Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie beamed at the slight show of affection, and had a wisp of a scheme brewing her head. She didn't have the heart to throw out her dagger, but maybe it was about time for her to get a new weapon? "Say Korlish, where'd you get that thing anyways? Your bow I mean. Solid choice is right, I'm no help with my knife, so maybe I'm ready for an upgrade?" She said, taking heed of Busco's call as she poked and prodded at Samara and Walsh until they were on their feet. "Busco's right though everyone, time to haul ass unless you want to get janked by the lizard people."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh and Samara finally get themselves together and join up with the rest of the group as they start to move. Korlish looks at his bow then at Melanie. "Hmm, Well I made this after several tries. I went through at lest four or five bad bows before I finally got the dimensions for it right. Then I just carved it out and used some vine for the string here. The arrows themselves are just sticks with leaves instead of feathers and widdled to a point. Gets the job done so long as armor isn't involved."  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I'll have to keep an eye out for some good materials then, and then you can teach me to shoot til' we're the best sharpshooting duo in all of the labyrinth." Melanie was exaggerating, but still found herself excited nonetheless. The good night's sleep had put her in a good mood, and well in a state for a bit of travelling. The hot dirt of the badlands felt strange beneath her feet, but a welcome change from the snow as she headed on alongside the group.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"...Hmm...", Umi said as she listened to the other two. "Well... i don't think capturing one of those beast people will really do anything for us if we cant talk to them... but then again what if one of them was a persons like us once." Umi said as she took a seat facing away from Wendy. She didnt want to seemed rude and she new Wendy couldn't help it but, she was good looking and the sigh of her was arousing to her. either that or there was so lingering effects of the mansion in her body still.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I will gather some vine and stick, to make a trap and some weapons, if one of you could find us some stone to make spear it would be perfect" Luna said to Wendy and Umi in a nonchalante way like all the warning she received were nothing but legend. Then she walked toward the forest. "This forest doesn't seems too bad compared to the last one, but I should keep an eye out" She said in her head


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish laughs and pets her head again "Maybe... but I doubt you will find the proper materials here. I haven't seen a single tree for wood so far." The group makes their way eastward again, stopping every now and again to get out of the sun or cut up some more cactus chunks with Melanie's knife. Busco's ears keep twitching back and forth and he listens for barbarians or any other approaching dangers while still keeping his friendly chatter going. However, he comes to a sudden stop and slowly reaches for his hammer.

Busco: "Well... this might not end well. I guess they didn't take kindly to our treatment of their scouts." he says as eight raptor men climb up from the crevice around them on the left and right. These ones have leather armor pieces and the usual wooden clubs. Walsh and Samara get their bone weapons ready while Walsh draws his bow once again. The air is still as both sides wait for the other to move.

"Plenty of rocks along the shore we could use to make a spear. Why don't you look with me... i'm sorry, what was your name again bee lady?" She gives Umi a sheepish look. "Also, I have heard of people that give up and simply blend in to the labyrinth in whatever zone fits their liking the most... there is a chance one of these savages is actually a person like us... if they even remember that point in their lives.

As Luna approached the forst she got an uneasy feeling... like this place was just full of danger. She could already see vines up above and some sticks were on the floor just a few steps in.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I have already been in some dangerous forest before this is nothing new" She thought trying to calm herself then she started to gather some plants and vines.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie took a moment to assess the situation. By now, it was pretty irrefutable that she couldn't do too much on her own in situations like these. Samara and Walsh had their weapons, as well as each other, while Busco seemed to be more than competent when left to his own devices. She drew her dagger yet again as Korlish readied his bow, deciding that she could help him out with whatever distance couldn't handle.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco suddenly stomped his hoof and roared before charging forward, slamming his hammer into the first of the raptor men and all hell broke loose. Two raptors went after Samara and Walsh while another one charge at Melanie only to get an arrow in the gut from Walsh. A second one jumped at him and he was forced to roll away lest he get clubbed in the head. A third one moved for Walsh and Samara while the other two charged after Busco.

As Luna was picking up vines and sticks she could not shake the feeling that she was being watched already. She could not tell for where or by what... but it was close by already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie helped Korlish re-orientate himself, ensuring that he had his bow and arrows, while preparing herself to dodge if the one that had lunged at them tried to come back.

[AGI 10+4=14]


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna moved back a little bit and started to examine the forest. She was clearly feared, but was trying to keep her composure.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi didn't like letting Luna run off like that but she seemed to be able to handle herself (she hoped). "oh uh... the names Um, I'm a Zil. yeah sure.. I-I'll help you with that..." Umi said as she got back up.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The raptor man swung his club at Melanie but missed as she deftly dodged over it. Korlish was already up and ready thanks to Melanie tossing his bow back to him and he swiftly planted an arrow in the raptors shoulder. Sadly that was not enough as it simply hissed and swung at him again, landing a hit on his leg which make Korlish cry out and take a knee.

As Luna looked about, the feeling of being watched seemed to fade away as she moved back onto the sands just a bit. It seems Wendy was right, they want nothing to do with the beach or ocean. Meanwhile Umi got to looking for good wrocks with Wendy. "A Zil? What is a Zil? A bee person? that is pretty cool. Don't have any Zil where I came from, but if they are all as cute as you then it would be a bonus!" Wendy bends down to check a few rocks, giving Umi full view of her pussy and ass. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna was comforted that the sand was a safe place. She then started to gather rocks and vine again. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Again, Melanie tried to make sure Korlish still had his bow as she stood protectively in front of him, baring her knife with a snarl. She peeked over to see how Samara and Walsh were holding up, before readying herself to slash at the raptor when he came close, or take the hit in place of the wounded Korlish.

[STR 4+3=7]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Melanie had to slide his bow back over to him again as he clutched his no doubt bruised leg. The raptor man lifted his club to swing but her knife slashed across his chest, leaving a bloody cut across it. A hiss of pain filled the air as he backed up for a few second before swinging at her, his club clipping her left shoulder. Meanwhile, Walsh and Samara were having troubles as they were out numbers. Walsh swung left and right, trying to keep them at a distance while Samara as looking for an opening. After dodging the next swing from a raptor, she lefts fly with a wicked upper cut, sending the raptor flying through the air and landing with a thud. 

[Samara is getting near perfect and perfect rolls this fight.]

The moment Luna stepped forward again she found a furry hand over her mouth, an arm locking her arms down and a strong body holding her still. She briefly catches the sight of a badger looking person before a blind fold is pushed over her eyes and she is dragged off into the forest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gulped as she caught sight of Wendy's firm ass and yummy pussy. She quickly averted her eyes as she smelled a bit of her lust fume escape form her pussy. She looked back down to the stones seeing if see could find any flint. "um so...Wendy. how did you get here... and were you always like that?", Umi asked being genuinely curious. Just then a stray breeze blew by and Umi's sun dress was lifted up showing her slightly wet black slit. she gasped and quickly pulled it down her face extremely embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy smiled as she got a great view of that puffy black pussy. "Yes, I have always looked like this. I got here the same way everyone else did I think. Took a nap on my couch and woke up in a sandstone room. This is only the second place I have been in so... I don't think I have been here too long." She takes a few sniffs of the air. "Is that you I am smelling?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie winced, fingers skimming across her injured shoulder by habit. The sight of Samara knocking a raptor out of the ballpark helped her to numb the pain with a smile, and her gaze flitted to the side and back to check on Busco. When she made an attempt to help Korlish upright, Melanie readied her stance, determination clear in her eyes as she prepared to dodge yet again.

[AGI 10+6=16]


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna tried to fight against her kidnapper but all happened too quickly and he was much more stronger then her. "HELP! HELP!" She knew she was already too far in the wood for Umi and Wendy to hear her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
umi was feeling very nervous now. "Oh! well..... yes.... that's me. Oh! don't breathe that in! its-its.... a lust pheromone!", Umi said, being very embarrassed with herself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish was back on his paws again and waiting for a chance to shoot. When the raptor attacked again Melanie dodged so quickly and so perfectly that her attacker was thrown off balance! It left him wide open for another arrow to get lodged in his head, dropping the raptor man to the floor. Brusco was winning his fight, but not without injury as blood trickled from his snout. However, two of his three attackers were down and he was not faltering in the slightests. A loud yip riings out as Walsh takes a hit to his arm and he drops his club, Samara moving to punch the raptor away from him.

Luna is dragged for a while before a second badger drops down and grabs her legs, two of the savages carrying her away deeper into the forest. She is eventually hauled up the trees where she takes in a system of vines and platforms that make up the badger peoples homes. She is taken off to the side and tied firmly to a T shaped stand. Her clothes are pulled off adn thrown aside as the two savages begin to poke and prod at her naked form with curiosity. 

Wendy give Umi a good natured laugh as she pats her shoulder. "Ah no need to worry girl, I can handle a bit of lust in my system. Could always take a cold swim to calm my loins as well. Unless you would rather I push myself on you." She gives her a wink and picks up a sharp looking rock. "Oh, this should work."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna tried to fight against both savage but she wasn't strong enough. "Do you have a chief I could talk too?" she was having flashbacks from her last attempt at tribal diplomacy and was not liking where this was going.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Korlish, cover Samara and Walsh, and keep an eye on Busco if you can, I'm gonna go try and lend a hand." Melanie breathed, charging into the fray and towards the misplaced club, hoping to hand it back off to Walsh, as readied herself to avoid whatever came her way.

[AGI 10+6=16]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The savages promptly ignored her as they continued to poke at her body. One quickly grabbed at her breasts and roughly groped them while the one poking lower slipped a finger into her pussy.

Korlish nodded and turned his view to the others, sending an arrow down their way to make the current lizard man dodge out of the way instead of attacking. Melanie was able to grab Walsh's club easily enough But she had to quickly roll out of the way of a club coming straight down toward her head. Only three raptors are left now, two are on Samara and Walsh while the last one was left to Busco's gentle company.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was feeling embarrassed and all kinds of stressful things, but Wendy seemed nice enough so Umi tried to calm herself down, taking deep breaths of the crisp ocean air. "So, were are you from originally Wendy? I've never seen your kind before." she asked as she found a good sharp looking stone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I'm from Sith'rathel, a water planet that is perfect for people like me. In my world, we had free space travel and could move from planet to planet with ease. Heck, we were moving to different start systems last I checked. We had crazy stuff like laser guns and hover boards. It was pretty cool... but being in here has made me respect the simple idea of a sturdy stick and some good rope!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Don't do this please!" Luna said to the savage. Luna felt arousal built up, flashback from her encounter with the lizard people was just making her even wetter. "This labyrinth is making me crazy"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie picked the heavy thing up with both hands and promptly passed it on to its proper owner. The bulk of the fight seemed to be over, and she got back on her feet with a deep breath. Hoping more to create a distraction than anything, Melanie held her knife in her hands as she had before, and threw it like a small lance towards the midsection of one of the two raptors that Walsh and Samara were up against.

[AGI 10+3=13]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two savages grin and move their hands faster before being pushed away by a much bigger savage. This one has a large flaccid 14 inch long 4 inch thick cock hanging between her legs next to some orange sized balls. The two smaller ones grunt and walk away while the new comer kneels down and looks her in the face. "You fucked up real bad here. What made you think going into the forest was a good idea?" She says in perfect English.

Her knife flies true and sinks into the gut of the raptor. It lets out a hiss of pain and quickly runs away while clutching it's side. Busco quickly dispatches his last opponent by throwing it into the canyon while walsh swings his mace one last time to knock out the last remaining lizard. After checking to make sure everything is calmed down, Busco manages to keep everyone moving to the next cave before falling over to rest.

Busco: "I... really hate... those things."