[RPG] Renryuu: Ascension


Oct 2, 2016
tablet 1 says pickaxe just count how many are there well there were only 2 pickaxe so it makes 1=2 second count the spider web there are total 5 of them so 2=5 third one count holes in the walls six holes that's 3=6 and the last tables says small rocks well there are only four stacks of them and so 4=4 Honestly I nearly broken my brain tryng to figure it out xD  

You are smart, not like me... :negative:


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
We can't go to Dragonia yet right?

Screw me, Dragonia would've actually be a way better name than my Drogania. >.< You're hired for naming things in my game from now on!
But no the country can't be entered yet. I'll finish Begus first before making maps for Drogania. This is to prevent speading myself out too much and having huge empty areas without access or any important events.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2016
Screw me, Dragonia would've actually be a way better name than my Drogania. >.< You're hired for naming things in my game from now on!
But no the country can't be entered yet. I'll finish Begus first before making maps for Drogania. This is to prevent speading myself out too much and having huge empty areas without access or any important events.

ohh it was Drogania, sorry. o,o

Oky Thanke for answer. Waiting for begus finish then. Waiting to meet Begus Kind/Queen.
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Oct 2, 2016
When I die in Witton's cave by stone trap, the rolling sound of the stone trap can't stop in the rest of the game...(only in that save file) Is that bug?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
When I die in Witton's cave by stone trap, the rolling sound of the stone trap can't stop in the rest of the game...(only in that save file) Is that bug?

Yes that's a bug. I just recently changed the trap to let you continue afterwards if you get hit instead of giving you a game over screen but I must have forgotten to make the sound stop if you continue like this. Thanks for letting me know! I'll fix it for the next update. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2016
hmm about nemorvyra that succubus at south dungeon does it matter at this point of the game if you take lessons and improve relationships with countrys? Like in that first meeting with begus? Does it change anything? If yes then i guess i have to play again from the beginning, because i forgot about that door and i have done everything else.  and where can i see what is my relationship with other countrys?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

The new update is finally uploaded! It contains:

  • New content for the main story line. (continues in Witton where it ended before)
  • Item synthesis at several blacksmith now possible!
  • You can now harvest Iron Ore in several dungeons after getting the Mithril Pickaxe. You’ll get the pickaxe during a side quest of the new story line events which also brings you to the new map Dhranholl mines.
  • More about different races with Ellanore at the sleeping chambers.
  • Sound bug with the stone boulder trap fixed.
  • Stone seller dialog in the capital changed to make it easier to find him.
  • New CG scenes added for Hellhound and the Wyvern girl Leneth. You can start those events and find Leneth in a locked storage at the Norhall Stronghold in Begus. You’ll need Sandra to open the door.


I’m also working on a new battle system for the warmap. You can take a look at the current state of it in the screenshot below. Moving your own units (green) around and attack enemies works fine but making conditions for enemies to react to your units is still taking some time. Also planned to be added in this system are:

  • Research trees for each unit time (replaces "formation" in the warmap screen)
  • Experience for fight and level ups for each unit.
  • Special commanders (maybe as "heros") for units.


The walkthrough will be updated in a bit as well.

Please be so kind to leave your feedback here or per mail at naughty-netherpunch@web.de

Download the newest version at:

-- Mediafire --
-- MEGA --

You can also find the file "Renryuu 23.09.16 to 07.10.16 update files.zip" in the download folder. This should contain all files you need for the update without the need to download the entire game again. Since it's the first time I'm trying to do it this way please let me know when something doesn't work.

General information:

You can continue to play your old progress by copying the old save folder into the folder of the new game version.

Saveslot 15 and 16 are used for auto-saves. Don’t save your
own progress there if you don’t want it to get overwritten with


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Bug Report: When you go to the guard at the mine after getting the pickax and the dialogue box that says "Quest "Access Permit" added." pops up and you click to move forward, a message pops up that says "Syntax Error Unexpected String"

Side note: I haven't played for awhile, so where is this "Kurohime" character? She wasn't in the game the last time I played. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
I got some messages after the upload about this bug and quickly uploaded a fixed version. Guess you were just a bit faster with your download. :D If you play the windows version you can download "Renryuu 23.09.16 to 07.10.16 update files v2.zip" to get only the changed files and overwrite the old ones to fix the problem.

Kurohime appears in the hidden room behind your bedroom after you finished the traitor questline. She is the catgirl hired by a noble to kill you.


Oct 2, 2016
I found the bug which is not important to fix -_-...

Leneth in Norhall stronghold is never gone however how many time you bring her out of the storage...


Oct 2, 2016
Another small bug...

  1. Every time when I chat with Knocky at the homeland of Mirel, Trey will always ask about the Katryx ore like I just want to take your pickaxe -_-...
  2. Every time I view the scene of Head maid(I forgot her name lol) the game will stop loading (on win10)


Oct 2, 2016
Sorry for making so many noise in this post... But I want to talking about the problem of skill of characters in this game...


  • Debug attack... this skill will kill enemy in one hit(but not key enemy or boss), however this skill is not affect on important enemy but this skill make level up too easy, so I think this skill is only for Ryen in the early game, like until to level 10 he will be lost this skill...
  • Flameblade... I know this skill is for add some magic damage for Ryen's normal attack, but I feel this skill is too under power, can you add more magic damage for this skill? Most time basic damage is even higher than when flameblade mode on

Burn Magic... This is use for 'burn' down enemy's magic... but this is not really useful... because normally magic user is always have so many MP and each time you can only 'burn' 1 enemy and only take about 30MP away, by the time you burn all MP your team is already kill them all or you already die. Silence will do much better job than this.

Confusion... I am really don't know what is this magic do...


  • Battle Cry... this skill is only let people attack in the rest of battle... but I feel it is useless, maybe change to make physical damage to all party member will be better?
  • Why Tsubaki have MOST MP in all character???

Vampire: Basic Instincts... this skill will add bloodthirst to her but... it does no damage to vampire... she just keep healing herself during battle and anytime, maybe she should lost HP while she is not in battle?

Kayelinth: I was think she will be have higher physical damage... But my dream break... She is ONLY good at self heal...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Don't worry about being noise, I like all feedback that might help to improve the game. :)

- I know some people have a hard time not to use the debug attack but it's something purely optional. So if you want to have the real combat experience just don't use it. ^^ But I got comments about this attack in both ways, some people love it and some hate it.
- It's on purpose that flameblade only adds the fire element to Ryens attack and doesn't increase the damage itself. It's supposed to be a situational skill and not one you use every battle without thinking about it.
- Most enemies have very limited MPs actually but it might take 2-3 burns before they're empty. Maybe burning one enemy while killing another would be a good strategy in some fights. Beside that there is also a boss enemy that has quite small MP as well and was especially designed in a way to make it a lot easier if you use burn magic.
- Battle Cry was meant as an auto attack for people who're bored of battles. Given that you can use the debug attack most of the time or simply keep pressing enter it's not a very useful skill indeed.
- I don't know if you looked at the wrong character or something went wrong but Tsubaki has very little MP. Only Brad, Sandra and Elly have less MP.
- The state Vampire gets after using basic instinc was indeed bugged and gave her 12% health regeneration instead of a constant decrease. She is supposed to take damage during battle and afterwards until you use orangium or sleep to get ride of the bloodthrist state.
- I can take another look at Kayelinth to see if she needs to be balanced.

Thanks for your feedback!


Oct 2, 2016
Thank you to tell me that but I still have something to say... I know Tsubaki can't use any magic and Tsubaki is really have very little MP at the begin...(maybe it is bug for me only?) but in my game she have high MP when she is in level 20, and I never giver her mana up or magic up, I gave all mana up to Chiyo and Mira.Capture.PNG


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
@Nok Did you use the M.MP upgrade in the skilltree before getting the other characters? I think it was done wrong and only increased MP of characters currently in the party. This way you might have increased Tsubakis MP to a way higher value than  other characters.The normal amount of MP Tsubaki has at level 20 is 202.

@Hizor It's free. Give it a try. :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Well, I finally got along and tried this game..

Really like it so far and it shows a lot of promise!

The only issues I have is that it can be a bit cryptic at times (especially when it comes to unlock H-Scenes) and that I feel that every time you have to chose an option, there is a correct and a wrong one..

Also, I want to tell Ryen that there are people who actually prefer smaller breasts, not every guy likes 'em big x_x

But yeah, the game is very promissing =)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Happy to hear you enjoy the game. :) Most choices don't really have grave results, just increase or decrease your relationship with someone or change the course of the event but the end is usually the same. So you don't really need to worry to much about it yet. Once the final part of the game comes the choices will have more impact though. =)
I don't recall in which scene it was at the moment but Ryen does mention that he thinks breasts of all sizes can be beautiful if they suit the girl. So while he'll compliment and enjoy the big ones when he has them, he won't complain when he get's some smaller ones either. :D


Oct 2, 2016
@Nok Did you use the M.MP upgrade in the skilltree before getting the other characters? I think it was done wrong and only increased MP of characters currently in the party. This way you might have increased Tsubakis MP to a way higher value than  other characters.The normal amount of MP Tsubaki has at level 20 is 202.

@Hizor It's free. Give it a try. :D

hmmm.... I am not really sure what do you talking about but this is my skill tree...



Oct 2, 2016
Probably, but then I would love to know where the bug comes from in order to fix it. :D

I don't know the reason of Tsubaki get so many MP because I never use her after I have Brad and Sandra... They are just much more better than Tsubaki in frighting in my opinion, like Brad is just SO overpower in most case. The only thing I know is I am never level up any magic upgrade or give her any mana up or magic up.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2016
I'm in mai 2nd play through and the biggest issue I have is the lack of information in the Quest Log.  In most cases the quest log only gives you a hint about the NPC you need to talk to and rarely the actual location of the NPC.  If Rayn is going to make a note about something important than the location of the NPC is most important.

Another bit, when will Headmaid Ryia ctually have a sellection of females?

Also, I'm really impressed with your owrk, overall. 


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
I can take a look at the quest log if I can make it more specific about the locations. In general I don't give much informations if the group wasn't told much either but if they know where the goal is it should obviously be in the quest log as well.

I wanted to work on the headmaid for a while but it always seems to get pushed back for other stuff. ^^" It'll definitly happen in the near future but I can't say when exactly.

Thanks for the praise. You must really like the game if you play it through a second time. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016



A new version has been uploaded and contains:

- 3 requests, 2 bounties and 1 event available at the new city board in front of your castle.

- Several buggy recipe fixed.

- Changed the name of the time value "days" in the merchants map. This is supposed to aviod confusion of people who think they would need to sleep in order to skip days.

- Auto-save can be toggled on/off in the main menu now.


General information:

- You can continue to play your old progress by copying the old save folder into the folder of the new game version.

- Saveslot 15 and 16 are used for auto-saves. Don’t save your own progress there if you don’t want it to get overwritten with auto-saves or toggle off auto-saves in the main menu.

Thanks to my game testers for finding several bugs and helping to improve this upload beforehand.


Download the newest version at:

-- Mediafire -- 

-- MEGA --