What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I figure that CoC2 is gonna need this thread at some point anyway, so might as well get it started, right?

I hope a proper dragon TF gets added quickly to the game... Can't have a fantasy porn game without dragons! I mean, they are literally famous for banging *anything*, after all (oh yeah, and I guess there's some stuff about breathing fire and having tons of gold or something, but... not important)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
On top of my head...

-Kinks I'm interested in.
-Males I'm interested in.
-Monsterfolk I'm interested in.
-People of those three kinds you could snuggle up and have sex with.
-No stereotypes.
-No kinkshaming. "Are you enjoying this, bitch?" Why yes, I am - here's hoping you like the canine bits too!
-Detailed customization, e.g. fine tuning TFs and having ways to use weapons/armour you like and keep them with good stats with a customization system. Alternatively: keeping the offer diverse enough.
-No sob stories.
-A good smut-story balance (I liked what I saw so far in that aspect).
-No walls of text (I liked what I saw so far in that aspect).
-Non-Imperial measures when available.
-No gated contents, though I aknowledge it's the writers' prerogative.
-A "give up" option in battles. For those times you just want the lewds and bad ends.
-Speaking of which, how about a "diplomacy" option for those times you don't want to maim a prospective smut partner?
-Or... how about ways to avoid sex scenes when possible?
-Middle grounds, e.g. gentle doms, neither pure nor corrupted characters.
-Targeted items that affect one thing in particular. TiTS has showed they do work.
-A fake pregnacy item with different iterations (viviparity, oviparity and slugs/worms/bugs/tentacles/small wiggling critters).

Things that won't happen but I'd like to see...
-Kinks/pairings toggle. Ideally, I'd like to see a system akin to that of "warding" encounters in Flexible Survival.
-Control over what the character does in regards to sex scenes.
-Personal hideouts! Be it some tentacle-y, flesh-y cave to some lavish palace or some ominous temple.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016

oo, I would *kill* to have marking be allowed into this game... And more importantly, I might even see if I can set away some money to pay for it. I know Fenoxo has put a hard "no" to it, but... Apparantly CoC2 is Savin's baby, and thus not necessarely bound by the same rules?

Fuck, I'd write content (And code it too!) if marking was allowed in the game

On less controversial topics... The option to be in a permanent heat would be hot as fuck

Oh, also, some kind of Sterilex expy... I don't like pregnancy unless it's very specific circumstances, so being able to avoid that would be sweet. There's apparantly a sterile option at the start of the game though, might have to use that... even though the messy orgasm option is waaaay hotter


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I would *kill* to have marking be allowed into this game
I feel marking could work with those pheromone items from TiTS alongside some "Marked" flag.

The option to be in a permanent heat

Oh, also, some kind of Sterilex expy... I don't like pregnancy unless it's very specific circumstances
...and this. Brown Pill took ages to be implemented and I hated bringing new life into such post apocalyptic land, even with the "instamaturing" thingy going on.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I feel marking could work with those pheromone items from TiTS alongside some "Marked" flag.

*Hnnnng* I think I just came from that idea

Seriously, I will write this if I'm allowed to

Pls pls pls let me write this!

I will even edit in a flag that turns it on and off based on whether you have activated it in the menu (like sillymode) so that people who don't like it can ignore it!


Sep 30, 2016
-An option to conquer both worlds, yours and Mareth (I like being evil\corrupted in games that give you the choice, so yeah)
-More group interactions at whatever your basecamp is. Like orgies or gangbangs or whatever between your character and your lovers, slaves, followers, whatever
-Cheats (hey, I like cheating myself money and stuff so I don't have to take time out from finding new holes and story to grind for gold, even though I know most of these games arent grinding. and also because I just like knowing cheats are around)
-Interaction between your CoC2 PC and the original games PC. Maybe as an enemy or friend, depending on your alignment in this game and the original. Maybe you can even have them as a member of your harem (I'm just gonna call your camp people a harem from now on) as anywhere from slave to lover to whatever (Yes, I know that would be alot of work, and if I knew how to do any kind of coding I'd write it up myself, but sadly I don't know coding, just how to write)
Can't think of anything else right now, will get back to you later


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
Well... thinking about it a lot what I would truly like is that every zone could be changed based on the grade of corruption, for example something like "uncorrupted, medium corruption and fully corrupted" that affected encounters while travelling.

Giving an example with a goblin if the zone is uncorrupted while a goblin is lustful she won't force herself on someone that refuses to have sex with her, on medium she would ask first and if refused she will try to rape you and on fully corrupted she would directly try to rape you.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
oo, I would *kill* to have marking be allowed into this game... I know Fenoxo has put a hard "no" to it, but... Apparantly CoC2 is Savin's baby, and thus not necessarely bound by the same rules?

The fuck is marking.

Oh, also, some kind of Sterilex expy...

Ivris is gonna sell herbal birth control right from the getgo pretty much.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
The fuck is marking.

"marking" is a variant of watersports ("piss play") which basically boils down to pissing on someone to "mark" them as yours. It's quite heavy on the dominance side, and what Kesil suggested was to merge it wiht the Pheromone mechanics from TiTS to basically add an aphrodisiac pheromone to the urine so that a marked person would be more aroused. (presumeably this would only work on the players, to avoid headaches in writing, except for specially written scenes)

Basically: Is watersports allowed in the game, or does it have as hard a "no" as it does in TiTS? I'm not kidding when I'm saying that I'd offer to write and code it if it's allowed (though I fully expect it to be opt-in, as it's a less... appetizing... kink).


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016

Awww :(

Oh well, I suppose I will go back to massive amounts of cum instead. Oh, and exhibitionism... Which reminds me, in order to bring this thread back on topic:

Exhibitionism. Having more than one option for masturbating in public would be amazing.. Maybe even picking out someone from the crowd to join you!

Oh, or since this game apparantly is going to have partners joining up... doing it wiht them, in public!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Technically, one could use "marking" without delving into toiletsports or dominance. For example, one could use an appendage (from a tailcock to a tongue) to spew some liquid (oil, saliva, milk, etc.) or pheromones which scent didn't completely fade away, with the marked one as a "mate", "best friend forever" or "honorary member of the whatevers".

Let's be creative, dammit!

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Technically, one could use "marking" without delving into toiletsports or dominance. For example, one could use an appendage (from a tailcock to a tongue) to spew some liquid (oil, saliva, milk, etc.) or pheromones which scent didn't completely fade away, with the marked one as a "mate", "best friend forever" or "honorary member of the whatevers".

Let's be creative, dammit!

Or could do the other type of marking. Clawing marks or biting marks.

Belle in TiTs has the Barcode tattoo perk. I wouldnt see it being too difficult doing something similar.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Or could do the other type of marking. Clawing marks or biting marks.

Belle in TiTs has the Barcode tattoo perk. I wouldnt see it being too difficult doing something similar.

Willing to bet permanent wounds like that is going to get the same no that watersports does

Cum marking sounds kinda fun though


May 20, 2016
Hard no on watersports? Really? But a firm yes to banging every furry? Why not give it as an option? Is the game just for your tastes or to appeal to everyone? Futas are an impossibility, dont like em but deal with them for other game aspects. Why shut something out just cuz its not your thing? Greater variety means a greater audience and a more successful product.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
Hard no on watersports? Really? But a firm yes to banging every furry? Why not give it as an option? Is the game just for your tastes or to appeal to everyone? Futas are an impossibility, dont like em but deal with them for other game aspects. Why shut something out just cuz its not your thing? Greater variety means a greater audience and a more successful product.

Just saying but... a creator would most likely ban what they hate on their game and it's their right. Greater variety can sometimes kill a game, for example you would have those that like gore, those that like horror, those that like Nice Time for Roo... even more those that like scat. Exactly where do you put the line?. Coc, tits and Coc 2 have always been games about transformations and body changes as the main part of it (that's why we have so many TF's), so anything related to transformations of the body it's kind of a pass.
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May 20, 2016
Just saying but... a creator would most likely ban what they hate on their game and it's their right. Greater variety can sometimes kill a game, for example you would have those that like gore, those that like horror, those that like Nice Time for Roo... even more those that like scat. Exactly where do you put the line?. Coc, tits and Coc 2 have always been games about transformations and body changes as the main part of it (that's why we have so many TF's), so anything related to transformations of the body it's kind of a pass.
Great point; I agree its their game to develop as they choose. But just like you can choose which type of porn you like to watch, if someone will create the content the game developer can add it and give the player the option to turn off; ala worms in the original. Not sure if the creator can say they get aroused by a worm drooling pecker but they included it with the option to disable. Just saying?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And here I was thinking that the "it's not gay if your male bits touch those of another character" line was a trite, forced meme.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
Great point; I agree its their game to develop as they choose. But just like you can choose which type of porn you like to watch, if someone will create the content the game developer can add it and give the player the option to turn off; ala worms in the original. Not sure if the creator can say they get aroused by a worm drooling pecker but they included it with the option to disable. Just saying?

I would say that the worms happened because at first Coc was kind of a "free game" in which anything can enter, it was a free door in that sense. I don't think it would be accepted on Coc 2 the worms scenes again.

And if someone creates content that the game developer doesn't want to add then that's why you have mods right?. If someone created scenes of watersports and did an unofficial mod I don't think anyone would say anything. But it isn't something that would be added to the official release.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
For me at least, I don't mind the no at all. Sure, I mean it sucks that my main kink is banned, but what can I do? Other than creating a mod for the game on my own (which I feel would probably step on some toes), I can't convince them anyway, so might as well just shrug my shoulders and roll with it.

Anyhow, lets bring this back on topic, shall we?

I'm kinda just assuming that basically all the standard TFs get slipped in here eventually... I'm hoping for a lot more dual-cock content though. Like, DP stuff, or maybe vaginal/facial combo stuff. Mmm, so hawt!
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May 20, 2016
Well I'm following on Patreon and will check in on progress to see the evolution but in the meantime back to CoC Revamp.


May 11, 2016
well there are non scent ways of marking. dragons typically would nip the neck of their mates to mark them as theirs. if there is a farm scene you could always get your ass branded and that could be a nice ending added to the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was mostly typing about scent marking as anything that involves pain is not what I like when it comes to smut. Ironically, I like the aesthetics of bruises and scars and I'd be okay with the likes of magic tattoos.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Agree, I would not like anything involving pain either.

Totally agree on the tattoo stuff... And add piercings to that!

And hopefully whomever has the "jurisdiction" of it makes sure to not code themselves into a corner with regards to fur patterns, like how the TiTS devs did. Real unfortunate that there... I'm sure tons of people would *love* fur patterns!
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Kitchie Keen

Active Member
Sep 15, 2017
-More ghost stuff. Possession, body-sharing, etc.
-Parasites/symbiotes that, if they give beneficial effects or abilities, don't require an absurd amount of hoops to jump through to get those benefits. *side-eyes Mimbranes*.
-More control over my character, and what they do in regards to sex scenes. If I defeat an enemy in combat and want to have fun with them, I'd like a 'rough' and 'gentle' option. One of my big bugaboos with TiTS is how... rapey the victory scenes for the PC felt. :\
-A healthy balance between gameplay, story, and lewd content.

*I know it probably won't happen, but vore. I like it, but a lot of people don't.*