So where's Tlako going?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Just played through Tlako's content, and I like her. Not only is she adorkably cute, but she's a shortstack, something that's always welcome. Even better, she's a completely inhuman character design, with 4 arms, 4 eyes, a beak, and only has genitalia because she's artificially modified for it. I think the most interesting thing about her is that she comes from an asexual culture, which is why she had to be modded so her boss could make her sell herself. Her "florking" scene is one of the more original ones I've read lately, despite (or indeed because) it's not a screaming sweaty passion session.

So anyway, I'm just wondering where the character will be going from here? OK, she's hardly a major character, highly unlikely to be joining your crew (although that might be an interesting development) but there's a lot of scope there for more content. The hooks are already there, of course, wondering if there's anything you can do for her since she doesn't feel sex in her fuckhole the way she would in a properly-modded vagina, but how far is it going to go?

Personally, I'd like to option for Tlako to actually get increasingly interested in sex and wanting to be able to get more pleasure from it herself, something that isn't addressed in the Tove Codex entry (aside from the note that their reproduction has no pleasurable element) but which I imagine would be frowned-upon in Tove society. She could decide to invest in proper body mods, upgrading to a complete vagina, possibly even developing proper breasts. However, to keep her distinct from other characters with similar sexual transformation stories (e.g Penny, Embry) make it so she has to earn to money for the mods by coming up with a better business idea than just her Welcoming Baskets (you can't just give her money), something you can help her with working out.

There's obviously more potential for further development (e.g her growing obsession with sex for her own pleasure getting her in trouble in her culture, causing her to be seen as a pervert and eventually making her an outcast, forcing her to join your crew) but that may be WAY beyond the scope of what Frogapus has in mind for her. One step at a time. I'm just wondering what's in the immediate future for this cute little bird-girl?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
Just played through Tlako's content, and I like her. Not only is she adorkably cute, but she's a shortstack, something that's always welcome. Even better, she's a completely inhuman character design, with 4 arms, 4 eyes, a beak, and only has genitalia because she's artificially modified for it. I think the most interesting thing about her is that she comes from an asexual culture, which is why she had to be modded so her boss could make her sell herself. Her "florking" scene is one of the more original ones I've read lately, despite (or indeed because) it's not a screaming sweaty passion session.

So anyway, I'm just wondering where the character will be going from here? OK, she's hardly a major character, highly unlikely to be joining your crew (although that might be an interesting development) but there's a lot of scope there for more content. The hooks are already there, of course, wondering if there's anything you can do for her since she doesn't feel sex in her fuckhole the way she would in a properly-modded vagina, but how far is it going to go?

Personally, I'd like to option for Tlako to actually get increasingly interested in sex and wanting to be able to get more pleasure from it herself, something that isn't addressed in the Tove Codex entry (aside from the note that their reproduction has no pleasurable element) but which I imagine would be frowned-upon in Tove society. She could decide to invest in proper body mods, upgrading to a complete vagina, possibly even developing proper breasts. However, to keep her distinct from other characters with similar sexual transformation stories (e.g Penny, Embry) make it so she has to earn to money for the mods by coming up with a better business idea than just her Welcoming Baskets (you can't just give her money), something you can help her with working out.

There's obviously more potential for further development (e.g her growing obsession with sex for her own pleasure getting her in trouble in her culture, causing her to be seen as a pervert and eventually making her an outcast, forcing her to join your crew) but that may be WAY beyond the scope of what Frogapus has in mind for her. One step at a time. I'm just wondering what's in the immediate future for this cute little bird-girl?

I'm with you 100% on that. Tlako is my TiTs waifu.


Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
*gasp* Yeeeeeeeeeee! This is the first time I've seen love for a character I made! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for writing this! I'm so happy you like her and all her oddities. 

Even better, she's a completely inhuman character design, with 4 arms, 4 eyes, a beak, and only has genitalia because she's artificially modified for it. I think the most interesting thing about her is that she comes from an asexual culture, which is why she had to be modded so her boss could make her sell herself. Her "florking" scene is one of the more original ones I've read lately, despite (or indeed because) it's not a screaming sweaty passion session.

These are like all the points I was going for with Tlako, and I can't tell you how gratifying it is to see you not only picking up on them but expressing appreciation for them ^_^  <3

As far as character progress goes, I'm not sure. I was originally waiting to see if people liked her or if she'd kinda remain a one-off oddball character.

I originally saw two options:

1. Steele recruits Tlako after a disastrous business venture, and she becomes a financial adviser on the ship, where Tlako can suggest stocks/business opportunities, and Steele can choose to invest in them, with randomized/semi-influenced returns on them. She basically becomes an accountant waifu, with potential for her getting "aroused" if she brings in a huge haul, offering to celebrate with the PC.

2. Tlako appearing later in the game at subsequent tiers of tove business ranks, with new items, or even missions as a questgiver for the PC.

I honestly do like that idea of her getting slowly ... is "corrupted" the right word? Maybe more "acclimated" to fucking, enjoying the closeness and becoming more and more of a weirdo among weirdos with the other toves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
*gasp* Yeeeeeeeeeee! This is the first time I've seen love for a character I made!


Not everyone likes to put their love on public :)

This is actually a quite interesting character. Something inhuman is a very rare treat in this space opera with "alien"̈ races galore. So I hope she would have more content. From given options, the second one seems to be more interesting, even if more complex.

I'm not into corruption, but if it would be not overly focused on sex obsession and more in an emotionality overall it could be interesting as well.

BTW, one thing I think should be fixed in her scene - her panic when knotted should be only on first time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is the first time I've seen love for a character I made!

For the record, I like Tlako and Orryx too, what with those Lovecraftian references, their speech, behaviour and looks.

I would be interested in route 2 happening, but potential for "arousal" after successful investments could lead to interesting/amusing scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
I would first like to say that I find her absolutely adorable and have already kind of fallen in love with her. I think I would love to have her as a companion but the other route is awesome as well. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
Tlako is utterly adorable! I would love to see her coming to grips with a growing interest in sex and in Steele.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Need more alien girls, clearly. Need bird-girls who will sit on your balls, making them warmer and warmer while psychically stimulating them until you can't stop drooling cum.

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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Need more alien girls, clearly. Need bird-girls who will sit on your balls, making them warmer and warmer while psychically stimulating them until you can't stop drooling cum.


oh dear... I think fen just got idears from this xD


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
*gasp* Yeeeeeeeeeee! This is the first time I've seen love for a character I made! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for writing this! I'm so happy you like her and all her oddities. 

These are like all the points I was going for with Tlako, and I can't tell you how gratifying it is to see you not only picking up on them but expressing appreciation for them ^_^  <3

As far as character progress goes, I'm not sure. I was originally waiting to see if people liked her or if she'd kinda remain a one-off oddball character.

I originally saw two options:

1. Steele recruits Tlako after a disastrous business venture, and she becomes a financial adviser on the ship, where Tlako can suggest stocks/business opportunities, and Steele can choose to invest in them, with randomized/semi-influenced returns on them. She basically becomes an accountant waifu, with potential for her getting "aroused" if she brings in a huge haul, offering to celebrate with the PC.

2. Tlako appearing later in the game at subsequent tiers of tove business ranks, with new items, or even missions as a questgiver for the PC.

I honestly do like that idea of her getting slowly ... is "corrupted" the right word? Maybe more "acclimated" to fucking, enjoying the closeness and becoming more and more of a weirdo among weirdos with the other toves.

Well, I'm glad my appreciation made you so happy.

Regarding the options for future development, I just have to say... why not both? A lot of characters in these games have branching development routes, so why not give Tlako 2 possible routes her story can develop down: in the first, she becomes more successful at business (with your assistance). reappearing as a questgiver/vendor who occasionally has sex with you to thank you for your continued patronage; in the second, she (as I suggested) becomes increasingly distracted by the pleasurable possibilities of sex, turning her efforts to sexually modding herself instead of focusing on profit, until she's outcast from Tove society as a pervert, forcing her to join your crew as a, as you put it, "accountant waifu" (I don't think it's a good idea to do this after a "disastrous business venture"- after all, would you hire a bus driver who was fired for clumsily causing a massive road accident with multiple fatalities as your chauffer?). I think this gives the two paths a stronger differentiation from each other. That's just my advice, though.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
She could even walk a line in the middle a la Anno and her Steele Tech/Black Market routes while being a crewmember.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Pretty sure that at least a couple of people stated that they really liked Tlako and listed pretty much the same reasons in her Submissions thread. But it never hurts to say nice things a couple more times to awesome people that deliver great content, so: thank you for delivering a truly unique, alien and extremely adorable character, Froggy. :D

Now for her possible future content I would like to see the two idea you listed combined in a consecutive progression: PC will help her to climb the ranks of Camarillia and explore her newly found interest in sexuality. Then, when the disastrous business venture will happen, Steele will take her in. Hopefully, by that time Captain Steele will claw out enough money and influence for that not to be a massive downgrate in Tlaco's quality of life. As an additional bonus, this model will go well with multiple x-pack nature and staggered development and implementation time for her content. 

I don't think it's a good idea to do this after a "disastrous business venture"- after all, would you hire a bus driver who was fired for clumsily causing a massive road accident with multiple fatalities as your chauffer?

I think that the most likely reason behind Tlako's failure won't be incompetence, but her morals and gentle nature, which won't go well with the high-level decision making of ruthless unregulated capitalist society. Disastrous may very well mean 'not having 300% profit margin' for toves.

BTW, one thing I think should be fixed in her scene - her panic when knotted should be only on first time.

Nice catch. However simply making this bit first time only won't be ideal since that will leave players with knotty dicks without extra blurbs on consecutive encounters. So Frogapus may need to write an additional one to replace it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
*gasp* Yeeeeeeeeeee! This is the first time I've seen love for a character I made! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for writing this! I'm so happy you like her and all her oddities. 

Tlako is quite simply my favorite character in TiTS. I just want to sit and cuddle her and preen her for hours. Ever since the Toves were introduced I found them interesting, and their Credit-lust adorable.  I would love to see more Toves in the future, with lots of cute and tranquil pettings. 


Oct 16, 2015
Frog ill be blunt i LOVE Tlako, she is my fav new character introduced in a long long time. and i have been fearing that she would be one of the types of NPCs that's introduced and never expanded upon, i am happy to see that you don't want that the be the case. i think any new content would be nice for her. as for what i would personally like to see, id like to as Steel techs future CEO buy her out from the camarilla or be an angel investor and save her from a bad investment. id like her to serve as my personal secretary an financial advisor, pretty damn certain id be better for her then her current boss. My heart breaks every time i see what she is going threw. and i would like a path to help her discover sexual pleasure perhaps the first trove to do so, its very interesting that she is from an asexuial species its something new and i respect your artistic vision to deliver that. but with all the biotech at this galaxy disposal it shouldn't be too hard to get her some modifications so she can experience sex as others do, it might be a nice reward for the player for bonding with her and building that trusting relationship. and it might be nice to see how she handles experiencing that kind of stimulation and intimacy with someone for the first time i hope that becomes an optional path because at the end of the day you can only have so much fun when you are the only one really having fun.
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Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
Oh my gosh! I'm overwhelmed at all the positive feedback here! I can't tell you guys what it means to me that you all love my little weirdo! <3

I think this certainly qualifies as a "positive response," so I'm definitely going to start working up some plans for another Tlako installment. ^_^


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
I've yet to meet her but can tell from her Wiki page she is a fun character and I hope to see where you take her.


I really like her scenes and look forward to future content from you for her. Any chance of a breastfeeding scene next? :p
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I can't sexualize her at all. I just imagine this muppet that I want to pet and then move on. There's nothing wrong with that, I'm just saying.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I can't sexualize her at all. I just imagine this muppet that I want to pet and then move on. There's nothing wrong with that, I'm just saying.

*shudder* muppet sex? *shudders harder* first thing that comes to mind when I think of Muppets is Rygel from Farscape.

I can't judge the content of this character yet as I've not encountered nor got that far in my current play through.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
I think a scene needed is a cuddle scene. She may not be able to get pleasure from sex but everyone can enjoy being held by their lover
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Mar 6, 2016
yeah i have to agree - tlako amuses me grandly, even as a pure female steele. i just kinda want to hug her like a plushie :V

anyway, you should totally follow both routes. in fact, you should make route #2 the only actual progression, wherein that in and of itself leads to route #1 happening...or not. thats the choice. recruit, dont recruit. otherwise #2 full stop, because i would love to see more development before she joins your crew.

kinda have to wonder how we always seem to have room for one more on the Space WinnebagoTM though. I think it may be nearing time for an upgrade. Though in fairness the two goo girls and the android probably don't require much in the way of space. Just shove em all in a closet somewhere to make room for Tlako's nest. She has a nest right? I mean, she is a bird. But is she even really a she? I don't think her species really has genders. Her not-quite-vagina had to be modded on, after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
kinda have to wonder how we always seem to have room for one more on the Space WinnebagoTM though. I think it may be nearing time for an upgrade.

It'll likely take a whole year for any ship expansion content to be a delivered. And that's only when Fenco decides to get to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I think ship expansion IS req. for Free Year starting so I think as there are signs that Free Year is coming near it should mean Ship X-pack too. Welll maybe till end of year so at worst half an year of waiting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Well I think ship expansion IS req. for Free Year starting so I think as there are signs that Free Year is coming near it should mean Ship X-pack too. Welll maybe till end of year so at worst half an year of waiting.

Free Year?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Free Year?

Yeah it was promise from Offbeat campain that after getting TiTS enough completed Fen will make it free for everyone for one year. And so there was list what mean TiTS is ready to go into Free Year (Yammi follower stuff was one of those, same as space fight and ships mechanic). After this he would be giving free builds but they will be 2-3 versions behind current backer build.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Yeah it was promise from Offbeat campain that after getting TiTS enough completed Fen will make it free for everyone for one year. And so there was list what mean TiTS is ready to go into Free Year (Yammi follower stuff was one of those, same as space fight and ships mechanic). After this he would be giving free builds but they will be 2-3 versions behind current backer build.

I see.

Is there a full list somewhere of what is req for free year to start?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I see.

Is there a full list somewhere of what is req for free year to start?

At old forum this list was put somewhere but on new one I think wasn't yet made and posted. Currently best way to know what is still left on this to-do list before Free year starts is to contact one of admins (Fen and Savin and maybe Gedan but not sure if she would know this...probably but I not fully sure on this one). Eventualy you could look for Fen Offbeatr for TiTS and there should be also this list.