How much lesbian content?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I  know one les scene we haven't seen in game... or at least I haven't but I doubt one exists, double dildo where you and your partner thrust themselves/penetrate the dildo at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
I  know one les scene we haven't seen in game... or at least I haven't but I doubt one exists, double dildo where you and your partner thrust themselves/penetrate the dildo at the same time.

Doesn't Reaha have one or two of those?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Doesn't Reaha have one or two of those?

I can recall one scene involving that when you use her while she's in the brothel. She wears a strapon with a double ended dildo for both her and the PC and you fuck her while she wears it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
I  know one les scene we haven't seen in game... or at least I haven't but I doubt one exists, double dildo where you and your partner thrust themselves/penetrate the dildo at the same time.

I was gonna write one like that, but... stuff happened.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
The desire for tribadism has allowed me to convince myself to add it to my project; and with a straight woman no less. Let's hope I can do it justice.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
Wait, tribbing with a straight gal? How does that even... Is she experimenting, maybe?

Straight...and faithfully married for over twenty years. I find the idea of a heterosexual lady getting it on with another gal quite arousing and I wish there was some in the game (there may be but I haven't found it), especially tribbing.  As they say, "if you want it, write it".


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Straight...and faithfully married for over twenty years. I find the idea of a heterosexual lady getting it on with another gal quite arousing and I wish there was some in the game (there may be but I haven't found it), especially tribbing.  As they say, "if you want it, write it".

How do you justify it with the character though? If she's straight and (by the sound of it happily) married, what makes her decide she should mash buttons with the sexy offworlder she's just met?

I'm not trying to be hostile or critical, I'm genuinely curious as to how you'd handle that. It's an interesting writing challenge.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
How do you justify it with the character though? If she's straight and (by the sound of it happily) married, what makes her decide she should mash buttons with the sexy offworlder she's just met?

I'm not trying to be hostile or critical, I'm genuinely curious as to how you'd handle that. It's an interesting writing challenge.

"Faithfully" doesn't necessarily mean "happily". Just means no affairs. Either way, I'm curious as well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
How do you justify it with the character though? If she's straight and (by the sound of it happily) married, what makes her decide she should mash buttons with the sexy offworlder she's just met?
"Faithfully" doesn't necessarily mean "happily". Just means no affairs. Either way, I'm curious as well.

I don't want to derail the thread, so suffice it to say that yes, she is happily married. It all starts with doing a task for her, which she gives you a reward, but you can push her to take it to the next level since she's a little lonely and her husband isn't there (mostly just because you're the PC). I'm almost finished with the doc, but don't get your lesbian hopes up cause it's still almost all hetero (cause she's, y'know, straight and all).

Back on topic: are there any straight women in the game that will make love to another woman?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Back on topic: are there any straight women in the game that will make love to another woman?

I don't think so. Because I'm pretty sure if there is a female character in this game atm that is/was straight I'm pretty sure you'd be locked out if you were a girl and/or feminine enough.

I'm kinda confused, the character you're writing is straight and happily married to someone else... but she'll still have sex with a female PC...
Is.. there an explanation for that? Is she heteroflexible (Which is basically a term for 'I'm straight but shit happens.')? Experimenting? Is the marriage an open one? Anything to explain that? Idk why but I feel like that'll open a can of worms on it's own if there isn't.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
I don't think so. Because I'm pretty sure if there is a female character in this game atm that is/was straight I'm pretty sure you'd be locked out if you were a girl and/or feminine enough.

I'm kinda confused, the character you're writing is straight and happily married to someone else... but she'll still have sex with a female PC...
Is.. there an explanation for that? Is she heteroflexible (Which is basically a term for 'I'm straight but shit happens.')? Experimenting? Is the marriage an open one? Anything to explain that? Idk why but I feel like that'll open a can of worms on it's own if there isn't.

I cam think of a couple of ways to handle it that I think would work well (which I won't go into, since it's not my character and I have no intention of co-opting or accidentally spoiling what Tacit plans to do).

Re:marriage, I feel like the amount of wormage that will cause will be dependent on the individual player's opinion of monogamy, the flexibility of sexuality, and what degree of unfaithfulness a one-off(?) sexual encounter is. Personally, I'd not be bothered much at all if my SO had a fling or one night stand with someone; physical attraction and intimacy are much less important to me than intellectual and emotional connection.

E: note that this is hypothetical, as I've never had an SO sleep around on me, so I don't truly know how I'd react to it. This is what I think that I think, though, and until/unless I actually experience it I can't do better than that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
I'm kinda confused, the character you're writing is straight and happily married to someone else... but she'll still have sex with a female PC...
Is.. there an explanation for that? Is she heteroflexible (Which is basically a term for 'I'm straight but shit happens.')? Experimenting? Is the marriage an open one? Anything to explain that? Idk why but I feel like that'll open a can of worms on it's own if there isn't.

People do stupid things all the time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Dear Cthulhu, please make the insanity more approachable!

Okay, so LGBT needs to be shot in the head as a community JUST for creating an environment in which people feel pressured to define themselves according to what everyone else sees as some box. I mean really, have you counted the number of labels people are putting on themselves? I personally believe that over the course of a person's lifetime EVERY person is genderfluid to varying degrees. Stop trying to define people by a label and start accepting them for who they are and whatever path they walk. Hey I know a GREAT label that works for every person ever. It's called a name. Funny enough almost every person alive has one. Hell most of the dead ones have one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Dear Cthulhu, please make the insanity more approachable!

Okay, so LGBT needs to be shot in the head as a community JUST for creating an environment in which people feel pressured to define themselves according to what everyone else sees as some box. I mean really, have you counted the number of labels people are putting on themselves? I personally believe that over the course of a person's lifetime EVERY person is genderfluid to varying degrees. Stop trying to define people by a label and start accepting them for who they are and whatever path they walk.

I wasn't saying that. I was asking, as a writer, how another writer would handle the character interaction that makes a heterosexual woman in a long-term monogamous relationship want to rub ladyparts with another woman. I agree with you on the genderfluidity, as a matter of fact.

...I'm on mobile and I broke something and now there's a nested quote box I can't get rid of please send help D:


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
While I do agree that some of the more recent developments in "individualized identification" are... infuriating and pointless, I have to say that general labels of sexuality and/or gender expression are a good thing. It lets people express confidence in who they are relative to others and easily find like-minded people. If someone I was interested in said they were straight, I would immediately understand I was barking up the wrong tree and would do my best to not be romantically forward with them. Likewise, if I know someone is gay, I would obviously feel comfortable potentially trying to make a romantic advance. The same goes for things like dominant and submissive, probably even more so. Communicating who you are, how you expect to be treated, and what you're comfortable with are crucially important in that context. To the point where your health and well-being occasionally depend on it.

It just helps people communicate with one another in general.

Again, though, spinning a convoluted web of completely individualized labels and titles and then expecting other people to respond to your grocery list of narcissism is infantile, and leads to the exact opposite of what the more general labels allow. There's no sense of unity or common ground when someone has two dozen hyper-specific labels tailored just for them. It's literally the "OC donut steel" of the real world, and it gives a horrible impression to others.

This is the big problem with Tumblr. When someone identifies as an omnisexual otherkin genderfluid trans-cis-boom-bah and expects everyone in the real world to immediately identify, understand, and support them with no explanation needed on their part, it creates a false sense of exclusion and unnecessarily complicates an already overly complicated issue. Everyone has the right to be who they want to be (and several of those labels I mentioned above do in fact have valid and useful purposes), but getting offended because someone didn't intuit their unnecessarily obtuse label and called them the 'wrong' label is simply asinine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is the big problem with Tumblr. When someone identifies as an omnisexual otherkin genderfluid trans-cis-boom-bah and expects everyone in the real world to immediately identify, understand, and support them with no explanation needed on their part, it creates a false sense of exclusion and unnecessarily complicates an already overly complicated issue. Everyone has the right to be who they want to be (and several of those labels I mentioned above do in fact have valid and useful purposes), but getting offended because someone didn't intuit their unnecessarily obtuse label and called them the 'wrong' label is simply asinine.

It certainly muddies the water of sexuality and identity quite a bit, makes for easy targets for those who wish to just brush the entire conversation about sex, gender and sexuality aside.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I wasn't saying that. I was asking, as a writer, how another writer would handle the character interaction that makes a heterosexual woman in a long-term monogamous relationship want to rub ladyparts with another woman. I agree with you on the genderfluidity, as a matter of fact.

The point though is that all it really takes to make a cis woman interested in rubbing ladyparts with another woman is interest in doing so. How you make that usually boils down to chemistry mixed with passion and almost always some quantity of speaking that carries intelligence, meaning and usually something kind of dirty but not so raunchy as to make her roll into self recrimination, and feeding her desire for stimulation and pleasure that her cis relations are missing. Or something approximating such, with some alterations and/or specifics changes. Again this is the labels. Gender identifications are like psychological diseases (I'm soooo waiting for this one to be taken out of context). How they are similar is in that every neurotypical has psychotic moments or bipolar ones or autistic ones or sociopathic ones. But to qualify as a disease it has to have frequency duration and depth. Usually determined by that phrase used so often in clinical settings, "...does <insert whatever> have an impact on your life...". Well the same is true of gender identification. Just because your character identifies as cis does NOT mean that she will NEVER think about that beautiful woman's vagoo and how it might feel to have a woman, who knows what women like and want, please her in that way she may not even know she can be pleased. The power of the unknown is NOT just for fear.

It just helps people communicate with one another in general.

My point is really about the label superseding the self. I agree that labels are powerful and useful constructs for expressing a generalized understanding betwixt one person and another or a group. When I DEFINE myself by my genderfluidity, I've failed to keep myself human and am becoming a robot made up of labels and the programs created there from.

This is the big problem with Tumblr<everywhere it has penetrated>. When someone identifies as an omnisexual otherkin genderfluid trans-cis-boom-bah and expects everyone in the real world to immediately identify, understand, and support them with no explanation needed on their part . . .

This . . . yes, the sharp palindrome gets it. I did fix that little typo though :p

It certainly muddies the water of sexuality and identity quite a bit, makes for easy targets for those who wish to just brush the entire conversation about sex, gender and sexuality aside.

True. I find that the labels are VERY useful for helping to establish a group of people that can stand together against the problem. I'm having some HUGE issues with the structure of the LGBT community though. In general it seems as though the LG are denying acceptance to the BT and a handful of others that are relevant. I identify as genderfluid, my best friend said she thought is was and with some effort and thought I said, "Yup, that works." This may explain some of the vacillation between kind of testostomoronic and feminine behavior some of you may have seen in me. In any case, it seems as though there's sexism going on inside the group that's supposed to be the anti-sexist revolutionaries. I would like to see acceptance actually mean that again someday.

P.S.: I wonder if I'm capable of typing a short reply >.>
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
*cough cough* Dan Savage *cough cough*

Yeah this is a pretty big problem in the gay community. I'm bi (more accurately pansexual, but I don't have to explain what 'bi' means most of the time), and once, when I went into an LGBT chatroom on mIRC, the first thing someone did was tell me they wanted me to play the "how bi are you really" game with me, in those words. (otoh I went to my local Pride parade today andit was so goddamn fantastic and gave me hope that enough of us are hanging together that we don't need to worry about hanging seperately)

 Just because your character identifies as cis does NOT mean that she will NEVER think about that beautiful woman's vagoo and how it might feel to have a woman, who knows what women like and want, please her in that way she may not even know she can be pleased. The power of the unknown is NOT just for fear.

Again, I never said otherwise. Honestly the monogamy matters far more to me than the sexuality. I would like to know how, in the context of both Tacit's lady and Steele's characters, what Tacit intends to do interaction-wise to justify a lesbian sex scene because it seems like an intriguing prospect from a writing standpoint and something of a challenging scene to write (in a good way). I'm not saying it's impossible or even unlikely. If this thread were a movie theater, I'd be sitting forward in my seat and eating popcorn, not throwing tomatoes at the screen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Yeah this is a pretty big problem in the gay community. I'm bi (more accurately pansexual, but I don't have to explain what 'bi' means most of the time), and once, when I went into an LGBT chatroom on mIRC, the first thing someone did was tell me they wanted me to play the "how bi are you really" game with me, in those words. (otoh I went to my local Pride parade today andit was so goddamn fantastic and gave me hope that enough of us are hanging together that we don't need to worry about hanging seperately)

I dunno we could run this one around in circles. It already has been. Long story short, The LBGT community has taken license where it aught not to have, by it's own tenets. It kind of pisses me off, but not enough to try to antidisestablishmentarianist the whole thing just yet.

Again, I never said otherwise. Honestly the monogamy matters far more to me than the sexuality. I would like to know how, in the context of both Tacit's lady and Steele's characters, what Tacit intends to do interaction-wise to justify a lesbian sex scene because it seems like an intriguing prospect from a writing standpoint and something of a challenging scene to write (in a good way). I'm not saying it's impossible or even unlikely. If this thread were a movie theater, I'd be sitting forward in my seat and eating popcorn, not throwing tomatoes at the screen.

Well, monogamy is a tough cookie. Sometimes it's about competition and a man doesn't care about his partner doing whatever with a woman, but if his partner does it with a man . . . that's real competition. From some perspectives there can be no competition between a man and a woman sexually, possibly intimately. They operate differently and prioritize just about everything differently. Realistically it CAN'T happen and be monogamous. It can happen and not affect the paired realtionship's stability. But sexual relations with another person of any kind defy monogamy by definition. If the question is actually about the relationship. Well, every relationship is defined by it's participants. If partner A is all kinds of cool with partner B playing scissor sisters whenever B wants. No one who is not a partner in the relationship or a potential scissor sister(s) get to have a problem with it, let alone a say in it. All of this is predicated upon the concept of adult consensual relationships.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
 Realistically it CAN'T happen and be monogamous. It can happen and not affect the paired realtionship's stability. But sexual relations with another person of any kind defy monogamy by definition. If the question is actually about the relationship. Well, every relationship is defined by it's participants. If partner A is all kinds of cool with partner B playing scissor sisters whenever B wants. No one who is not a partner in the relationship or a potential scissor sister(s) get to have a problem with it, let alone a say in it. All of this is predicated upon the concept of adult consensual relationships.

I agree with all of your points. What I was asking was in regards to this - the method by which a person in a committed, long  and happy monogamous partnership is tempted or seduced into an extramarital sexual encounter. Not because I find it difficult to conceptualize, but because I'm interested in Tacit's method of handling the challenges inherent in writing such a scene.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
too lazy to check all the posts on this thread, so sorry if someone already said this, but there is a cartain red myr willing to do some serious smut with girls


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I agree with all of your points. What I was asking was in regards to this - the method by which a person in a committed, long  and happy monogamous partnership is tempted or seduced into an extramarital sexual encounter. Not because I find it difficult to conceptualize, but because I'm interested in Tacit's method of handling the challenges inherent in writing such a scene.

Then you're digging in a well that you created. Tacit NEVER stated a monogamous relationship. Happy? Check. Married(partnership)? Check. Monogamous? *LOUD BUZZER SOUND* Nope. Also I would point out that you are using words that like "tempted" and "seduced" which may not be relevant.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Then you're digging in a well that you created. Tacit NEVER stated a monogamous relationship. Happy? Check. Married(partnership)? Check. Monogamous? *LOUD BUZZER SOUND* Nope. Also I would point out that you are using words that like "tempted" and "seduced" which may not be relevant.

Damn, you're right. My curiosity ran away with me.

My word choice is less a reflection of what I believe and more of a function of my inability to find the word I really wanted. Fwiw I had misgivings about using those words myself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Hehe it's all good, many of us live in societies that dictate monogamy, so it can be inserted readily and without much thought or effort. I wish I could say I am immune, but I actually had a whole 7-8 sentences worth of response all typed up and ready to go before I looked over what you were saying and undid it all to look at the information available :p Welcome to humanity?!!?! I guess.