What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
There are barely 3 male companions in-game and everyone wants to turn all 3 of them female :'v
You don't know any ladies in town that would sacrifice their boobs for fairness, would you?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I often wonder what stops yours truly from removing her own. I wonder if "social pressure" has to do with that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, I suppose that I haven't much to complain, since CoC II currently has more sexable male companions (camp members/crewmembers) than CoC or Tits :v
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Well, I suppose that I haven't much to complain, since CoC II currently has more sexable male companions (camp members/crewmembers) than CoC or Tits :v
Technically, since CoCII has 3 male companions, Trials is equal to it, since you can get Kase, Eitan, and Ben. Though, admittedly, I don't think there's really any interactions with Eitan after recruitment that you couldn't have before, so him being a crewmember does basically nothing, and Ben is the same as Bess and can be changed in terms of gender/sex pretty freely, but even so, they're still male crewmates.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Technically, since CoCII has 3 male companions, Trials is equal to it, since you can get Kase, Eitan, and Ben. Though, admittedly, I don't think there's really any interactions with Eitan after recruitment that you couldn't have before, so him being a crewmember does basically nothing, and Ben is the same as Bess and can be changed in terms of gender/sex pretty freely, but even so, they're still male crewmates.

I wouldn't count Ben in that considering that there is a choice between Ben and Bess and most people are more likely to pick Bess due to preferences. I think, and I don't want to be putting words into Coalsack's mouth, apologies if I do, but there is a distinct disparity between purely male companions and other companions in the game. Of the 23 companions in the game, 2 are purely male (3 if we do count Ben). So that's 20 female companions before we take a look at genital configuration. Of those 20, 8 either have or can end up with dicks, 9 when Paige gets her dick content. Which means that depending on how you look at things, there could be between three to four times as many dickgirls on the crew than there are actual males. I'm not a huge fan of dickgirls, but even looking on the dickless female side of things, there is still a huge disparity. And it looks like COC2 recognises that and is trying to keep a balance from the get go.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I wouldn't count Ben in that considering that there is a choice between Ben and Bess and most people are more likely to pick Bess due to preferences. I think, and I don't want to be putting words into Coalsack's mouth, apologies if I do, but there is a distinct disparity between purely male companions and other companions in the game. Of the 23 companions in the game, 2 are purely male (3 if we do count Ben). So that's 20 female companions before we take a look at genital configuration. Of those 20, 8 either have or can end up with dicks, 9 when Paige gets her dick content. Which means that depending on how you look at things, there could be between three to four times as many dickgirls on the crew than there are actual males. I'm not a huge fan of dickgirls, but even looking on the dickless female side of things, there is still a huge disparity. And it looks like COC2 recognises that and is trying to keep a balance from the get go.
Yeah, percentage-wise, CoC2 absolutely outperforms TiTS. Just from the view of numbers only, rather than numbers in proportion to other stuff, TiTS is equal. Since you've mentioned not counting Ben, as Ben can be supplanted by Bess, there's also how Brint can be replaced with Brienne. But yeah, CoC2, as of right now, is doing way better in terms of percentage of companions.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
things I'd like added that might happen:
vaginal oviposition (not like ovilixer, like driders or vesperans but to the womb), more scenes were the pc is the submissive party with gentle doms, pet play, overstimulation to the point of being constantly orgasming, being able to pursue more romantic relationships with npcs. (there is some content on that with Kiyoko and kinda with Brint but I'm greedy)

things I'd like added that are way less likely to happen: (but I can dream)
non-binary pc, cute cozy clothes for equipment, non-penetrative sex with characters who have dicks


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yep, I don't count Ben, but not because he can be "female" but because he's an android and kind of doesn't count. :y I follow a strict no-female rule among my companions every game On Tits, I usually have Shekka, Amber, Eitan, Kase, Penny, Azra, Olimpia and Kase, sacrificing useful followers like Anno or Yammi for their lack of dangly bits. Unfortunately, on CoC2 Cait is kind of mandatory for the story, so I keep her as a non-sexable companion.

when Paige gets her dick content

Had no Idea that Paige was going to have a futa xpac. I may have to revisit her content later, then, once it's implemented. Then again, the amount of herm characters overwhelms both pure male and female ones. And the amount of femenine looking character, female or herm is even bigger in comparison to the number of male followers. I took as given than they'll be more, but ten times. Damn. Again, as Emerald said, fans of manly guys here seem to be on the minority, so that's we get.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I'm glad that male companions and male scenes are getting the kind of support in CoC2 that hasn't always been apparent in previous games. I, for one, don't know what I would do without my beefy emotional support himbo. Is it even, like, possible to dislike Brint?

It's also worth pointing out that there are currently zero dickgirl companions in CoC2, or at least dickgirl companions with scenes that can actually use their dicks. Poor Ryn's still stuck in her cage, and Arona hasn't quite been implemented yet.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
How about more pregnant NCP's because I found a picture that has Atani pregnant, and if so how about making Anna, Vari, and the Tanuki Witch as well.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
How about more pregnant NCP's because I found a picture that has Atani pregnant, and if so how about making Anna, Vari, and the Tanuki Witch as well.

Anna doesn't even have the plumbing for that :p

But it's Mayternity, and there's still plenty more preg coming.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
It's the month of May + "maternity" = more preg content.

It's kind of like Movember.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I guess that there won't be mpreg on CoC2, since there was a noticeable lack of enthusiasm about it when it was proposed in TiTS, and is likely to have a similar reception there, but, there are plans for any kind of non.bee based but-pregnancy?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I guess that there won't be mpreg on CoC2, since there was a noticeable lack of enthusiasm about it when it was proposed in TiTS, and is likely to have a similar reception there, but, there are plans for any kind of non.bee based but-pregnancy?

There's driders. Any eggnancy will be up the butt basically.

No live births out of there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Hmm, still from an arthropod/arachnid. Thanks, for clarifying that, at least.
Might as well be eggs, otherwise that'd be a pretty shitty baby. :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey, there is some weird race on TiTs that gives birth trough their breasts, I think, so mpreg isn't something too otherwordly, at least things like that considered :v

Then again, we're not in open space anymore, and thing ought to be a bit less...alien.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Hey, there some weird race on TiTs that gives birth trough their breast I think, so mpreg isn't something too otherwordly :v

Then again, we're not in open space anymore, and thing ought to be a bit less...alien.
Rodenians ya mean?
Yeah I think they could only get away with that due to being aliens.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Damn, replaying TiTS has shown me a transformation I need: NIPPLES

I didn't know I needed Aerolove. but once I have had it, I can't live without it. Cosmetic nipples should not be too invasive, right?

I also need more nipple scenes, but anywaus...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Whenever I hear about ear-fuckery I remember that one episode of family guy. Peter becomes 'abstinent only' and the only sex they can have is fucking each other's ears.

Is that a prudish-protestant thingy in the US, where you are so pent up you start fantasizing about earfuckery? That's weird.

No, I am not weird. I have completely normal fetishes for herms, dickgirls, clit-dicks, and Nipples as it turns out.
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