

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hmm, when was the "accidental changing room" scene added?

I can't seem to find the scene, only the intentionally go into the men's changing room scene if you've got the sultry perk.

It's been in there a while. It's actually an alternative path through that same scene, rather than an entirely new one - they were put in at the same time. The requirements are:

- low femininity (below 20)

- Male-start character (a character who's been female all her life wouldn't make that sort of mistake by accident)

- Do not have the perceptive trait.

Additionally, the chance of it happening is increased if your character is forgetful. The check for accidental entry is made before the sultry condition, so being sultry won't interfere with your chances of seeing this path - you won't get prompted to enter the men's changing rooms if your character has gone into the wrong ones by accident.

Looking forward to being able to date women. And some methods to be more of a gold digger. It's fun getting stuff out of the boss, but there's no point in any of the guys you date. They have nothing to offer you.

Can't they let me use their credit cards?

That sort of thing is all waiting on male npcs getting proper jobs and wealth levels. It's on one of the big planned updates. One patron did suggest a gold-digger answer to a certain question that can get asked in the next version, and that'll be in there. However, actually distinguishing men on their wealth and exploiting them for it will have to wait until after 0.3 is done and we vote on another major update.

I want to date women...

Lesbians will be an option for the next vote post 0.3 - it won't be long now before that's being put to the voters.

I would like to know how, never happend to me.

He needs to be the father and you need to know it was him (i.e. get the paternity test while pregnant). You need to tell him about it while pregnant (after the child is born is too late) and you need either the bitchy or ambitious traits to exploit your pregnancy in this way. You can do it only once per pregnancy. You get the sale and a pile of hush money. It's one of the larger payouts currently in the game, although probably much lower than a real-life wealthy businessman would give in similar circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
1.- Seems I miss those scenes for the lack of required traits, then, thanks.

2.- Now I think it would be cool to be able to play as a baby girl, find a sugar daddy...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hi all, I've released a new version. 0.3.22 available on patreon, download links to 0.3.21 on the blog - same as usual.

1.- Seems I miss those scenes for the lack of required traits, then, thanks.

2.- Now I think it would be cool to be able to play as a baby girl, find a sugar daddy...

I do plan to have some sort of financially-motivated relationship possibility, although that'll be one for when npc careers and wealth levels go in. That way a gold-digging player-character might be forced to choose between a handsome and loving bloke without a penny to his name, or a wealthy sleazebag with pots of cash. Will you let love win out over money?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Will you let love win out over money?

Absolutely. If you picked the male start, your troubles will eventually be over at the end of the game and you'll get changed back into your true self. Knowing this, you can take these guys for every stinking cent and keep the money without consequence. You don't even have to have sex with any of them, claiming you're "saving it for marriage." Your virginity is a tool you can leverage in this case, letting you string along plenty of guys and spend their money.

The opportunity for manipulation will be absolutely glorious. I'm giddy with anticipation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Hi all, I've released a new version. 0.3.22 available on patreon, download links to 0.3.21 on the blog - same as usual.

I do plan to have some sort of financially-motivated relationship possibility, although that'll be one for when npc careers and wealth levels go in. That way a gold-digging player-character might be forced to choose between a handsome and loving bloke without a penny to his name, or a wealthy sleazebag with pots of cash. Will you let love win out over money?

Depends of the playthrough xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Are all three 'spend time with friends' events for female friends or is there one for male friends too? I've got two of them (the one time thing with the painting/virgin thing and the very frequent friend has a hangover, here's a guy from 3 weeks ago) but seem to be having trouble with the third. I went with 2 female and 1 male for friends.

Also during the hangover scene there's no space between the character's name and reacts when choosing an action but that one might've been fixed already.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hi all, I'm still cracking on with the next version which is going to be a rather large one. Hope you've all had a good week :)

Absolutely. If you picked the male start, your troubles will eventually be over at the end of the game and you'll get changed back into your true self. Knowing this, you can take these guys for every stinking cent and keep the money without consequence. You don't even have to have sex with any of them, claiming you're "saving it for marriage." Your virginity is a tool you can leverage in this case, letting you string along plenty of guys and spend their money.

The opportunity for manipulation will be absolutely glorious. I'm giddy with anticipation.

So evil! Well, some of the guys in Newlife do deserve it...

Are all three 'spend time with friends' events for female friends or is there one for male friends too? I've got two of them (the one time thing with the painting/virgin thing and the very frequent friend has a hangover, here's a guy from 3 weeks ago) but seem to be having trouble with the third. I went with 2 female and 1 male for friends.

Also during the hangover scene there's no space between the character's name and reacts when choosing an action but that one might've been fixed already.

There's one for a male friend. The requirements are: Impregnator, does not have the wants_kids trait, either handsome, charming, muscular or toned.

Thanks for reporting the typo - it looks like it's been fixed already, although I'm quite behind on posting here so it's possible I read your post a while ago, fixed it, and then forgot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Yeah, I'm a version behind since I'm not a patreon so I never really know if something has been fixed alerady.

Thanks, got it!
Another one too, is it robbery prevention?

"It's the evening. After waiting for a rainstorm to pass, you went out late shopping for groceries. On your way home, you ran into a friend of yours who lives nearby, and you're chatting with him as you walk back.
Near your flat, your route home passes through a narrow alleyway. At this time of day, it's quiet and dark.

You turn down the alley, daintily positioning your feet so as not to step into a puddle. About halfway through it, a figure steps out from behind some large bins. Before you have time to react, he's stepped close to you and sized up the situation. Realising that there are two of you, he skulks off out of the alleyway before you can so much as say a word. "


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wow, I'd forgotten about that path - haven't seen it in my games for a while.

Robbery prevention is exactly what it is - if you have a male friend with the same home neighborhood as you then you get a "saving throw" at the start of the mugger event because you aren't walking around on your own so much. It doesn't work with female friends for now, although that'll get changed at some point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Are all the friends in the same neighborhood currently? Because there's only the one for the player.

Is the new scene for the next release still a secret?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Are all the friends in the same neighborhood currently? Because there's only the one for the player.

Is the new scene for the next release still a secret?

It's a mostly-unimplemented feature that'll be properly fleshed out when the PC can move to a better flat. Currently there's two neighborhoods: the one the player starts in and another for people who don't live in the same area as her. I think there's something like a 20% chance of an NPC living near the PC.

I haven't made a public announcement about the next scene yet, although an Inner Circle patron could tell you a bit about it if you can find one.


Aug 30, 2016
Okay- odd question- how do I break up with a guy? He's got a short temper, and my girl slept with 2 guys at the, then the other. The one she got preg by is a total sweetheart- the other was an asshole with a heart of radioactive waste.

I tried dating the sweetheart, just totally going through and getting him to love me, ignoring the asshole, and at no point did it let me break it off- even when new guy is telling me how much he loves me.... Help?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Okay- odd question- how do I break up with a guy? He's got a short temper, and my girl slept with 2 guys at the, then the other. The one she got preg by is a total sweetheart- the other was an asshole with a heart of radioactive waste.

I tried dating the sweetheart, just totally going through and getting him to love me, ignoring the asshole, and at no point did it let me break it off- even when new guy is telling me how much he loves me.... Help?

When you take a guy home there should be a "Have a serious talk" option.  If you're already the assholes girlfriend you should be able to stay in with him when planning the week, then have a serious talk and break up with him.  If you have a serious talk with the nice guy and agree to date him it should also break up with the other guy.


Aug 30, 2016
Did nice guy for 8 weeks of dating- no offer to date- and when I tried staying in with jerk and used "friendly" for the tone and tried to have a serious talk- the only option it gave me was "I love you". 

Maybe it's because she has low self esteem?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hi there,

Breaking up isn't fully implemented - it's waiting on the relationship update. Right now becoming a girlfriend is a sacred bond that isn't lightly severed.

There are some specific paths in scenes that involve breaking up, but they tend to be restricted to certain characters. For example some of the responses when you tell him he's got you pregnant can lead to breakups, as can him forgetting your anniversary and it's possible for him to dump you late in your pregnancy if he doesn't think it's his.
However, all of these have quite specific triggers. In particular, if he's in love with you then you're unlikely to get any of them. The 'easiest' is probably if you successfully blackmail him after finding his phone in the street. This requires the bitchy trait though, and also to get that random event with him as the guy with the lost phone.

It's also possible for another man to ask you to dump your bf and get together with him. This most commonly happen if you try to befriend an arrogant man (i.e. with the boastful trait) who fancies you. However, it can also happen when you reveal to someone who isn't your bf that you're pregnant with their child.
This does have other checks though, in particular it won't happen if the bloke doesn't want kids. It's also restricted to romantic men or caring ones - the latter only if your bf is a jerk (they won't try to break up a relationship with a man who might be a decent bloke, but will try to 'save' you from an asshole). You also need him to either want kids, or have maximum love or liking towards you at the time when you reveal your pregnancy. Revealing a pregnancy is done via a serious talk option with the father, and only once per baby.

Incidentally, when breakups do get implemented there are likely to be restrictions based on how much you like the man, so if your character loves him then you might be in trouble there. Low-self-esteem girls in particular have game mechanics around more easily falling for douchebags.

As a bit of trivia, in the days before it was online there was a time when Newlife would force the player to accept requests for relationships or marriage based on their relationship & personality: it's just say "considering your feelings for him, you don't even consider refusing" and that was that. Romantic girls in particular had to be very careful to avoid impulsive weddings!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
At first I thought this was an error but then figured I was just imaginng it wrong but I'll point it out just in case.

"You step aside to refresh your drink, and are startled by a cheer from across the room. Looking over, you catch a glimpse of smooth white skin, and realise that Ellie is pulling her green summer dress back up after having flashed her pert tits at one of the blokes."

My initial thought was that she'd be pulling it back down but then realized it was probably pulling the straps down and not pulling up the whole dress like it was a shirt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks! It is indeed pulling just the top down. In fact, this is one of the big limitation of the current set of tops: all assume that they're pulled down rather than up to expose the player's breasts. One of the big clothing additions to come will be adding t-shirts which will need some kind of alternative handling there. Probably legwear will be first though, and neither's going to be done until 0.4.0 is out - I've been sidetracked enough as is during the friendship update!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Not so much a bug to report here but something that doesn't make sense. (Maybe it's a bug.)
I accessed the new (well for non-patron) "watching" scene through having a virgin party girl as a friend and her asking to find a guy for her.
The very next week when choosing to spend time with friends again I get the 'drunken party girl slept with a guy a few weeks ago' scene.
This one:

"You've agreed to meet Elle for coffee, and it's obvious she needs it. She's sitting opposite you, her head in her hands, suffering the consequences of a night out drinking.

Well, the hangover-related consequences. So far as you know she didn't forget about condoms and get knocked up or anything.


You talk to her, speaking in a quiet voice as you try to take her mind off the pain in her head.

As you're speaking, a man passes the table, pauses, and then turns back. "Elle!" he exclaims, obviously recognising your friend.


She lifts her head from the table and looks at the newcomer with bleary eyes. In an unsteady voice, she asks who he is.

The man looks a little hurt. He reminds her that they met a few weeks ago, in a nearby nightclub. He gives a few more details about the evening and the realisation dawns on you that your friend probably spent the night with this guy. "

...but obviously not because she had her first time last week.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
From 3.26 with the new NPC, scene after she quit...

You shift yourself down a few rows and sit next to Victoria. She looks across at you and smiles.

You ask her how she's been doing since she left the company, and she happily shares everything about her recent life. It turns out that your advice to quit her job was the right decision, because she's found a position in her local library that suits her much better.

You say that you're glad she's happier now, and wish her well for the future. The bus reaches her stop soon after, and as she gets up to leave you can tell that a weight has been lifted of her shoulders since she left your company, and advising her to quit was the right thing to do.

ERROR: No actions found. Ending scene. Please report this to the developer as a bug
She came up as someone to talk to in the club and told me about her work when I had taken the 'stay' path too, seemingly not acknowledging being a co-worker.

Is the only possible option in the later scene crossing the road and ignoring her if I told her to stay? I picked the 'nice' trait after having seen it the first time but that's still the only option. Even after having befriended her that was still all there was.

Also there's clothes tagged as 'wedding', not sure they're supposed to be there since there's no wedding scene yet?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
During the strip blackjack scene there seems to be a word missing here:

"You unbutton your blouse and take it off revealing your small but perky tits, covered only by your bra, its lacy fabric showing tantalising hints of the soft pale beneath. "

And this:

"Another round starts and the cards are shuffled and dealt once again.
You're dealt two cards, the ace of diamonds as your face-up card. You quickly peek at your hole card, and see that it's the five of hearts. Your hand currently scores 6."

That should be 6 or 17.

I also only have the option coming up once. It's near the start and if I don't play it doesn't come up again. In the last version it stayed until the night was over. If I do play I don't get a futher option for spin the bottle though the blog says the option should be there to play both. Can't get it to come up at all with a shy girl even if serving/having drinks the whole night but that might be by design.

Text error here:
"Evie had promised to make out with the winner if she lost. That's Jack.

Jack stands and pulls Evie to him, spinning her around so her back is pressed against him. He takes hold of her broad hips and lifts her up, so she's balancing on her toes, her arms snaking back around his neck, helping her stay upright. With the young lady at just the right height, he thrusts his hips forward and you see the head of his bare cock push between her thighs, just below the warm cleft that allows entry into her body.
She lets out a quiet gasp, but holds onto him as he starts to fuck between her smooth tannedthighs, the upper side of his manhood rubbing against her pussy, slowly growing slick with her juices. "

No space between tanned and thighs.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016
I just wanted to chime in and say that I just found this game, and that I love it.

My new favorite erotic scene of all time is where an innocent friend asks you to help her lose her virginity. I can't help but feed her to an impregnator every time, even if I like the girl. That just made me wonder if there will ever actually be NPC pregnancy, or if I'll just have to make due with my imagination for that scene? Either way, great work on the game.


Nov 19, 2016
I just wanted to chime in and say that I just found this game, and that I love it.

My new favorite erotic scene of all time is where an innocent friend asks you to help her lose her virginity. I can't help but feed her to an impregnator every time, even if I like the girl. That just made me wonder if there will ever actually be NPC pregnancy, or if I'll just have to make due with my imagination for that scene? Either way, great work on the game.
I believe NPC pregnancy will eventually be implemented. There was a brief mention on the blog a while ago. Personally I'm waiting for more pregnancy petting/heavy scenes (hur hur heavy? get it?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hi all! I haven't posted in a while - sorry about that. I've kind of gone through one of my phases where I don't interact much online.
In Newlife news:
- I'm currently working on a "Prove me Wrong" release where players got to vote on something to add that I'd otherwise have said no to. This time the winner was anal sex, so I'm cracking on with an anal scene.
- This month is the big vote for the next major update. I'll count up the results at the end of the month so you'll find out the winner in a few weeks time.

Not so much a bug to report here but something that doesn't make sense. (Maybe it's a bug.)
I accessed the new (well for non-patron) "watching" scene through having a virgin party girl as a friend and her asking to find a guy for her.
The very next week when choosing to spend time with friends again I get the 'drunken party girl slept with a guy a few weeks ago' scene.
...but obviously not because she had her first time last week.
I think that will have to stay in the game. The event does check that she isn't a virgin but there's no way to check *when* she lost her virginity without adding a whole new game mechanic just to avoid this quite specific situation. I guess you could interpret it as them spending the night together but not having penetrative sex though.
From 3.26 with the new NPC, scene after she quit...
She came up as someone to talk to in the club and told me about her work when I had taken the 'stay' path too, seemingly not acknowledging being a co-worker.
Thanks! It took me ages to reply, but I read your post a while ago and fixed the bugs - thanks for flagging them up.
Is the only possible option in the later scene crossing the road and ignoring her if I told her to stay? I picked the 'nice' trait after having seen it the first time but that's still the only option. Even after having befriended her that was still all there was.
There's 3 actions: ignore her, comfort her and be mean to her. You'll never get more than 2 though as the nice and mean options exclude the other being available.
The comfort her action then splits off into a few other potential paths including one where you advise her to sleep with someone and help her find a man. It isn't a huge scene though.
Also there's clothes tagged as 'wedding', not sure they're supposed to be there since there's no wedding scene yet?
That's just preparing for the future although it has been there since the original release so it may have been a bit premature. Weddings could come in quite soon though now, depending on the vote.
During the strip blackjack scene there seems to be a word missing here:

"You unbutton your blouse and take it off revealing your small but perky tits, covered only by your bra, its lacy fabric showing tantalising hints of the soft pale beneath. "

And this:

"Another round starts and the cards are shuffled and dealt once again.
You're dealt two cards, the ace of diamonds as your face-up card. You quickly peek at your hole card, and see that it's the five of hearts. Your hand currently scores 6."

That should be 6 or 17.

I also only have the option coming up once. It's near the start and if I don't play it doesn't come up again. In the last version it stayed until the night was over. If I do play I don't get a futher option for spin the bottle though the blog says the option should be there to play both. Can't get it to come up at all with a shy girl even if serving/having drinks the whole night but that might be by design.

Text error here:
"Evie had promised to make out with the winner if she lost. That's Jack.

Jack stands and pulls Evie to him, spinning her around so her back is pressed against him. He takes hold of her broad hips and lifts her up, so she's balancing on her toes, her arms snaking back around his neck, helping her stay upright. With the young lady at just the right height, he thrusts his hips forward and you see the head of his bare cock push between her thighs, just below the warm cleft that allows entry into her body.
She lets out a quiet gasp, but holds onto him as he starts to fuck between her smooth tannedthighs, the upper side of his manhood rubbing against her pussy, slowly growing slick with her juices. "

No space between tanned and thighs.

Thanks! I think these are all fixed now

I just wanted to chime in and say that I just found this game, and that I love it.

My new favorite erotic scene of all time is where an innocent friend asks you to help her lose her virginity. I can't help but feed her to an impregnator every time, even if I like the girl. That just made me wonder if there will ever actually be NPC pregnancy, or if I'll just have to make due with my imagination for that scene? Either way, great work on the game.
Glad you're enjoying it and thanks for the kind words :)
NPC pregnancy is on the cards: it'll be part of the Improved Pregnancy major update. That's in the current vote: you can see the voting options at
Mmm NPC pregnacy...
Sounds like a popular one! Improved Pregnancy is in with a shot of winning this month's vote, at least from a quick eyeball over the votes so far - I don't have them properly counted. It seems like it's shaping up to be quite a close one though. I'll be surprised if it doesn't make top 3 though.
I believe NPC pregnancy will eventually be implemented. There was a brief mention on the blog a while ago. Personally I'm waiting for more pregnancy petting/heavy scenes (hur hur heavy? get it?)
Also the Improve Pregnancy update - I don't know if there'll be a full new scene as such, but there'll certainly be more pregnant content.