Are there any plans for Honey?


Active Member
Sep 4, 2016
So, after searching for all interactions that include or mention Honey (There are two: Burt's talk about the mead hall, and when she walks in on you after sex), I have determined: I have no idea what race she is.

There is legitimately no reference to her race. We get that shes flat chested and has a sizable butt, but not her race. So, unless anyone knows of a scene I missed, feel free to suggest a race to set her as. Otherwise, I would just assume Human.

I would like to comment that she could reasonably be an Ovir, since they're the reverse sexual characteristics race.

Also there's literally no Female Ovir's in the game IIRC.


Aug 30, 2016

I would like to comment that she could reasonably be an Ovir, since they're the reverse sexual characteristics race.

Also there's literally no Female Ovir's in the game IIRC.

Oh my god- that is perfect. I love it. She wants the more plush and soft bodies she sees the other race's females have. That could be so fun. xD


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Yeah- a bit. But it is a passionate subject for you... [...]

@Owens May I please beg formally and prostrate myself for the chance to add- Honey as a very sweet submissive and eager feedee if the PC woos her a bit? I just love tender and sweet hand feeding between Dom/subs (Or tbf, soft gentle petting and more focus on praise and the changes than on the discomfort for feeder/feedee transformation arcs), and since we are looking at going ahead with feeding her local foods- having her kneel or sit on the PC's lap as she is fed bite by bite, finger fucking her mouth lazily as she licks the fingers clean, or finger fucking her sweet pussy as a reward while her boobs or ass grow, or her skin changes, or whatever changes happen occur... would be lovely.  

I guess I was just pissed, because I had the impression that you intend to ruin a near perfect body by adding tits and want to make the character about nothing but the want for bigger boobs. I like your idea about feeding her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Wow, just dropped back in after being away, lot of stuff discussed. In response to questions regarding my intentions at starting the thread, I would like to write something for Honey, if only to help expand the Meadhall and its plethora of three activities. That said, I'm just starting out, and I have very little experience writing sexual content in general, so what i produce will be rather rough around the edges. I'll probably be aiming to get her fleshed out as a person first, and then dive into her sex scenes afterward.

Regarding the off brand nanites, I agree that adding too many NPC's whose bodies can be modified makes it less special. However, there are people who genuinely enjoy modifying other characters in the game. I personally enjoy that aspect, but I realize its a lot of work to write transformation scenes for each transformative, and then modify the appearance/talk/sex scenes to fit what the character might look like. I have major respect for people like Savin, who wrote Lerris. That amount of body modding makes my head hurt.

As for the race of Honey, I think Ovir would be interesting. We don't have a female Ovir yet, like Malbutorious said, and it would be fun to contribute a character type that the game doesn't have.

So, yeah, I will try my hand at writing Honey, but it wont be too large right now. I'd prefer to get a base set of interactions (Talk, order food, gossip, etc) and her dance scenes written, before going into her sex scenes, since I have a few plans for that that will take time to write. Otherwise, keep throwing me ideas, you guys (and gals) have given me a lot to start on already!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I just wanna add that all of you, @Owens and @Marr, are of course free to write whatever you want xD If both of you want to write something for Honey, you could always split the project between the two of you, or at least offer support and ideas in this thread or via pms, because writing all alone can get exhausting. Just do not write two seperate ideas and submissions, because that would be a terrible and depressing waste of time and nerves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I just wanna add that all of you, @Owens and @Marr, are of course free to write whatever you want xD If both of you want to write something for Honey, you could always split the project between the two of you, or at least offer support and ideas in this thread or via pms, because writing all alone can get exhausting. Just do not write two seperate ideas and submissions, because that would be a terrible and depressing waste of time and nerves.

True enough. I've got a small chunk done now (Intro scene, a first dance scene, and some notes/skeleton). The specific type of sex scenes Marr is talking about are definitely not my forte, but I had some ideas of my own that wont run counter to those type of scenes. If they want to write them and contribute, I can work them in. Otherwise, I can try and write them after I finish the bulk of Honey's non-sex scenes.

I can throw up a Doc into the Submission page after I get about 2/3 of it written. Don't want to do it before than since it just feels incomplete.

(Also, how to link/call peoples profiles, that is really cool and I have no idea...)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Also, how to link/call peoples profiles, that is really cool and I have no idea...)

Linking other people nicks sometimes may be bugged or for whatever reason only Gedan may know not working at that particular moment you normaly first typing symbol @ and after it starting typing nick of person you want to link. If all working you should see pop up with list of nicks that have typeed so far letters/symbols so if you see there person you looking for you can jsut pick it up. Also better if you start typing right after placing @

(is this one thing you mean @Owens?)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016

Well damn. This is very different (though not unwelcome) from what I have written. I can try and finish up the missing scenes, and put in scenes explaining why she is now growing tits (unless I'm just stupid and I skimmed over it, that could be it). Thank you very much, Fenoxo, this gives me a lot more to work with.

I'll split what I currently have into another character, since its fairly different. She'll need a different name though.

And here is her artz.

So that's who those pictures were for! Was wondering why they were tagged with TiTs...

Linking other people nicks sometimes may be bugged or for whatever reason only Gedan may know not working at that particular moment you normaly first typing symbol @ and after it starting typing nick of person you want to link. If all working you should see pop up with list of nicks that have typeed so far letters/symbols so if you see there person you looking for you can jsut pick it up. Also better if you start typing right after placing @

(is this one thing you mean @Owens?)

YEP! Thank you very much!


Nov 2, 2015
Ahh yeah, I wrote a lot of this and then got seriously burned out at the end and could not bring myself to finish. *Sadface*


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Ahh yeah, I wrote a lot of this and then got seriously burned out at the end and could not bring myself to finish. *Sadface*

Would you mind terribly if I took over then? Some of it might need to be restructured, but all of it is fairly solid (from my inexperienced writers view).


Aug 30, 2016
Well damn. This is very different (though not unwelcome) from what I have written. I can try and finish up the missing scenes, and put in scenes explaining why she is now growing tits (unless I'm just stupid and I skimmed over it, that could be it). Thank you very much, Fenoxo, this gives me a lot more to work with.

I'll split what I currently have into another character, since its fairly different. She'll need a different name though.

Am busy with runup to my convention panel, (jfc why) so no time yet to do more than skim- so this is just messy brainpan dumping.

If the maid in that pic isn't claimed I have an idea based on those pictures, Honey and Sweetie or Sugar or W/E. Honey was a student, forced into the sciences by his family. He hated it, hated every second of it. He was only doing it because it was his obligation- at least until he met Sugar after finals. She talked about going to a new planet, about being out, doing her own thing and forgetting what civilized society said was right.

So, of course, Honey, in the first impulsive decision of her life, decides to drop out of university and go live outside the restrictions of his family. She uses the nanites she was making as a capstone project for her thesis, tweaking them- offering them to Sugar. 

So you have a blank slate woman, and I have a lovely snarky sweet trap to play with. :D  

If you like that @Owens and no one else has any complaints or issues with it- I can make a G-doc and share it with you. 

@Alkahest if you don't mind, would it be okay if I skimmed parts of your Honey and tweaked it for my repressed first son finally says screw it and embraces her inner self storyline? It's a bit different than what what I gleamed from my initial skimming. TOTALLY okay to say no. xD

Honey will probably wind up gender fluid as all hell. Also very demanding/bratty/power sub. Total top from the bottom type- loves someone who can put her right on down, get her all soft and sweet, but isn't just letting someone else dictate their body and life anymore.

If Owens instead wants to keep going with Honey, I would be more than happy to help by rolling in the trap-nip and do all the trap-y cock friendly sexy-times. Because I am a total slut for a good trap, it's sad. I think it's because I have no cock and they just look so damn fun. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Am busy with runup to my convention panel, (jfc why) so no time yet to do more than skim- so this is just messy brainpan dumping.

If the maid in that pic isn't claimed I have an idea based on those pictures, Honey and Sweetie or Sugar or W/E. Honey was a student, forced into the sciences by his family. He hated it, hated every second of it. He was only doing it because it was his obligation- at least until he met Sugar after finals. She talked about going to a new planet, about being out, doing her own thing and forgetting what civilized society said was right.

So, of course, Honey, in the first impulsive decision of her life, decides to drop out of university and go live outside the restrictions of his family. She uses the nanites she was making as a capstone project for her thesis, tweaking them- offering them to Sugar. 

So you have a blank slate woman, and I have a lovely snarky sweet trap to play with. :D  

If you like that @Owens and no one else has any complaints or issues with it- I can make a G-doc and share it with you. 

@Alkahest if you don't mind, would it be okay if I skimmed parts of your Honey and tweaked it for my repressed first son finally says screw it and embraces her inner self storyline? It's a bit different than what what I gleamed from my initial skimming. TOTALLY okay to say no. xD

Honey will probably wind up gender fluid as all hell. Also very demanding/bratty/power sub. Total top from the bottom type- loves someone who can put her right on down, get her all soft and sweet, but isn't just letting someone else dictate their body and life anymore.

If Owens instead wants to keep going with Honey, I would be more than happy to help by rolling in the trap-nip and do all the trap-y cock friendly sexy-times. Because I am a total slut for a good trap, it's sad. I think it's because I have no cock and they just look so damn fun. 

Well, to address everything above, I guess its best to go in order: As a side not, good luck at your Convention, @Marr

First, the maid in the picture, if I'm not crazy, is actually the character Rubi from Fenoxo's other game, Corruption of Champions. Shes a trap maid you can meet in Tel'Adre, and you can feed her various items to morph her to be what you want (Stud, Bimbo, Trap, Pure Girl, lot of malleability)

Second, while I think the idea behind your backstory is neat, I don't understand the reason for it. Like, why would she just inject herself with Nanites? Is it a mod she's working on? If so, you could write it up, and submit it (Like, Trap in a Bottle, or something). Also, the dependency on two characters for the backstory to work (The tempter and the tempted) means that the two characters would have to be written together. Not exactly easy if their split up between two people (Me and You, hypothetically).

However, I don't think the backstory is bad. A scientist that gets sick of the limitations opposed by his studies injects himself with something that makes him into a trap. That's not a bad premise for a character. If I could add to it, you could base them in the Mess, on Tarkus. You could have them be the one who turned Del into a trap. I dunno. If you like the idea of a bossy sub, you could have them be one of Beth's girls, and let the player train them to be submissive or dominate. There are a bunch options. I just don't think its a good backstory for whats already written for Honey.

But what do I know? If @Alkahest thinks its a cool backstory, roll with it. Since he wrote a lot of the original content for her, he might have a better idea of whether or not it fits.

Otherwise, it's a great idea for a new character, and I'd love to see them in the game. Can never be too many traps.


Aug 30, 2016
@Owens Ohhh, you also like traps- why did I think you didn't like traps? Anyways- yeah, I am slowly but surely egging myself into diving in- starting small, not with a whole new item, would be the way to go though. I doubt anyone would really want some newbie tackling such a big task, least of all said newbie- a character in a tavern is small, and if my writing is too out of style sync for some folks, easy enough to pass up. 

I have actually yet to make it past the 3rd planet yet, All I know are NT, MG and Tarkus, because I suffer from Sierra Games style player training- interact with all the things, endlessly, till I am sure I got all variants... It's a sickness. As is my deep and just realized passion for getting a hand feeding + petting with praise scene into a  game somewhere. 

But honestly- if I have someone to bounce stuff off of, even if it's just simple little comments or egging me on- "Oh, man, that is horrible, Marr, you are a sick person- have you considered doing X other horrible thing?" or "XXX thing is now my new kink, why am I following you? Why do you do this to me?"  it can keep me going through thousands of pages filled with smutt and shenanigans. 


To clarify the concept a bit, as I think I dropped a super sketchy summary, Honey was always gender fluid, or non-binary. But his family had traditions and expectations. He makes this impulsive decision to quit school- and just happens to have been working on a nanite project, a capstone is usually the culmination of multiple classes worth of work, a proof of ability to apply what you've learned... it's a thesis paper with a product instead of just the paper or research. 

He takes it from his lab (basically theft as most schools have some preeeetty hefty paperwork tied up in stuff like this) and buggers off to the wild west, or more, Mhen'ga, to be themself, just as they want to be- to discover just who they are inside. And part of what they already know they like, because they were fascinated by it, is modifying their body. 

And yes- the pronouns switching is entirely intentional, they were strictly He presenting when trying to be a serious academic and live up to the family tradition. Now they go by Honey and play up being a ditzy fun girly type femme, because they enjoy it. She now gets a real kick out of being the center of attention, etc. 


@nekotamaishi So much yes- the Zil made more sense just for being all over Mhen'ga.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[...] Honey was a student, forced into the sciences by his family. He hated it, hated every second of it. He was only doing it because it was his obligation- at least until he met Sugar after finals. She talked about going to a new planet, about being out, doing her own thing and forgetting what civilized society said was right.

So, of course, Honey, in the first impulsive decision of her life, decides to drop out of university and go live outside the restrictions of his family. She uses the nanites she was making as a capstone project for her thesis, tweaking them- offering them to Sugar. 

So you have a blank slate woman, and I have a lovely snarky sweet trap to play with. :D  [...]
Second, while I think the idea behind your backstory is neat, I don't understand the reason for it. Like, why would she just inject herself with Nanites? Is it a mod she's working on? If so, you could write it up, and submit it (Like, Trap in a Bottle, or something). [...]

[...] A scientist that gets sick of the limitations opposed by his studies injects himself with something that makes him into a trap. That's not a bad premise for a character. If I could add to it, you could base them in the Mess, on Tarkus. [...]

This sounds familiar . Maybe you guys should take a look at this.

[...]  You could have them be the one who turned Del into a trap. [...]

The one who trapified Del was definitely Bethany Carver. She appears personally in Del's introduction.

Also, power sub? Total top from the bottom type? You mean a "power-bottom dom"? Because, to my understanding, the dom is the one who exerts control during the act regardless of position.  :$


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Also, power sub? Total top from the bottom type? You mean a "power-bottom dom"? Because, to my understanding, the dom is the one who exerts control during the act regardless of position.  :$

Hmm a power bottom sub could conceivably be one who teases and goads an otherwise unwilling dom into finaly snapping and taking control. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hmm a power bottom sub could conceivably be one who teases and goads an otherwise unwilling dom into finaly snapping and taking control. 

I was more referring to the "Total top from the bottom type" part. That what you are referring to, I've heard being called a "bratty sub"


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I was more referring to the "Total top from the bottom type" part. That what you are referring to, I've heard being called a "bratty sub"

But a brat is in no way a (secret) dom. A bratty sub is agressively teasing, but still under the control of the dom (normally...).

EDIT: Could also be a process of switching, but the brat then would leave the traditional brat state...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But a brat is in no way a (secret) dom. A bratty sub is agressively teasing, but still under the control of the dom (normally...).

This seems to be a case of miscommunication. Because that's kinda what I'm saying here.

When i said:

Also, power sub? Total top from the bottom type? You mean a "power-bottom dom"? Because, to my understanding, the dom is the one who exerts control during the act regardless of position. 

I was more referring to the "Total top from the bottom type" part.

And then Milkman said:

Hmm a power bottom sub could conceivably be one who teases and goads an otherwise unwilling dom into finaly snapping and taking control. 

To which i added that those kind of subs I heard being referred to as "bratty subs"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
this seems to be a case of miscommunication. Because that's kinda what I'm saying here.

Yeah, got that wrong. Sorry when I get home early from work I usually just wanna relax and tend to skim through stuff without really focussing and that leads to misunderstandings.

I totally forgot about that art of Honey. That was great xD


Aug 30, 2016
@NotYouNorI Your poor subs- the idea that the person with all the power is the Dom is so unhealthy. I just, I am sitting here, kinda feeling bad for having to type this out as the new person to the forum... but- dear gods

If you looked at me literally writing all around it, how he was a bratty sub, and still focused on that- I think what you want is closer to rape than subbing, a removal of the ability to consent and a removal of the GIVING of consent. The sub in a healthy relationship IS the one with most of the power. The Sub has the ultimate say in what does and doesn't happen. TBH the sub is the one in ultimate control, because they ask for the scene, they set the guide rails and are the ones to hold the reigns on where the relationship goes. 

A weak sub or a dom who forgets that is what leads to the super-toxic relationships like Joker/Harley in the new Suicide Squad movie or all these other fucked up relationships like that highlighted in 50 shades of grey, etc. If the DOM is the one with all the control and power, something has gone horribly, terribly wrong, and while the fantasy is fantastic to play with, it is so so so so unhealthy IRL. 

Which it sounds like, since you were ignoring ALL the words around it to harp on me calling him a different popular phrasing on very pushy/bratty sub, one who makes his Dom WORK for the gift of his handing over control, I am going to assume that this is about how I wanted to see a smart sub with teeth and power who just likes giving up control and letting go... but is unwilling to compromise their morals or standards to do so. They will test, push and at times demand their needs be met.

Sorry- having had a horrible Domme who tried to groom me into accepting that because I was a sub, I was trufax her possession/powerless makes this a real hot-button for me. No quarter for the "Bratty/power bottom" isn't another type of subbing camp. Where kiddos and groomers sneer that a real sub has no power... Like, get out of my Munch, yeah?

PS: Not judging anyone who has rape fetishes, or total power exchange fetishes, or anything else- just getting someone picking 3 words out of an entire long sentence about how a potential character was a powerful and strong sub who makes the Dom work for it because they're worth it... man yeah that got my goat.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@NotYouNorI Your poor subs- the idea that the person with all the power is the Dom is so unhealthy. I just, I am sitting here, kinda feeling bad for having to type this out as the new person to the forum... but- dear gods

If you looked at me literally writing all around it, how he was a bratty sub, and still focused on that- I think what you want is closer to rape than subbing, a removal of the ability to consent and a removal of the GIVING of consent. The sub in a healthy relationship IS the one with most of the power. The Sub has the ultimate say in what does and doesn't happen. TBH the sub is the one in ultimate control, because they ask for the scene, they set the guide rails and are the ones to hold the reigns on where the relationship goes. 

A weak sub or a dom who forgets that is what leads to the super-toxic relationships like Joker/Harley in the new Suicide Squad movie or all these other fucked up relationships like that highlighted in 50 shades of grey, etc. If the DOM is the one with all the control and power, something has gone horribly, terribly wrong, and while the fantasy is fantastic to play with, it is so so so so unhealthy IRL. 

Which it sounds like, since you were ignoring ALL the words around it to harp on me calling him a different popular phrasing on very pushy/bratty sub, one who makes his Dom WORK for the gift of his handing over control, I am going to assume that this is about how I wanted to see a smart sub with teeth and power who just likes giving up control and letting go... but is unwilling to compromise their morals or standards to do so.

Sorry- having had a horrible Domme who tried to groom me into accepting that because I was a sub, I was trufax her possession/powerless makes this a real hot-button for me. No quarter for the "Bratty/power bottom" isn't another type of subbing camp. Where kiddos and groomers sneer that a real sub has no power... Like, get out of my Munch, yeah?

My, you have assume a lot from a few sentences regarding a term. I said: "the dom is the one who exerts control during the act regardless of position". DURING THE ACT 

In those few sentences I said, I didn't mention a thing regarding "subs having no right to consent" or "that the Dom has all the power within the relationship", but it isn't a healthy relationship if anyone involved has "most of the power" or "ultimate control". Things like safety words exist and things are discussed beforehand there to make sure that the dom doesn't get carried away and pushes things way beyond the sub's comfort zone, not to give power to the sub. Ideally, neither the dom nor the sub have "all the power" in the relationship, but are in a consenting and trusting couple (or manage a trois or polyamorous relationship).

And I'm sorry for your bad experience with that Dom, but the whole sub/Dom thing is, by definition, all about the fulfillment of fantasies. For the dom (the dominant) it is the fantasy of being in control and for the sub (the submissive) it is of not being the in control. And if you are in control during the act you aren't a sub, but a power bottom dom. Simple as that.

P.S. the Harley/Joker abusive "relationship" the Suicide Squad is nothing compared to the Harley/Joker in the (DC) comics/animated show.

P.P.S. "asking for the scene and setting the guide rails" isn't necessarily a role-exclusive thing.
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Aug 30, 2016
Yet your focus was on how it wasn't a real sub if he had any say- amirite? 

No, mate, just admit- you were being a bit of an ass- and I assed right back. You did bad and I replied. 

In a D/s relationship, YES the sub is actually the one in the majority of control. Especially during the act. They control GIVING their control, GIVING the consent, TAKING the pain or whatever. The Dom gets all sorts of benefits from it, but is STILL living in the Sub's rules for the scene, that they agreed to earlier. 

Sorry but you decided to be a jerk about the power bottom being a dom, and no, the bratty sub is often called a power bottom, and is still at the nuts and bolts, a sub. Don't go poking at it and being like "so a dom then" over it unless you want to be corrected. Because that attitude is part of why so many females and subs run screaming from the scene- because they get abused and even raped in scenes where Doms forget that- and when the sub starts feeling uncomfortable or dropping, dissociating or w/e the Dom is too focused on THEIR OWN giggles to pay attention to their responsibilities. The Dom gets all the rush of this illusion of power. But that comes with responsibilities and rules, as well as always keeping the focus on the Sub, who if they notice is faltering, they slow down and talk through it, or pause or stop scene all together. Sure Doms can safeword out too, but you see a crapton less Dom-drop than you do Subdrop...

As to the Joler/Harley relationship in the movies VS Comics- well, Puddin would have KILLED HER BABY so she gave it up to SAVE IT'S LIFE. If you are trying to imply that Joker is anything but a twisted, misogynistic psycho, who tortured and groomed Harley in a horrific way, whelp- I dunno what comics you read- but they must have been only a few short issues. 

Harley's healthiest relationship to date is with Pamela (Poison Ivy) and even that has it's rocky points. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Real Life != Porn


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Real Life != Porn

In a healthy relationship that should not be the case xD xD

Edit: @Marr we were in no instance talking about real life relations were we? While I see your reason to be offended or emotionally heated up by this, I think Nori's point was not that wrong, from a fetish or fantasy point of view
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