Are there any plans for Honey?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you speaking about Mhen'ga there is abandoned stuff from JimT about more Vanae stuff. IN so far made content ther was named Vanae Maiden that PC can later on meet. Also it was planned that there will be another named Vanae this time of Hunter type.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
If people are interested in collecting other npc's panties then if Honey would support it I think for those hoarders it will be even more reason to try her content.

I'll add a small section for them then. Makes sense to provide content for people.

I guess the male Zil Syri games against in her introduction? Since he doesn't appear again and is just briefly mentioned? Or Tanis. Tanis could use some love. Bow training is awesome, but that's all the poor guy does besides sit there and watch the taxi service. All the other residents are pretty well rounded or at least functional, if I remember correctly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That Zil male is meantioned if I'm right as one of locals that keep playing games with Syri despite been often ending drilled by her ;)

He even meantion in that scene that Syri can have his ass everytime she want :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That Zil male is meantioned if I'm right as one of locals that keep playing games with Syri despite been often ending drilled by her ;)

He even meantion in that scene that Syri can have his ass everytime she want :D
I guess the male Zil Syri games against in her introduction? Since he doesn't appear again and is just briefly mentioned?

I don't think that that's the same zil, though. The one that appears when you first meet Syri is described as "particularly broad-chested Zil" and his name is "Jin", while the one who fetches a condom for Syri in the scene where she fucks Steele vaginally is described as "A skinny male zil" and is apparently named "Izzy" and this one gets railed by syri on an regular basis.

Other stuff I've been working on: I drafted an outline for Honey Quest, which I'll poke at to prevent burn out on Honey. It will not be in base Honey X-pack. Basically, Honey's parents are visiting, and she wants you to meet them. Stuff will proceeded! As for her parents, both are Human, and I haven't decided on their genders. Feel free to comment your feelings on them.

Dunno, I myself am biased towards both of them being female (at least one of them being a herm or shemale), but then again the game could use more masculine characters (maybe one of them being a maleherm or cuntguy).

Bah! You may as well make them a classic male and female couple. Unless Steele is going to have a foursome with them and Honey, their genders aren't going to be important.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I don't think that that's the same zil, though. The one that appears when you first meet Syri is described as "particularly broad-chested Zil" and his name is "Jin", while the one who fetches a condom for Syri in the scene where she fucks Steele vaginally is described as "A skinny male zil" and is apparently named "Izzy"

Interesting. I didn't know there was a Zil in that scene. I usually don't pressure Syri, cause it makes me feel like an ass. But it's good to know that there are a few different Zil in town. Dunno about anyone fleshing them out though, not sure anyone is interested.

Dunno, I myself am biased towards both of them being female (at least one of them being a herm or shemale), but then again the game could use more masculine characters (maybe one of them being a maleherm or cuntguy).

Bah! You may as well make them a classic male and female couple. Unless Steele is going to have a foursome with them and Honey, their genders aren't going to be important.

A foursome? Why, I would never write that. Would be preposterous. The draft obviously does not contain notes for a morning foursome. That's just silly.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
So, I call upon the power of the forum once again.

I was rereading through Honey's talk scenes to make sure I hadn't made a horrible blunder, which is good, because I had. The blunder in question was the names of Honey's hypothetical parents, who I had accidentally named after already existing characters. SO, short of going to a random name generator, anyone who wants can throw out some names for Ma and Pa Trap. (Her last name is also Trap until I think of a better one. Urrrgh...)

Male or Female names are fine, as I haven't settled on the genders. If people want to give thoughts on that, feel free to hit me with that as well.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
For last names I am very boring, I look around my room and think "Wall... White! Table... no Wood, Woods. Floor, Carpet.. Cotton! Phone.. Glass... Chips... Copper, Cooper!" That is unless I need a specific ethnic group. First names are more difficult, sometimes I use the same gambit.

Anyway, I definitely think one of the parents should be a reverse traps, since we don't get enough of those, and the other should be a regular trap, because why not. Being traps, definitely need unisex/gender neutral names. So River/Riley for one and Quinn for the other because names starting with Q are totally a thing that I didn't just make up.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
For last names I am very boring, I look around my room and think "Wall... White! Table... no Wood, Woods. Floor, Carpet.. Cotton! Phone.. Glass... Chips... Copper, Cooper!" That is unless I need a specific ethnic group. First names are more difficult, sometimes I use the same gambit.

Anyway, I definitely think one of the parents should be a reverse traps, since we don't get enough of those, and the other should be a regular trap, because why not. Being traps, definitely need unisex/gender neutral names. So River/Riley for one and Quinn for the other because names starting with Q are totally a thing that I didn't just make up.

I'm just as bad with names. I usually smash words together until something sounds good. And that takes a while.

As for the parents, having one of them be a trap is definitely possible. Nori posted up above bout one being a herm, so a trap and a herm might be neat combination. I shall add the names to my hat of names, and give it shake once other people post their opinions as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You could always call them Owens xD . A male-identifying trap and a maleherm would make a cute couple, especially for background characters. You know, just to clarify that these things happen in the open-minded, but female controlled and feminine promoting universe of TiTS, too.

For first names I have no clue, so let me start throwing excrements at the wall. Ridley and Riley are cute as hell. I am kind of blocked by Chase's last post, so how 'bout Q. Like that guy from Star Trek.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
You could always call them Owens xD . A male-identifying trap and a maleherm would make a cute couple, especially for background characters. You know, just to clarify that these things happen in the open-minded, but female controlled and feminine promoting universe of TiTS, too.

For first names I have no clue, so let me start throwing excrements at the wall. Ridley and Riley are cute as hell. I am kind of blocked by Chase's last post, so how 'bout Q. Like that guy from Star Trek.

Gah, I cant give them the last name Owens. Such an act of Hubris would doom my work to failure. As for male trap and male herm, I'm not opposed to the idea, but I (personally) do enjoy female trap and female herm more.

I checked the wiki, and Riley is already the name of the Bison Girl that appears on the fourth of July. Otherwise, I'd go for it. Ridley might be neat, and gives me an idea. I have no opinion on Q, the name or the character.

Congrats for 300 posts, by the way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gah, I cant give them the last name Owens. Such an act of Hubris would doom my work to failure.

For the last name, you could take a page out of the book from the likes of Kafka and Dostoyevsky and do a bit of foreshadowing in their last names. Perhaps using a word in another language like Zamka or Klopka ("trap" in Croatian). Something along those lines.

I checked the wiki, and Riley is already the name of the Bison Girl that appears on the fourth of July. Otherwise, I'd go for it. Ridley might be neat, and gives me an idea. I have no opinion on Q, the name or the character.

I would advise against using "Quinn" as a name as Nonesuch had it reserved for a character in his plantation quest.

And as suggestions, what do you think of "Bonney" (or some variation to the name)?

As for male trap and male herm, I'm not opposed to the idea, but I (personally) do enjoy female trap and female herm more.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm partial to them being female my self, but...   Eh...  the perfectionist in me demands more male characters to the game to to balance out the sheer amount of feminine characters in the game.

Maybe have them both be herms only one is a maleherm and the other is a femherm.

Or maybe have them just have switched genitals and have them as dickgirl and cuntguy.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Not sure if I get the terminology. Is a "female trap" a normal trap (girlish looking/acting boy) or a reverse trap (boyish looking/acting girl)?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
reverse trap (boyish looking/acting girl)?

I thought this was called a "tomboy"; this is the first I heard the term "reverse trap". To be honest, the whole "reverse" prefix thing that seems kinda asinine to me.

Not sure if I get the terminology. Is a "female trap" a normal trap (girlish looking/acting boy)

I think in this context, by "female trap" he meant "girlish looking/acting male who identifies as female" rather than a "male-identifying trap", as @PyrateHyena put it
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
I honestly did not make the term up. It used to use that term on TV Tropes, but now that trope is called Bifauxnen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd want to have a male + female couple as Honey's parents, because of how few nice dad characters and stable traditional families we have inthe game. Pretty much only Dorna Parents have any interactions with the PC.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Not sure if I get the terminology. Is a "female trap" a normal trap (girlish looking/acting boy) or a reverse trap (boyish looking/acting girl)?

PyrateHyena had mentioned Honey's parents being a male identifying trap and a male herm. My wording was poor when I said female trap as the 'opposite' of that. I meant a standard trap, a girly boy with a penis, sorry for the confusion.

I honestly did not make the term up. It used to use that term on TV Tropes, but now that trope is called Bifauxnen.

Gah, I fell into the oblivion of TvTropes again. I had broken my addiction. Curses, fenforums. But yeah, that's another style that could work. Though I believe that a bifauxen character is still female, they just look male, or can pass as a man. The dashing prince charming type, I believe is the wording they use.

So far I've heard people in favor of M/M, M/F, and H/H. Hmm, does anyone know how to set up a voting box at the top of the page? I'm really bad with the forums features and I can't figure out how to make one. It might simplify this a bit. Outside of that, I appreciate the interest in Honey's potential parents. I believe I already mentioned that they're both human, and not to heavily modded, though if anyone has preferences for that I'd love to hear them.

I head back to the G-doc mines now, to carve out more words. Talk scenes are mostly done, just need to finish her looping gossip feature. And to read over everything I wrote last night for tensing and grammar errors.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You edit your first post. On the top you should have an option to add a poll (above the title, next to 'content').


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@Owens, So have you decided what's going to be Honey's last name?

So far I've heard people in favor of M/M, M/F, and H/H. Hmm, does anyone know how to set up a voting box at the top of the page? I'm really bad with the forums features and I can't figure out how to make one. 

As for how to set up a poll? Edit your OP, there beside the "Content" tab is a "Poll" tab. Select it and set up a poll.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
You edit your first post. On the top you should have an option to add a poll (above the title, next to 'content').
As for how to set up a poll? Edit your OP, there beside the "Content" tab is a "Poll" tab. Select it and set up a poll.

Ah, thank you both. I shall set it up in just a moment.

@Owens, So have you decided what's going to be Honey's last name?

Spent a while filtering trap through google translate. Most results were hilarious. I'm currently considering Epperat. Its the Old English root of trap, Traeppe, backwards (with a little variation).


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
And its up! Feel free to cast your vote above, or write a longer post detailing your preference down below.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Definitely voting for the Trap and Bifauxnen, it's a trap from both sides! Though somehow I feel I am in the minority about thinking how cool a girly boy and a handsome girl getting together would be compared to the other options here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm voting "both should be male" for obvious reasons, but I gotta say that I find the concept of trap impregnating a maleherm hilarious.
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