[~CODED~] [Mostly finished] Faux/Anal Heat Inducer


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Personnally I prefer m/m scenes/romances, which kinda needs a lover with  a masculine body type, and them only having parts is just not the same :)

Well it´s good to see that someone would rather choose Ben :D  I guess he/she really is the ultimate husbando/waifu. 

Plus there's the whole pronoun thing to consider. But it's true Ben/Bess' romance plot is very good ^^

I know the pronouns can mean a world of difference. Terry is another good example of that. I prefer to call her a she :)  

Btw. Not sure I´ve told you already, but I love your avatar. So cute :D  


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Well it´s good to see that someone would rather choose Ben :D  I guess he/she really is the ultimate husbando/waifu. 

They are ^^ Plus they're a cute nerd, which is always nice lol

Btw. Not sure I´ve told you already, but I love your avatar. So cute :D  

Thanks ! It's a Sylveon gijinka I found on the Net and photoshopped on a male symbol background  (and Sylveon is one of the cutest pokemons ever <3 ).

Yours is really pretty too :D   It kinda reminds of the harpies from CoC, are they the inspiration for it ? 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Yours is really pretty too :D   It kinda reminds of the harpies from CoC, are they the inspiration for it ? 

This is actually some fan art I found of the adorable harpy, Papi from the anime monster musume (My daily life with monster girls) 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@shadefalcon Well if he would want would just leave customize options for Bess to make her into Ben with keep been calling herself her and using female pronouns. Still atm it's best/closest to having male crew member we got. So let we not be too picky... I can't even quess when all those writiers that 'threated' us with making husbandos would do them and bribe devs to code.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Haven't heard of it before. What is it about ? :)

In modern time japan it´s revealed that monster girls like lamias, harpies, centaurs etc. actually exist. And now they´re gradually starting to become a part of human society. The story focuses on a guy who has several monster girls move into his apartment (not all at once) as part of a type of exchange program. The story depicts their everyday life. 

It´s a slice of life, harem, romantic comedy, ecchi series.


This article might explain it a bit better than I´m able to  :$


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
In modern time japan it´s revealed that monster girls like lamias, harpies, centaurs etc. actually exist. And now they´re gradually starting to become a part of human society. The story focuses on a guy who has several monster girls move into his apartment (not all at once) as part of a type of exchange program. The story depicts their everyday life. 

It´s a slice of life, harem, romantic comedy, ecchi series.


This article might explain it a bit better than I´m able to  :$

Oh, so Papi is the harpy girl then ^^ she's cute 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
@shadefalcon Well if he would want would jsut leave customize options for Bess to make her into Ben with keep been calling herself her and using female pronouns. Still atm it's best/closest to having male crew member we got. So let we not be too picky... I can't even quess when all those writiers that 'threated' us with making husbandos would do them and bribe devs to code.

I´m not picky at all. I´m just pondering what divine power convinced the coders to add content for them both xD  (And I´m also a tiny bit sad, that Bess was made into such a complex character that no one would dare to touch her ever again :( ) But enough about that.

Oh, so Papi is the harpy girl then ^^ she's cute 

She is :)  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I´m not picky at all. I´m just pondering what divine power convinced the coders to add content for them both xD  (And I´m also a tiny bit sad, that Bess was made into such a complex character that no one would dare to touch her ever again :( ) But enough about that.

When their started adding it was already touched this Pandora's Can so their as well go all the way to code all and then for eternity react with convulsions if anyone will try make Bess tier submission :p

Well anyway about male followers...I wonder when any of them will get to the game. Still in this year or in next?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Well anyway about male followers...I wonder when any of them will get to the game. Still in this year or in next?

Given the only answer we've gotten so far in regards to an actual Male follower is 'write it yourself', I'm gonna take a guess and say that it's not gonna happen for a loooong while.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Emerald Yeah well with recent lack of activity from Foxxling it does indeed may be true that by end of year we will not have male crew member. LEt hope he will be back with more energy then before and that lead to adding this male npc to the crew.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Looks like this stuff was necroed but whatever. Took a look at it and it seemed pretty good.

As mentioned in comments, if/when I code it, I'll likely swap the names of some of the status effects.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

(#O.O#) OmgI'msohappybuthow- AlsoI'mincrediblyflusteredandflatteredthatthegame'screatornoticed

The item itself is done/written, I was just holding on to it until I wrote additional sex scenes, but I haven't had much inspiration for them thus far, so I'm glad the item may get into the game itself :)

As mentioned in comments, if/when I code it, I'll likely swap the names of some of the status effects.

Please do :) I don't mind changing the names or values

(Also, I'm not dead and would like to write those scenes one day -- I'm just too busy rn why do all my tv shows and exams and life all have to happen in January goddammit)
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Any chance for a perk that will cause you to to have periodic heat phases?

(Mechanically, one way to go about it is to gain 48 hours of blood fever at midnight on every 7th numbered day,with the perk removable via Sterilex.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Any chance for a perk that will cause you to to have periodic heat phases?

(Mechanically, one way to go about it is to gain 48 hours of blood fever at midnight on every 7th numbered day,with the perk removable via Sterilex.)

Maybe? If you're asking me personnally I know I'd be down to write an item to grant it (when I have the time), *heat kink acitvated* but I wouldn't want it to interfere with true/planned heat/rut mechanics.

Also, is there even a way for the game to know when a day number is a multiple of 7 (or any other number) ? I know very little about coding and programming


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
One (likely inefficient) way of accomplishing that is to add a daily midnight event that checks if day is a multiple of seven, then proceeds if it is. Lane serves as proof of concept for that route, but i'm sure Gedan could find a clever way of getting it to work more efficiently under the hood.

As for granting it, the item you've already written can accomplish that with a few extra effects. Maybe an overdose that stacks if you use it too much in a short period (maybe while already blood fevered), and grants perk if overdose gets high enough. Sorta like how overdosing Condensol can remove your dick.

Come to think of it... maybe the perk could have two tiers. One granting two days heat every 30 days, the second (from excessive overdosing) grants two days every 7 days.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
One (likely inefficient) way of accomplishing that is to add a daily midnight event that checks if day is a multiple of seven, then proceeds if it is. Lane serves as proof of concept for that route, but i'm sure Gedan could find a clever way of getting it to work more efficiently under the hood.

It could be something like a countdown effect? for instance, the game keeping track of when the last cycle was, and triggering the Blood Fever status when a certain amount of time has passed ?

I'd rather write a totally separate item to set up a perk like that, though.

(And I feel that, from a business point of view, it'd make more sense to have customers keep buying the same product over and over, and then make them pay extra cash if they want to have it permanent? Like, in game, Sera says that boob mods and Permaperk are always sold separately to make more money off them but that's probably just me being a lore nerd)

I also really liked the fact that in CoC you could extend the duration of your heat by using the right transformatives, so I'd like to keep that, too
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