Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
I just thought of this playing through the newest update, but could you add fetish traits, or something, that let you choose if you want to birth and/or father only boys, or only girls? Should be a nice touch for the upcoming incest features for those that want a little more control over the results.
As DarkMaster says, I'm planning on adding in preferences soon to allow you to have a little more control over your character's birth rates. ^^

Eh. Honestly? I feel most games fall apart when they go for a lot of fetishes. Take it slow yo and build up from there. So far? Most things are surprisingly well done and well written. I expect a lto from this game as it progresses, but my take is that the current line-up is fine.
Personally, I wouldn't ask for more fetishes as for now, It's already pretty good, I'd just like more "raw" content (story, characters, ..) and, ye, the slaves and sub mechanics that are coming soon
After playing in the most recent build, I can definitely say that the fetish range is big enough to focus on content for the moment. Adding more as foundation isn't exactly bad, but between the last time I played Lilith's Throne and the most recent build, I've not spotted tons of really stand-out different content as much as just the framework for future content has been added.
I've been spending a lot of time over the past couple of versions doing engine work, so, as a break, I'm going to spend this next version just focusing on writing content that uses the framework that I've made. ^^

I only have a few more things left to do in the engine, and then after that I'll be able to spend all my time writing in content! :3

I do want to ask, though: what's the chances that go into NPCs butt-fucking male characters? I ran into multiple shemales (chicks with only dicks), but if they beat my character they would only ever force a naizuri. It seemed very weird that not once in the multiple instances (roughly 4) that they always chose to push me to my knees. And they wouldn't even choose to use the mouth once, just grind their cocks on my guy's chest. It was really weird (humorous, though) that not a single time I lost I could get them to go after my character's facehole or butthole. Same with male characters I encountered, too.
The AI in sex is quite wonky at the moment, I'm going to be getting this fixed for the next version! ^^

I wanna talk about the clothing system. The whole thing about having a negative status when wearing female clothing (I don't know, but does it work in the opposite direction?) seems to be more of an easter egg right now. I would want to know if there's content planned that makes this more interesting. Maybe cursed clothing that can't be taken off until x happens or something like that? Enemies who forcefully doll you up? An area where you need to disguise into something embarassing?
As Xeivous says, you can get the cross-dressing fetish to remove the negative effects at the moment, but other than that, I haven't written in any content for it just yet. I will definitely be adding NPCs that force you into jinxed clothing, as well as some scenes later on for cross-dressing characters. ^^

Version 0.1.85

I updated the game to 0.1.85 yesterday, you can find more information about it on my blog, or can grab the downloads from here:

Google Drive
Google Drive

The main thing that I've added is slavery mechanics, as well as a UI update (which was needed after I added a few more inventory slots). ^^

Patch notes:
Preview v0.1.84.5

Added: Functionality to give/take clothing, items, and weapons to/from NPCs. This took ages. x_x
Added: All of the inventory slots that I had planned, including orifice-related ones (to allow for insertion of toys into orifices).
Added: An option (in the options menu) to disable the 'fade in' effect on the main text window (which removes the input lag if using the mouse to click the map for movement).

Added: Functionality to convert the rooms in Lilaya's house into slave's quarters, along with functionality to apply upgrades those rooms.

Remade & expanded: Inventory screen.
Moved the map from the bottom-left up into the main section of dialogue.
While playing, I felt as though my focus was mostly on the tiny section at the bottom-left of the screen, and I was having to move my eyes a lot between the map and the main content panel. This was an attempt to address this situation.
Added an event log in the bottom-left of the screen.
Moved all 'Remove character' actions to button 10.

Moved Rose's dialogue out of the generic rooms and into her room's tile.
Ralph no longer feels the need to wear socks over his hooves.
Added more values for Body Hair.
NPCs should no longer be taking their own virginites.
A few more minor things: But I forgot to make note of them...

Fixed bug where the potency of Bubble Cream's enchantments couldn't be changed.
NPCs with cow-morph body-type preference will now correctly TF you into a cow-morph instead of a human.
Fixed some issues with Bubble Milk displaying a large letter A in its icon.
Fixed 'null' being returned in text when cow-leg transformation caused you to be unable to wear shoes.
Fixed some typos.

Preview Hotfix v0.1.84.6

Changed the way NPCs are tracked in an effort to make them easier to save and access.

Added: Room management, Slave management UI (access from Slavery Administration, or any of the rooms in Lilaya's House).
Added: Basic slave buying/selling. Once you've completed the part of the main quest involving Alexa, her shop will restock five slaves every day.
Added: A lot of slave-related engine work. x_x
Added: Placeholder dialogue for slaves. (This is the same as the offspring placeholders for now, I'm going to massively expand all these options over the next few versions.)

Moved the map back down to the bottom-left (I'll find a place for the event log next week ^^).
Swapped the finger and hips slots in the inventory UI.
Added 'Displace all', 'Replace all', 'Unequip all', and 'Equip all' actions to the inventory menu, along with NPC-targeted versions for displace, replace, and unequip.
Temporarily disabled quick manage in the inventory until I can get it fixed. (Sorry!)

Added 'unzip' displacement type for trousers, jeans, and shorts.
Added pattern options (striping/spotting/mottling) for demon and human skin in Kate's shop.
Added a fast travel option from your room to Lilaya's Lab, and vice versa. Also added fast travel back to the entrance from each of the shops in the arcade.
Moved Cowbell collar, Ear tag, and Bovine nose ring into a new 'Cattle' set. (The status effect buffs are boring at the moment, but I'll make them far more exciting when I move lactation/cum production into enchantable stats.)
Added 'silver' to eye colours.

You should now properly be able to access your parnter's clothing during sex.
Enslaving someone by forcing them to equip a slave collar now correctly marks them as your slave.
Blazers are now correctly unisex.
Fixed bug where clothing would be duplicated after sex scenes.
Fixed a lot of incorrect descriptions of clothing management during sex.
You can now access the inventory of the people who try to rob you, as well as those who try to rape you.
Fixed bug where dying equipped clothes would cause those clothes to be duplicated into the owner's inventory.
Descriptions for adding a penis modifier will no longer display if the target has no penis.
Fixed demonic nipples always being described as nipple-cunts (even if they were regular nipples).
Arcane storm notifications should now properly trigger when in a vulnerable area.
Fixed starting hairstyle being random (your hair will now always start with a 'natural' style in the character creation).
Fixed bug where enforcer shirt, maid's dress, and Mega Milk T-shirt would not be able to be unequipped if you wore something over the top (like a hoodie).
Possibly fixed the bug that was causing the properties file to get re-created on a new game start.
Fixed minor bug where the text on the screen would disappear when pressing enter in the City Hall's change name box.
Scarlett's slave collar should now correctly be sealed.

Version 0.1.85

Added support for personality types and backgrounds for NPCs. This is the precursor to writing in proper dialogue with random NPCs.

Large rework: Due to the inventory rework (adding in orifice slots), I've had to try and rework the UI to properly display the new options, while trying to retain the functionality of the old system.
As part of this rework, I've added a third column to the UI, but I'm still not entirely happy about it, and will most likely continue to tweak it over the next couple of weeks...

Reduced minimum hair length requirements for the Sidecut and Afro hair styles.
NPCs' name is now revealed when you enslave them.
You can no longer sell slaves to Finch (this was unintended behaviour).
Minor improvements to slave management UI.
Slightly changed bovine horn descriptions.
Scarlett can now be impregnated.
Added the displacement type 'pull down' to the keyhole sweater, which will expose your breasts.
Exhibitionist males will no longer wear clothing that blocks their nipples.
Added correct fetish associations to the 'Rough ride' option in sex.

Fixed some typos
You can now sell your items even if the vendor's inventory is full.
Finch should now properly restock his inventory each day.
Enforcer Shorts can now be unzipped.
Slave sex should no longer end with dialogue suggesting you got dominated.
Fixed bug where Ralph's sex scene wouldn't start (and a series of associated bugs that were causing it in the background).
Text boxes should now respond correctly to pressing the 'Enter' key. (Fixes issues related to not being able to rename slaves, as well as all the text on the screen disappearing in the save dialogue.)
Rough Paizuri is now correctly tied to Sadist fetish like other rough pace actions.
Slaves no longer regenerate clothing after sex.
You should now be able to have sex with all of your slaves.
Fixed bug where transforming a slave and then returning to the management screen wouldn't update their appearance.
Using the used condom on an NPC now returns a more accurate description.
Cow and squirrel-morph potions now have correct titles.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
The whole slavery thing seems pretty neat thus far. Does feel pretty weird to just be able to get them worshipping you with a bit of click-spamming and being able to not much of anything about their obedience


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
When you go that way, grinding in Tits is actually click spamming too (or button mashing), it all depends on the way you play the game. Putting a smol cooldown like some minutes/hours/(days?) IG should do the trick though


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Fair enough.

Also a couple of questions: Is there any way to get big wings outside of the harpy arms? Is there a way to manipulate your partner's pace? And can we get the ability to use multiple tails to penetrate more orifices at once?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Also a couple of questions: Is there any way to get big wings outside of the harpy arms? Is there a way to manipulate your partner's pace? And can we get the ability to use multiple tails to penetrate more orifices at once?
Back wings? You can get them from the demon TF, I don't think there are any other arm wings at present time.

Partner's pace cannot be affected. They follow specific rules. For example, they will be eager if they are the sub with the submissive fetish, but otherwise be normal while subbing (assuming non-con content is off).

Multi-tail penetration? Possibly planned, but I'm not sure for certain. It's something that will probably be added to the list if it isn't already once Inno sees your request.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
The whole slavery thing seems pretty neat thus far. Does feel pretty weird to just be able to get them worshipping you with a bit of click-spamming and being able to not much of anything about their obedience
All of the slavery options are very, very placeholder at the moment. I'm going to add some more detailed dialogue, as well as lots of jobs and permissions to assign to your slaves. ^^

Also a couple of questions: Is there any way to get big wings outside of the harpy arms? Is there a way to manipulate your partner's pace? And can we get the ability to use multiple tails to penetrate more orifices at once?
As DarkMaster says, the only wings in the game at the moment are demon (small back-wings) and harpy (large arm-wings). I'm going to add another type of demon wing TF soon, which will be full-sized back wings (allowing you to fly). ^^

You can't alter NPC's sex pace at the moment (following the rules that DarkMaster says), but I do have plans for a way to influence them. I'll try and get that done some time in the next few versions. :3

As DarkMaster says (once again ^^), I will add multiple-tail control to sex scenes (as well as actions for multiple-arms, penises, and breasts). I need to tidy up the UI first, however, as having up to 9 options for all of your tails will soon cause the UI to become horribly crowded. ^^
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Reactions: Xeivous


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Well that answers my questions pretty thoroughly. Thanks for the response.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
You mean to tell me, I've installed IntelliJ Idea (y know, student license n shit), cloned the github repository, installed Java SE 9, went through a shitload of code to finally be able to add in a "cheatcode" to giff me thingies for nothing because everything I gave me were actually in the debug menu?

sudo rm -rf MyLife


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
I did, the beginning at least and it was full of stuff I already knew like the patchnote etc.. so I didn't bother going further. kek.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2016
Hey Innoxia I was the one that posted a comment about a UI bug in the blog post for 0.1.86, but I couldn't put a picture in the comment box so I'll post it here.


  • UI Bug.jpg
    UI Bug.jpg
    185.4 KB · Views: 13


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey Innoxia I was the one that posted a comment about a UI bug in the blog post for 0.1.86, but I couldn't put a picture in the comment box so I'll post it here.
I had the same problem. You need to update your Java.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
So the mechanics of slavery are somewhat solidly in right now, at least as far as manipulating shit goes.

Curious about how the pricing for slaves works. Particularly for those with the desire to make a few flames off of the local mugger population.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
You mean to tell me, I've installed IntelliJ Idea (y know, student license n shit), cloned the github repository, installed Java SE 9, went through a shitload of code to finally be able to add in a "cheatcode" to giff me thingies for nothing because everything I gave me were actually in the debug menu?

sudo rm -rf MyLife
Well, on the bright side, you can now very easily modify any aspects of the game you don't like! ^^

Hey Innoxia I was the one that posted a comment about a UI bug in the blog post for 0.1.86, but I couldn't put a picture in the comment box so I'll post it here.
Thanks, I think we got this resolved on the blog once I saw this image (the problem was as DarkMaster says, if I recall correctly). Thank you for providing the image! ^^

So the mechanics of slavery are somewhat solidly in right now, at least as far as manipulating shit goes.

Curious about how the pricing for slaves works. Particularly for those with the desire to make a few flames off of the local mugger population.
There are still a few more core aspects of the slavery mechanics that need to be added, but most of the basics are in the game (in a very rough form). The pricing for slaves currently takes into account their fetishes and obedience, but I have plans for making a more detailed (and transparent) system for how a slave's value is calculated later on. :3


I just updated the game to version, which has added in incest dialogue, an updated character creation process (still not quite in it's final state though), as well as a few other minor additions and a lot of bug fixes. ^^

Google Drive
Google Drive

Patch notes:

Added to and improved: Character creation. (I still have a little more to add to this.)
Changed: You now start the game with whatever clothes you picked in the character creation process. (Rip hoodie and yoga pants. ;_;)
Added: (A very basic) genetics system to offspring. Offspring's features will now be inherited and influenced by their parents. (I will improve this at some stage in the future, but it should be ok as a placeholder.)
Added: Four personality types. These will be used to influence the random NPCs' dialogue, obedience & affection gains/losses, and other minor things.
Added breast shape, along with breast shape enchantment elements. (Round, pointy, side-set, wide, and narrow.)
Added labia size.
Increased storage capacity for each tile's ground inventory from 24 to 48.

Updated the content preferences screen.
Updated the light theme to work with the new UI elements. (It could still do with a lot of improvements though.)

(I needed to add some more clothing for the character creation.)
Added: Stiletto heels (feminine, foot slot).
Added: Trainer socks (unisex, sock slot).
Added: Low-top skater shoes (unisex, foot slot).
Added: Tie (unisex, neck slot).
Added: Suit jacket (masculine, over-torso slot).

Improved: Gender detection and naming to take into account whether the person has breasts or not.
Assumed gender from appearance now takes into account whether your balls are internal, whether your penis is sheathed, and whether you have a cloaca. (A bulge won't be visible for internal balls or cloacas, and will only be visible for very large sheathed penises.)
Added 'Use all' to inventory options.
Moved tape crosses from chest to nipple slot.
Added more pattern availability to nail polish and lipstick.
Improved parser capitalisation detection for body part colours.
Inventory is now ordered by slot type.
Nyan now stocks the cattle set's items.
Enabled 'Take all' in inventory for taking all of an NPC's items at once.
Changed bovine penis default modifier from flared to tapered. (Thanks Rfpnj!)
NPCs will now only spawn with non-con, incest, or transformation fetishes if you have the associated option turned on in the content preferences.
NPCs can now span with up to five fetishes.
Increased chance (to 50%) for your offspring to have the incest fetish.
NPCs that you enslave will start off loathing you and will be very disobedient.

The icon for watches now have their hands pointing to the correct in-game time again.
Typo and formatting fixes.
Fixed crotchless thong being called 'crotchless thongs'.
Negative values for fertility or virility now correctly prevent pregnancy.
Clothing unequipping in sex is now correctly blocked by other clothing. (e.g. can't unequip your partner's panties if they're wearing yoga pants.)
Changing the capacity of an orifice (through drinking potions) now sets yours stretched capacity to the new value.
Fixed bug where Nyan would sometimes get the clothing she sold to you back in her inventory.
Unzipping trousers and shorts no longer grants access to vagina. (You can still pull them down to do this.)
Scarlett should no longer regenerate her clothing after sex.
Fixed description in combat's dual attack always saying that you hit, even if you missed.
Fixed Pix's post-sex scene leading to the arcade's entrance dialogue, instead of the gym's exterior dialogue.
You should no longer be assumed to be a hermaphrodite if only your penis is visible.
Possibly fixed a cause of the Properties file being reset now and again.
Fixed ability to see NPC's vagina and penis in the tooltip when hovering over their level when you did not know what their genitals looked like.
Fixed tooltip for NPC's equipped clothing not displaying the correct information.
Fixed broken description in selfie for 'almost unnoticeable' breast sizes.
Pubic, facial, and body hair for NPCs should now be displayed if you have those options turned on.
Fixed weapon tooltips displaying incorrect damage.
Fixed bugs which would allow you to use dye-brushes in an incorrect manner, thereby wasting them.
Fixed bug related to Alexa's unsold slaves not being cleared from the game's memory.
Fixed: You no longer lose your vagina when importing a character that's either pregnant, or has the pregnancy risk effect.
Importing a character now correctly sets your virginity loss description.
Equipping a slave collar on an NPC from their inventory should now correctly trigger enslavement.



Slightly reworked the detection system for consensual sex detection, in order to better support different sex scenes. (Some actions might be available when they shouldn't; I'll get this fixed for the next version.)

Added: Incest dialogue. Your offspring's reactions and dialogue will alter based on your affection with them, as well as their personality and history (at the moment, the available histories are just 'mugger' and 'prostitute').
Finished the basics of the character creator. (There's still more to add!)
Added a couple more room upgrades for slaves, as well as some placeholder actions for conversation with them.

NPCs will now only use anal actions if they have an anal fetish, or if there is no vagina available.
NPCs will no longer suck their own fingers.

Reworked: Condoms are now a 'clothing' item, and can be equipped into the penis slot just like any other clothing.
Just as they worked before, once the wearer orgasms, a 'filled condom' item is added to their inventory. (Jinxed condoms are affected just like regular ones.)
Unequipping all during sex will no longer remove piercings.
Added the ability for NPCs to use the 'self-doggy' position (where they're the dom, but are the ones on all fours).
Characters with a furry rating of 'Minor' or 'Partial' will no longer spawn with multiple nipples.
Added 'perky' to breast shapes.
Added a couple more options for gender encounter rate settings.
NPCs will now spawn wearing makeup.
Tweaked hair style spawn probabilities.

Fixed Scarlett slave interactions sometimes being broken.
Fixed default gender spawn preferences only being males and traps.
Setting all gender preferences to 0 now defaults to a 50/50 male/female chance, instead of making no encounters happen.
Fixed bug where you'd start with two demonstones.
Fixed masculine characters being assumed to be a cuntboy instead of a male.
Fixed bug where loading a previously saved game might sometimes cut off sections of dialogue.
Fixed NPCs dropping items in random tiles.
Fixed bug where Vicky's inventory (and possibly Ralph's, under certain circumstances) would sometimes break.
'Buy (5)' and 'Buy (All)' options in inventory dialogue should now correctly be greyed-out if you can't afford the cost.
Typo fixes.
Fixed bug where hotkey input was being registered when typing into a text field.
Fixed exposed & exhibitionist tooltips not returning the correct descriptions for NPCs.
Rough tail-pegging/tail fucking now have the correct related fetishes.
Fixed combat damage calculations not taking into account damage range.
Skin colourings for lips, anus, vagina, penis, and nipples will now be correctly updated to the skin colour of the rest of your body in the character creator.
Random name/surname buttons in the character creator will no loner reset the other field when pressed.
Fixed the availability of clothing's unequipping/drop actions in sex.
Fixed cocks being described as sheathed during sex.
Fixed NPCs not raping you if they had the non-con fetish. (Oops)
Fixed lips always being described as full.
Cow-morph consumables can now be used on alleyway attackers and harpies in the nests.



Added: Ability to remove jinxes from any NPC's clothing.
Added: Breeder collar (feminine, neck slot). Can be bought from Nyan's 'Specials' menu.
Removing a jinx from clothing no longer removes its negative attributes.
Enabled futanari as a minimal gender encounter by default.
Improved the gender preferences screen to show how each gender is defined.

Fixed the strange behaviour in sex scenes, where dom/sub would sometimes switch, as well as sex ending when either one of you came.
Fixed game freeze/crash when trying to remove your offspring.
Fixed character import bug (where characters from pre-0.1.86 were not being imported correctly).
Character import now correctly loads in your surname.
Fixed no_clothing_covering_nipples error that was appearing in some sex actions.
Fixed nipples being described as "dry".
Typo fixes.
Changed flat-chested [breasts] parser description to output 'pecs' instead of 'chest'. (Hopefully this hasn't broken descriptions in places. x_x)
Condoms will no longer magically re-equip themselves after sex.
Fixed formatting in all stats pages.
Succubi in the Dark Alleyway tiles will no longer disappear as soon as you move away.
Feeding your prostitute daughter a Vixen's Virility pill will now correctly override her promiscuity pill's effects.
Fixed 'Paizuri into mouth' action being available even if your mouth was blocked.
Fixed Nyan stocking condoms, and added them to Ralph's inventory again.
Fixed an instance of an NPC's orgasm not describing them wearing a condom.
Piercings should now correctly appear in the character creation.
Fixed virginity loss description being printed twice.
Fixed an import bug marking cum as milk.
Fixed a couple of inconsistencies in the prologue dialogue.
Fixed genders with breast requirements (such as busty-boys or flat-chested traps) not spawning.
Fixed random encounters of certain genders when they were supposed to be turned off.
Prostitute offspring will no longer rsist after you've paid to have sex with them.
Fixed all starting characters having 5 corruption (it's going to be based on your sexual experience until I add in the final parts of the character creation process).
Fixed slave room description not taking into account bed upgrades.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
There are still a few more core aspects of the slavery mechanics that need to be added, but most of the basics are in the game (in a very rough form). The pricing for slaves currently takes into account their fetishes and obedience, but I have plans for making a more detailed (and transparent) system for how a slave's value is calculated later on. :3

Also I rather like how there is unique dialogue for enslaving one of your brats. Also being able to override the contraceptives with the proper item is neat, as before the fix I had to spend a shitton of harpy essenses on fertility potions.

Flash Dingo

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2016
So one thing I noticed, if you start a new game with an imported character, the prologue doesn't acknowledge you as anything other than human... even if you've transformed yourself into a demon. Will there be something in place, at some point, that acknowledges transformations?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
I think that the best lore-friendly solution for imported character would be that you'd still be a human for the prologue and then wake up transformed after you got pulled in the mirror.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
So one thing I noticed, if you start a new game with an imported character, the prologue doesn't acknowledge you as anything other than human... even if you've transformed yourself into a demon. Will there be something in place, at some point, that acknowledges transformations?
I'll definitely add this in as soon as I can, thank you for the suggestion! ^^

As Nnxx suggests (thank you too!), I'll most likely add it in as a transformation that occurs after being pulled through the mirror. ^^

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Sounds inconvenient.

Anyway, haven't checked it out in a while and I noticed a lot had changed but one option seems odd. A player preference mechanic doesn't seem all that necessary since you can tune the encounters to your liking. For NPCs it kinda makes sense to give the randos a little more personality even if it goes out the window once the arcane lust sets in but there's no real functionality in setting one for the PC. I'm guessing that's why it got some bonuses associated with it but those are huge for something that'd otherwise be purely for roleplaying yet silly to have at all in a setting where things are so mixed and matched that they don't fit into easy categories. That's why there's nothing like that in TiTS; thinking of sexuality that way doesn't make sense in the setting and associating powergaming bonuses with smut content can easily lead to conflicts of interest - especially considering the "I like everything" option doesn't have any perks.

You might want to think about whether that mechanic is really a good idea/whether you really want it to affect combat.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I don't know if this is intended or a bug but I find it extremely odd how often NPCs (mostly male) tend to suck their own fingers when dominated. I'm not talking about a short, one-time thing just to look sexy, I'm talking about them doing it ALL the time, in every turn, until I physically interact with them or tell them to stop self-insertions. And the worst part is that they act like they're getting off at it... I mean... they're just sucking their fingers... I don't want to kink-shame (they're just NPCs anyway) but it IS extremely awkward and off-putting. I would prefer if they just sat there waiting for me to do something, or even rubbing/teasing their own genitalia, than sucking their digits and moaning like its the most pleasurable thing ever... .__.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Sounds inconvenient.

Anyway, haven't checked it out in a while and I noticed a lot had changed but one option seems odd. A player preference mechanic doesn't seem all that necessary since you can tune the encounters to your liking. For NPCs it kinda makes sense to give the randos a little more personality even if it goes out the window once the arcane lust sets in but there's no real functionality in setting one for the PC. I'm guessing that's why it got some bonuses associated with it but those are huge for something that'd otherwise be purely for roleplaying yet silly to have at all in a setting where things are so mixed and matched that they don't fit into easy categories. That's why there's nothing like that in TiTS; thinking of sexuality that way doesn't make sense in the setting and associating powergaming bonuses with smut content can easily lead to conflicts of interest - especially considering the "I like everything" option doesn't have any perks.

You might want to think about whether that mechanic is really a good idea/whether you really want it to affect combat.

I concur, the really oddball thing is the rift adult games and classic video games have. If we look at say, Dark Souls, getting impaled by random skeletons is likely not something you want to do in that game, yet if you aren't attentive, it might happen anyways. So the question is, why are adult games so happy about "oh you don't want this to happen? Just turn it off!" type of deals. Being forced to deal with things you don't want to happen is actually central to a video game experience so using that option rather than turning off male encounters altogether is more true to classic video games. That said, there is also NPCs like Brax that can't be turned off like that, in which case its useful.

Oh btw I'm all for being able to tweak everything to your liking, including e.g. setting everything to female and going androphilic to make the game easier.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I concur, the really oddball thing is the rift adult games and classic video games have. If we look at say, Dark Souls, getting impaled by random skeletons is likely not something you want to do in that game, yet if you aren't attentive, it might happen anyways. So the question is, why are adult games so happy about "oh you don't want this to happen? Just turn it off!" type of deals. Being forced to deal with things you don't want to happen is actually central to a video game experience so using that option rather than turning off male encounters altogether is more true to classic video games. That said, there is also NPCs like Brax that can't be turned off like that, in which case its useful.

Oh btw I'm all for being able to tweak everything to your liking, including e.g. setting everything to female and going androphilic to make the game easier.

That's because our society fosters too much intolerance towards anything that ins't agreeable to us. Rather than teaching the newer generations how to deal with adversity and opposition, we coddle them too much to the point they would rather live in their bubbles than facing and accepting people are all different and worthy of respect until proven otherwise. The fact these generations are highly active on the internet, a place where anonymity is strong, only reinforces the thought they can do and say what they want free of consequences, as its easy to grown distant and apathetic behind a screen. Their egocentric, socially inept, sadistic and manipulative behavior almost matches the profile of a psychopath.

On a side-note, these are Patreon games we're talking about, the kind being made by small teams or lone individuals with few resources, money and sometimes experience. They are trying to turn their hobbies into sustainable ones, until it either becomes a full-time thing or a better job comes along. If your funds come from a certain group of individuals then it is in your best interest to keep them interest and satisfied in the product. Paying costumers are fickle and entitled, they want things catered to them, you may not like it, heck, you may not even like the tendencies of the market, but sometimes you have to concede to what they want or you'll yourself penny-less in no time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I concur, the really oddball thing is the rift adult games and classic video games have. If we look at say, Dark Souls, getting impaled by random skeletons is likely not something you want to do in that game, yet if you aren't attentive, it might happen anyways. So the question is, why are adult games so happy about "oh you don't want this to happen? Just turn it off!" type of deals. Being forced to deal with things you don't want to happen is actually central to a video game experience so using that option rather than turning off male encounters altogether is more true to classic video games. That said, there is also NPCs like Brax that can't be turned off like that, in which case its useful.

Oh btw I'm all for being able to tweak everything to your liking, including e.g. setting everything to female and going androphilic to make the game easier.
The situation is completely different because we're talking about getting off. The point of the game is to give sexual satisfaction to your audience, generally not to challenge them or engage them by doing something like make them uncomfortable or scare them. For many people, having something suddenly show up that they find unappealing will instantly kill the mood and make it impossible for them to get off on the game anymore (or at least for an extended period of time). You wouldn't play a game like LT if you couldn't get off on it, so the dev has a strong incentive to either not include that content or make it possible to disable it. There's a lot of types of content that you either have to make optional, or can't include at all since they'll otherwise interfere with the ability of other players to enjoy the game. This can include things like detailed gore descriptions, realistic rape depictions, unwanted transformations, or an abundance of unattractive characters (males when you're only into women, females when you're only into men, or furries if you find them distasteful).

Try looking at it from another perspective, if you've been playing through a game where your favorite character can die at a certain point if you fail at something and that catches the player off guard, you might be rather upset to learn that character is now gone for good and the only way to get them back is to start over. If the ONLY reason you played the game is because you liked that character, that can potentially ruin the entire game for you. That can also feel especially bad if you spent a significant amount of time and/or money on the game, just to experience that character. It certainly could be good story telling, but that doesn't change the fact that you cannot enjoy the game because of that mechanic. Adding in choices and options, such as disabling perma-deaths, allows people who dislike those mechanics to enjoy the game, without negatively affecting other players. It's about inclusive design, which is especially important for games that are intended to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible, like LT.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
I almost pissed myself when I read your post IvoryOwl. Jumping from people who don't like hard games to Psychopathy deserves a fucking gold medal in reaching.

And DarkMaster, I'm all in favor of inclusive game design as my last sentence hopefully conveyed. My observation is rather why people lack the self-reflection that they demand any fetish content tagged to be warned ahead and yet mock people who want trigger warnings as entitled brats. Or that they want to be able to turn off any content they dislike while in another tab write a hate screed at someone who said they want a more inclusive easy mode for Cuphead.

Video Game Culture would be so much better if gamers would act the same way about them as they do about adult games.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I almost pissed myself when I read your post IvoryOwl. Jumping from people who don't like hard games to Psychopathy deserves a fucking gold medal in reaching.

And DarkMaster, I'm all in favor of inclusive game design as my last sentence hopefully conveyed. My observation is rather why people lack the self-reflection that they demand any fetish content tagged to be warned ahead and yet mock people who want trigger warnings as entitled brats. Or that they want to be able to turn off any content they dislike while in another tab write a hate screed at someone who said they want a more inclusive easy mode for Cuphead.

Video Game Culture would be so much better if gamers would act the same way about them as they do about adult games.

I may have pulled the string but you're the one who brought the yarn. The rest of your argument only makes sense if we're talking about a single individual posting opposite arguments on different places, and you're aware of it. In my experience though, its not hard to find those whose opinion change as much as the wind changes direction. They don't care about other people, they only care about what they think is right or agreeable to their current disposition. This is why we should never take anything anyone says on the internet too seriously. I mean, what are you going to do in these situations exactly? Point it out? Call them hypocrites? And what good will that accomplish exactly? They ain't gonna change for your sake, you're only giving them an argument which is probably what they wanted in the first place.
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