note, I'm just about done with Haley's male taur scene. I'll update the document in a bit. Also I borrowed hentai logic for the non-taur female scene, which is probably some kind of cardinal sin.

Nyrea stuff was submitted today. Hopefully my code isn't too awful and you'll be able to see it in the game soon!

The nice thing about coding my own stuff is that if I don't fuck it up and Fen doesn't think it's shit, it's in.

60k fuck... you're gonna have Gedan foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
How about another way of saying it? I hated Kelt and wanted to murder him but constantly went back on save loads because those scenes were good.

Also darn, for a second I thought you were talking about your herm taur and not Edan.


Jan 8, 2016
Also darn, for a second I thought you were talking about your herm taur and not Edan.

If you mean the new scene, I am (putting the finishing touches on it, if you will). If you meant writing 60k words in 2 days, if I could do that I wouldn't have to care about finals in the first place.

As for coding Edan, I'll be doing most of the grunt work and then bothering Gedan about how to glue it together like the paste-eating codebabby I am.

Updated herm taur doc with male taur scene.

The female taur scene is done and now I'm working on the Treated female taur scene, which is a lot less one-dimensional in terms of where she sticks it. After that I'll do the masturbation scenes and the followup scenes, although I don't actually know what I'll follow up with for anyone not a male taur. SOON

Just about done with the Treated female taur scene. Should be up tonight.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Keep up the good work Wsan (Kelt was mad because he was a weaboos and Papa franku got all the pussy)

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Active Member
Oct 1, 2015
Didn't believe you when you said Haley was approaching Sparrow levels of suspension of disbelief. Personally happy to see it's not completely there (that stuff can be a little too intense for me), but wow, you really brought it home on that front. Anyway, document looks good as usual, keep up the smut!


Jan 8, 2016
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It would be really neat if one of those taur milkers that Haley uses, was available for use by the PC. Especially if the option was available even for non taur PCs as long as they are tall enough and or have a big enough dick. I love the idea of getting cock milked but personally I find it sucks that the standard milker comes with mandatory prostate stimulation by default. This Taur milker that Haley uses seems like it could provide an experience closer to Whitney's farm cock milker in CoC. Could the male masturbation scene please perhaps involve the PC joining Haley at a machine alongside her?


Jan 8, 2016
Could the male masturbation scene please perhaps involve the PC joining Haley at a machine alongside her?

I'm not opposed to writing it, but it's out of the scope of the original project. I'll do it for a discounted commission if you're that interested though, since you're asking before I've written it out. As it is, there's just going to be the three masturbation scenes for herm/male/female and the only time you get to use the milker is if Haley's topping you at the time.

The project has been reviewed so I'll go ahead and finish the Leithan herm when I'm done with exams, which is pretty soon given my last one is a joke of a gen ed paper.

Still to go: Scene revisions so she doesn't ask your name every time, dick masturbation scene, pussy masturbation scene, sandwiched scene for male taur.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Grats on purple Wsan (and now to grats to last of four new purples...well unless there is more than of them).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Like the two above me said. Congrats on reaching purple :D

And thank you for creating some much needed taur support scenes.
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