Furry loin cloth is classified as leggings when crafted in version 0.0.1e. Those crafted in older versions retain the shoes class in new version. I don't think this is worth changing unless it is very simple to do. The materials are easy to obtain.
You ought to have Patreon, and congratulations for the game, has a future.
Thank you very much for the kind wordsMaybe some day the game will be in a state where it's fair to ask for contributions. When there's enough content.
How do you start the game without crashing? when i open it and then go to click new game it crashes
Same issue as you Im not sure what the issue is though.. I think we are missing something in our computers cause it gives me a bunch of errors, and I know for sure that I have the thing the game comes with to install but anyway if you know whats wrong let me know as we both have the same issue.
Same issue as you Im not sure what the issue is though.. I think we are missing something in our computers cause it gives me a bunch of errors, and I know for sure that I have the thing the game comes with to install but anyway if you know whats wrong let me know as we both have the same issue.
Greetings! Sorry to hear you're unable to play. Muttdoggy has already been a bit over it, but I'd like to hear what you're experiencing. Might be something I haven't looked into. Ehem;
- What version of windows are you running?
- Did the errors occur from a unzipped folder?
- Could you send me the error messages your getting?
Could you start putting the version numbers inside of the title of the RAR download? It would help with bug reports so people would definitely know what version they're reporting issues in, as well as making sure people don't download the same update twice.
I just dl'd 0.01f, game played fine.
Found another bug though. Loot all button is a godsend, and I've been spamming it. As a result:
If an enemy isn't supposed to give X loot (i.e. X loot not shown on victory screen), clicking Loot All will cause a 0 qty X icon to appear in the inventory. In this case it's the Great Wooden Club. Has 0 sell value, but it does take up the slot.
Did it get you any error? Can you see if there's a warning in your windows event viewer that has to do with the game?
I didn't get any error as far as I could see. It just says "trainig has stopped working"(in Portuguese) and then it closes.
Checking the event log shows ( Acesso negado ao caminho = Acess Denied to Path):
0000000133: 2016-06-02 01:48:21:987 Exception <Saving Xml Document>: Acesso negado ao caminho 'C:\ProgramData\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml'. Exception Called by: ATI.ACE.APM.Server.XmlDocumentSaver::SaveFile processID:03692 threadID) domainName
CCC.exe ) assemblyName
APM.Server, Version=3.5.4703.27190, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e) ************************************************************************************************************************
Did it get you any error? Can you see if there's a warning in your windows event viewer that has to do with the game?
Same issues above but i gave you my error messages but you ignored it.
Apologies. Last week was hectic, and it might have glipped to respond that I'd seen it. I should have written you a little "Thank you"Anyyyyways, in other good news; Found my old laptop, and it seems to have the same issue as yours, so now I'll be able to test on that machine and see what comes up.
**Bonus question: have you tried running the .exe with administrations rights?
First thin I tried and it didn't work.
First thin I tried and it didn't work.
I didn't get any error as far as I could see. It just says "trainig has stopped working"(in Portuguese) and then it closes.
Checking the event log shows ( Acesso negado ao caminho = Acess Denied to Path):
0000000133: 2016-06-02 01:48:21:987 Exception <Saving Xml Document>: Acesso negado ao caminho 'C:\ProgramData\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml'. Exception Called by: ATI.ACE.APM.Server.XmlDocumentSaver::SaveFile processID:03692 threadID) domainName
CCC.exe ) assemblyName
APM.Server, Version=3.5.4703.27190, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e) ************************************************************************************************************************
That fixed it.
Leather Scraps feel somewhat like a bottleneck right now, forcing you to stay long times in the first place killing ratlings to get the scraps I need to make Strips to rise my crafting level.