What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
I know she already comes with 3, but I'd kinda like to see a tankier melee kit Kiyoko with a naginata. With how she talks about den mothers all being educated in it's use it'd be cool if she had a kit with one, maybe triggered from a conversation option with Kinu or in the den. Probably low priority but would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I know she already comes with 3, but I'd kinda like to see a tankier melee kit Kiyoko with a naginata. With how she talks about den mothers all being educated in it's use it'd be cool if she had a kit with one, maybe triggered from a conversation option with Kinu or in the den. Probably low priority but would be nice.
Yeah she mentions being able to use a bow too, that'd be nice since we only have Etheryn as our one archer.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
More content regarding the Harem Cats and maybe some other NPCs that seem to want to help the PC in some way or another who currently seem to be shoved into limbo.

Maybe having them move to the Champion's Keep and populate it further, while providing their skills to its overall function?

Like, take the Harem Cats, there's a mage, bandit, and priestess, but that's a mage, a scout, and a cleric for the keep...hell, Calill being at the keep could trigger Vivianne (or whoever else helped with the enchantments of the keep) to visit and maybe help her out to become a better mage. Liulfr's another one, perhaps a massive guard who lives nearby, though admittedly, the fact its an Elven Fortress might be an issue for him/her. Lusina, I'm uncertain if her tits could survive being closer to the Frostwoods, however she could act as a personal assistant to Daliza or help with the accounts of the Keep or something, since she has been educated...

Mainly though, this is pretty much me suggesting that the Harem Cats can be more helpful beyond simply being another fuck added to a PC's long, long, long list and considering the Keep's missing a resident priest(ess) and mage, while Yset could be retrained into a ranger to assist with patrols alongside Elven troops especially since she has experience as a bandit herself. It just seems like a waste leaving them and their skills to rot away like what's happening currently.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The original plan for them was that if you keep them around, they can be invited to join Catte Temple if you've built it but the latest word from Savin is that's in limbo as nobody's stepped up to write it. A little while after that comment, Tobs added on Discord that given the time he'd like to do something about it, but it's evidently not a high priority. So they may have a path planned, pending time.

That said, an alternate option to recruit them to work at the Wayfort might be feasible, assuming there aren't Super Secret Plans that would prevent that, like if there are other characters planned to do something similar. It's hard to say, as Savin's been really tight-lipped about the Wayfort's future content beyond some general statements. So if there isn't some narrative reason we aren't privy to, I could see recruiting them into a refurbished Wayfort being an option the game could have... if somebody wants to write it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Probably judging Alissa and Tollus once their quest lines are over. Or maybe Savin is finally planning to add the sexiest thing of all: siege weapons. Can't wait to see Trebuchet-chan's art.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Oh yeah, Kiyoko in the milking stall would be nice. Also does Cait not have a talk about Kiyoko? Or did I just overlook it somehow
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, Kiyoko in the milking stall would be nice. Also does Cait not have a talk about Kiyoko? Or did I just overlook it somehow
Some don't have one about Kiyoko it's all the same really she stays close to the champ and doesn't talk to anyone else. It would still be nice for those who don't to have one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
more dye colors mainly pink so i can dye my pc's fur pink
mouse tf
cat morph npc (not cat folk but a full anthro one)
viv to have her xpack added soon
more summons like the shadow summon matiha uses or other elements like water or nature or lightning
more elyon content or get a collar item from him for the neck slot
some cosmetic tfs like unicorn horn or multi tails (maybe only up to like 2 or three mainly want two cat tails) and fur patterns!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Why doesn't Cait just use some sort of Mallachite Priestess magic to change the colour of her hair/tail.
Honestly if anything it would be more sensible than hair dye.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Why doesn't Cait just use some sort of Mallachite Priestess magic to change the colour of her hair/tail.
Honestly if anything it would be more sensible than hair dye.
Most of her magic is helping old men getting boners.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Why doesn't Cait just use some sort of Mallachite Priestess magic to change the colour of her hair/tail.
You're assuming this both 1) exists and 2) is something she could do. Given that she'll gripe about having to re-dye herself in the Abyssal Depths and how unfair it is that Solveig has naturally pink hair, I think it's a safe assumption that magically changing her hair and tail's colors just isn't an option. Color TFing is only permanent for the Champ because Portal Shenanigans or (for the stylist options) because making us reapply dyes would be stupidly tedious.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
After Rumie's content I'd really really like a bee hive. I know it'd be similar to the hornet hive, but it'd be so fun to see, and to have hawt or funny interactions if you bring azyrran.

I'm also unsure if it's technically been "added" under the hood, and I can see issues with the game's setup, but a "tactics" option would be nice for people who choose to auto. i might be a minority but i prefer setting everyone to auto and seeing how well i can automate them on normal+, but also for players who chose to use a persona-esque rule of player control only, it'd be nice to at least have basic commands like for a player tank to only use vanguard on self, or possibly to be able to set triggers for them to use ults, like for example when you duel a companion and they do stuff like az activating hers when she gets injured, maybe have a setting where they activate it under 50% hp or something like that. a menu like ff12 would probably be too much of a cluster**** but some abilities like spirit veil would be nice to set ai to always use them on a set target (the tank) etc. some characters already have pretty solid automated behavior but it'd be nice to be able to fine tune it, it's not the end of the world to just manual all on challenging fights but I think it could be fun for rp to let them feel like their own "people" but perform a bit more respectably.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2020
Sorry if something similar was already mentioned.

I would like to see some magical (via Lumia magic) Etheryn pregnancy where PC is biological father and Ryn is biological mother. Bonus points if Etheryn ends up a little bit more millfy and/or milky :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Sorry if something similar was already mentioned.

I would like to see some magical (via Lumia magic) Etheryn pregnancy where PC is biological father and Ryn is biological mother. Bonus points if Etheryn ends up a little bit more millfy and/or milky :)
What like male pregnancy?