What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2022
1. A cloak similar to Doctor stranges' cloak of levitation
2. More Badass armor ( personally interested in leather based types)
3. More unique weapons like the Monkey Kings power staff, cured katanas, blood based weapons etc.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2022
-More male!Keros content. At the moment, there seems to be a disproportionate amount with female!Keros vs male!Keros.
-I'd also like to see being able to romance one of The Seven, for me the idea seems like it'd be an interesting parallel to Kass (although she's no god, she does end up killing them all in one of the bad endings if memory serves me correctly).
-A little more interactions with Gwyn's nursery. Interacting with your kids, maybe special cutscenes with some of the companions the champion has kids with. Idk, at the moment the nursery feels pretty dry... feels more like a way to keep track of your "accomplishments" and sometimes lewding Gwyn.
-Maybe more unique weapons that fit your Champion's backstory and class (Like if your Champion is a minstrel charmer, the option of finding a magical harp with holy damage or something is there).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
I'd like more post-orgasm teasing content. I think the only scenes I've seen that kind of thing happen was in the Brienne cowgirl scene where she teases you when you're sensitive
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
I do have some new idea. Probably wont work. but wouldn't mind them.

Atugia pregnancy - (yes yes i know. the chance is lower than not seeing a bug in bethesda game)
Some more interaction with Garth and Gweyr. Like ask them about eachother, about how is life now, and if you made a lot of puppy with Gwyn, accept you in as family member.
Make the baroness interactable allways and maybe even let you have some fun with her? after she granting you the champion title.
Solveig pregnancy?
More Agni ?
Dream Palace bed?
Orc camp bed?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
-More male!Keros content. At the moment, there seems to be a disproportionate amount with female!Keros vs male!Keros.
Let me fuck/peg his ass. When was the last time I got to that to a non femboy? But than again, Keros is pretty feminine himself... Still, let me game. Or at least a handy down, some focus on our dick. Feels weird how it is almost never mentioned.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
-A little more interactions with Gwyn's nursery. Interacting with your kids, maybe special cutscenes with some of the companions the champion has kids with. Idk, at the moment the nursery feels pretty dry... feels more like a way to keep track of your "accomplishments" and sometimes lewding Gwyn.
Yeah, this is by design so the likelihood of any children but Kinu getting post-birth interactions is virtually nil.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I've said this before and I will say it again: Nareva sex and/or gothmander TF will be the only thing besides major Ryn content that will get me to redownload the app. My phone is old, folks.
Well considering that Savin is writing that TF and is the next area after km your eventually going to get it, though after km it's going to be a LOT of getting pushed back stuff not pushed back.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Well considering that Savin is writing that TF and is the next area after km your eventually going to get it
To add to this, Savin has mentioned that Nareva and her associated TF are gated behind Tychris' implementation and it's likely that we'll have to do some things there before Nareva's content opens up, in the same manner that we have to do some stuff around the Den before Keros is willing to offer you his TF and/or private time and (per Discord comments) the quest we'll have to do before the Valkyrie TF becomes available.
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2022
For me

1. More male content
2. A harem option were you can select it be just one gender or a mix. I thought of this very random thing when writing my own fic.
3. Options to learn more on cait sister
4. Auto sort for iteams (not sure if they havevit)
5. A incubus npc you can romance and learn more on demons
6. A random gun. Why? Why not.
7. All male race and a all female race. I just want some cool women and hot horny men
8. New sets for the cast. Like what brint and cait have it fun and make me think.
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Ria Brew

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
This is an odd entry as I say this as something I suddenly want to see more of but know and understand that it's not gonna happen for several obvious reasons, but:

One of the kitsune bad endings has made me kinda want to see more Nakano x PC scenes and I feel even weird saying that given their normal interactions. For a bad end it was oddly adorable and not entirely all that bad in the end (Yes, I know bad end in this context is an early end condition to the story). Despite the fact that it starts as a forced marriage, the end result is a husband who went from cold to coming to love you, the end of the war with Kas' defeated, Nakano achieves his dreams, and you spend the rest of your life with a happy family. My dumb little romantically inclined heart latched hard onto that lol.

Idunno, I thought it was cute and it made me want something I know is probably never gonna happen and I'm okay with that.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
This is an odd entry as I say this as something I suddenly want to see more of but know and understand that it's not gonna happen for several obvious reasons, but:

One of the kitsune bad endings has made me kinda want to see more Nakano x PC scenes and I feel even weird saying that given their normal interactions. For a bad end it was oddly adorable and not entirely all that bad in the end (Yes, I know bad end in this context is an early end condition to the story). Despite the fact that it starts as a forced marriage, the end result is a husband who went from cold to coming to love you, the end of the war with Kas' defeated, Nakano achieves his dreams, and you spend the rest of your life with a happy family. My dumb little romantically inclined heart latched hard onto that lol.

Idunno, I thought it was cute and it made me want something I know is probably never gonna happen and I'm okay with that.
Sadly as Nakano is a possible Kinu fiance, Tobs is not interested in making him a sexable/romanceable character outside of that bad end.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
:catte:it was still worth asking
The only way I could see it happening is if 'Keros' was as reward for her for the centuries of service to her lord and finally allowing her to die, was to make her mortal and restore her youth to the state it was before 'Kiyoko' was sealed in amber orb.

This way she is reward for her years of service for her supposed liege death and she can continue her relationship with Kiyoko from time she was a mortal till she dies naturally of old age.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2021
I know there are weapons and items that can only be used above certain Corruption thresholds. Are there, or will there be abilities that can only unlocked after reaching a certain corruption level? Sorry if this has been asked/answered previously.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
well, in the latest patch you can get a summon/different weapon if you do it while above 75 corruption. No spoilers tho.

Ria Brew

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
Sadly as Nakano is a possible Kinu fiance, Tobs is not interested in making him a sexable/romanceable character outside of that bad end.
Yeah, that is the primary reason why I don't expect it. Also cuz sans that scene there really is just no chemistry there, not even in a subtle or tense sense. Just a lot of "I'd really rather be doing literally anything but being in a room with you." energy. It's just that scene ended way more wholesome than I was expecting and left me in one of those "Aw, dammit! Now I wanna see more of that!" moods lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Yeah, that is the primary reason why I don't expect it. Also cuz sans that scene there really is just no chemistry there, not even in a subtle or tense sense. Just a lot of "I'd really rather be doing literally anything but being in a room with you." energy. It's just that scene ended way more wholesome than I was expecting and left me in one of those "Aw, dammit! Now I wanna see more of that!" moods lol
I mean, if Champ wins that fight by Tease, the idea that Nakano is so thirsty for barbarian ass that it keeps him from continuing the fight, but he refuses to admit it to himself or others, is...well, it's definitely some people's fetish.

Ria Brew

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
I mean, if Champ wins that fight by Tease, the idea that Nakano is so thirsty for barbarian ass that it keeps him from continuing the fight, but he refuses to admit it to himself or others, is...well, it's definitely some people's fetish.
... You'd think that with a game like this I'd remember that tease outcomes are a thing -///- I've legitimately never resolved that fight with tease before and that never crossed my mind, huh.

Can't particularly say that it's a fetish I entirely share but I guess the fact that it's possible does sorta null my "no chemistry" comment in a... strange sorta way.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I mean, if Champ wins that fight by Tease, the idea that Nakano is so thirsty for barbarian ass that it keeps him from continuing the fight, but he refuses to admit it to himself or others, is...well, it's definitely some people's fetish.
This only makes hime kinu marrying him somehow funnier.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
Yeah, that is the primary reason why I don't expect it. Also cuz sans that scene there really is just no chemistry there, not even in a subtle or tense sense. Just a lot of "I'd really rather be doing literally anything but being in a room with you." energy. It's just that scene ended way more wholesome than I was expecting and left me in one of those "Aw, dammit! Now I wanna see more of that!" moods lol
I get you so much, I'd sell a kidney to be able to romance Nakano or Hitoshi, Nakano bc I love me some enemies to lovers 5000k words slow burn, and Hitoshi bc gentle giant go brrr, but alas they are for the floor daughter that I am not even gonna have so [shrugs]

Ria Brew

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
Nakano bc I love me some enemies to lovers 5000k words slow burn
Another reason I liked that scene so much lol.

I do like Kinu, but I kinda wish there was something kitsune-wise for the female PCs to counterbalance the story locked behind a dick(new favorite set of words) but with how quickly and easily your bits can change you still wouldn't be able to do anything with Nakano without potentially creating a continuity error down the line (else it'd take a looot of extra writing to account for that and I ain't about to ask that undertaking of someone. That or bar off a huge amount if content you couldn't unbar)

In the end it's no big deal, just want more kitsune content for my "not giving her a dick ever" file