So first off I wanna say that I haven't played CoC2 a lot yet (touched it for a minute back when it first launched but not at all since), so maybe I just haven't seen what I'm about to talk about yet. Also I'm unsure if this plays into it or not but I am aware the champion is a "Commander Shepard" and has a past and personality to some extent.
With that out of the way, are there any scenes (feel free to point me towards them) where we see anything other than joy, desire or anger? Is the champion capable of anything akin to doubt? Fear? Shame? Sadness?
Anytime I think we'd see the champion hesitate, wince, look away, it just seems like it's a "stoic shrug and let's move along, nothing to see here" or in the case of a romantic moment it's a pat on the head and a kiss, but tears, trying not to cry, a moment of hesitation, you see these expressed by others towards the champion but never (again, that I've seen) by the champion.
I don't mean to downplay our protagonists emotional range and maybe it's simply up to whomever the writer is for whatever the scene is conveying and I'd also imagine I'm probably in the minority for people who'd even want to see those kinds of things expressed by their champion.
Uh, so I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd like to see content where we see a more "emotionally vulnerable" side to the champion if that's even possible per our Commander Shepard's personality.