JimThermic's Project List

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Nothing more will be written for any of Jim's characters unless someone from the audience writes or commissions it.

That means no Embry, Myr Deserter, etc. expansions. 

If none of the more experienced writers get to them before me, I intend to steal Embry and Inessa. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
If none of the more experienced writers get to them before me, I intend to steal Embry and Inessa. 

If you want I'd be willing to help with that, at least with Embry. Note sure about Inessa since we never really got to see what the plans were for her after her key was found (or if it was going to be found at all.)


Aug 27, 2015
I always saw that comment as Nonesuch getting one step closer to the whole business simulator Mhenga stuff he wanted to do, and people were looking way too hard into the napalm comment, but that's just me.

It was Nonesuch making light of the situation, because Nonesuch is sad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
We're all sad.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
It was Nonesuch making light of the situation, because Nonesuch is sad.

This is why text speech can be so annoying, very hard to tell what tone the other person is using.

If you want I'd be willing to help with that, at least with Embry. Note sure about Inessa since we never really got to see what the plans were for her after her key was found (or if it was going to be found at all.)

I have the sneaking suspicion that the key was going to be in some really obvious place, like a key rack or something. But now we'll never know...


Jan 25, 2016
I would absolutely be up for commissioning somebody to continue at least a few of Jim's projects. My only condition in that case being that they don't do a 180 in terms of content. But I guess this might be the wrong place for that?


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Every time I come across Bess and Embry now i'm going to cry a little. Jim was easily one of my favorite writers around here.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
This is a real shame to hear, but I get it. The vanae are some of my favorite characters in TiTS, and the game's better for Jim's contributions. Hope his other work goes well and makes him happy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Nothing more will be written for any of Jim's characters unless someone from the audience writes or commissions it.

That means no Embry, Myr Deserter, etc. expansions. 

Now, you say that, but wouldn't it be too soon for someone to try and pick up where he left off? Dont get me wrong, we need progress if anyone wants to see his works finished, but honestly speaking, who else is gonna write for a waifu character of his that could be just as diabetes inducingly sweet as the way Jim would have intended/written it (volunteers being the obvious exception to that since they, you know, volunteered)... not saying that it cant be done, but I do gotta say that his style is pretty unique.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I really hope someone can pick up where he left off, but I seriously doubt they will and especially to the point that these continuations will make it into the game.


Someone has started working on Embry I believe its Eva she/he made a topic :p


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Now, you say that, but wouldn't it be too soon for someone to try and pick up where he left off? Dont get me wrong, we need progress if anyone wants to see his works finished, but honestly speaking, who else is gonna write for a waifu character of his that could be just as diabetes inducingly sweet as the way Jim would have intended/written it (volunteers being the obvious exception to that since they, you know, volunteered)... not saying that it cant be done, but I do gotta say that his style is pretty unique.

Oh, I don't know. I think the attitude he brought to writing the characters was what distinguished them in TiTS. Characters like Ben/Bess and Embry are sweet, sure, but writing sweet characters is hardly a lost art. What really set them apart is that they were actual characters. They had personalities, they had motivations, and they had actual arcs. They were written to be characters, not just character-shaped sex scenes and I think that approach is what really made them good, not necessarily Jim's technical skills or that they were simply sweet waifus. They honestly feel like legit love interests.

I think the real question here is how much work is worth putting into finishing the characters when a writer could simply write their own characters. I suppose that's up to the individuals themselves, though. I'm sure it feels more worthwhile to some writers than others, working in the confines of another person's writing.

I imagine money is also a good motivator for some, regardless of how they might feel about finishing the work of another writer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Oh, I don't know. I think the attitude he brought to writing the characters was what distinguished them in TiTS. Characters like Ben/Bess and Embry are sweet, sure, but writing sweet characters is hardly a lost art. What really set them apart is that they were actual characters. They had personalities, they had motivations, and they had actual arcs. They were written to be characters, not just character-shaped sex scenes and I think that approach is what really made them good, not necessarily Jim's technical skills or that they were simply sweet waifus. They honestly feel like legit love interests.

I think the real question here is how much work is worth putting into finishing the characters when a writer could simply write their own characters. I suppose that's up to the individuals themselves, though. I'm sure it feels more worthwhile to some writers than others, working in the confines of another person's writing.

I imagine money is also a good motivator for some, regardless of how they might feel about finishing the work of another writer.

It probably helps you can take them on dates and romance them a hell of a lot more than other characters, most characters you just talk to and fuck, rarely do you get the option to do something romantic with/for them (Emmy being the biggest exception I'd say).


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
It probably helps you can take them on dates and romance them a hell of a lot more than other characters, most characters you just talk to and fuck, rarely do you get the option to do something romantic with/for them (Emmy being the biggest exception I'd say).

This is true. Both characters get a lot more content in terms of sheer word count for the sake of developing their characters. I understand not all characters need to be actual characters, as well. Sera, for example, is meant to serve as a way for players who like that kind of sexual content to enjoy themselves. TiTS is a porn game, so it makes sense. I think there's more to it than just length, though.

Some characters feel like they're hovering in this odd space between the two, though. They're more important than most but never quite reach being a real character. I realize opinions may differ here, but Anno is one such character to me. She has a backstory, she has motivations, she might even have a personality if you look hard enough, but much of it feels like an excuse just to give you a typical shipmate you can screw. You can see the "OBLIGATORY FUCKBUDDY-01" stamped on her forehead here while everything else about her feels almost incidental. I want to repeat that this is just my opinion, though. I know she's rather popular with some people and that everyone has their own ideas and standards involving writing and characters.

I want to contrast this to a character in the Event Submissions section. Kind of cheating, but I do think it's a good example. There's a character named Dr. Lessau being written up by someone and it really reminds me of just a better Anno in some ways. Both these characters work for Steele Tech and knew Victor, and that effects how they perceive and interact with the inimitable Captain Steele.

Dr. Lessau already has more of a connection to the good captain than Anno does before they even meet, and his feelings towards Captain Steele feel more natural even though he currently has less written about him than Anno does. It makes sense that he feels the way he does. Anno seems like she just feels like the way she does because she needs to get on your ship with minimal fuss, and she needs to do that because she's supposed to be a crewmate. When I see Dr. Lessau I can see his actual character motivating him and informing his actions and words, but when I see Anno all I really see is her design.

In short, you are right that Ben/Bess and Embry have a distinct advantage in word count to expand their characters, but I feel the way they were written was what was most important in how they turned out. My post got a tad off-track, but I just wanted to explain what I think was really at the core of how he wrote his most popular characters and provide an example for contrast.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2015
This is true. Both characters get a lot more content in terms of sheer word count for the sake of developing their characters. I understand not all characters need to be actual characters, as well. Sera, for example, is meant to serve as a way for players who like that kind of sexual content to enjoy themselves. TiTS is a porn game, so it makes sense. I think there's more to it than just length, though.

Some characters feel like they're hovering in this odd space between the two, though. They're more important than most but never quite reach being a real character. I realize opinions may differ here, but Anno is one such character to me. She has a backstory, she has motivations, she might even have a personality if you look hard enough, but much of it feels like an excuse just to give you a typical shipmate you can screw. You can see the "OBLIGATORY FUCKBUDDY-01" stamped on her forehead here while everything else about her feels almost incidental. I want to repeat that this is just my opinion, though. I know she's rather popular with some people and that everyone has their own ideas and standards involving writing and characters.

I want to contrast this to a character in the Event Submissions section. Kind of cheating, but I do think it's a good example. There's a character named Dr. Lessau being written up by someone and it really reminds me of just a better Anno in some ways. Both these characters work for Steele Tech and knew Victor, and that effects how they perceive and interact with the inimitable Captain Steele.

Dr. Lessau already has more of a connection to the good captain than Anno does before they even meet, and his feelings towards Captain Steele feel more natural even though he currently has less written about him than Anno does. It makes sense that he feels the way he does. Anno seems like she just feels like the way she does because she needs to get on your ship with minimal fuss, and she needs to do that because she's supposed to be a crewmate. When I see Dr. Lessau I can see his actual character motivating him and informing his actions and words, but when I see Anno all I really see is her design.

In short, you are right that Ben/Bess and Embry have a distinct advantage in word count to expand their characters, but I feel the way they were written was what was most important in how they turned out. My post got a tad off-track, but I just wanted to explain what I think was really at the core of how he wrote his most popular characters and provide an example for contrast.

Obligatory RIP JimT, and I just felt that I should mention Sera will have an expansion that, in my opinion, adds to her character (I can see where you are coming from). JimT's writing was quality, producing some really good content with depth (as well as being a nightmare for coders) and I only wish I knew what books he got published/is publishing so I could try to support his writing career.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Obligatory RIP JimT, and I just felt that I should mention Sera will have an expansion that, in my opinion, adds to her character (I can see where you are coming from). JimT's writing was quality, producing some really good content with depth (as well as being a nightmare for coders) and I only wish I knew what books he got published/is publishing so I could try to support his writing career.

Pssst, the Sera expansion is already in. You just have to let her sex you a few of times and become her sub.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Pssst, the Sera expansion is already in. You just have to let her sex you a few of times and become her sub.

They might be referring to the other Sera Expansion where you make her your slave.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2015
Pssst, the Sera expansion is already in. You just have to let her sex you a few of times and become her sub.

I was referring to the Sera party expansion that hasn't been coded yet, although DiscipleOfDeath appears to have beat me to the punch in explaining that
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
It probably helps you can take them on dates and romance them a hell of a lot more than other characters, most characters you just talk to and fuck, rarely do you get the option to do something romantic with/for them (Emmy being the biggest exception I'd say).

No one claimed otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
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Active Member
Feb 27, 2016
is the tavros residential deck for backers only? and if it isnt how does one get aess to it?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I wish Kaiser would come back. Also JDeko.
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