What content would you like added?

king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I hear ear fucking, I just think back to that comic from Questionable Content...


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Well I have been listening to a couple of new bands! XD

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, not much a fan of the concept either, just pointed at them as example of one of the weird things that got added :v

The games are being made by different teams with different design philosophies and have different standards, pointing at TiTs or the original game as some kind of benchmark for what should be accepted in this game will generally not hold water.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What's with that? I stated from the get go that what I suggested was unlikely to get added, due the general lack of interest. The breast pregnancy was just put as an example of an oddity that got added to a game with a much more alien theme, not as a reference for things that should/could be added. No need to start an argument about something that I'm already aware of.
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This One

New Member
May 21, 2020
What's with that? I stated from the get go that what I suggested was unlikely to get added, due the general lack of interest. The breast pregnancy was just put just as an example of an oddity that got added to a game with a much more alien theme, not as a reference for things that should/could be added. No need to start an argument about something that I'm already aware of.
Just my opinion, but I don't think that is what he was trying to do?


Jan 8, 2016
More interactions between companions please. Especially of the lewd kind, and especially involving Brint! I know they're definitely coming, but I needs em.
There's a line I have to tread where my male companion is in danger of being perceived as an actual threat to the PC's power fantasy both by way of his mechanics (Brint is a beast in combat) and by way of fucking your party members and the people who want him to pound them out, fuck your companions, treat you like a friendly harem, etc. There IS a middle ground, but it does mean I have to compromise on some things like this. That said I am definitely planning and have already half-written a bunch of stuff for group content for Brint dominating you and Etheryn at the same time, and I'm always thinking of more companion stuff to write. Arona's due soon, and they'll probably have some fun scenes together.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2019
maybe some type of toggle to allow for cross companion scenes or not or just make it obvious what the scene is about committing going into it


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
There's a line I have to tread where my male companion is in danger of being perceived as an actual threat to the PC's power fantasy both by way of his mechanics (Brint is a beast in combat) and by way of fucking your party members and the people who want him to pound them out, fuck your companions, treat you like a friendly harem, etc. There IS a middle ground, but it does mean I have to compromise on some things like this. That said I am definitely planning and have already half-written a bunch of stuff for group content for Brint dominating you and Etheryn at the same time, and I'm always thinking of more companion stuff to write. Arona's due soon, and they'll probably have some fun scenes together.
I think you're doing pretty good so far, and can't wait for more scenes.

But if I know my harem comedies, this is going to end in a competition to be Brint's best boy/girl, isn't it?
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Shadow Dancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
There's a line I have to tread where my male companion is in danger of being perceived as an actual threat to the PC's power fantasy both by way of his mechanics (Brint is a beast in combat) and by way of fucking your party members and the people who want him to pound them out, fuck your companions, treat you like a friendly harem, etc. There IS a middle ground, but it does mean I have to compromise on some things like this. That said I am definitely planning and have already half-written a bunch of stuff for group content for Brint dominating you and Etheryn at the same time, and I'm always thinking of more companion stuff to write. Arona's due soon, and they'll probably have some fun scenes together.
I don't think you need to worry about that, because the people who perceive Brint that way will turn him into Brienne.


Jan 8, 2016
maybe some type of toggle to allow for cross companion scenes or not or just make it obvious what the scene is about committing going into it
The ideal, though, is that we're good enough to write around that. Having a toggle would feel cheap in this grey area, though I did once do a toggle in TiTS for a character fucking the rest of your crew.

I think you're doing pretty good so far, and can't wait for more scenes.

But if I know my harem comedies, this is going to end in a competition to be Brint's best boy/girl, isn't it?
If I get to write a harem comedy I swear to god I'll make the childhood friend win for once. JUST ONCE. But the PC can come too.

I don't think you need to worry about that, because the people who perceive Brint that way will turn him into Brienne.
Part of the reason I made her.


Jan 8, 2016
Amber? That always felt arbitrary to me, of course i'm going to let her and others sleep together, i don't own her, she's free to make her own decisions about her choice in sexual partners. Geck to expecting otherwise. Why'd you feel it was necessary?
When you play CoC2, it's kind of an implicit acceptance that you're okay with your companions doing whatever -- the game is built that way, and the very first girl you meet literally tells you she's going to be doing as much (some people don't like her for this, but that's a separate issue). TiTS is very, very different. You are the Chosen One, genetically designed to be a badass winner, and you do everything your damn self. That's how the game is sold to you, and it's why people get fucking pissed when they're railroaded into something they can't win (like Dr. Badger or that yakuza NPC). The community clowns on these people without ever looking deeper into the expectations the game creates vs the delivery. So in TiTS, I made a toggle because it's more of an individualistic game. Maybe you don't want your hard-earned conquests fucking each other, that's a valid way to think about a porn game in which you're the sole main character.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
i've just never enjoyed imagining myself in a game-world where i get to force my opinions on someone else's romantic and sexual choices, it feels rather juvenile and insecure to expect sole rights to someone genitals (edit: i mean, not while i can keep sleeping around) but i guess some people must enjoy the feeling of control they get from shackling their waifu's into monogamy to the player.

That's basically my take on it, too. Expecting monogamy from NPCs without doing anything to earn it nor getting their consent to fuck around on them gives me megaskeevy vibes. If a given NPC doesn't want to sleep around that's great but getting pissy that somebody's not giving you what you won't give them is indeed preeeeetty juvenile imho.

Imagine trying to enforce that in a game like this.

We could, actually, pretty easily. It would just be the least fun experience ever envisioned by humankind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
I'm not poly and wouldn't really like it if they "forced" you to let your gf be fucking around, but for me the companions don't feel that way. For me they feel like very close friends with benefits and that means they can fuck around as much as they want, same as I do. (It's not like if it was Kyoko he es fucking you know, it's not the same kind of relationship).

I usually turn Brint into Brienne but just because I'm not into males and would rather have a sexy cow girl with me, but I still really like Brint (I'm actually even considering not giving him the armor this playthrough) He seems like a cool guy, a best friend to share you demonic threesomes with and then have some laughs about it while drinking at the tavern.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I never actually fuck him, but I don't get the feeling of him fucking your companions like he is taking them away for you. It feels more, like I said, like you are just a group of horny friends with benefits, so there's no exclusivity (It wouldn't even make sense for someone like Cait to have it). So I would say he is pretty well done so far.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Yeah, I usually am not into the manly man 'Thing' but brint fucking sold me on it. He just has the nice part of the 'Jock' archetypes, while also generally being a nice person to be around. His flexing did not come across to me as a juvenile dick-measuring contest, but just something fun to do, regardless of who wins.

So far I haven't given him the armor, because his Brienne content did not feel as developed (it was months ago). I eventually check out the new content and I am interested in how it reads. Part of brienne read a bit like 'pc feels potentially threatened by brint, so you can take away his dick'. That's not to bash brienne. I just want her big, strong hands to take the lead. But if that does not happen because not everything will be specifically wri5en for me, then I gladly settle with brint.

And his dick.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I also like the way things are now. The team seems to have hit a good balance and none of the niche content seems like it's being forced on the player. Some characters fuck around and others don't really, and both things are fine in the context of a bunch of fuckbuddy friends out to save the world.

Like, I usually play pure, goody-two-shoes fem!Champs. I don't really have an interest in collecting 'em all or dictating companions' sex lives. The "friendly fuckbuddy" thing, with genuine emotional intimacy in specific relationships, works out pretty well for me.

I mean, it'd work out better with the fabled magicock, but I know and appreciate that the writers and coders already have a lot on their plate.
That said I am definitely planning and have already half-written a bunch of stuff for group content for Brint dominating you and Etheryn at the same time, and I'm always thinking of more companion stuff to write.
Hmm. Maybe with room for variations on a theme, too. I just got an image in my head of max-Confidence max-sausage Queen Ryn ordering up a scepter-polishing by Brienne, Extra Curvy fem!Champ, and Thicc Cait. With lots and lots of boob smish.

Goddammit, thinking about hypothetical distant content is unhealthy.
Expecting monogamy from NPCs without doing anything to earn it nor getting their consent to fuck around on them gives me megaskeevy vibes. If a given NPC doesn't want to sleep around that's great but getting pissy that somebody's not giving you what you won't give them is indeed preeeeetty juvenile imho.
We could, actually, pretty easily. It would just be the least fun experience ever envisioned by humankind.
Sure. I meant in a behavioral sense, not a technical sense. There would be salt.

Like, imagine a Bad End like, say, the Winter City actually enforcing punishments for adultery. The outcry would be legendary. "But why can't I massacre all of the guards and make all the elves into my personal harem???? PLAYER AGENCY!!!11"

Not that I'd actually enjoy seeing it, but it's funny to think about - for me, at least.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2018
I'm going to very carefully dip my toe into the water on the discussion about the characters/relationships. Bear in mind I'm speaking only about myself and myself alone. I'm not saying anyone should agree or disagree with me, just that I'm approaching this from my own headspace.

I'm monogamous IRL. I play CoC2 with my main as I would if I were them. I actually appreciated Cait outright saying (paraphrasing), "Hey, just so you know, I'm going to be sleeping around. It's part of my religion so, you cool with that?" She explained why she felt like that, cared enough to not hurt my feelings, and therefore showed respect to my character as a friend. That to me is exactly what made me start to like this game. As written, the NPCs (so far all of the persistent ones I think, including the companions) actually cared about me and each other. Each of the characters feel like they have agency in the game away from my own character. Brint, Cait, Etheryn, Quin, etc. feel like living characters who do what they what whenever they want (especially if I spend a few days at our home with Kiyoko I hope). They're my battle brothers/sisters and we stand together against Kasyrra and the enemies that come against us. In no way do I feel obligated to have anything more than a friendship with them, nor do they try and force that for good or bad, and that's awesome.

I don't have sex with defeated enemies as that just doesn't feel right to me. Until my main met Kiyoko, he had a monogamous (on his side obviously) relationship with Cait. However, after things got serious with Kiyoko (going from just trying to free her to actually falling in love) and them having children, it didn't feel right to continue with Cait. The game didn't punish me at all for stopping that, and I loved that. Kiyoko is from a promiscuous race based on the way that they feed and their view on reciprocity in payment for feeding, but Kiyoko doesn't seem to follow that after she becomes committed to the Champion, and then marries them. She seems to be in a monogamous relationship with them, and even both giving permission to the champion to be or, to not being a benefactor to other Kitsune. Again, characters written with free agency and will, and personalities that make sense.

I appreciate a game that gives me the option to play exactly as I want and doesn't penalize me for it. I can spin up a different character to see what I'm missing if want to or not. I can even play my main as a minstrel/charmer who never uses lust based attacks/spells and will wade in when necessary to actually fight with swords, and can still mop the floor with my enemies, the game gives me permission to play it as I want to and doesn't judge me for it.

If CoC2 lost that freedom, I'd be sorely disappointed. The fact that players who have so many varied kinks and views on relationships can enjoy the same game says a lot about the authors and devs, and I applaud them for it and hope they continue staying the course. Because of them and what they've done, I hope to begin writing content for the game someday, because I feel like I could contribute and not be judged (too harshly) by anyone else.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2018
Obviously monogamous relationships can't be enforced during gameplay for the many reasons listed above. Still, the writing team can't put massive amounts of time, effort, and passion into these characters and expect us to not get especially attached to them. I'd absolutely love it if, at the end of the game, you had the option to pick one person to settle down with, and then got a unique epilogue detailing how they and the Champion spent the rest of their lives together. Choosing a lifelong partner doesn't strike me as being too different gameplay-wise from binding yourself to Keros or one of the other Seven.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Choosing a lifelong partner doesn't strike me as being too different gameplay-wise from binding yourself to Keros or one of the other Seven.
Speaking of binding yourself to Keros or the other Living Gods, I wonder if binding yourself to more of the gods is planned? There's something sort of like that, since, after the Convocation of Mirrors, you get a locket that, like the Amulet of Transference, lets you summon someone to help you, who's a member of a ruling class of race tied to a god who was trapped from the time of the Godswar, lacking a physical body (As it had been destroyed), and also lets you visit that person within the realm of the god the amulet is tied to when you go to sleep. So, I'm assuming that if you truly get to "bind" yourself to some other god, Nareva may be the next planned, though it likely won't be to transform into a Salamander as there's Cinderleaf and Frostleaf, nor will it be to become an elf because, again, transformatives, nor even a naga because, from what I remember, it was decided that, in CoC2 the player would not be able to become a naga or a centaur, or others with an abnormal lower body. I'm just interested in if we'll be able to bind ourselves to any of the gods aside from Keros, and what that'll take the form of.

Shadow Dancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
I'd absolutely love it if, at the end of the game, you had the option to pick one person to settle down with, and then got a unique epilogue detailing how they and the Champion spent the rest of their lives together
That would be really awkward if the PC is married to multiple characters.

Edit especially if you pick someone you're not married to.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I'm just interested in if we'll be able to bind ourselves to any of the gods aside from Keros, and what that'll take the form of.
Per the wiki, there are (or were at the time the entry was made by The Observer) at least three potential divine TFs: Keros, Velun and Lumia. Savin mentions in this topic that not all of the Seven are likely to be involved in the plot/grant TFs and even the writers don't know what they'd all grant. That said, we know that Lumia's wiki-described TF is in the game in the form of planned Valkyrie encounters (mentioned as part of the 'north of the Winter City' expansion for the future) so it seems reasonable to assume that TF is more likely than not to become A Thing at some point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I'd absolutely love it if, at the end of the game, you had the option to pick one person to settle down with, and then got a unique epilogue detailing how they and the Champion spent the rest of their lives together. Choosing a lifelong partner doesn't strike me as being too different gameplay-wise from binding yourself to Keros or one of the other Seven.
Why settle for just one? You could have a cat wife, a kitsune wife, a minotaur spouse, dogboy husband, orc wife, dullahan wife, elf wife and three catgirls are live-in maids.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
I wanna know what a protenal Nareva gothmander tf would look like maybe perhaps a black scaled with blue fire or shadow like fire ohhh I really wanna know (and I really want a black scaled salamander now)