Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Dunno, I was just scavenging for vines and stick. Where am I right now?" Luna was reassured by the sight of someone speaking english.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The thump of her own heartbeat kept Melanie moving, exhausted yet invigorated by the adrenaline of the fight. As they all settled down in the cave though, it quickly petered out, and she slumped to the side as fatigue took over. "Ditto. Ditto a thousand times. Everyone ay-okay gang?" She asked, slightly disheartened to have watched the raptor run off with her knife still stuck in its side.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta shivered as the new sensations ran through her nethers. It was obvious that this was going to be like nothing she'd ever felt before, but still she wanted to experience it. "Okay," she said, hesitantly. "Now, I don't suppose I could get a volunteer to give it a little... lick?" she asked, blushing hard, although it might have been from the heightened state of arousal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The herm badger shakes her head. "Right now... you are in the savage camp. These strange badger folk are completely off their rocker. Might makes right, the strong lead the weak follow and EVERYTHING is fair game. Including you now. You are property and soon enough more of them will show up to fight for who gets to keep you. Just how things work."

Korlish looks around the group and nods. "I see bumps, bruises, scratches and a bloody nose, but I think everyone is doing alright." 

Busco: He sighs and pulls out some cactus chunks, biting into them and wincing when some gets on his sore nose. "That was just your average group of hunters. Next time they will send more OR they will send the feathered hunters." He shakes his head "I can go toe to toe with one of them, but there is nothing saying I will win. Even if I do, it won't be without a beating."

Binx blushed hotly but timidly raised her hand. "I admit... I have been rather curious. So if you don't mind, I would like to lick." She moved around behind Unta and places her hands on her large rump. She breathes in the scent of her aroused pussy before draggin her tongue across Unta's clit. An explosion of pleasure surges through Unta, threatening to send her over the edge from a single lick to her clit!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
A string of gibbering, inarticulate, noises issued from Unta as the shock of pleasure raced up her body. Her pussy instantly moistened to the point of dripping, and it was all she could do to keep her footing as she strained to fore words out of her mouth. "One more... One more."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the badger shook her head. "Not really. I mean... I could fight for your ownership, but that would just make you mine. If I let you go after that, you would just be free game again and I wouldn't be able to do it again... not to mention it would make me lose face around here and I have spent a long time building up respect here."

Binx pulled away and stood up, her erect cock at full mast. Rather than lick her again, she stepped forward and gently grinded her cock against her hyper sensitive clit. If her tongue was an explosion, the friction of her cock was a nuke. Unta looses control of her limbs as the new found pleasure makes her go loopy in the head. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"So you cannot do anything for me... So what should I do?" Luna asked the badger in a pitiful way


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was starting to get concerned, she hadnt seen Luna in awhile. "Um.... Wendy. we havent herd form Luna in awhile. maybe we should go check on her...", she said trying to hide the worry in her voice. She hoped that the "beastfolk" hadn't gotten to her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"well, normally I would tell you to enjoy your new position as fuck toy to a badger... but you seem rather distraught about this.... so I will help you out. I will fight for your ownership and win... no doubt about that...  and then in return, you give me a good fuck. After that I am going to tie you up and leave my hut for an hour. During that hour, you will escape as the ropes will be lose enough for you to wiggle out of. Then it is up to you to run for it. If they catch you again.... sorry, I got nothing." 

Wendy nodded and moved over to the tree line where Luna was gathering supplies. She knelt down and sighed. "Pile of vines, pile of sticks, large foot prints... sorry Umi... but your friend is badger bait." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta screamed as the incredible sensation tore through her. Binx' cock, as well as most her stomach and thighs were drenched by a sudden flash flood of fem-cum. Unta's hind legs gave out slipping out from under her as her rump hit the floor, landing right on top of her super sensitive clit. A second scream filled the kitchen as another eruption of pleasure shot through Unta, and puddle of her own juices quickly formed beneath her. "Take it off! Take it off!" she cried.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta quickly snapped her fingers and Unta's body was reset, the crazy sensations fading away quickly. "Are you ok dear?!"

Binc: Despite the situation, Binx was still rock hard and her eyes were glued to the accommodating slit in front of her. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I cannot fuck with you... Have you seen my size, your penis is already 14 inch flaccid, that would kill me..." Luna was even more frightened at the idea of being penetrated by the monstrous cock in front of her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was staring her dead in the face. A look of panic ran across and her antennae twitched nervously. "No..... I-I can't leave her.....", she said softly her hands clenching. "Wendy! is there any way we can save her? I wont abandon her!" Umi said looking sad worried and afraid all at the same time, but Wendy could see how serious she was by the look in her eyes. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"That was amazing," wheezed Unta. Her tail casually swayed back and forth, sending her salty-sweet scent wafting up to Binx nose. "Sorry about the mess, I'll clean it up just as soon as I can stand." As if on queue, the rest of Unta's legs turned to rubber and she slid down until her arms and chin were resting on the table. She counted herself lucky to be surrounded by friends while in such a vulnerable state; after such an intense orgasm her pussy was winking constantly, and if one were so inclined they could probably help themselves to it with nary any resistance. Her tail swished again, sending another whiff of musk up into Binx' face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy grabbed onto Umi's shoulders. "you need to calm down first girl! There are lots of savages in there and we don't even know where they took her! They have long connections up in the trees and unless we know where she is up there, going in to look would only get you caught! Look, I know it isn't easy to accept, but she will have to get herself out of this situation. She already knows the ocean is a save spot."

The badger herm just shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know what to tell you babe, cause I am not helping you for free. Helping you puts my ass on the line as well. Course... you could have some badger fruit. It will make you a bit thicker and more... accommodating for sizes like mine. But it would likely make you a bit more badger like, not like there is anything wrong with that right?" 

 Binx was breathing heavily and before she knew what she was doing, her hands reaches forward and gently grabbed the edges of that big pussy in front of her, pulling them out and open so she could see inside Unta's large body. "I gotta... I'm sorry Unta but you smell so good!" She lines her cock up and pushes it in with a happy moan. Her cock is only a foot long and 2 inches thick, nothing to someone like Unta, but for binx it was pure heaven in that hot pussy. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" cried Unta, as she felt the, to her,  tiny dick penetrate her. She tried to move, but her strength was still gone so all she managed to do was jostle around a little as the horny bunny had her way with her.  


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I could alway suck your dick, the fruit solution doesn't inspire me" The idea of the monstrous cock penetrating her was still very arousing for Luna. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx moaned as the movement and grabbed hold of her big ass as she started to thrust into her giant pussy in front of her. "Ooooh! Unta! It feels so good! You are wrapping around my entire cock like nothing has before!" She is thrusting in fast enough for her balls to slap loudly against Unta.

Greta looked at the two of them and wondered if she should stop what is going on... though Binx couldn't possibly hurt the massive leithan in any way. "Umm... should I.... help you Unta?" 

The badger herm didn't look very appealed by that. "I don't know... that is pretty lame and I doubt you could get your mouth around it to really please me. I certainly am not buying out for a hand job or foot job... that is some baby level stuff. Kind of sounds like it is fruit or bust. so make your pick babe. Fruit or servitude to some random savage." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"That's not fair, but I have no choice, I will eat your fruit" Luna looked angry, but her look shifted quickly to an aroused one as she was looking at the massive cock in front of her. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Don't just stand there, do something!" Unta cried, in response to Greta's question.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi went to her knees as tear fell from her face. "...we escape that mansion together... i don't want to lose her... i don't want to be alone....", she said sadly. Luna and her had only knew her for a short time, but she felt bond to her by fate now. "Oh you think we'll ever see her again?", Umi said as few more tears fell down her face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy knelt down and picked her back up to her feet. "Ah don't worry girl, I am sure she is already working on an escape attempt right now." She picked up the vines and sticks. "Come on, lets start making some spears and we can start thinking about going in to look for her alright?"

The badger herm smiled at Luna and clapped happily "Well alright then! you just wait right there while I go and bully these savages so they know who owns you for real." The herm walks away from Luna and she can see her approach some of the other badgers. There is a lot of grunting and sharp chirping before punches start being thrown back and forth. A massive brawl brakes out between several of the herms a few of the ladies, but in the end, the only sane one is the victor cause she actually dodged the hits. With a happy hum she untied Luna from her spot and took her hand. "Stay close to me alright? If you wander off I can't stop them from grabbing you." She starts walking over the make shirt platforms and bridges, passing many eager looking badger savages.

Greta got up and moved over behind Unta to try and stop the horny bunny. "Dear, this isn't the best idea. I know she smells lovely but you really do need to stop!"

Binx: "But it hurts! My cock is so hard it hurts and only this pussy makes it feel better! Just make me bigger! Lots bigger so Unta will feel good too! Maker her sensitive again! That will fix it!"

Greta: She leans over to Unta's front. "umm... yes or no to that idea dear?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"So you are not from this labyrinth, like me, like us... for how long you are in the labyrinth?" Luna asked while dodging the horny badge woman.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Having had enough of the mary-go-round, Unta grabbed the table and pushed up with her arms and forelegs as hard as she cold, until she was rolling backwards. Lost as she was in her pleasure, Binx didn't see it coming until it was too late, and she was pushed onto her back as Unta's backside rolled over her. Binx' penis was buried to the hilt in Unta, but her lower body was now pinned underneath eight hundred pounds of leithan ass. "What do you think you are doing, bunny-girl?" barked Unta as she sat on the tiny woman.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The large herm takes her up a bit higher and into a small shack built against the trunk of a large tree. There is only a big leaf acting as a door and inside is several big leaves as the bed. "three years now, two of which have been here among these savage badgers. You know, I used to be a man before... all of this. I just got lucky and the fruit made me a herm instead of a woman." she has Luan sits down and passes her a purple avocado looking thing. "Here you go. Once of these should widen you up for this." She pats her cock which is growing erect at this point.

Binx moans as her cock is sunk to the hilt inside such a wonderful pussy, but tears of shame roll down her cheeks. "I'm sorry... i'm so sorry Unta." She covers her face with her hands. "I... when I get aroused I loose all common sense. I jsut try to fuck and mate everything I can." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Three years... It's only been two for me and my friend and already I feel like it's hell..." Luna then took the fruit "Please don't fuck me up too much" Luna said right before taking a big bite of the fruit. "It's quite good still" Luna said as she quickly ate the whole fruit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta's eyebrow cocked in surprise. She had heard that laquines could go a little sex crazy when they got worked up, so she guessed she couldn't be too mad at the small woman beneath her. Still, she couldn't let her go unpunished either. Slowly she began rocking her hips back and forth on Binx' cock. "So, you're just a horny bunny who can't keep her cock under control, is that it?" she said, slowly.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The thrill of winning the fight was quickly dying down and turning to dread. Melanie was as tired as the rest of them, possibly more so, and there was no telling what would happen if the raptors caught up with them again. She huffed in deep breaths to try and regain her strength, pausing in between to speak. "I don't suppose we could make a break for it? The door I mean how much farther could it be?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx moaned as she felt motion around her cock once again and tried to thrust up into that lovely pussy in vain. "Yes, I'm just a horny bunny who goes fuck crazy easier than most! I saw your lovely pussy, smelled your salty sweet scent and just had to have it!"

Busco thought on that for a moment. "If we run non stop we might get there before night fall... but look at us girl. We are in no shape to run a marathon like that... not right now and certainly not in this hot sun. At a steady pace we would need at least one more day."