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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
You guys are posting about nothing. I wrote that conversation like 6 months ago.

I read this like the "I did it 35 minutes ago" line in Watchmen :D

Will anything happen if/is it possible for a more douchey champ to go the "asking forgiveness is better than asking for permission" route?
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Jan 8, 2016
I read this like the "I did it 35 minutes ago" line in Watchmen :D

Will anything happen if/is it possible for a more douchey champ to go the "asking forgiveness is better than asking for permission" route?
The champ doesn't need permission to make a move on his sister -- here it is in Brint's own words.

"She's nice," you say. "Really friendly."

"Yeah, she's always been like that," he says. "Rina's really good at making friends." Brint winks at you. "Treat my sister right if you get involved with her."

"The thought of that doesn't bother you?" you ask.

"[pc.mf|Nah, man|No way]," he laughs. "It'd be real shit of me to show up after a year or two of being gone and pretend like I was 'protecting' her. She's grown, she can do what she wants. 'Sides, I've been with you this whole time. It'll be fine."]

That's as good an endorsement as any.

The conversation about his mom'll take place at a later date though, but I don't think he's going to care about that one either. None of his business as far as he's concerned


Feb 20, 2020
Is there any plan to make bimbo Azzy a follower? Also I think I saw that there was a demon TF planned. Is that still a thing or did it get shut down?

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Is there any plan to make bimbo Azzy a follower? Also I think I saw that there was a demon TF planned. Is that still a thing or did it get shut down?
From what I can tell, you can only get a Bimbo Azzy follower if you do the pure path and then do the side quest to make a necklace out of the blessed gem filled with the hive's corruption. Basically, doing the corrupt path doesn't give a bimbo Azzy follower, but doing the pure path in which you explicitly decide against bimboifying Azzy is the one where you can get bimbo Azzy as a follower.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Using the Honey Gem seems to be a semi/controlled-form of bimbo, which basically give her sexy magical girl powers rather than her normal combat abilities.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2020
A button you could press that would let you "hunt"/"look for" a specific encounter viable for that square.

For example, you want to go have tea with the witch of the woods, so you push the search button and pick Viviane. Now the random chance to encounter her is boosted by an amount (could be a flat percentage addition or [X*stat]) Or could even have an option for "something new" for undiscovered encounters

I Think this would be a really nice feature if you wanted to lazer target a new additions, hunt down an old scene you want to replay when you get that itch, or for when you start a new game and want to speed collect a few companions to fast start.

(Side note I'm loving this movement via map, super cool!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2020
Speaking of Lady Evergreen I'd like a bit of a warning for the cowgirl scene with her, since she basically force-gives you a knot and while it's not the end of the world and quite easy to get rid of a warning would still be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
If you're getting fucked by her what's wrong with getting the knot?
Plus just get an alchemized Root of Man. Her TFs I believe are very easy to reverse, and are pretty mild for forced TF, thankfully very mild.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
a old country style priest and priestess outfit with white mage's in mind for the stats?

Something like the attires Rindo or the Twins are wearing, big yes. I would wear the shit out of that..


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
^ I don't know if this may help but, if your Champion has a canine tongue (e.g. after using a refined Lycanthorn), it can be made longer with Cackle Berry+Soft Mud (or so the text claimed - I think it may be more of a cosmetic change). It's not on the wiki, and I found out about it by mistake. After all, the text discerns between canine and lupine tongues.

As someone who likes long tongues, I wonder if there can be more cases like this one.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I think they want a similarly more targeted less random way of doing it tho.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Shroomgal/Fungi tf + some powers that would resolve around the use of consumables or atleast some form of weaponized alchemy (make venom build viable)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
Hear me out:

Survival mode.

Add a hunger mechanic that tracks what you eat. Obviously filling the bar would grant the Well Fed buff, but low bars would result in a massive debuff that would result in an incredible increase in difficulty. Obviously one could try and snack on rations and tavern food the whole time, but transformative items would also fill the bar, like cackle berries and knotted peppers. Kind of ends up in a chimera-ish, scratches an unwilling TF itch, and gives it a mildly more natural feel.

Maybe even take it further. A sleep function that debuffs over going too long without sleep and grants sleep deprived players greater chances of strange (read: sexy) dreams. Stronger nighttime encounters. Etc.

Otherwise I’m just waiting to bang more furries. Come to think of it, more exotic creatures, too— When do I get to bang a dragon? Or a beholder?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Hear me out:

Survival mode.

Add a hunger mechanic that tracks what you eat. Obviously filling the bar would grant the Well Fed buff, but low bars would result in a massive debuff that would result in an incredible increase in difficulty. Obviously one could try and snack on rations and tavern food the whole time, but transformative items would also fill the bar, like cackle berries and knotted peppers. Kind of ends up in a chimera-ish, scratches an unwilling TF itch, and gives it a mildly more natural feel.

Maybe even take it further. A sleep function that debuffs over going too long without sleep and grants sleep deprived players greater chances of strange (read: sexy) dreams. Stronger nighttime encounters. Etc.

Otherwise I’m just waiting to bang more furries. Come to think of it, more exotic creatures, too— When do I get to bang a dragon? Or a beholder?
Survival mode shit has been rejected multple times when it was brought up in the Discord, and if I have any experience with it just jammed into the game (CoC1 mod...), it was tedious and annoying and would divert my attention away from actually doing stuff just to find shit to eat.
In a world where portal magic prevents you from enjoying a noble well-made stew that literally anyone else could eat because you got a special case of "gain the traits of any species related to the thing you put in your mouth", food items that doesn't TF you is few and far in-between in comparison to the stuff that doesn't. You're literally forcing players to either eat this thing to TF yourself unwillingly for a meaningless buff or starve because "MuH ReAlIsM aNd RP!111!111!.


Obviously filling the bar would grant the Well Fed buff, but low bars would result in a massive debuff that would result in an incredible increase in difficulty...
A sleep function that debuffs over going too long without sleep
No, what the fuck is wrong with you, for gods sake never suggest this shit again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
Survival mode shit has been rejected multple times when it was brought up in the Discord, and if I have any experience with it just jammed into the game (CoC1 mod...), it was tedious and annoying and would divert my attention away from actually doing stuff just to find shit to eat.
In a world where portal magic prevents you from enjoying a noble well-made stew that literally anyone else could eat because you got a special case of "gain the traits of any species related to the thing you put in your mouth, food that doesn't TF you is few and far in-between in comparison to the stuff that doesn't. You're literally forcing players to either eat this thing to TF yourself unwillingly for a dumb buff or starve because "MuH ReAlIsM mOdE!111!111!.


No, what the fuck is wrong with you, never suggest this shit again.

A.) I’m not on the discord. Didn’t know it’d been rejected. Whoops.

B.) There’s a reason survival mode would be survival *mode.* Nobody would force you to play it. Figured it’d be hot for people that like forced TFs, and chimera-lovers might enjoy the end product.

C.) I genuinely hope that last part is sarcasm and you’re not actually this angry at someone for putting in two cents that the devs are most likely going to shrug their shoulders at and put in a tally under the ‘ideas we said no to before’ chart. Lot of other positive places that energy could go.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
You're literally forcing players to either eat this thing to TF yourself unwillingly for a meaningless buff or starve because "MuH ReAlIsM aNd RP!111!111!.


No, what the fuck is wrong with you, never suggest this shit again.
While I do agree that the ideas really don't fit with the game, and you may be exasperated from seeing things suggested when they've been debated to death, I feel like your tone is overly rude. Especially considering that their suggestion was phrased as a possible alternate mode.

I'm still very much against the suggestion, the mode doesn't feel fun or fitting for the game, and besides, you already are technically debuffed by not getting sleep (that is, the class perks that become active after sleep deactivate after a while so you need to re-sleep to reactivate them). But you're overly aggressive in your response, and you're treating it like they want this to be forced into normal play when their suggestion was phrased as a mode (though I also do have an issue with a mode idea since, as has been stated before, modes/toggles needed to be added early in the game in order for them to receive support as the game develops, and at this point, that time has passed. Plus making it optional means that the time spent making these systems would be largely wasted, since the majority of players would dislike and ignore it.).