Are there any plans for Honey?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Hallo All. Started a new play through of TiTs, and I ran across something odd. While in Burt's Bar, I cycled through the talk options and got the Mead Hall quote that explains the people that work there. Burt offhandedly remarks about his waitress, Honey, and how she has after hour shows.

For the life of me, I cant find anything about her on the wiki, and there are no scenes with her in the bar at the moment. Are there plans for her, or is someone writing stuff?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
No, she's utter abandonware. 

Ouch. Well, has the creator given the go-ahead to write stuff for her? There's only... what, three consistent NPC's in Burt's bar, not including Kiro's events. Another NPC that appears at night, kinda like Kelly, sounds neat, and I wouldn't mind cutting my teeth on an abandoned character.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of bars, The Mess questline when?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
[...] Are there plans for her, or is someone writing stuff?

Been wondering that as well. Because Honey sounds cute as fuck.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
You mean Shekkaquest? yeah I've been wondering that forever.

I forgot that that was a thing. Actually, looking at it, The Mess has less NPC's to interact with than Burt's Bar. At least there, you have Burt, Syri, and Kelly after shes off work. The Mess only has Delilah, and shes 'officially' in the bar portion, not the actual mess.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I forgot that that was a thing. Actually, looking at it, The Mess has less NPC's to interact with than Burt's Bar. At least there, you have Burt, Syri, and Kelly after shes off work. The Mess only has Delilah, and shes 'officially' in the bar portion, not the actual mess.

Once Wsan finishes Edan there will be someone to interact with in the Mess hall on Tarkus.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
So, after searching for all interactions that include or mention Honey (There are two: Burt's talk about the mead hall, and when she walks in on you after sex), I have determined: I have no idea what race she is.

There is legitimately no reference to her race. We get that shes flat chested and has a sizable butt, but not her race. So, unless anyone knows of a scene I missed, feel free to suggest a race to set her as. Otherwise, I would just assume Human.
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Aug 30, 2016
Flat chest and a big butt? Sounds like someone has been on planet too long- and lost a few too many battles to our lovely Zil sweethearts- or won them and ate too many rations. 

Either way, a sweet slutty sub girl or trap human who is savoring a partial transformation into Zil features- large ass, sweet shrinking cock, whatever, would be a real treat. 

Things I also need- a long set of scenes around how they milk the honey out of the captive Zil for the mead. Just saying. Imagine Honey is the milkmaid that sampled the Zil goods directly from the tap, kept bending over for the cute little Zil cocks or having the women eat her while she milked them or fisted them for their honey...  :goatsecx:  And now she's halfway to having a steady honey-milk stream of her own. And a fantastic show 3 nights a week.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Flat chest and a big butt? Sounds like someone has been on planet too long- and lost a few too many battles to our lovely Zil sweethearts- or won them and ate too many rations. 

Either way, a sweet slutty sub girl or trap human who is savoring a partial transformation into Zil features- large ass, sweet shrinking cock, whatever, would be a real treat.

Well, I dunno about the ZIl Rations thing. We know the reason alien food affects the player is because of Nanomachines (son). I don't know if they would have any affect on normal person. As for writing a barmaid trap, I wouldn't be opposed,but we already have Embry, who is that. Dunno if I want to make the same character that pops up two planets later.

With a name like Honey she could be the source of the mead herself. lol

Pretty sure the Zil Honey you sell to Burt is the source of that. Unless hes feeding it to her and then she lactates mead with honey in it. Weirder things have happened in the game.


Aug 30, 2016
Er honey is used in the fermentation/creation of mead- wasn't meaning she had 'one tit champagne and the other gazpacho soup' (3 for you if you get the reference) I meant she lactated and came honey same as the Zil do- and the nanites are not an exclusive feature that only exists in Steele family tech- it is entirely possible that Honey also got similar nanites. 

Yes- one trap barmaid per game, makes sense- but a trap milkmaid might be new- one that is quite eager to transform instead of unwilling- not at all the same then. ;)

ETA: But either way- the bar creating a premium line of "Show Quality Mead" that has been made from honey milked out of Honey during "Audience Participation" might be a thing. :3 Have fun with this- I am only offering my own <strike>Kinks</strike> suggestions.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Er honey is used in the fermentation/creation of mead- wasn't meaning she had 'one tit champagne and the other gazpacho soup' (3 for you if you get the reference) I meant she lactated and came honey same as the Zil do- and the nanites are not an exclusive feature that only exists in Steele family tech- it is entirely possible that Honey also got similar nanites. 

Yes- one trap barmaid per game, makes sense- but a trap milkmaid might be new- one that is quite eager to transform instead of unwilling- not at all the same then. ;)

ETA: But either way- the bar creating a premium line of "Show Quality Mead" that has been made from honey milked out of Honey during "Audience Participation" might be a thing. :3 Have fun with this- I am only offering my own <strike>Kinks</strike> suggestions.

Gotcha. I have to admit, the reference goes over my head, but the mental image made me chuckle. I'm also pretty sure that the nanites inside Steel are top of the line, so i don't know how a random NPC would have access to something of that level. Would depend on the backstory, which we have none of. A dancing milkmaid is definitely an idea to work with, though, so thank you for the suggestion. I just wish there was more on her in the game, but you make do with what you have.


Aug 30, 2016
Less is better- you literally have a blank slate to go wild with- I am still trying to learn enough of the game to figure out what is and isn't available...

Honey is your easy in- she's already named and you have a starting point- but from there the options are limitless- write something that trips your trigger, that entices you, a variant, or a whole new kink. 

Something you think the game doesn't have enough of- or if you just have a red button kink, something you just want more of. ;)  It's your first time, go with what you're passionate about. 

And the reference is from Red Dwarf- it's very a very British Sci-fi comedy show that started in the early 90s and has had a few seasons on and off for the last 15 years. It's incredibly tongue in cheek and plays off of the class divide between the have nots and the have nots who want to have more. It's initially set in the near future on the asteroid mining ship Red Dwarf- with a do nothing slob named Lister and his uptight asshole bunk-mate/ Superior Officer Rimmer. They're both dumb as bricks, and the entire show is their shenanigans 3 million years in the future. 

It's not full of stunning wit, or deep thought, but it is a good laugh and very in the general TiTS spirit- go out into outer space and fuck (up) stuff for a lark. 

PS: It is my absolute pleasure- milking and milk maids is a huge kink of mine- so getting to see more of it in the game is a huge A+ for me. :D
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Less is better- you literally have a blank slate to go wild with- I am still trying to learn enough of the game to figure out what is and isn't available...

Honey is your easy in- she's already named and you have a starting point- but from there the options are limitless- write something that trips your trigger, that entices you, a variant, or a whole new kink. 

Something you think the game doesn't have enough of- or if you just have a red button kink, something you just want more of. ;)  It's your first time, go with what you're passionate about.

Heh, true. I hate to see characters go to waste, so making Honey more fleshed out is something that does interest me. I honestly prefer more guidelines to work within, but I have enough ideas to make her into a, hopefully, interesting addition.

And the reference is from Red Dwarf

Shoot, wish I had recognized it. The usually group of people i hang out with quote old British shows all the time,particularly Doctor Who and Torchwood. I know they've made a few Red Dwarf references before, though, I need to brush up on my viewing experience.


Aug 30, 2016
Well, if you want me to spit ideas for how and why Honey came to be working the Mead hall on a rough and newly settled planet like she has, I would be more than happy to. You can take the ideas and framework bits you like from the pile, just let me know- I come up with ideas like most people breathe- the problem is I come up with ideas like most people breathe- it means I always have a hundred ideas- and no time to do more than one or two. ;)  

Ohdear yes- don't get my woodie or whovian side going, I'll be rabbiting on all day about it. But no references of any sort should be made to a certain box- the Beeb has been a nasty bit of work about their little blue cash cow of late. Best not tempt fate with a tongue in cheek reference in your submission if you are a fellow Whovian. TiTS would be an easy target, sadly.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
Well, I dunno about the ZIl Rations thing. We know the reason alien food affects the player is because of Nanomachines (son). I don't know if they would have any affect on normal person. As for writing a barmaid trap, I wouldn't be opposed,but we already have Embry, who is that. Dunno if I want to make the same character that pops up two planets later.

Pretty sure the Zil Honey you sell to Burt is the source of that. Unless hes feeding it to her and then she lactates mead with honey in it. Weirder things have happened in the game.

I was mostly being silly :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Well, if you want me to spit ideas for how and why Honey came to be working the Mead hall on a rough and newly settled planet like she has, I would be more than happy to. You can take the ideas and framework bits you like from the pile, just let me know- I come up with ideas like most people breathe- the problem is I come up with ideas like most people breathe- it means I always have a hundred ideas- and no time to do more than one or two. ;)

I have the same issue regarding ideas. To many, coming and going, and nothing being done with them. Drives a person crazy.

I was mostly being silly :p

Hell, a silly mode bar scene where you refill 'from the tap' doesn't sound to bad. Would be a little weird at the start, considering shes flat, so it would depend on what the player gave her in the way of TFs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
I have the same issue regarding ideas. To many, coming and going, and nothing being done with them. Drives a person crazy.

Hell, a silly mode bar scene where you refill 'from the tap' doesn't sound to bad. Would be a little weird at the start, considering shes flat, so it would depend on what the player gave her in the way of TFs.

Given the vagueness around her she could actually be a natural Zil for all we know, she had the build for it after all.
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Aug 30, 2016
Oh my god- A USE FOR ZIL RATIONS- She has an off brands nanite treatment it keeps transforming her in weird ways maybe addicting her to local foods or something- she also really likes being the center of attention, so it's not all bad. 

The more Zil rations the play gives her- the bigger her boobs get, and the more- ahem, prolific and entertaining her shows become. ;)  

Just- offering some mental candy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Oh my god- A USE FOR ZIL RATIONS- She has an off brands nanite treatment it keeps transforming her in weird ways maybe addicting her to local foods or something- she also really likes being the center of attention, so it's not all bad. 

The more Zil rations the play gives her- the bigger her boobs get, and the more- ahem, prolific and entertaining her shows become. ;)  

Just- offering some mental candy.

That... that could be interesting. In that case, she could also eat the other local products, like Naleen Nip and Sky Sap, maybe even Kerokoras Venom. Hmm... I have ideas now.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I would like to reiterate: Honey is never going to get into the game. We should probably just remove all reference to her, since it's provoking a page of discussion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Oh my god- A USE FOR ZIL RATIONS- She has an off brands nanite treatment it keeps transforming her in weird ways maybe addicting her to local foods or something- she also really likes being the center of attention, so it's not all bad. 

The more Zil rations the play gives her- the bigger her boobs get, and the more- ahem, prolific and entertaining her shows become. ;)  

Just- offering some mental candy.

Please don't do that. 'off brands nanite treatment'? Please no. That simply ruins the impression that the player character is special, and believe me, that is an important aspect of (almost) any good rpg. A non-player-char whose boobs can be enhanced? We have NEVER seen that before! NO WAY this is getting boring and unimaginative!

EDIT: I might have been a little hard here. As always this is just my opinion, not the word of (any) god.

I would like to reiterate: Honey is never going to get into the game. We should probably just remove all reference to her, since it's provoking a page of discussion.

What is so bad about that? xD
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I would like to reiterate: Honey is never going to get into the game. We should probably just remove all reference to her, since it's provoking a page of discussion.

I thought that the policy regarding abandoware characters is pretty lax and if a submission of decent quality is provided for any of them, it can get in without many problems. What's the difference here, if you don't mind me asking?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If the name Honey is off limits what about an alternatively named bar maid? Some sort of Mhengan barmaid submission would be neat to see if it's well written...  If it's completely forbidden to submit any barmaids/ further npcs for Burts meadhall then some sort of explanation as to why would be appreciated. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I thought that the policy regarding abandoware characters is pretty lax and if a submission of decent quality is provided for any of them, it can get in without many problems. What's the difference here, if you don't mind me asking?

Was somebody offering to write her? I must have missed that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Was somebody offering to write her? I must have missed that.

Owens was asking for permission to write her if she is abandon ware. 

Ouch. Well, has the creator given the go-ahead to write stuff for her? There's only... what, three consistent NPC's in Burt's bar, not including Kiro's events. Another NPC that appears at night, kinda like Kelly, sounds neat, and I wouldn't mind cutting my teeth on an abandoned character.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Owens was asking for permission to write her if she is abandon ware. 

Oh, someone actually was. That'll learn me to skim.

Yeah, go ahead. It's not like her "creator" (used in the loosest possible terms) is ever going to contribute anything again.
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Aug 30, 2016
I might have been a little hard here.

Yeah- a bit. But it is a passionate subject for you... however I want to point out that mods and nanites ARE available to everyone for a VERY steep price- what makes her/him/herm so special is the sheer ungodly amount of money and resources they have. 

That's it. You're special because you had a fancy upbringing and a fancy ship and an even fancier complete set of top of the line tools pumped into your body. A far less effective and efficient nanite package that has a ton of extra side effects? Might actually be incredibly GOOD to show just how expensive Steele's toys are. 

@Owens May I please beg formally and prostrate myself for the chance to add- Honey as a very sweet submissive and eager feedee if the PC woos her a bit? I just love tender and sweet hand feeding between Dom/subs (Or tbf, soft gentle petting and more focus on praise and the changes than on the discomfort for feeder/feedee transformation arcs), and since we are looking at going ahead with feeding her local foods- having her kneel or sit on the PC's lap as she is fed bite by bite, finger fucking her mouth lazily as she licks the fingers clean, or finger fucking her sweet pussy as a reward while her boobs or ass grow, or her skin changes, or whatever changes happen occur... would be lovely.