So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
Also wonderfully weird tentacle wielding abominations.

Well, naturally my diddly bits say yes to tentacles and asses and lots of rape. It's why we are here, 'tis why we have gathered on this day and all days, known and unknown, forevermore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not into waifus? What kind of soulless husk are you?! 

One that does not like the usage of "reaction images" willy-nilly and deems the waifu influx as one of the things that slowly killed CoC. Interestingly, the fact that most TiTS characters have an agenda of their own could mean that more people could potentially become a waifu/husbando of your choice minus a seat aboard the Casstech Z14. Perhaps Steele's cousin could become a potential crewmember towards the endgame. Who knows.

stressed words and tentacley critters fun

Also that. Thank you.

Well, naturally my diddly bits say yes to tentacles and asses and lots of rape. It's why we are here, 'tis why we have gathered on this day and all days, known and unknown, forevermore.

Tentacles? Sure. Rears? Depends. Lots of rape? No, that's not why I'm here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Tentacles? Sure. Rears? Depends. Lots of rape? No, that's not why I'm here.

Glad to see another person who welcomes the significant toning down of rape-y aspects compared to CoC.

I'm curious though, how does that line up with the majority of the content in the galleries you linked some time ago being decidedly non-con?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I chose those images to illustrate bits of character designs I liked without getting into whether there was any consent between the partners. But you're on to something here: I am sick and tired of how most freakish being/human-ish being smut is depicted as non-consensual or "no-means-yes" at best, or pandering to the same steotypes. One of the things I liked the most about CoC was how the orc lore finally showed the race as a peaceful one whose members were into writing poetry about eye colour. Or, in another TF-and-critters game, Flexible Survival, pigs are ALWAYS shown as messy, stinky and fat, with those traits being passed on with transformations. I'm not going to repeat myself on the matter.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Netorare is really only painful if you're self-inserting, and that goes away once you stop.

I slightly disagree; I believe Nice Time for Roo is also painful if it lets you care about the guy (even for a second). One of my favorite RPG Maker Hentai games is pretty much entirely Nice Time for Roo but I really liked it because the guy was a weird premature ejaculator with like 5 lines of dialogue across 2 scenes. He also never finds out which was nice. I like Netori and reverse Nice Time for Roo for the same reasons (yours and mine).

Anyway, we're all here for different reasons but even our own fetishes can be done badly.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I slightly disagree; I believe Nice Time for Roo is also painful if it lets you care about the guy (even for a second). One of my favorite RPG Maker Hentai games is pretty much entirely Nice Time for Roo but I really liked it because the guy was a weird premature ejaculator with like 5 lines of dialogue across 2 scenes. I like Netori and reverse Nice Time for Roo for the same reasons (yours and mine).

Anyway, we're all here for different reasons but even our own fetishes can be done badly.

then there are some Nice Time for Roo hentai out there that are so fucking hot (yes believe me there are a few out there) that no matter what you get a boner/wet not matter how much that feeling inside you makes it seem so wrong. I've read doujins and manga that are like this and despite that I didn't like the pretext of it I found myself confused and conflicted while at the same time thinking what's happening is extremely hot.

back on topic... I'll wait and see what Fen and company come up with for our cousin, although wouldn't mind fucking em silly and stuffing em full of copus amounts of cum  xD


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
I chose those images to illustrate bits of character designs I liked without getting into whether there was any consent between the partners. But you're on to something here: I am sick and tired of how most freakish being/human-ish being smut is depicted as non-consensual or "no-means-yes" at best, or pandering to the same steotypes. One of the things I liked the most about CoC was how the orc lore finally showed the race as a peaceful one whose members were into writing poetry about eye colour. Or, in another TF-and-critters game, Flexible Survival, pigs are ALWAYS shown as messy, stinky and fat, with those traits being passed on with transformations. I'm not going to repeat myself on the matter.

Yep i have to agree i can't stand non con and no means yes stuff x(


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
I slightly disagree; I believe Nice Time for Roo is also painful if it lets you care about the guy (even for a second). One of my favorite RPG Maker Hentai games is pretty much entirely Nice Time for Roo but I really liked it because the guy was a weird premature ejaculator with like 5 lines of dialogue across 2 scenes. He also never finds out which was nice. I like Netori and reverse Nice Time for Roo for the same reasons (yours and mine).

Anyway, we're all here for different reasons but even our own fetishes can be done badly.

You're right, sympathy for the cuckold can cause some pain too. Ahh, RPG Maker. I got one of those via Steam ages ago (Ace), tried for 5 minutes, then haven't touched it since. I wish I had the time and the creativity to make something kewl with it. I had a fantasy thing I was working on for a while, Final Fantasy-esque. Anyway, cheers m8!

Yep i have to agree i can't stand non con and no means yes stuff x(

Kesil sounds like a really salty individual. It's a bit off-putting, to be honest.  ¬¬


Sep 16, 2015
The obvious thing to do would be to brutally murder them and chain their corpse to the front of your ship like a hood ornament in a way that would make the Reavers proud.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
man what is with the bloodthirst from some of you lot? the rival isn't THAT much of a cunt.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Huh, what...?

I'm just as lost, I don't think you've said anything salty or off-putting, the heck does Salaeren mean?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Huh, what...?

I'm just as lost, I don't think you've said anything salty or off-putting, the heck does Salaeren mean?

I believe he's talking about this post:

I chose those images to illustrate bits of character designs I liked without getting into whether there was any consent between the partners. But you're on to something here: I am sick and tired of how most freakish being/human-ish being smut is depicted as non-consensual or "no-means-yes" at best, or pandering to the same steotypes. One of the things I liked the most about CoC was how the orc lore finally showed the race as a peaceful one whose members were into writing poetry about eye colour. Or, in another TF-and-critters game, Flexible Survival, pigs are ALWAYS shown as messy, stinky and fat, with those traits being passed on with transformations. I'm not going to repeat myself on the matter.

I could see how Salaeren might interpret it as being a tad salty.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, I just can't see how someone who doesn't know me at all would "call me names" just because of that little rant on smut stereotypes and maybe any other things I typed about on this thread. Perhaps I should have not gone off topic (I aknowledge that). Perhaps I should have opened a version of the old forum "things you don't like from your fetishes" thread instead: as Noobsaleh said, "even our own fetishes can be done badly". But that was totally uncalled for. Even if I consider kinks Salaeren has mentioned (waifus, netorare, rape, anal, incest...) as "off-putting" myself, kinkshaming is bad, different strokes for different folks, etc. I was just advocating for variety as I tend to do. That was all. I am well aware I repeat myself quite a lot on this particular issue. Hence why I linked to a previous thread post of mine instead of banging on, for example.

Seemingly, this thread is filled with Steele the Psychopath players. It's a fantasy and that's fine. So I reckon a "let your cousin be" option in the game would be fine as well.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The amount of "torture and kill your cousin" posts is really disconcerting to read through. -_-


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Well, I just can't see how someone who doesn't know me at all would "call me names" just because of that little rant on smut stereotypes and maybe any other things I typed about on this thread. Perhaps I should have not gone off topic (I aknowledge that). Perhaps I should have opened a version of the old forum "things you don't like from your fetishes" thread instead: as Noobsaleh said, "even our own fetishes can be done badly". But that was totally uncalled for. Even if I consider Salaeren's kinks (waifus, Nice Time for Roo, rape, anal, incest...) as "off-putting" myself, kinkshaming is bad, different strokes for different folks, etc. I was just advocating for variety as I tend to do. That was all. I am well aware I repeat myself quite a lot on this particular issue. Hence why I linked to a previous thread of mine instead of banging on, for example.

Tone is difficult to read over the internet. If you feel someone made an incorrect assumption, then all you have to do is clarify. I don't think you're unjustified in being a little upset, but I don't think you should take it too personally, either. If we're all here talking about porn games then I imagine a lot of us are more alike than different.

As a Japanese shitposter once said: "Through dick, unity."

This is off-topic, though, so I won't say anything else on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tone is difficult to read over the internet. If you feel someone made an incorrect assumption, then all you have to do is clarify. I don't think you're unjustified in being a little upset, but I don't think you should take it too personally, either.

That's what emoticons are for. And, honestly, a random assumption about my personality followed by a frowning emoticon doesn't seem to sound like something with a playful tone, for example. So I hope I can get a clarification, even if it's via PM so as not to derail the thread anew. I was upset because I am sick of finding always the same trite stereotypes on muh fetishes, and I am upset now because I fail to see where did that come from. So, you see, I take it personally because the former affects my smut adventures and the latter had no reason to be. Quoting a friend of mine, "disagreement is the lifeblood of a forums naturally, name-calling is a waste of time and should be stopped." Plus there's that comparison between Internet arguments and running in the Special Olympics.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Having thought about it some, I think having Jill as a temporary companion before the resolution of their arc would be interesting. They get captured or otherwise inconvenienced and try to entice you into freeing them now with money, but the player could ask for sex, or a short term servitude. Arguing that freeing them is more trouble than the money (or sex) is worth, and that to be even for all of the offense they've leveled at their poor, innocent cousin requires some effort on their part.

It would be a way to get the cousin some character development, as well as give the player some means to get some catharsis about their actions through orgasm denial or teasing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Having thought about it some, I think having Jill as a temporary companion before the resolution of their arc would be interesting. They get captured or otherwise inconvenienced and try to entice you into freeing them now with money, but the player could ask for sex, or a short term servitude. Arguing that freeing them is more trouble than the money (or sex) is worth, and that to be even for all of the offense they've leveled at their poor, innocent cousin requires some effort on their part.

It would be a way to get the cousin some character development, as well as give the player some means to get some catharsis about their actions through orgasm denial or teasing.

Redemption arc please boss



Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Try and work out our problems so we can get along. I like being the good guy and I like redeeming villains.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2016
The way I see it, there's two general options that could be fit into the storyline w/o retconning large portions of The Rival's established story and character (spoiled, obnoxious, arrogant, and somewhat stupid);

1)  Redemption Arc-Rival fails hard enough that her father cuts her off completely, Dane either abandons or severs his contract (and maybe rapes the rival for good measure), Rival loses the ship and most possessions, and is entirely at your mercy.  You build him/her back up into a wiser and less dickish (ayooo!) person who either becomes your servant (and probably lover) or goes his/her own separate way.

2)  Domination Arc-Either through the means above or because you capture Rival after a battle, you enslave him/her and turn him/her into a slave fucktoy (choosing from one of a couple of different fetishes; ponygirl [dmitrys georgie luvscox style], bimbo, NT treatment cowgirl, and whatever others end up getting added)

Of the two;

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
If we end up getting a chance to bang them, however it may be, i do want to say that I would love for any protests Jack/Jill may have about us being cousins to be countered with explaining the Shade situation should we have found out about our relationship.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
1)  Redemption Arc-Rival fails hard enough that her uncle cuts her off completely, Dane either abandons or severs his contract (and maybe rapes the rival for good measure), Rival loses the ship and most possessions, and is entirely at your mercy.  You build him/her back up into a wiser and less dickish (ayooo!) person who either becomes your servant (and probably lover) or goes his/her own separate way.

Dane actually gets fired after the fiasco on Myrellion, also its the Rival's father that is bank rolling them, their uncle would be your father who is dead.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2016
Dane actually gets fired after the fiasco on Myrellion, also its the Rival's father that is bank rolling them, their uncle would be your father who is dead.

I haven't actually gotten that far yet, but no worries-I like spoilers :)

And grammar fail.  I must fix this :|


Active Member
Mar 7, 2016
I've never encountered a person who likes spoilers, your the first.

I have a couple of really, really, REALLY nasty life experiences that have basically ruined surprises for me.  I've come to accept that I can't know everything, so I don't have any problems dealing with the unknown; even so, I like knowing what's coming.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I have a couple of really, really, REALLY nasty life experiences that have basically ruined surprises for me.  I've come to accept that I can't know everything, so I don't have any problems dealing with the unknown; even so, I like knowing what's coming.

For me, the "surprise" of not knowing something adds onto the general enjoyment of it. I've been spoiled a lot of things (mostly because of my own stupidity) and I'm trying to cut back on that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For me, the "surprise" of not knowing something adds onto the general enjoyment of it. I've been spoiled a lot of things (mostly because of my own stupidity) and I'm trying to cut back on that.

Same. Now if a new game's coming out that I'm interested in, I won't go near gamefaqs or twitter (my media poison of choice). Usually I'm genre savvy enough to accurately foresee what's coming in any show, but on the rare occasion that something does blindside me, it's a pretty great feeling.