Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Demons! everyone prepare yourselves!" She clutches her amulet and casts magic weapon on her mace. "May the moon grant me power in our time of need!" [5+3+2=10] As her weapon glows a soft silver she then raises her weapon and focuses on Mia. "Lunar blessing unto those I must protect!" she casts bless on Mia. [6+1+2=9]
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[Guess not]

Elliana counts her lucky stars that she had already picked up her gear, and aims a shot directly at the ringleader, (5+4+2, which is above 10, so I get to deal damage normally), [Should be d8 + DEX modifier, I assume they currently count as "near"] (7+2) on the damage roll.

[Please do tell if I fuck something up, never used DungeonWorld before.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[Your move looks to be in order. Though I am not sure what counts as a hit or miss. since 12 is the highest you can get without mods.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Derek slides away from the group and begins writing a ritual of speed [+1 attack for a round]

[roled a 3+5+2]
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Mia gets within range of one of the smaller demons and hits it with her sword, the golden blade shimmering as it is brought down onto the unfortunate demons head.

[Dex roll because precise tag. Rolled 4 and a 5 + 2 + 1 from modifier and bless makes 12]

[Damage roll, 5+1 from serrated edges and goes through 2 points of armour if the demon has any]

Mia brings the blade down, causing huge damage and brings the heavy sword back into a defensive stance very quickly for such a heavy looking blade, blocking any blows the demon might try. "I've got this one!"
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The lead demon's eyes widened in shock as Elliana's arrow pierced through his chest and exited his back. Letting out a sheik of anguish, his body exploded into a cloud of purple smoke that quickly dissipated in the wind. Another one of the little creatures met a similar fate when Mia brought her sword down, cleaving it from head to groin. If the other creatures cared that their brethren had fallen, they gave no sign as they continued to press the attack.

Three of the little creatures darted around Mia, held back by the constant flourish of her sword.

Another three swooped into striking distance with Elliana. Their attacks proved clumsy, however, and she easily beat them back with her bow.

As Derek finished scribing the small rune in the sand, he heard the beating of tiny wings above him. He smiled as he realized that the last thing he needed to complete the ritual had arrived; a drop of blood from oneself, or one's enemy.

Castella surveyed the battle, it seemed to be going in their favor. A sudden impact knocked her to the ground as two of the little demons slammed into her back. They rolled on the ground a short while before Castella found herself on her back with one of the little creatures standing on her stomach trying to wrench her mace from her hands. As she tried to fend off her assailant, she let out a cry of shock and alarm as the second one scurried up her dress and began trying to pull her breaches down.

What does the party do?

[Everyone is in melee with the imps now. If you want to do anything besides fight them in melee you need to roll to defy danger first. Castella will need to defy danger regardless of what she does to keep the imp between her legs from pulling her pants down. Beyond that, you all seem to be doing things mostly right, except that you don't add ability modifiers to damage. Also, Woider, a bundle of arrows contains three ammo. You only expend ammo when you roll a six or lower on an attack roll, or when you use certain advanced moves.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Gah! Get back, you filthy monsters!" She pulls out her spear and thrusts once at two of the demons. (5+4-1 = 8) for 2 damage / (2+6-1 = 7) for 1 damage. [Shite rolls] Then lastly dropping into a defensive stance. (6+2+1 = 9)

[3 actions at max, right?]


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"Castella!" Mia sees Castella being overrun by two of the imps, she quickly stabs one of the imps surrounding her [6+2+1 for dex roll, 6+1 damage so i think it's dead] Seeing an opening she quickly dashes over to Castella to try and help [defy danger, rolled 9+2+1 from dex.]. Deciding to try and take out the one on top of her, Mia slashes at it with Brisingr [8+2+1 for dex, 9+1 damage] and tries to cut the imp clean in half at the waist.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[Mia is currently blessed, she gets +1 to all actions until combat ends or I cancel the spell, for future notice cause I didn't say that when I used the spell.]

Castella tries to keep a level head and simply kick the small imp away knowing it is far smaller than she is [4+2+2=8] and does just that, planting her boot on it's face and kicking it away from her. Seeing the imp on top of her cut in half she is able to calmly get back to her feet. Ready to do her part, she turns toward the nearest him and swings her mace [2+4+2=8] and hits it square on the head! [6 for base damge, then a 4 for magic weapon, 10 damage hot damn!] "I will not be bested so easily!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[Yeah, but that's how the cookie crumbles. She ain't a melee character, either. That +4 damage on the magic weapon is sick, though.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[I actually just got two perfect rolls. D6 is my base damage as a cleric, D4 is for magic weapon. How I pulled a perfect 6 and 4? Blessing of the moon ofcourse xD ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Sliding out of the way of an inpatient imps slash with quick thinking, Derek unsheathes his horrifying excuse of a shortsword, the quickblade, jagged, razor-sharp he counters with a "slightly" sharper weapon [4+4+1] and a love tap for good measure [1+3+1] settling some distance with the creature and holds a defensive pose, with breath to spare.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The three imps surrounding Elliana swarmed in a flurry of slashing claws and spit curses [4 damage].

Impaling another imp on her sword, Mia watched as the creature disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, before rushing over to her fallen friend and slicing through another one, only t be struck by two small bolts of flame hurled by the two imps she had just disengaged [5 damage].

Castella kicked the demon tugging at her pants with all her strength and sent the fowl little creature flying, however it's grip on the fabric was strong and the ripping of cloth filled the air as it was pushed away. Castella stood up and grimaced as the tattered remains of her pants fell to her ankles before bringing her mace down on the little hellion with a satisfying crunch; turning it to smoke. She then frowned again as she felt something warm and wet running down her legs; apparently her pants were not the only thing the imp had slashed on it's travels [3 damage].

As Derek traded blows with the two creatures in front of him, a splash or red hit the rune he had draw and the ritual he had started was compete [2 damage, and everyone gets +1 to their next roll]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Blushing immensely she kicks her tattered remains to the side, very thankful her robe falls to her knee caps. Turning to the next nearest imp she swings her mace with all her might [4+3+1-1=7] and makes the connection! [5 base, 4 magic weapon]. Seeing Mia get bombarded by fire she turns to try and heal her [2+6+2-1=9] the healing magic takes affect [+2 health] but the spell draws unwanted attention to herself. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Guys! I need some help over here! Not good in a scrap, you know?!" She yells, before gritting her teeth in pain. She keeps trying to stave them off as she's forced to stand her ground out in the open, thrusting at the injured imps with new-found fervor. [1+3] for the first one (no hit) [5+6-1] for the second. (8! damage :D) She again takes a defensive stance after attacking. [4+5+1]


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
[Oh damn i only have 6hp left D: unless you didnt take away damage for my armour which means it is only 4 damage] Satisfied Castella is safe for now, mia charges the two imps she was previously fighting, shouting obscenities at them for launching the firebolts. "Hyaaa!!" She reaches them as swings her sword around to cleave the first one [hack and slash, 10+2+1+1, dats a lot of modifiers. Dealing 6+1 damage] she easily slices through the first one and carries on with the momentum to try and kill the second one as well. [Hack and slash 8+2+1. Dealing 7+1 damage.] She then shouts to Ellina. "Need any help over there?!?"

[Would be good in future to let us know how much health the enemies have, so i'm not just guessing as to if i killed something or not]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[Mia has buffs right now. her normal mod, plus bless for another +1 and that rune Derek cast for another +1]


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
[Oh damn i was baseing mine off the modifier, turns out Mia is an absolute tank at 25hp, currently either on 22 if ecna calculated my armour or 24 if they didnt]
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
[It is based of con not the modifier. At least if the rules i have are correct. 

7. Set Maximum HP

Your maximum HP is equal to your class’s base HP+Constitution score. You start with your maximum HP.

Base 4 plus 9 con gives me a whopping 13 HP.]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
After crushing the imp that tore her pants apart, Castella channeled the power of the moon into her friend, healing her wounds. The display of magic caught the attention of the two imps swatting at Derek and one of them broke off from the mage. Flying high into the air, it held up it's arms, a ball or purple energy forming between it's hands. It then hurled the dark magic at Castella with all it's strength. Unable to see the attack coming, Castella was struck square in the back by the ball, which seemed to pass directly into her body. Immediately, against all reason, she felt her womanhood grow moist and her penis erect. [You take 6 lust damage.]

Meanwhile, Elliana was having more than her share of troubles with her two assailants. Lunging at one of them, the little monster slipped under her spear and through her legs, wrapping it's tail around her ankle as it went causing her to fall forward onto her hands and knees. Seizing the opportunity, the second imp brought it's claws down right on the seat of her pants, splitting them, and her panties, right down the middle. "Hey, an easy access hatch," it giggled, only to suddenly find a spear in it's stomach as Elliana spun around in fury. The imp evaporated on the tip of her spear, as she got back to her feet.

Mia spun through the air, a dervish of death, as she reduced two more imps to smoke. Spotting Elliana's backside hanging out, she called to her friend, just as the remaining imps took to the air.

Seeing their comrades falling all around them the remaining three imps shared terrified looks before bolting into the sky in an attempt to flee.

[Okay, first thing's first. I will always give damage unmodified by armor; I trust the player to remember to take it into account. Second, lust damage ignores armor but is tracked separately from your normal damage, being added up as you take it. If the amount of lust damage you have ever equals or exceeds your current HP your character gives in to lust and begins trying to slake it in whatever way they can. Finally, HP is calculated using your constitution score not modifier. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns in the OOC forum so we can avoid cluttering up the scenes like this from now on, please.]