I'm too big for my britches :(


Well-Known Member
So, how difficult would it be to incorporate drug usage in to sex scenes? What I mean by that is my character is usually to big to fit in to my favorite NPC's now. However, I have a fuck-ton of condensol in my inventory. How difficult would it be to make it so that if I'm to big, I could simply have a condensol in my inventory and "consume" that to essentially meet the requirements to fit in to my partner? Maybe use 2 if they're that small and I'm that big. BTW, I'm not asking this in a snarky, condescending, or sarcastic way. I am legitimately wondering how hard/easy it would be. I don't know much about programming or software :/


Jul 26, 2016
Not one of the creators but I imagine it's not so much a programming issue (though of course that's still a factor) as a writing issue as you would have to write in changes to all the affected scenes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not one of the creators but I imagine it's not so much a programming issue (though of course that's still a factor) as a writing issue as you would have to write in changes to all the affected scenes.

Naw, not a writing thing. Writers only have to set a limit so this is definitely a code thing. I know I've forgotten to pop a pill then get annoyed having to navigate menus. All would need is a check, if player > capacity and condensol in inv, use condensol. No writer needed to factor it in.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Naw, not a writing thing. Writers only have to set a limit so this is definitely a code thing. I know I've forgotten to pop a pill then get annoyed having to navigate menus. All would need is a check, if player > capacity and condensol in inv, use condensol. No writer needed to factor it in.

No, it's a writing thing AND a coding thing.

Cuz we'd have to go back through every scene, add the check, and then add the text for you using it (which would likely be unique for many if not every scene). 


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
So, how difficult would it be to incorporate drug usage in to sex scenes? What I mean by that is my character is usually to big to fit in to my favorite NPC's now. However, I have a fuck-ton of condensol in my inventory. How difficult would it be to make it so that if I'm to big, I could simply have a condensol in my inventory and "consume" that to essentially meet the requirements to fit in to my partner? Maybe use 2 if they're that small and I'm that big. BTW, I'm not asking this in a snarky, condescending, or sarcastic way. I am legitimately wondering how hard/easy it would be. I don't know much about programming or software :/

Additionally. . . . doesn't condensol have OD effects or something permanent if used under some set of circumstances?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Savin: There might be a way to splice it into cockThatFits, in the same way that generic virginity loss messages are handled.

You don't have a cock that fits at the moment. Would you like to use a Condensol?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The overdose from condensol is a few inches at least, unsure max shrinkage. But you're still relatively (overly) large if used on hyper endowments.


Well-Known Member
I was considering implementing this exact kind of thing for Aislinn to mitigate the strictness of her vaginal limitations, and there is most definitely writing work that's involved. Also this:

Is a big potential headache, not to mention the fact that one Condensol wouldn't always work, and sometimes people are going to be too big to ever fit unless they OD several times over. Also we have to factor in if the PC runs out of Condensol if they have to take multiples. Yes, a lot of that can be handled with coding prerequisites that check variables before even allowing the option, but it's a lot of work to correct what is a minor annoyance at best, especially for static NPC's where the worst thing you usually have to do is clickspam out of the menu, pop Condensol, and then go back.

One thing that might help this problem for things like mobs/events where backing out means missing the scene totally is allowing Inventory access and filtered (i. e. pertinent) item consumption in Sex Menus. Like, you're staring at the list of available scenes, see something grayed out because you're too big, and then go into the Inventory menu and take some Condensol. Then the game takes you back into the Sex Menu and refreshes the checks to see if it all works now. That seems much more realistic than making it a part of individual scenes, but would still probably be a a huge amount of work.

I think that sounds like a better idea then my first one. Automated condensol usage does sound bad. Would simply allowing access to the menu be easier? Or still a lot of work? 

No, it's a writing thing AND a coding thing.

Cuz we'd have to go back through every scene, add the check, and then add the text for you using it (which would likely be unique for many if not every scene). 

Ah. Ok. So this is making a mountain out of a mole hill. Gotcha. Ok. Sorry for bothering ya then. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Then you just need a condition that "if condensol use = true, then don't use"