What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Explain since I do not understand what you are getting at.
Go and read some of Ryn's content when she's at low/mid Libido and then go look at the same text when she's at high Libido. I'll even give you a hand and point you to the Her Story conversation as a good place to start. If you can't see the difference between them, I can't help you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
After reading it, I do not see how low confidence Ryn having a high libido makes her more corrupt than her low libido counterpart. Having a high libido in these games does not correlate with being corrupt. You could say that this version of Ryn would be easier to sexually influence to fuck stuff like demons and junk but that is one side of the coin as I see it. Sure, she is more open about how she enjoyed the stuff that Alissa put her through but that to me always read like a Stockholm syndrome kind of situation than any sign of degradation of her character. Like, are you telling me that a champion that has low confidence Ryn but only abuses her sexually half of the time, that high libido Ryn is used to, that much less corrupt than the one with high libido elf princess? Same goes with Ryn, since I would think that her low-mid libido self also enjoys abuse that champion is offering, she is just much less willing to show it to a stranger.
My argument was never that low confidence Ryn is not a corrupt path, I just do not think that her sexual expression has as much a role to play as others here imply to. Getting morally degraded by one person or a group is just mincing words at some point.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Baseline Ryn has enough self-esteem to recognize that what Alissa did to her was wrong and to hate it. If you push her to high Libido without similarly boosting her Confidence (which means doing things that she's visibly uncomfortable with and ignoring her desires in order to gratify your own) then she shifts to deciding that she actually enjoys being degraded. There is a world of difference between her having a high libido (as in, a strong sex drive) and her being a self-effacing turboslut who believes she deserves the degradation and won't complain no matter what you try to make her do. Don't get so caught up on the word that you miss the context.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Yes, but all three combination of low confidence Ryn can be seen as corrupt. And I know that this is because of game mechanic and all that, but It still looks to me that low-mid libido Ryn still enjoys the abuse that she is receiving from the champion, she is just much less open about it. Otherwise, shr would not be coming back for more. I think that this is one of those things where your view on morality plays role on how you see the situation at hand. To me, if the champion is willingly/purposely keeping Ryn to a level where she is their subby little plaything without much autonomy on her front, to me that makes each variations on that specific state corrupt without much need to argue which one is worth more in game points.
As someone who likes their Ryn low con and with middling libido, that is how I see it.
Nov 19, 2019
For example, pc can still be corrupted even if they never did anything bad but just by fucking demons and pc can be a total psychopathic murderer but still not be corrupted if they never fuck demons.
I'm a bit confused, so theoretically a good demon-morph can exist simply because they have fucked corrupt characters too many times?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
I'm a bit confused, so theoretically a good demon-morph can exist simply because they have fucked corrupt characters too many times?
Shucks think I may be confusing myself or just sucky at explaining. This is just my personal interpretation. Sorry about that. I think it sounded better in my head.
Well I'm only talking about corruption for pc specifically in this case. From what I've seen so far most of the corruption comes from fucking demons (whether the pc chooses to or fucked bc they lost) or being a rapey/sexually abusive asshole (like raping Infrinth, Sugo, etc). PC can't become a full demon yet (bc then it'll game over for the player as they cum their soul out) so yes I do think good demon-morph can exist since player can choose not to do any mean things to other npcs. Like dark champion personality can still be good (being to nice to Ryn, saving ppl, etc.) but still be corrupted due to sexual shenanigans with demons (sexual depravity). Now if there is an ending or some sort where pc can become full demon than yeah they'll be sexually and morally depraved as they lack empathy but while pc doesn't become full demon pc still has some compassion. So I want to say based on the pc's corruption, corruption seems to focus on sexual depravity more than the moral compass? Idk feel free to correct my bs explanation.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
theoretically a good demon-morph can exist simply because they have fucked corrupt characters too many times?
Theoretically, sure. Demons sexual fluids grant Corruption. If you aren't doing anything depraved yourself but consume a great deal of demonic fluid (say, you are subjected to Forcey Fun Times a whole lot like Elthara was), you can end up with a lot of Corruption without having made any moral choices yourself. It'll still have an impact on you, of course, but that's after the fact.

Really Elthara is a great example of "didn't do anything wrong but got a bunch of Corruption anyway, and is trying to manage that in the least harmful way possible."


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Though that makes me curious if the champ is a special case with how they can lose it. Curious how that works for others.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Though that makes me curious if the champ is a special case with how they can lose it. Curious how that works for others.
Typically in these kinds of narratives, the main character is special because they are lucky and get opportunities others do not, rather than having different rules for how things function. I fully expect everyone can lose corruption in universe, but I also expect it to take a lot longer and be a much more fraught journey for everyone else because they don't have a player behind them to force them to avoid temptation, much less the ability to vanish into the woods for weeks on end and look for some lost fountain or whatever that will cleanse their corruption.
May 6, 2020
I was wonder if there is going to be more content for the Harpy Matron that is encountered when you go to the Foothills for the first time?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Typically in these kinds of narratives, the main character is special because they are lucky and get opportunities others do not, rather than having different rules for how things function. I fully expect everyone can lose corruption in universe, but I also expect it to take a lot longer and be a much more fraught journey for everyone else because they don't have a player behind them to force them to avoid temptation, much less the ability to vanish into the woods for weeks on end and look for some lost fountain or whatever that will cleanse their corruption.

There's examples of characters recovering from (or reigning in) their corruption, and, as mentioned, Elthara is one of them. Compare how she acts during the Winter Palace dungeon with how she acts after everything is settled and she gets a chance to clear her head. She goes from being willing to violently force herself on you, to being a "closet" turboslut. Given enough time, she might be able to go back to the way she used to be, if she wants to.

Elyon is corrupted and functions normally. Maid Jael'yn has considerably mellowed out outside of the bedroom, just like Elthara. Naiya can keep herself under control unless she gets pushed too far, when before she was basically a sentient fuck machine. Then there's Taldahs and Genova, who were dragged back from the cusp of actual demonhood, and are back to their old selves.

We also already have an example of a "Good" demon. Farrah is content to just be The Best Merchant (when will she and Kohaku meet), instead of slurping up all the unwilling souls she can.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I was wonder if there is going to be more content for the Harpy Matron that is encountered when you go to the Foothills for the first time?
Yes, there are Plans for her related to the Windy Peaks area that will eventually be accessible via the Undermountain. This is gated behind Savin having a lot of other things on his plate in general and also needing to do non-specific Things for Shar and Zhara first before we can get to the Windy Peaks content.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Isn't that the next area that'll be done after kor wraps up? I know it's going to be backlog stuff after but.
Based on Savin commenting that he's been toiling in both the KM and Tychris Content Mines in response to another question about the harpies, I'm guessing that Manderville is going to show up before Windy Peaks. That said, over on Discord he's talked about some harpy-related content that's coming Soon(tm), so just because the main focus right now is KM doesn't mean we're not getting some other things filled in (or at least having some groundwork laid) in the meantime..
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Is there any way to toggle Brienne and Atugia sleeping together on and off? I turned it off thinking that I could toggle it on again whenever, but nothing, also the reason was that Atugia was somehow always finding Brienne and I whenever we were sleeping together in the Camp even though I left her back in Hawkthorne.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm hoping an underground area for the Wayfort is done soon. I think I recall a dungeon was to be located there but it would also be interesting to see a vault, containing gifts and treasures from the MC's adventures that isn't items that can be stored in the chest. More for aesthetic purposes.
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Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Is there any way to toggle Brienne and Atugia sleeping together on and off? I turned it off thinking that I could toggle it on again whenever, but nothing, also the reason was that Atugia was somehow always finding Brienne and I whenever we were sleeping together in the Camp even though I left her back in Hawkthorne.
Disable sleeping with Brienne and then re-enable it. Atugia should show up and want to join you two again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
Ya want MANLY clothing?

As soon as I read that unintended prompt I expected a solid reply like this and was not disappointed. To this I should add that before pants became the norm, skirts were not only the masculine wear for centuries, if not milennia, and pants were considered effeminate by the Romans. And further:

Both male and female children were called "girls" until about 100 years ago. Gendered clothing for children is only slightly younger than that -- iirc, the baby pictures of FDR had him dressed in "girls" dresses as a four-year-old. The blue and pink gender colors were switched on the same timeframe.

Gendered toy aisles hit in the seventies but rightwingers raise hell when they're eliminated while claiming tradition -- a tradition created by marketers meant to exploit child and parent insecurities while being younger than the James Bond franchise.

We are absolutely making this shit up as we go along and memory-holing the rest, kids.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
It'd be really convenient to have a setting where we can just have Lyric at max thickness. After doing the scene a couple of times, keeping Lyric at max thickness for combat viability and scene preference becomes busywork. So if we could just say Lyric eats however much electrum a day they need to maintain max thickness that would be cool.

Though you would probably need some kind of control for broke champions, like Lyric doesn't send you into negatives if you're below a certain wealth threshold.