CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A silently (hopefully as if not...fists and kicks have no eyes after all ^^) corner for CoC mod inspired mostly by chinese light novels.

Shameless plug now ^^ I need writers so if some of you want give a try at writing some stuff for this mod just PM me or reply in this thread ^^

To shortly explain what is chinese light novel: it's paper version of stories that we can see in Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger or similars movies with flying in air/running on walls people pulling all weird/nighpossible stuns while fighting.

So picking few wuxia novels I started to work on mod that would bring this crazy stuff and CoC closer to each other. Effect of this is mod to which link is in this post. It's still growning project that in future I wish to become good enough to not be ashamed of been mod of such great game as CoC is.

Whatever this mod is it isn't created from void. As base of it in most part I used one of older versions of other existing mod for CoC (I contacted his creator about this and so far he not said no about using code he added to orginal version) so in some way it's mod build on other mod yet it's already slight different codewise so I'm afraid saves may not be compatibile between both modes (but still saves from vanilla CoC can be imported without crashing).

Below few useful links:

Xianxia_0.8w-z - pc ver

Xianxia_0.8w-z - pc ver (MEGA)

Xianxia_0.8w-z - apk ver

Xianxia Mod Trello

CoCX Discord

List of changes I so far made would be a little bit long and too boring so would point out few I think more important:

-Soulforce (new resource to be used for few things - currently mostly used to use new type of attacks during fight: soul skills)

-Changes to combat menu (Bow moved out of p. special to main combat menu, soul skills, almost twice more spells including AoE ones)

-Group enemies having equaly more HP than before (also all attacks listed as AoE type would deal increased dmg to those enemies)

-Str, Tou, Spe, Int stats are now more important allowing to make PC even stronger than before (aka battle stats rework)

-All enemies got now increased max lust (depending on enemy it can be as low as additional 10 or even up to 100-200 more max lust)

-Most of battle stats related perks are now all gated behind picking first one of Job: x perks (so if PC want be OP melle fighter with high str need to pick Job: Warior) - still some of those perks aren't gated behind one of those 5 perks

-Multi-rank lvl-up perks (perks that got ranks that could be gained only buy starting NG after beating game - they cover ranks up to NG++++)

-New city for soul cultivators (still under construction -_-')

-New area with only demonic enemies (strongest imp, pack of imp, incubus, omnibus, succubus)

-Each lvl giving +5 to max fatigue (so even lvl 1 chara would have already 105 fatigue)

-Some of morphs now giving slight more of bonuses (but also req slight higher racial score - no worry now player can track all morphs scores ingame) while few other would be giving now bonuses to max stats

-Few new build options for camp (req. quite a bit of wood, nails, stones and in some cases much fatigue to even try build them)

-New options to store items along with minimal changes to storage menu (around 30+ new storage slots)

That would be more or less all more noticable changes I made.

Ohh right I added few achievements including 7 new shadow ones. Person who would first find at least 5 of those achiev could count on me contacting him/her about thing to be added to this mod (so pretty much it's make-a-wish reward altough within reason as on some things I would still not agree to do).

So nothing more to say for now I suppose. Time to see what future will bring to this and better play fast match of League of Draven ^^

Friday 13th May 2016: A mod name change due to new word more fitting to describe what I want to attain with this mod.
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Sep 10, 2015
A mod of a mod? Interesting. Not really my cup of tea, but I like the additional spells and stat mechanics, at least. Could use some work when it comes to legibility, but it's only 0.6.1, so.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As far as ligibility is maybe but I dont know if they could actualy work perfectly togueter altrought I must admit Ormael addons are kind of great additions. As far as it goes I think Kitteh could pick a lot of what Ormael has actualy done and add it in the main version. Principaly the Manticore scorpion tail and the Medusa hair if they actualy do work.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A mod of a mod? Interesting. Not really my cup of tea, but I like the additional spells and stat mechanics, at least. Could use some work when it comes to legibility, but it's only 0.6.1, so.

It ended as mod of mod since I not so great and briliant coder like Gedan or Kitteh (but at least I not either user that only keep post in revamp thread about X or Y feature but actualy starting work on my own to make it happen ^^).

maybe you should work with kitteh....

Sure as long he would contact me about cooperation (or whatever else) I would gladly talk with him :D

As far as it goes i think Kitteh could pick a lot of what Ormael has actualy done and add it in the main version. Principaly the Manticore scorpion tail and the Medusa hair if they actualy do work

As long my mind not fry trying to pack it all inside without making code goes...west it would be eventualy added ;)

About adding features as long we both (me and Kitteh manage to talk about it) I not see any issues with them been added to revamp mod. As long it's not anything related to Soulforce :p That stuff I wish to keep exclusive for my mod.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
About coding if i even had the knowledge to do such a thing id already have salamander phoenix medusa manticore and even a freakin scylla in the game along with a fair few hundred perks. I can design abilities but since i have absolutely no knowledge of flash coding or HTML for that mathers theres little else i can do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well so far your abilities ideas wasn't so bad :p As long I would be able code them and it would fit more or less with theme of the mod it can happen. Same with perks idea if it would be something fitting and doable by me I would gladly be of service to add it too ^^


New Member
Dec 9, 2015
A silently (hopefully as if not...fists and kicks have no eyes after all ^^) corner for CoC mod inspired mostly by chinese light novels.

To shortly explain what is chinese light novel: it's paper version of stories that we can see in Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger or similars movies with flying in air/running on walls people pulling all weird/nighpossible stuns while fighting.

It would be great indeed, I do hope COC battle could have an update.

But I do want to say that Wu Xia is no light novel. Some are but Chinese Light Novel is no Wu Xia. Would you categorise Jin Yong Condor Heroes trilogy or Gu Long Heroes Shed No Tears as a light reading?

Some Wu Xia is light reading because most of them are web novel (Yi Yin), but not all are Yi Yin.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
@Ormael: I can't go to battle Lethicite in this one, the entrance didn't appear even though I clear all other bosses, not sure why, I think you should take a look at that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Where do I get stone for warehouse?

If you recruited Phylla you can go to her and ask for some stones she or her children digged out during creating new tunnel for your use. Eventualy you can go to carpenter shop in Tel'Adre to go buy them. As for now there is no other places to get stones than those two.

It would be great indeed, I do hope COC battle could have an update.

But I do want to say that Wu Xia is no light novel. Some are but Chinese Light Novel is no Wu Xia. Would you categorise Jin Yong Condor Heroes trilogy or Gu Long Heroes Shed No Tears as a light reading?

Some Wu Xia is light reading because most of them are web novel (Yi Yin), but not all are Yi Yin.

Yes I'm aware than calling wuxia as chinese light novels is terrible generalization on my part and as you pointed out barely right. I do read more than few web version of light novels so probably using terms you pointed out I made more than one mistake. For which I can only say sorry to people that know more than me on this subject and hope they will at least forgive me this thing I done. So in your opinion if I want to explain what is wuxia how would you in 1-2 sentences call them? As I see you know on those stuff more than me I curious to see your pov ^^

@Ormael: I can't go to battle Lethicite in this one, the entrance didn't appear even though I clear all other bosses, not sure why, I think you should take a look at that.

As I want to be fair toward Fen and Co and fact that final boss fight was added in newest vanila CoC I made decision to remove Lethice that was in revam mod and replace it with real one. But since for now there isn't easy to legaly get code for real lethice I just changed that after beating all bosses in D3 in my mod ascention option unlocks. I know she's missing and working now to get in official way code for her (and drider/minotaur bosses). So this one fight would be added in one of the next versions.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just letting you know that the revamp mod contains real Lethice fight. It took me some time to implement but the source code is now available.

You mean the one on herp-a-derp repository or the other one that have code for Lethice fight? Using code of source that Gedan not consider as the one official would only end igniting her rage toward some people (and that I think none of the mod creators want to feel, right?) ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Unfortunately, herp-a-derp repository doesn't contain official Lethice code so I had to download vanilla CoC and crack open the SWF to get the source code.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Cracking open SWF is easy way to the one who made it be displeased with ya :D

Anyway all who likes certain fiercy (and I think could say fire water lover) would be satisfied knowing I wrestiling with making TF for them (having blessing of the one who I fear most not to irk while making my mod is nice feeling ^^). Few days to week should take. Ohh right that and *little something extra* for taurs to not make them feel bad as choice for PC ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Plan to make lustzerk a perk or a racial in this case?

if i was to design how lustzerk work id make it fonction like berzerk but instead of reducing armor it would weaken lust resistance. Very usefull for your casual constantly pissed berzerker. If Cold fury do work id make it so it halves both lustzerk and berzerk penality.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I do thinking if not give this special treatment similar to cat-morph flexibilty or kitsune perks. Somehow noticed it's not bad way to cut dependence of getting perks from racial scores forcing PC to be specific morph. Thou still amount of "slots" I use this way is also limited :/
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok. It should be fixed for next release and thanks for clarifing which part was bugged in her quest ^^

On bright side I finaly get over 30 hours in total marathon of constant struggle over ascention and why is better not take ascention yourself and let team teemo get it (30 hrs in last 48-55 hours) and I'm some in middle of new TF coding (and decided not only this one but would include 2nd one too - still think week-smth deadlane I set should be kept....I think)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Little longer than I thought but finaly put together all stuff for new build. As topic title suggest this build is almsot exclusively about Salamanders...well no before some think...I not changed Savin work that would put me in danger of be on wrong end of his rage.

I just made Salamander TF item introducing on the way first physical special that is aoe attack (and at the same time fire one if PC have perk that increase attack power of each fire spell used in succesion). Aside making Salamander-morph new option for people that want their PC been more like Hel other changes was mostly cosmetic (as listed in changelog).

Bug that I thought I smashed reborned almost like it wanted mock me so would return to working to kill it again....again....again....

And I will retreat to shadows again to bring some more goddies for next version (like some new hybryd race that is quite strong connected to fire) ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
How do I get the Glacial Storm perk, Ice Spike, Ice Rain and Fire Storm spells, Violet Pupil Transformation and the HoT spell?  Where can I find the Numb Rock? 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm not sure if its just me experiencing this for some reason, but the Salamander TF seems to only proc the effects on libdio, intelligence and speed. No matter how much I spam it, it never seems to give any of the physical tfs. I have a feeling its a bug, unless I'm supposed to do something more in order to proc physical tfs...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How do I get the Glacial Storm perk, Ice Spike, Ice Rain and Fire Storm spells, Violet Pupil Transformation and the HoT spell?  Where can I find the Numb Rock? 

Numb Rock is item sold by Sean (that it's this incubus that opening shop outside Deep Cave aka Zetaz lair).

Glacial Storm Perk req. to know any of ice-based attacks (so ice spike, ice rain or ice dragon breath should be enough for this), have Channeling perk and 75+ int. Ice Spike is new black spell that you can learn from any Black Book or from Dominika. It's 5th black spell so int req. for it is quite high (if I not wrong some around 70-80 int). Ice Rain and Fire Storm are spells that you learn from Grey Book (it's one of Glacail Rift Valkyrie drop). But to learn those two spells you need to have 125+ int. To get so much int currently is quite pericular path, which I want make more accesable in the future without forcing PC to pick specific perks or specific animal body parts (due to those morphs giving int boost).

Violet Pupil Transformation IS that HoT spell you meantioned and item that allow you learning it can be bought in new village I added He'Xin'Dao. Req. for it is ofc aside having money to have perk Soul Personage - perk from lvl's 12+ (this perk you get buying first Cultivation and then Soul Apprentice perks). It and better item to recover soulforce are both gated behind having Soul Personage perk. All those perks are lvl-up ones so all you need is to meet req. for them and have spare perk points to buy out. Keep in mind after getting this spell it can be deactivated at any moment as it normaly drain each turn soulforce to keep healing PC (but if pc run out of soulforce it will deactivate itself anyway).

I'm not sure if its just me experiencing this for some reason, but the Salamander TF seems to only proc the effects on libdio, intelligence and speed. No matter how much I spam it, it never seems to give any of the physical tfs. I have a feeling its a bug, unless I'm supposed to do something more in order to proc physical tfs...

No it's not bug it's just as now salmander TF effects on body parts seems to be MOODY. And by that I mean they mostly likes to proc when pc got human arms, legs and no tail. TF for getting human face and ears seems less moody procing more often. For next build (which should drop around 10-15 days max from now) would change code slightly to make it easier to gain salmander body parts. Or if I manage do this adjusting proc rate for body part earlier release some small update earlier.

PS. Hehe I see someone got arcade load screen for LoL as avator. :p Me gusta

i unlock the all the 7 shadow achivements

Could you send me PM with their names? Or even better add there ss with achiev page showing them unlocked?

I almost thought anyone forgot about it and not tried anymore hunt them ^^ And since you said ALL 7 I know that 2 of them req. quite long grinding xD
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Aside from the fact that I have all your mod perks and am now an OP Munchkin, I noticed that you added "A Big Fucking Sword" to the Weapon smith in Tel'Adre. Am I to assume that it is a Greatsword???
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aside from the fact that I have all our mod perks and am now an OP Munchkin, I noticed that you added "A Big Fucking Sword" to the Weapon smith in Tel'Adre. Am I to assume that it is a Greatsword???

Yeah it's a most heavy and dealing most dmg Heavy type weapon for my mod that isn't unique type of weapon. As for name...I felt Greatsword would be boring and paid tribute to certain famous weapon from currently quite old FFP game ;)

On other noteworthy things....Heavens seems watching over this mod because...despite been worried it would take me hours or days I already found bug in Salamander Firewater that was causing PC only gain stat changes for 4 stats when normaly it should have been changing up to 5 diff stats, changing sexy bits or other body parts of PC. And that bug was symbol '}' put in wrong place ^^

Wuxia.0.6.XXX-manders (Re)Edition

As for changes it's not much aside already meantioned fixing Salamander TF only few changes that are part of incoming in next proper build like adding 2 new racial scores tracked under racial scores tab in appearance screen or little tinkering with bonuses to max stats gained by having specific combination of body parts.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Yeah it's a most heavy and dealing most dmg Heavy type weapon for my mod that isn't unique type of weapon. As for name...I felt Greatsword would be boring and paid tribute to certain famous weapon from currently quite old FFP game ;)

On other noteworthy things....Heavens seems watching over this mod because...despite been worried it would take me hours or days I already found bug in Salamander Firewater that was causing PC only gain stat changes for 4 stats when normaly it should have been changing up to 5 diff stats, changing sexy bits or other body parts of PC. And that bug was symbol '}' put in wrong place ^^

Wuxia.0.6.XXX-manders (Re)Edition

As for changes it's not much aside already meantioned fixing Salamander TF only few changes that are part of incoming in next proper build like adding 2 new racial scores tracked under racial scores tab in appearance screen or little tinkering with bonuses to max stats gained by having specific combination of body parts.

Where/how do you unlock the firewater?
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