1 of which isn't sexableyeah. if I recall things correctly we have a whopping 2 goblins currently in game.
1 of which isn't sexableyeah. if I recall things correctly we have a whopping 2 goblins currently in game.
I wish she was I want to sex that pretty gobo milf1 of which isn't sexable
Yay!!!Iirc Balaknight said that he has an expac in mind for Neila just be patient
Iirc Balaknight said that he has an expac in mind for Neila just be patient
Well, I don't want a Nelia sexpac.It's also been said that every time Balaknight sees someone asking for a Nelia sexpac, he delays it another month.
Damn, there goes my will to write it. Sorry ladsWell, I don't want a Nelia sexpac.
Did it work?
Well shit, that backfired.Damn, there goes my will to write it. Sorry lads![]()
After much deliberation as to what to I truly wanted, I think I have a good idea. Looking at the wiki, the trivia for Kiyoko states: "Kiyoko's name means "holy child". The kanji in her name is sometimes misromanised as Senko".
Well, I recently watched the anime called "The Helpful Fox Senko-san" and in it is a scene where Senko lies underneath a Kotatsu with her tail sticking out and the main character fluffs it.
No matter how hard I try I now cannot unsee Kiyoko lying underneath a Kotatsu with her nine tails sticking out and my champion losing themselves in said tails. Send help.
Catfolk but anthro versions muzzle and furred body
good armor that's not skimpy, the two best armors in-game which are the witch corset and Alissa's armor both make me shudder slightly as imagine being that exposed on the cold, though that's mostly personal bias on wanting to be bundled in warm cozy clothes
and better light armor would like some ninja outfits from the foxdenspeaking of armor, I’d like heavy armor that has a lot of defence
THE COLD IS WEAK COMPARED TO THESE THIGHS! (but yes, comfy coats, please.)good armor that's not skimpy, the two best armors in-game which are the witch corset and Alissa's armor both make me shudder slightly as imagine being that exposed on the cold, though that's mostly personal bias on wanting to be bundled in warm cozy clothes
Cait & Fuck at the Hawkethorne inn is a good way to raise it quickly, if I recall correctly.Besides fucking ryn in the ass, is there another way to increase her confidence? I’ve been doing the hug and spoiler her options
Dancing and sweet words and cuddling? How... how wholesomely lewd!Dancing with Etheryn in the royal ball room. Telling her how stunning she looks in her dress and treating her to a royal date. After that maybe some cuddle fucks.
those are The observer's characters, which means your ideas are falling on deaf ears.I never post on here, but a few guys encouraged me to post my idea after they liked it:
1. Kiyoko content where she can interact with the more "permanent" partners of the Champion. Offering wife or childrearing advice or somesuch.
2. Content where you could marry or move-in a different kitsune where Kiyoko would develop a more kitsune-like
"bully/teasing" dynamic with them. Preferably someone like Kohaku who already has some great teasing scenes and just looks...bully-able.
I dunno, I'm swinging wide here. I just really liked the idea and other people seemed to like it so I thought I'd post it.