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Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
The way I see it, there are three ways to fix TF combat effects.

1: Remove all of them. Seperate TFs and combat entirely.

2: Give (nearly) all major TFs a combat boost of some kind. So at least people dont have to strictly stick with one spesific TF to get a boost, but rather can get a boost form any TF they want.

3: Make TF related boosts just a cosmetic change. Have vanee milk? Dont make it a seperate ability, just make it functionally identical to useing breast teese, but with a diferent text.

Personally im inclined to option 2. I wouldnt mind every race haveing a unique small combat bonus, Ausar could have a better sense of smell and thus can smell the position of there enemy, which makes blinded debuffs have a signifcantly reduced accuracy penalty, Vanae could deal 10% more teese damage, Ovir could be imune to effects such as being tripped over (4 legs does help balance), and so on.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, but, I don't wanna bring it up with Fen for the millionth time... he'll beat me again... :(

Maybe based J-Cup or Geddy will do what Couch said re: drug damage. I've been onboard with something like that since Fen first brought it up as a problem case.

*watches this plan explode in his face*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Personally im inclined to option 2. I wouldnt mind every race haveing a unique small combat bonus, Ausar could have a better sense of smell and thus can smell the position of there enemy, which makes blinded debuffs have a signifcantly reduced accuracy penalty, Vanae could deal 10% more teese damage, Ovir could be imune to effects such as being tripped over (4 legs does help balance), and so on.


Again,this would be more like bodypart-type effects rather than racials. Any taur should be more resistant to tripping, any predatory morph should have keen nose etc. And this would logically lead to size and mass effects... And mass effects would lead to the invasion of the ancient synthetic eldritch abominations. Ouch, wrong game. Anyways, this would be a hell of minmaxing fuel.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Again,this would be more like bodypart-type effects rather than racials. Any taur should be more resistant to tripping, any predatory morph should have keen nose etc. And this would logically lead to size and mass effects... And mass effects would lead to the invasion of the ancient synthetic eldritch abominations. Ouch, wrong game. Anyways, this would be a hell of minmaxing fuel.

It shouldn't matter if its min maxing fuel. It's a single player porn game that's so easy that even the most unoptimized build can get through the game while a player is wanking. It's not like there is a competitive PvP scene that we need to ensure all PCs are balanced against. If a min maxer wants to have a power fantasy and curbstopmp stuff that doesn't hurt anyone. As long as the least optimal build can clear an area then everything should be perfectly fine. 

Also people hate being told to use an "easy"  mode cause it hurts their pride/ implies they suck. The way around that bit of stubborn human nature is to call the easiest mode 'normal'  and then for actual challenges call that hard mode. 'Normal' mode should be easy enough to get through one handed. So minmaxing shouldn't matter (Perhaps relable the current 'easy'  mode and set as the default) 

Now for a harder mode intended to be challenging minmaxing still isn't neccisarily such a bad thing cause at that point by activly toggling the difficulty slider up the player is making it clear that they are playing to try and beat a challenge rather than just being here to wank to their favorite fetishes/ kinks.

If they become a fire resistant dragon for the sake of beating Dr. Lash eh that's just a sign of them being dedicated to overcoming the challenge. If anything not resorting to the use of the strongest TFs and doing something like beating Dr. Lash as persay a Raskvel or their otherwise favorite yet suboptimal morph could become something like a mark of pride/skill.
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Aug 27, 2015
It shouldn't matter if its min maxing fuel. It's a single player porn game that's so easy that even the most unoptimized build can get through the game while a player is wanking.

This argument goes back and forth and always comes back to this essential point. You have to understand that the developers do not agree with it. They aren't willing to sacrifice balance and let you do all kinds of whacky shit in combat by growing tusks and becoming 10 feet tall just because it's a smut game. Your mentioning of Dr. Lash is prescient - if it were possible to defeat him easily by growing a skunk dick on your forehead, then that is exactly what 90% of players would feel they would have to do, regardless of the fact he's supposed to be a challenge boss.

It's not as straightforward as saying "Just let the player do whatever they want lol", because then the game becomes impossible to balance. The argument then would be to make it so easy that anyone can beat it - but what would be the point in it being a game in the first place?

@Savin what happened bb?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Your mentioning of Dr. Lash is prescient - if it were possible to defeat him easily by growing a skunk dick on your forehead, then that is exactly what 90% of players would feel they would have to do, regardless of the fact he's supposed to be a challenge boss.

Firstly, I think you overestimate the number of players who gives enough of a shit about optional non-sexual content and min-maxing. But in any case, even if we assume that it will go exactly as you predict and all those people will feel pressured to TF into a grolious skunk form in order to defeat a particular boss: what's the harm in that? They will do it, win the fight, and then either become one with their inner skunk, or TF back and go on their merry way.

It's not as straightforward as saying "Just let the player do whatever they want lol", because then the game becomes impossible to balance. The argument then would be to make it so easy that anyone can beat it - but what would be the point in it being a game in the first place?

There is a glaring issue of Lust weapons still being broken and OP as fuck. The stated policy regarding normal mobs pretty much already is 'balancing them against the lowest common denominator of entirely smut-focused players' and 'allowing for mashing button X to be a valid way of skiping straight to the smut'. Beyond that, every boss that can't be button mashed through, while interesting, tends to have a pretty narrow selection of optimal strategies, and if the player doesn't comply, they have a (relatively) tough time beating it.

You are totally right in that the devs' unwillingness to go down that route still is enough to render discussions like this (almost) entirely pointless.

On top of that, some (if not most) of the people that state their desire to have all those racial perks and the ability to create their munchkin special snowflakes would still rather see the limited time of TiTS coders and writers spent on delivering more planets and NPCs. I know I do.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But in any case, even if we assume that it will go exactly as you predict and all those people will feel pressured to TF into a grolious skunk form in order to defeat a particular boss: what's the harm in that? They will do it, win the fight, and then either become one with their inner skunk, or TF back and go on their merry way.

The devs unwillingness to go down that route still is enough to render discussions like this (almost) entirely pointless.

1: I wholeheartedly agree with that, not everyone is gonna stay in that same TF forever. It would be most likely be a one use and done TF and might never go back to it for some or alot.

2: And that's what sucks about these discussions, as long as their unwilling to do TF/Racial combat perks or even discuss/consider them, all we're doing is complaining on deaf ears.

Also another thing I wish to get in the game is more DP scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1: I wholeheartedly agree with that, not everyone is gonna stay in that same TF forever. It would be most likely be a one use and done TF and might never go back to it for some or alot.


Unless you are using vanilla TF, fine-tuning your body can take a lot of time. And having to shift forms is frustrating.

Also another thing I wish to get in the game is more DP scenes.


Yep, +1 here.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Unless you are using vanilla TF, fine-tuning your body can take a lot of time. And having to shift forms is frustrating.

Players will have a choice between being as powerful as they can be/optimized for certain things and assuming the form they want to see banging, true. There is however a pretty good chance that those two things will intersect for a bunch of people (e.g. dragondongers currently crush the poll and Spess Dragons are prime candidates for useful TFs); even if it won't be the case, having to savescum a couple more times doesn't seem like high price for being able to enjoy being an unstoppable adventuring machine and banging whatever you want as whatever you want at the same time.

Especially since assuming a particular non-vanila form already is a trial.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2016
Perks, perks, perks...As it appears, only a plenty of people here playing TiTS for the characters, their stories and porn of course.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Perks, perks, perks...As it appears, only a plenty of people here playing TiTS for the characters, their stories and porn of course.

Surprisingly, some people are playing TF game for the TFs and the game. And perks are part of both.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I would like a ship that's actually even smaller and more maneuverable than the Casstech, for when space combat becomes a thing. I'd trade waifu storage space for performance, easily.

Speaking of perks... I wouldn't mind getting some piloting-related perks added.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would like a ship that's actually even smaller and more maneuverable than the Casstech, for when space combat becomes a thing. I'd trade waifu storage space for performance, easily.

Speaking of perks... I wouldn't mind getting some piloting-related perks added.

Afaik actualy crew members will be used as sort of Space combat perks for ship. So with Anno on board we got diff bonus perk than having...Hand So (well at least that what I seen so far from devs talking about space combat).


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Afaik actualy crew members will be used as sort of Space combat perks for ship. So with Anno on board we got diff bonus perk than having...Hand So (well at least that what I seen so far from devs talking about space combat).

Ahh yes, that little detail had slipped my mind. Thank you for reminding me. I suppose I might have a choice to make, then. An AI/VI might do just fine though... I guess I'll see.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Afaik actualy crew members will be used as sort of Space combat perks for ship. So with Anno on board we got diff bonus perk than having...Hand So (well at least that what I seen so far from devs talking about space combat).

Speaking of Hand So, how long Steele can buy a VR helmet and have virtual sex with his/her captured AI?
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
With everything Hand So is capable of, 21st century VR is hardly her best.

Someone code her so I can fund the rest of her.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Well some of the standard aliens in popular culture would be a good start. I think there is already one for green martians. Now we need one for Greys. 
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
god fucking damn it all... sees alien image and thinks about Stargate SG1 Asgard with genitals and boobs showing.



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Okay, but ho\/\/ does one distinguish that from the Hrad (green alien) morph currently in-game?

Lack of antennae, enlarged eyes, facial TF that diminishes or removes nose, remove external ears. The TF should increase height and reduce tone / thickness significantly. If it changes leg and arm type they should be described as being long and slender.

Hrad TF does nothing to your eye type or your ears.

For a twi'lek TF those head tentacle things might be considered a new hair type. Or depending on if tentacle hair can be styled then they might count as long tentacle pigtails.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Another good non animal TF would be some sort of humanoid tentacle beast. Something along these lines. 


The Plant TF thats been submitted is adding plant vine tentacles as a possible Wing slot TF. This could add fleshy tentacle "wings" as an alternative. It would be good to add variety in terms of the kinds of back tentacles a PC can possible get. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I would like more gangbang scenes in general, something like the sex scenes from the Male Raskvels.

I'm gonna draw 'inspiration' from another adult game I like and say, I want a scene where Steele goes to a shower or public bath and enters the wrong gender's room... which leads to a gangbang.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A collar or collars. you know for pet play and stuff only you where it all the time cause reasons.
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