The Syren Conspiracy (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Brynn looks at Alex, who is staring at the floor, for a long while. "That... Makes sense." She murmurs, her thumb tracing circles over Olivia's hand. "I wonder if Zaren and Shekar are doing alright..." Pyro murmurs. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Those two sneaky twins? They are probably ghosting around the halls without an issue in the world." She says, trying to keep their spirits up. "So, the med by is ours now. The barracks and armory are the closest after this right?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"And the Data room." Brynn adds. "So you wanna hit the armory first or the barracks first?" Alex asks. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I don't know... the barracks is likely a shit storm full of those monsters. The armor probably doesn't have many monsters but one of your old comrades is in there and likely armed to the fucking teeth. I forget if the Data room was occupied..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. We should hit the armory first and get some explosives. Blow those bastards in the barracks to kingdom come." Alex says, grinning savagely. Brynn raises an eyebrow at that. "Did you ever once stop to think these guys are your old comrades?" Brynn asks bluntly. "Comrades? No. They'd have to be human for that." Alex mutters. That shuts Brynn up. Pyro just looks like she really wishes she had a bowl of popcorn. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia snaps her fingers between them, diffusing the argument. "Oi oi! Stop with the mud slinging! We are on the same side remember? you can beat eachother up when we are not in a monster hell hole! Geeze, siblings, always trying to one up each other." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
They both give her a deadpan look, before looking at each other. "Something tells me she doesn't have siblings..." Brynn says nonchalantly to Alex. "Or if she does, they aren't like we are. Basically, they're boring." He says, grinning. Then, they both turn to Olivia for an answer, their eyebrows raised. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks back at them and hesitates. "I... have a brother. We were never close, just civil enough to not kill each other. Haven't heard from him in years. not sure what he is doing." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Eh? We just never clicked. no common ground to go off of and no real desire to make things work past that. So we just went our separate ways. He is probably working some honest job and making a paycheck to feed his family." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh. I thought it might be something worse. Oh well. You've got us now!" Alex says, smiling and glancing at Brynn and Pyro, who nod happily. "And these little ones too!" Pyro says, patting her belly, which is unnoticeable under the armor. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea... I do have you guys. A much happier family than the one I grew up with! Now lets try to keep it that way through this mission."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
They nod and kiss her on the cheek. Brynn and Pyro get up to leave and attend to other matters, while Alex just lays his head down on her stomach and stares fondly up at her. Suddenly, he sits up and checks his watch. "Holy crap. We've been in here for four hours..." He mutters. 



Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia snaps to attention "WHAT!? How could that possibly be?! We have only been laying down for like... an hour tops right?!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Huh? Oh no. No, we've been in this room for about an hour, yeah, but since coming into tue base, the total time elapsed has been five hours." Alex says. Then, he frowns a bit. "Oi, Brynn! Can you hail Byrne and let him know we're still alive!?" Alex yells across the room. Brynn yells back an affirmative. A few minutes later, a loud "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuck!!!!!" Can be heard as Brynn stomps towards Alex. "They jammed our comms!" She growls as an explanation. "Shit. That's not good... That means they're planning something..." Alex mutters. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia slowly sits up, making sure her body is still holding together before getting to her feet. "Then we need to get out of this room. They obviously know we are still in here, we should move before they lock us in and gas us or something" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I'm sure they know already. I just wonder why they haven't done it already. Come on. I'll carry you." Alex says, taking her good arm and putting it around his neck as he wraps his other arm around her waist and walks to Brynn. "Brynn. We need to get going. We've already spent too long in here." He says. Brynn looks worriedly over at the injured soldier. "He's unconscious. It's going to be some time before wr can move him..." Brynn murmurs. "We have no time, Brynn. We have to finish the mission, or the twins' cover will get blown. Do you want that blood on your hands?" Alex says, looking her in the eyes. She meets his gaze, then looks away. "Warren! Get a stretcher for Hayes there. We're leaving." She says. "What? But he's- he's not ready to be moved yet!" He says. But, with a groan, Hayes slowly sits up. "I'm fine, doc. Didn't my mom ever tell you I had a hard head?" He says with a pained grin. Warren gives him a deadpan look. "You got your chest sliced open. The ribs were exposed." He says flatly. ".... Must have been my awesome pecs that stopped it going too deep." Hayes says with a wink. Warren rolls his eyes and groans. "Yeah. He's fine alright..." He mutters. "Soldiers! Get ready! We're moving out!" He yells. There is a flurry of groans and activity as the soldiers ready their weapons. Warren had assembled a bunch of medkits on a table, and each remaining soldier takes one before forming up ready to move. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She adjusts her rifle and double checks her ammo before moving up to the rear guard as per usual. "Hole in the leg, hole in the arm... geeze, if there i a dress code for this place I am going to fall under it going like this. Anyway, ready to move Brynn." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Holes. Plural." Alex mutters. Brynn nods to her. "Alright. We'll hit the armory first. Men, move out!" She calls out, and there is a tromping of heavily armoured boots as the soldiers start marching. Surprisingly, they reach the armory without incident. Brynn pauses at the large, reinforced blast doors and looks back at the soldiers. "You all know what's behind this door." Are you ready for this?" She says. The soldiers nod curtly. She steps up to the door and looks for a way to open it. Unfortunately... It seems it can only be opened by a keycard. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia sighs. "Of course... we need a key card. I don't suppose anyone here is a tech master that can hack the panel and open the door? Most I could do is pull wires and taht would most likely just break the damn thing" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The soldiers look nervously at each other, before they shake their heads. "Wait. Did anyone search that wire dude's body?" A soldier pipes up. Alex smacks a palm to his forehead. "Of course!" He disappears in a flash, and reappears a few seconds later, holding up a keycard. "Bingo! Good thinking, er... Jazz, was it?" The soldier nods. Alex hands the keycard to Brynn, and she swipes it through the card reader. For a few terrifying seconds, it stays red, then with a soft beep, it turns green, and a lock clicks. Brynn pushes the door open, and they walk in. 

The armory is pretty large square shaped room. It has a sloping metal ceiling with vents on it, and the walls are lined with arrays of deadly weapons and explosives. However, in the center of the room stands a huge... Minotaur? Wait. Those things existed only in fantasy! Right...? Olivia takes a closer look, and she realises that it is indeed a Minotaur. He is wearing heavy armour, and is carrying a huge, metal warhammer. Arcs of electricity crackle around the head of the warhammer, indicating that this is no ordinary warhammer, and that they should be very careful. He isn't wearing a helmet, and Olivia can see that he looks exactly like the minotaurs from the fantasy stories, with large, floppy cow ears, beady red eyes, and a golden ring through his nose. But he isn't the only terrifying sight in the room. Around him are nearly twenty of those monsters, but they are all standing still and staring at the group, not even growling. 

"Hmm. Michel is dead, eh? Could see that coming a mile away. Bastard was always more interested in talking rather than outright fighting." The minotaur says, twirling his warhammer like it's a toy. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia tightened the grip on her rifle and looked around the room. Alex had not given the mark yet, but she was fairly certain what this guys fate would be. Instead, she looked around for anything that could give them a leg up on the numbers they are facing. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She can see a box of explosives under a table of weapons, but going for them would require getting close to the minotaur man, which would be dangerous. Again, they are not close enough to the minotaur that she can just blow them up with a shot from her rifle. 

Alex tilts his head. "Balkan? Is that you? Shit. You really went for those minotaur transformatives, eh? Damn." Alex mutters. He throws a red paintball at him, but it splatters against something before it hits Balkan. A shield! Balkan has a personal shield! "Yep! State of the art shield from OT. This baby can block anything and everything!" He says, grinning wide as the paint runs off his shield and drips onto the floor. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia decides to gamble. Minotaurs always have short tempers... it was just a thing about them from every story she has ever heard. "Huh... I didn't take you for the coward type." she says while stepping up near Alex. "I mean.. I see you there with that big body, powerful hammer and heavy armor so I thought "Wow! This guy is dangerous!" but... you are quickly proving me wrong I guess. You hide behind a shield rather than face us up close... or do you know that you can't be Alex so you are hiding from the get go?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He cocks an eyebrow at her. "Oi. You dumb, girlie? Didn't you hear what the man said? I'm TRANSFORMED. I wasn't a mini before this. Trying to piss me off won't work. Oh, and as for your answer... All is fair in love and war!" He says, grinning and flipping her a rather heavily armoured finger. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shrugs casually "Could have fooled me man. I am guessing you chose Minotaur cause it was the only thing ugly enough to match your normal looks. Anything prettier would not have had effect i am guessing. Ah well, was worth a shot all the same." She checks to see if she could set off the explosives from this position. "Since you obviously have the upper hand here, I need to ask... why defect over to OT? They just have a better employment package or is this a cock fighting contest?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He tilts his head as if to seriously consider her question, and frowns a bit. "I... What...?" A tiny shudder runs through his body, and his face goes blank before his cocky grin reappears. "I just wanted to go to the side that was going to win, obviously!" He says. This little oddity doesn't go unnoticed by Alex, who raises an eyebrow before flicking a blue paintball at him. "Really? Stop with the paintballs, Alex. What are you, three years old?" Balkan growls. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hmm... that was a different reaction than what she was expecting. "You do know that you are a traitor right? You defected over to OT, broke your ties with all your old friends and comrades. Something like that doesn't exactly come easily. you strike me as a person with more integrity than that. Surely you savor a good fight right? Something that you have to fight long and hard for... so why would you switch over to the easy win side? That doesn't make any sense now does it?"  


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
His head jerks slightly to the side as he groans a little. "Gah! Stop talking! Attack!" He roars, looking at the monsters. En masse, they suddenly rush the group, claws flailing. She can see the leaping ones and the upright human looking ones, and they seem to be in equal proportions; ten of each kind. Nevertheless, it is still a hard match. The soldiers start firing, aiming for the legs of the monsters. Most of them go down... And immediately start crawling towards them like giant, morbid spiders. The rest are still running, shrieking as the smell blood. One of the leapers jumps at a nearby soldier, and lands on him. The soldier screams as the ribs of the leaper penetrate his armour, which turns into a gurgle as the leaper bites into his throat while repeatedly stabbing his body with the sharp tail. Blood spurts out, drawing a few more of the monsters to him. The ones with the claws leap upon him too, and the sound of metal and flesh tearing fills the air as they rip the soldier apart.

The remaining soldiers clump into groups, going back to back as they fire upon the monsters. All in all, Olivia counts only five of them killed. But then, Alex leaps into the fray. He dashes about, slicing apart the monsters with ease as he simultaneously stays out of the hail of bullets. A group of three soldiers, finding some respite from the fighting, start moving to the minotaur man. With a growl, he leaps forward, impossibly fast for a wearer of heavy armour, and swings his warhammer at one of the soldiers. The Lanius is too slow to avoid the blow, and the hammer hits him. There is a concussive boom as the hammer hits the man, and a spray of gore and armour flies across the room as the poor soldier literally explodes from the force of the blow. The other soldiers quickly retreat, firing at the monsters instead, managing to bring the number of them down to around ten, with Alex's aid. 

Somehow, through all the carnage, Olivia notices something odd. Where the minotaur is currently standing, there seems to be a severed monster leg. 

Right next to his foot. Where it normally shouldn't be, especially if he had a shield...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia stared at it for just a moment before getting an idea to test. She pushed the stealth field again and vanishes from the chaos. She moved over and picked up one of the many severed monster limbs and throws it at the minotaur.