[RPG] Renryuu: Ascension


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

New game version! It contains 2 new CG scenes for Tsubaki and Mira. Now all main characters have their first scenes complete.

Other changes include:

- New questline starting at the south fort will allow you to go inside the building of the farm south in central, where you can meet the lovely dark sorceress.

- The new questline also allows you to buy and repair the broken farm.

- The laboratory now tells you more information about the "strange gold". It still can't be used for anything, but at least you'll know what it is now.

- Summoning the blue slimegirl won't require any more essence after the first time.

- A new floor of the dungeon south in central is open with stronger enemys.

- Vampire scene condition has been fixed in the walkthrough

- New alternative condition for Vampires volcano quest. If you haven't found the trigger, the quest will still appear once Vampire is level 12+.

- Fixed game breaking walking events at the snowfort and the haunted mines with the Icespirit.

- Quest requirements are now included in the walkthrough.

- Ryokos urge system added to the walkthrough.

- Tsubaki has a new skill "Battle Cry", which will set all party members to auto-battle for the rest of the battle.

- The skill "Debug Attack" doesn't do damage against enemys with events during battles anymore, to avoid breaking events in battle that were not suppoest to be won.

- New present items "Love Potions" were added to the game. They can't be brought and will later be found in more places, but currently only 2 can be obtained. Love Potions have no relationship limit until which they can be used but require a certain amount of relationship or they will cause a negative effect instead.


Download game with Mediafire

Download game with MEGA

Download walkthrough with Mediafire

Download walkthrough with MEGA

is there a way to keep the old save after each update or do i have to start over?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Sometimes in rpgmaker you can move the old saves over. In the game folder there's a save folder. Copy that and paste into folder the where your updated game is. Depending on how the code's been worked with, it may or may not work.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Just as muttdoggy explained, you can copy the old save folder into the folder of the .exe file to get your savegames back. In theory, this should work without any problems. But should you encounter any problems, feel free to send me a message and I'll take a look at it! :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
That method (copying the save folder) has worked for me since early on. I'm just finishing the new build. Mira done - now for Tsubaki!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Made a new upload with some small bugs fixed:
- Quest with the dark sorceress can't be repeated endlessly anymore.
- The door won't move away during Miras CG scene now.
- Dialog about strange gold at the laboratory is certain to appear now
- It'll stop snowing now when teleporting to the capital from the snowfort.

New download:
Download game with Mediafire
Download game with MEGA


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

New update:

- Several enemies drop more gold now.

- The reward for winning at the gambler is now 1500 gold and gives no more extra reward for wins in a row.

- All party members initial level when being recruited are now changing depending on Ryens level. So if you recruit a member very late, he won't be behind the rest of the party anymore. Some members will have a few levels higher or lower than Ryen, depending on the character.

- New area "Begus south fort" with a new quest to help a group of mercenarys.

- New area and quest into walkthrough.

- CG picture and scene selection screen. Here you can watch unlocked pictures and scenes again. You can access the selection screen from your bed in your castle, where you can also go into the skilltree.

Download folder for newest game version and walkthrough:

-- Mediafire --

-- MEGA --


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
I deleted the side view battler pictures, since they aren't used. But it seems like the game still wants to look for them when going into battle. :/ I fixed it and am currently uploading a v.2 version. Once it's uploaded you'll be able to see it in the folder of the download link. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Okay, I played through pretty much everything available, so I'll list my complaints, then my likes, then possible bugs, then a couple questions.

1. Complaints:

a. There are a lot of typos, but I especially noticed it during the gambling minigame where it says "loose" instead of "lose". I know it's a common typo, but it's very irksome when doing the sidequest.

b. The dialogue sometimes feels off. I can't really explain it, but it just doesn't always flow well. In may be in part due to the typos, though.

c. The art and sex scenes are decent, but never seem very arousing. That my just be personal preference, though.

d. The way Ryen becomes king feels way too easy. Nobody, especially Trey and the advisers, never seems to question it more than once or twice before they're convinced, even when Trey's been traveling with the party long enough to have figured it out. I suggest you add some kind of scene where Trey confronts Ryen about it, but says after what he's seen of Ryen, he believes Ryen should remain king or something along those lines. I can understand if the advisers and Trey figured it out but kept up the charade for the stake of stability, as having no king or heir would likely through the kingdom into a power struggle, but they should tell him at some point. I feel like Ryen's story was a little to flimsy for there not to be even a shadow of a doubt, and certainly not one easily squashed before someone looked into it a little more thoroughly.


a. The game itself is very fun. I enjoy the mechanics and the exploration.

b. While the story itself is not amazing, it's decent enough to keep me interested.

(don't take the fact that this is the smallest category as a bad thing, these are more than enough to make me like it)

3. Possible Bugs:

a. If you start the Cursed quest after recruiting Mira, you still get a prompt that tells you you failed the Angel Feather quest, despite it not even being added to the questlog.

b. Probably not a bug, but if you find Mirel's Bow without starting the quest, it isn't added as completed one to the questlog.

c. The guard in the magic/purple ore mine who recognizes Mirel as an Elf turns into a purple knight right after talking to him. Also, the guard in front of the door in the castle to the mine, his character portrait changes to that of a purple knight after you finish in the mines.

4. Questions:

a. Will there be any follow up to the little elf girl pickpocket? That story didn't feel complete.

b. Also, what about the drunk old lady with a secret prison cell in her basement WITH A CORPSE?

c. Is anything more going to happen with Millaine? How about Jackie the cat girl mercenary?

d. Is anything more going to happen with the starting academy? Aside from one fight with Grey, Ryen suddenly leaving and becoming king appears to have had no affect on anyone there. Wouldn't that school technically be full of people who know he isn't the true heir and could oust him or blackmail him if they wanted? The news of some of the things he's done as king should have reached their ears at a certain point.

e. There appear to be a LOT of female NPC with unique names and character sprites and portraits. One that particularly stuck out to me was the girl Sheri at the port who says you better remember her name. Do you have plans for all of them or are they supposed to be there so if you need a new character for an event or something you have some choices?

f. Since there are a few NPC's (ghost girl and half elf half demon) you can have in the castle and not be party members in addition to the party members, will you give the option to expand the castle when/if the number of characters get too high to comfortably distribute around the floor?

g. I wasn't able to test this in my first play through, but if I were to get the colored smoke bomb before seeing the invisible girl in the Amagal Big Camp, is it possible to use it on her there?

Overall, I like this game and I want to see more of it, but there are a few things you need to work on, mostly the typos.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Forgot to mention one thing. Wouldn't it make sense to be able to use the Bergas military uniform you find in the icy mine in the Evil Spirit quest to walk around the church to find Elly's gun without needing to be sneaky? I didn't get the uniform until after that quest, but I didn't see it mentioned as an option in the walkthrough, so I wanted to bring it up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Forgot to mention one thing. Wouldn't it make sense to be able to use the Bergas military uniform you find in the icy mine in the Evil Spirit quest to walk around the church to find Elly's gun without needing to be sneaky? I didn't get the uniform until after that quest, but I didn't see it mentioned as an option in the walkthrough, so I wanted to bring it up.

Not to shoot down the idea that a uniform could help you blend in. But in some instances I could see where an outpost might still question your presence even if you stole their uniforms due to the command structure being in tightly knit units where everyone knows their fellow soldiers and officers. In that case you would still have to be careful. The disguise would make it easier to sneak around because you could be seen at a distance without potentially exposing your identity as an intruder I suppose. But closer scrutiny would still blow your cover. I'm just tossing that out there as a bit of counterargument to consider as well if we wanted to add in some more realistic infiltration options.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I only suggested it because using an Amagal military uniform is how you sneak into the mine in Amagal Castle.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
1a: I have a spellchecker, but because of some problems his progress has halted for quite a while now. Because of the size of the game, I'm currently thinking about looking for more spellcheckers and splitting areas to them. This way, the progress would hopefully be quicker and keep up with new updates rather than leave most parts untouched,

1d: Trey actually knows you're not the real king, as you can figure out if you choose him during the splitting scene in the lava dungeon. But I agree that this topic has barely been touched yet.

3b: If you find Mirels bow without having the quest, you never get the quest from her and it therefore does not appear in the questlog. This is on purpose, even though it seems to bother some people. :D

4a: There wasn't a continuation of the elf girl thief planned during it's creation, it was only ment to make the city a bit more lively. But after getting several messages about this event, I decided to make more about it. :)

4b: The secret cell was supposed to hold a girl for your amusement, as I had no hidden room in the castle in the early stages of the games creation. The place was left unused for such scenes, but I might make changes to it eventually.

4c: There isn't anything planned for this characters yet, but I like to make more with them and other side characters, to give them more personality and story.

4d: Eventually I'm going back and do some more changes to the academy, but it just didn't seem important this far. :D

4e: The headmaid used to have the option to call girls you've met before to the hidden room for your pleasure. The grid had a lot of girls, reminding more of pokemon and "gonna catch them all" rather then a normal eroge screen. xD   But the amount of work needed for it and the price for CG pictures made me move away from it to less characters but with more content and better CGs. Those girls still stay as optional for sex scenes though. If I can get enough support on Patreon, even with CG pictures. <3

4f: Currently I don't have any more characters to move into the sleeping chambers, but should it become a problem at some point, I'll concider a castle upgrade. :)

4g: It's not possible to see the invisible girl in the big camp, and unless I forgot about it, she shouldn't appear appear in the camp anymore if you've already encountered her in the fision tower.

Extra: The uniform was added later, that's why it wasn't concidered as an option for the quest. :D I think of the military and church guards as different organisations, but since they look the same and it's never mentioned anywhere, the thought of using the uniform to sneak in is reasonable. I'll think about it and might add it as an additional way to get into the church.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

New update!

- The story of the little elf thief in the bordertown continues now. If you play from a savegame with the event already started, it'll continue depending from your choice either where you left her, in the top right corner of the map or in the new prison map below the fort of the town. The event will teleport you away and throw you into a fight, but you can teleport back after the event, you'll be healed for the fight and loosing only means you won't get the reward from the fight.

- The hidden prison below a house in the bordertown now contains an imprisoned girl. She has a sex scene, but text-only. A CG picture for her scene is optional and might never be added.

- The second scene for Mira is done. If you meet all requirements, you can show her your secret room and reveal what is hidden in the screenshot above. (Requirements can be found in walkthrough if needed.)


Download folder for newest game version and walkthrough:

-- Mediafire --

-- MEGA --


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Made a new upload with a few fixes:

- If Aleah is still in her prison, you’ll get a dialog when going back to your group, giving you the choice to tell them about Aleah and help her or lie and leave her.
- If you have send Aleah to the castle directly from her cell, you can talk to the old lady upstairs to send her into prison.
- Black screen will disappear now after talking to Aleah in your own prison.
- Fixed Miras comments about the Icespirit to match it depending on what choices you made during the quest.
- The dead bodys at the forest way below the academy will now disappear once you went to the worldmap.
- The special chest in the slums won’t change it sprite anymore if you talk to it from the side.
- Face pictures of characters with animal ears don’t have human ears anymore.
- Vampires Life Leech does 100 damage more now.
- Changed the laboratory to a completely new screen, containing new skills for each character and new magic items.

Additionally I made some strawpolls to get some answers to questions I have.



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016


The newest update is online!
- The public health upgrade no. 1 now opens the clinic in the capital.

- The public health upgrade no. 2 now opens the bathhouse in the capital.

- The pubilc safety upgrade no. 1 creates a new police force with their own headquarters

- New eventline for Mirel with her second CG scene. The new events start at the elven village by talking to the Chief once all requirements are met.

- Several dialogs at the start were improved.



Download folder for newest game version and walkthrough:

-- Mediafire --

-- MEGA --


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
I will reply on this forum as this is where I first discovered this game. Glad to see you out on other forums.

Really enjoying this game, but will ask - have you ever thought about using MV's capability to create a Mac version? I have so few games I can play on my MacBook Pro...Sierra did it on Ouroboros for which I am eternally grateful...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
I have no Mac to check if the game runs without any necessary changes for the MacOS version. For a test I uploaded a Mac version and you can tell me if all works well. :D [Download link] I just hope putting it in a rar archiv does not cause any problems?

Tested - and user approved! It works perfectly! Haven't played through, but started with Tsubaki and everything is performing as it should. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
A new version has been uploaded.

- The new version contains a new character sprite and a CG picture for the Ice Spirit
- Several bugfixes
- Improvments on dialogs
- New CG scene (Spoiler details below )
// You can have some fun with Vampire in the bathhouse if you talk to her with at least 60 relationship points and the previous CG event done. //

The walkthrough has not been updated as I’m working on a wikia page to replace it. I think the wikia will be better arranged than a pdf file and make it easier to find the informations you seek. You can find it at: http://renryuu.wikia.com/wiki/Renryuu_Wikia

Download folder for newest game versions:
-- Mediafire --
-- MEGA --


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
Hate to say it Ryen, but the Mac version only works on a New Game. After porting last week's save folder into the appropriate folder (app.nw) it somehow is looking for an image in the characters folder named Char1.png. New game works fine - but I really don't want to run through that amount of gameplay every week or so...back to the PC...

EDIT: - I was mistaken. Moved the wrong files as I was updating several games at once and mixed two up. It works fine...good job!
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New Member
Jul 15, 2016
Hey, i have a problem about starting up the game, i got it downloaded, but when i click the application, it doesn't start, all it does is say Application "Game" cannot be started, Using a MAC btw


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
Hey, i have a problem about starting up the game, i got it downloaded, but when i click the application, it doesn't start, all it does is say Application "Game" cannot be started, Using a MAC btw

I've been using the MV .app for over a week - what OS are you on? I'm on El Capitan. You click on the .app and it throws an error? Haven't seen that... - attaching a screenshot of my installation. It's what you see? 

Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 9.50.48 PM.png

Just remembered - is it bombing because it's from an unknown source? I always run into this on MV games on the Mac. You have to not just double-click the .app - you have to right click and open, then accept opening it...hope this helps...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

I just uploaded a new version 16.07.16 to fix a bug at the police station. The update also contains a little event for a 1on1 battle between Brad and another brawler in the arena of the capital. This cage match is supposed to be the first of many matches for Brad which I'll add in the near future.

I'm also aware of a problem some Mac users have with the game. It's being investigated and I'll try to take care of it as soon as possible.

Download folder for newest game versions:

-- Mediafire --

-- MEGA --


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
I uploaded a new game version 24.07.16. This version contains updated plugins which will fix problems like disappearing savegame files and possible game crashes. Since this fix was very important I made the upload before finishing the new content so nothing new is playable for now. Therefore you only need to upgrade your game from the last release if you’re having any problems with the game.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
As I am not having any issues (hey! the mac version works great!) I will wait for now. Good to see such regular updates - you are to be commended. Excellent work.


New Member
Jul 26, 2016
I found the game yesterday and I have allready played much I must say that it is a wonderfull game and I cant wait for the next updates

have you planed to implement a third gc for any of the characters soon or are you first gonig to give all of the girls a second scene? 

is there any way (exept from starting a new game) to get the scene with Millanie ? but anyway nice work and keep it up


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Happy to hear you enjoy the game. :)
I'll first give each main character the second scene before moving on to the thrid scenes. There might also be some more character development before you can get the scene so that it doesn't feel to fast or easy for the girls to give themselves to you. ^^
It's currently not possible to unlock Millaines scene later if you didn't pick the right choice at her event.