After reading it, I do not see how low confidence Ryn having a high libido makes her more corrupt than her low libido counterpart. Having a high libido in these games does not correlate with being corrupt. You could say that this version of Ryn would be easier to sexually influence to fuck stuff like demons and junk but that is one side of the coin as I see it. Sure, she is more open about how she enjoyed the stuff that Alissa put her through but that to me always read like a Stockholm syndrome kind of situation than any sign of degradation of her character. Like, are you telling me that a champion that has low confidence Ryn but only abuses her sexually half of the time, that high libido Ryn is used to, that much less corrupt than the one with high libido elf princess? Same goes with Ryn, since I would think that her low-mid libido self also enjoys abuse that champion is offering, she is just much less willing to show it to a stranger.
My argument was never that low confidence Ryn is not a corrupt path, I just do not think that her sexual expression has as much a role to play as others here imply to. Getting morally degraded by one person or a group is just mincing words at some point.