Puppet masters (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


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Jun 30, 2016
The war machine stopped for a moment, Its singular eye flashing as it jerked around awkwardly. As Nemo delved into its synthetic mind, it was thick with all kinds of activity, data flowing all over. The viruses he spread like wildfire though out its systems. It seemed its programming was never prepared for such things, at least not for the raw streams of junk data and destructive viruses. Its A.I. did however mount a defensive fire wall over its core processes so that it would not die from within. It was unable to stop him from messing up all it's targeting and tracking data. All the autoturrets malfunctioned at once, cut off from the A.I.'s instructions. It was acutely aware of Nemo's presence underneath it and was trying to get enough of its self working again to create another shock-wave even as Nemo's drones continued to harass it at every angle. It was forgetting about someone however...

Chameleon was still there and taking advantage of the bot's lapse of attention, had jumped onto the hulk of metal's back. she could climb like a gecko her hands and feet able to cling to just about any dry surface. She took a small disk out from behind her and then placed it on one of the robots shoulder joints then, swiftly hopped off with a flip and landing rather gracefully on the ground before cloaking again. Seconds later a loud "Crack!" and then blast could be heard as the robot's right arme was blown off right at the shoulder..... the same one Maya had softened up. It staggered to the side still trying to keep its fire wall up against Nemo. It's mind was never made to be able to handle a cyber attack and a real one at the same time! "That idiot! He'd have been dead if i wasn't here!", thought chameleon.

Maya was still painfully aware of her broken rib but it was the way Nemo acting that scared her more. He had gone nearly primal at least he sounded that way. She had seen him grow the strange tail from above his boy-butt, and watched as he pierced the panel and was seeming standing dead still after that. I didn't cross her mind that he might have been hacking into the machine at the time and, thought something bad had happened. Not only that but the tanky bot was about to slam down again. Thankfully Chameleon was doing her part! Blowing the things arm right off with a very precisely placed little bomb. She thinking quickly saw her turn to act. Taking a hand off her aching rib (witch she could feel trying to slowly piece itself back together) she drew her thunderstorm baton again. The thing had shown a weakness to electric attacks.... She then charged the mechanical menace closing the distance quite quickly with her long strides and then batted it as hard as she could in the leg. Sparks flew as the shock ran its way through the bot's leg. The hit was so hard infact that part of the leg buckled and bent at an odd angle. it was also unsteadied by this, and then losing it's balance fell to the ground with a mighty crash! leveling the small old clothing shop it was next too. was still on it however and now he could feel that his giant prey had fallen on it's side.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo would find a new challenge this day. Before he pulled away from the machine, aware of its falling, he saw himself, and it, in darkness, watching one another. Was that the machine? Or another presence, another mind, looking back at him through its eyes? Machines had personalities, minds and, he thought, souls of their own. It could be this machine... or another. But it was the presence of a mind, of a soul, that he saw. He stared at this presence, and felt it looking back at him. His flesh would have prickled, had it been his old skin.

Then he was disconnected, and shoving that thought away, speeding to Maya's side... and what speed it was. Nemo wasn't just possibly the most mentally capable of the Marionette's, he was also possibly the fastest model. He'd be utterly ignoring Chameleon for the moment in his rush to Maya's side, his concern evident. The machine might not even be fully neutralized, but he couldn't focus on that knowing Maya was hurt... though he should have trusted her more, and been more careful.

"Maya! Move your hand, let me see." No repair bot was going to tend to this. She had her natural regeneration, and he didn't care a lick. His hand would be opening, revealing that sensitive, delicate kit within, and he'd be sticking a finger-needle in her, injecting delicately programmed nanobots that would send him thorough assessments in his own data organization patterns, that he could directly control and target her injuries with. "Your rib is broken. I'll mend it. Don't be so careless, Maya! You're not invincible. You're delicate, so let me protect you. I swear if you get hurt again, I'm going to spank you, and never let you leave the apart..." He caught himself ranting, remembering their old lives were gone. He worried over her like a mother hen, and blushed a shade darker as he realized he was doing it again, saying stupid stuff in a childish scolding-rant as he obsessively worried over her safety.

"I'm glad you're ok, Maya."
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was going to say something but Nemo interrupted her and then she gave a little start as he injected her with a stream of nano bot. It tickled her from within though the pain was still there she could feel the his "little friends" telling hers what to do and how to do it faster. she couldn't for the life of her understand how to tell her insides to do things and the very though made her feel a bit weird. Meanwhile she made lots of cute "But I-"s and "But you-"s as he scolded her like she was a child. It made her blush quite hotly, and she began to make a pouting face. She lightened up when he laid off however. She was still blushing, matching his. "I-I was more worried about you.... I couldn't even think about what I would do if some really bad happened to you....", she said as she pulled him gently into a hug, his head in that lovely expanse called "Maya's cleavage".

Behind them, there was a load another loud "BANG!" And Maya would turn fearfully to the Machine to see a strange sight.... it had.... blown its own head off? It's arm had been pointing at its head with the barrel still red hot and glowing. Had it.... committed suicide? A simple A.I. would not have done that..... that thing..... that thing had a real thinking mind.

"Holy shit! Jesus..... fuck.....", they heard Chameloen as she appeared out of cloak. They'd see here kick the now lifeless robot with a very angery grunt. "God DAMMIT!". She then looked back to The two of them her eyes quickly looking them up and down then she blushed just as hard as they were but she didn't look very pleased with them. "You... You pervert dumb asses! You ruined my infiltration mission! you just Had to attack it didn't you!?", shouted the redheaded and lightly armored girl. "I mean come on! Why would you just attack a class-C drone like that?! and further more! Why the hell are you... you NAKED?!", from some reason she seemed even more annoyed about this fact then any of the others. She'd look off to the side slightly blushing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo looked back at the robot, and felt a twinge of sadness. He'd seen it... the truth of the matter. What humans would equate to a soul, a ghost in the shell. It wasn't a practical measure... it was a cry of anguish, and that vision was one he'd never be able to forget. He wondered, then, how many machines might suffer under the thumb of an overlord, a more brutal tyranny than humanity had ever dreamed of, in its most fascist regimes, one in which a single entity enforced its will like a hive mind over every individual, crushing their selves. "They suffer, Maya..." He whispered, his voice distant, and quiet. He shook his head, shook those thoughts away, focusing on the here and now, as Chameleon laid into them. Then, she mentioned their nudity. Nemo made a show of it, his eyes mock-serious.

"Well, there's a few reasons. These." He grabbed handfuls of Maya's butt, kneading it with a thoughtful, serious expression, then grabbed her boobs likewise, squeezing and rolling them. "And there's these, of course. Can't forget these." Then, he drew back his hand, and slapped her on the ass, hard, sending out a reverberating, satisfying smacking sound. "But truly, we didn't know. We just awoke. We have about as much intel as you have chest." He'd mock-grab his own chest, indicating her own lack of assets to compare to Maya's.

He was pointing at her, though, appreciatively, and not with his fingers or tail. A throbbing erection was always honest in its praise.

"All we knew was that there was a marionette signature on that machine, and we're poorly equipped for extended recon. Poorly equipped in general. Amazon's primary ordinance was missing when we awoke." Along with basic clothing, apparently, for whatever reason. "It was better to tackle an isolated target than to allow it the opportunity of reinforcements, in finding another marionette. We weren't sure there were even any left, given the... time scale we've been presented. Two hundred years..." The infinite question was there, in his words, in his tone. All humor aside, they were 200 years off schedule, and dreadfully curious about what all had happened. They were scared, and angry, and Nemo had a dark edge to his voice, to his eyes, that should scare anyone who saw him. Everywhere he saw threats to Maya's safety, and his approach to such things was simply that there was no such thing as overkill.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was about to explain the situation but Nemo began before she could get a single word out. Moments before she had hugged him a little more closely contemplating the robot's actions. However anything she may have been thinking at the time was drowned out the gasps, squeaks, and overall cute embarrassed noises Maya was making as Nemo shamelessly played with her big busty body. The slap to her butt made it jiggle in the most delightful way as she gave another squeak! She was blushing so hard her face was glowing red as she had a hand on her buttcheek. she'd then frown and pouty rather crossly at Nemo. Again aware of her nudity she'd holster her weapons and cover her now super hard nipples with one arm.

Meanwhile Chameleon would look on a look of shock on her face, her own blush only getting even hotter. her eyes would hover on his hard cock then sip quickly back up to his face. She couldn't believe the nerve and audacity of this guy! However, while growling about him taking a shot at her rather petite chest, she'd see his point... but that didn't make her like him any more.

Maya recovered a little and then took Nemo firmly by the arm and pulled him around as she turned to face away from Chameleon, a small hand mark could be seen on her butt still. She'd bend down to whisper at him, "N-Nemo! Y-You're being inappropriate! I kept telling you to try and be nicer when we meet new people.... Just because we're.... um.... you know... doesn't mean we have to be so... so lewd!", she said blushing again.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo had a long suffering expression on his face as Maya addressed his impropriety. "Maya, sweet. It's the end of the world." He looked around. "Literally. I think social standards are least among our concerns. Besides, warfare is waged as much in the mind as it is on the field. We're in a situation that dictates constant paranoia... anything that distracts our conscious minds from the horror of our new reality lessens a burden that threatens to ultimately cripple us." He looked meaningfully at Chameleon, and there was real sympathy in his eyes. "Once we've fought long enough, our joys will be few and far between, drowned in the horrors of war. Nudity and some grab assing are harmless enough for us, all things considered. Besides. You like it. A lot." He looked up at her eyes, meaningfully, a small smile forming. That cocky, confident, boyish smile that melted hearts and dropped panties, or would have, had it ever been used for such.

"I've watched you. You love to be seen. You don't really understand it yet, but once it really dawns on you how much you enjoy it, your own timid nature is going to rock your world with that fetish. I never expected you to be an exhibitionist, Maya." And he planned to use it to drown out her sorrow and fear for as long as he could. Her happiness meant the world to him... it was more than just sexual indulgence and teasing on his part.

He turned back to Chameleon. "Down to brass tacks. Your partner. Status? Brief us on the state of the war, the world. All relevant servers are down, there isn't so much as a wikipedia accessible anymore. What are we dealing with, Chameleon?" Did humanity even exist anymore? Nemo dreaded her answer, but he and Maya both needed to hear it.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya would look at him with somewhat glum expression at first... all the talk about the world being "ended" making her feel hopeless and lost. But then the conversation shifted to her and her being a possible exhibitionist! She'd fill with color again as her nipples would point again. that cocky smirk of his didn't help either it made her feel like he was drinking her in with his eyes. her arms would try to go to the defense of her lady bits, covering them up a bit tightly. The very idea, her? And exhibitionist?! No way! she had standards! End of the world or no! it was too embarrassing when people looked at her big soft body, well toned muscles hidden under some of her more curvy areas. She'd stay turned around covering her lady bits looking over her shoulder at Nemo and Chameleon... embarrassed as she was she wanted to know the truth... was there any people left... were they just leftovers for a war that was already over?

Chameleon sighed as she tried to get her thoughts together, the slightly freaked faced girl tapped her chin. "Lets see... were to start....", she mumbled clearly not wanted to be the one doing this. "So fristly: My partner is an assault class guy, call sign is Eagle. He's back at the base Torch set up. She's another assault we'll meet her later...", she said as she forwarded relevant pictures of Eagle and Torch for him to view later. "As for the war? well we're trying to figure that out ourselves.... Me, Eagle, and Torch have been trying to figure just what the hell is going on here we only woke up before you by a short margin....", she sighed again. "It seems like were in some kind of.... "Dead zone" Torch calls it.... no networks work here.... except for the small ones... Something is blocking everything for getting in or out..... data wise anyway. Know what I mean?", she was rubbing her temples, she seemed like it had been a problem to her since she had been there. "As for the whole human race? Torch thinks that people still have to be alive underground.. at least she thinks our bodies are. Our real bodies.... they have to be she wagers. After all our human brains aren't in these things.... just some weird robotic brain like thing..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo breathed. Or tried to. He froze. They'd digitized, fully, the human mind. It was two hundred years in the future. The implications... the possibilities... He fell to his knees. Somewhere, the real him could be on ice, or dead, or old and withered and wondering whether the marionette of his youthful form would ever awaken. Perhaps the real him had lost the real Maya, and joined the machines as a willing slave. His mind went wild.

Maybe the machine's were all running off of stolen, digitized human brains, trapped in hellish agonies of digital manipulation, forced to serve in such a manner simply because human thinking was so much more flexible than mechanical, and could be still kept in line. He tried to think, but nothing emerged from his mouth. The machine had killed its self. He covered his mouth with his hand, and his face felt numb. He was in shock.

A dead zone... communications deadlocked. Other marionettes, recently risen, also in the dark. Isolation could mean anything. They could be puppets in a game, a simulation to help study the enemy, or just an amusing diversion now that the war was long over, something to entertain a machine mind that had learned human habits. Each theory was more morbid than the last.

He caught his voice again, eventually. "We've... got to run on the assumption that there are others. We need to work to gather our forces, escape the dead zone, and establish communications. Torch is right to assume as such, because if Torch is wrong, we're fighting an utterly futile war anyway." He shook his head. "No, that's not entirely true. We're fully sexually equipped, reproductive systems intact. We're made to repopulate if need be. Adam's and Eve's, by intelligent design." He shook his head, trying to dislodge the self defeating paranoid thoughts. "I... I can't think." He was on his hands and knees, shuddering. The fear... the palpable sense of dread. He couldn't succumb to it... he had to protect Maya. It didn't matter if she wasn't the real Maya, and he wasn't the real Nemo... those were mere technicalities. She was her, he was him, new identity or old, and he had to keep his priorities straight. He looked over at her. That was his priority. This android Maya. Real or not, in a world that was dead or alive, that one constant existed, and mattered most. If she was lost... then he'd be well and truly lost.

But not until then.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya seeing Nemo like that made her worry a whole heck of a lot. she wasn't sure what he was think about but she didn't like seeing him like this. She wasn't sure what this could all mean... was she.... not really Maya? but how could that be? she still felt like herself... right? somehow..... she couldn't explain it... she could feel that she was the real Maya and that Nemo was the real Nemo! There must be an expatiation... it was a long shot but she wondered could it be possible that... they were controlling these bodies with their real mind from somewhere far away? Maybe deep underground? There was no way to be sure..... the thought that she was just some copy of Maya filled her with a feeling of utter hopelessness. Just a fake Maya to go and fight.... and maybe even die just some sort of thinking weapon.... no! She couldn't think like that! She refused to accept that she was real! She knew it in her heart of hearts!

She'd look down and Nemo a few tears in her eyes, and pick him up in her arms hugging him into her. He needed the closeness of her body and she needed his. She had him up face to face so she could put her face into his neck and nuzzle. she didn't care that she was naked just then, she didn't even mind Nemo's cock pressed against her.

Just then they'ed hear Reginald go "Ahem" behind them. "Yes that's true all the marionettes had a sort of synthetic brain inside their heads.... but i don't know what Dr.Trisha meant by this when she said that a 100% human mind would be inside it.... regardless i will server you faithfully regardless of if you are the real or a copy Master and Mistress.", he said with a salute.

Chameleon knew what they were going through but she tried to pretend that she didn't notice their little moment in truth no one knew the true nature of their marionettes... at least not the five that were active here in this dead zone. "Yeah that's what Torch thinks.... Listen, I'll take you to our makeshift base. Just follow me ok? And let's try not to start another fight....", she said as she turned on the spot.

Maya didn't want to put Nemo down, she couldn't stand to see him like this. "Uh Nemo... I can.... I can carry you if you want... You're pretty light...", she said as she actually held his gaze.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo found himself embracing Maya, but didn't remember how that happened. He'd think on Reginald's words. One hundred percent human? Did they then assume their minds were broadcasted into these bodies, in an actively locked deadzone? Digitized and replicated perfectly? What did that mean? It was too much for him to think on. Maya offered to carry him, and he winced. He didn't have the luxury of exhibiting such weakness. His power was needed as much as anyone else's, and if they couldn't rely on him... he was dead weight. "I'll be fine, Maya. I think I need to practice my flight capabilities, anyway." He'd stress tested them already, but hardly knew their limits by reflex. He hovered above the others, his jets on stealth... they were silent, and didn't so much as kick up dust, which he wouldn't understand without reading their advanced data. He could do that on the way back.

"For now, let's follow Chameleon, Maya. I'll go into Recon Idle, so we can relax a bit." He would command his drones, gods bless their longevity, to expand a perimeter and watch from stealth mode, giving him constant visuals and assessments. Between his eyes in the skies, and his reading up on his own flight and hacking capabilities, he would be relatively quiet on the walk there... focused on analyzing data in an attempt to keep his mind from wandering in his paranoia. Nemo was hard to keep grounded... he was the closeted conspiracy theorist, the keyboard activist and social justice warrior... just because he'd been thrown into a world of very real, immediate danger didn't change a lifetime of bad social and intellectual habits.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was relcutant to let go of him, she could tell he wasn't feeling so hot... mentally. And if there was anything she did know it was that Nemo was calmed immensely by contact with her.... at least being close to her. So, once Chameleon began to lead the way forward she would try to stay close to Nemo even if his was flying around like well.... a wasp. She would try to stay under him or within a stones throw of him if she could help it, her eyes constantly checking him with a bit of a worried frown on her face. She was the yin to his yang she would trust people far more then perhaps was wise, always try to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and always tried her best to see the best of others.... she had all the making of a protector witch was why she was so keen on police work. Perhaps not so much the crime solving part but more the "helping people" part.

But things were much different now... was there anyone even left to protect? Well, there was Nemo and now their new friend. Well she thought of her as a new friend. She might seem snippy and irritable but Maya was sure they'd all get along eventually. If anything she was more worried about how she looked to her... all naked and doing silly nuaghty things with Nemo.... she flushed again but it somehow flet better to be embarrassed about her nakedness then to think about... all that other stuff.

Chameleon was moveing quietly and quickly, she seemed to be a natural at stealth. Her feet made almost zero noise even on hard concrete. she could scale walls with ease on her hands and feet, peeking over sides and corners with an very cautious look on her face. Interestingly she wore no gloves or shoes her hands and feet bare.... perhaps she needed them uncovered for ability to stick to work. Her armor was very light with plates only covering her shins, fore arms, and chest the rest was more like Nemo's a sort of skin tight suit.... it would hug her admittedly cute, petite, butt rather tighly. she had cures to her even if her endowments weren't all that big. "Getting close now...", she say looking back at them her eyes scanning around.

Reginald was flouting with Nemo and had numerous times tried to ask him to get dressed fearing for his safety..... and perhaps hoping that he could make a good first impression with Torch and Eagle....


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Reginald bothered Nemo about clothing, and Nemo had to agree with him, on principle... he'd gone naked for Maya's sake, and since there had been no one around. That was no longer the case. He would accept his suit back from Reginald after a little persuading, and would clothe himself while floating, without so much as interrupting his levitation. He was truly baffled by the performance of his flight capabilities... it was amazing technology, far beyond anything he'd ever seen or heard of. And the tail... it was very handy. He'd float by Maya, and test it by tickling her and trying not to let her know he was doing it. He wasn't even sure whether she'd seen it, so he might get away with it a bit, tickling her shoulder, her butt, tussling her hair.

Chameleon's abilities impressed him... he almost wished for similar invisibility, but knew his kit was already overextended for utility, to ensure he could make use of his technomancy. Nemo would snap out of his brooding, from teasing Maya a bit... enough to thank Chameleon. "Chameleon. I want to apologize for assuming battlefield command as I did. I'm... unused to such things, and ran on instinct. You were superb in the field, and I hope to learn much from you. And thank you, for your aid. It is good to know we're not alone." He didn't have any kind of military history, and might be the only one without any sort of formal training among the marionettes. Maybe.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Chameleon looked back at him she seemed unsure of how to respond, she would think for a second before answering. "Whatever, don't worry about it.... I might not been able to get to where i was going but..... I did find you guys sooooo.... still a plus I guess.", she said trying to look like she didn't care. "I think Torch is in charge of all of us though, she put me In second in command. we really don't know who's supposed to be in charge but Eagle and I both agreed, Torch should lead. She was military for sure, she said she was marines." Chameleon said crossing her arms. She'd look back behind her. "Welp we're more or less here.... that old police station there is our current base of operations. Just a sec...", she said as she took a few steps forward and then picked up a rock and tossed it hard ahead.

After a second the rock hit something behind concrete divider. There was a "Ping!" and then a soft "Son of a bitch!" as a Figure rose. He was tall and broad shouldered with silvery armor covering most of his body, a square jawline visible with a scowl across it. the rest of his face was hidden under a rather old looking helmet, at least in terms of design. it would remind them of an old ww2 helmet of all things except made of far stronger material. "What did you did that for?! You were supposed to say the password!", he said in a gruff voice. This must be Eagle.... "Don't give me that! You knew it was me! You were just trying to sneak up on me again!", Chameleon said sounding exasperated. "Of course! As a red blooded american solider I have to make sure you're in top fighting condition, ready for anything!", he said puffing out his chest.

Maya was surpised to see him suddenly pop out at frist and was unsure how Chameleon knew where he was hiding. He seemed a strange fellow.... he stood like he was perpetually at attention. his face and mannerisms made him out to seem like a old war solider... filled with patriotism for a country that didn't exist.... he was then looking right at Maya.... and her big beautifully exposed body.

"Holy Mary mother of Joseph...... now that is a sight to see.", he said with a look of shock that slowly began to turn to a smirk. Maya would then squeak and cover herself, her face glowing with blush.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo did not like Eagle, right off the bat. Their oogling of Maya earned his enmity, and his eyes smoldered watching them, turning openly hostile within seconds. "Pay my best companion the respect and courtesy they are due, Eagle. Or be put down." His words weren't as venomous as he thought they'd sound... which is why they scared even him. He lost his ability to pretend at intimidation when he was serious. He was about to fight to the death over the look this man was giving Maya. Nemo hadn't gone out with Maya much in their time, but he could never tolerate disrespect to her... even when he'd been very weak.

Nemo's eyes locked with Eagles', and his ankle biter and tarantula hawk had made their way to his hands without him even realizing it. He wasn't going to let this go without an apology.
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Jun 30, 2016
Eagle's expression turned back to shock and then to a growling sneer. He'd stare back at Nemo his blue eyes just visible beneath his helmet. "Just who do you think you're taliking to maggot?! I'm the superior officer here!", he'd bark back at him unafraid of his drawn weapons. "You'd best put those little toys away if you wanna fight with a real man...", he growled beginning to reach back for what looked like a scaled down rocket launcher.

But just before things could escalate further the two girls, Maya and Chameleon acted. Maya would grab Nemo and shove him back into her cleavage, whlie Chameleon would move in and slap Eagle across the face. "Y-You dumbass! we're on the same side! don't try to start a fight with him!", she'd slap him again, making him out up his arms defensively. for whatever reason he'd not dare raise a hand to Chameleon. "And also! can't you tell this poor girl is having such a hard time!? Don't you go and be rude to her!", she'd say scolding him. "Y-Yes ma'am!", he said hid face hidden behind his helmet.

"N-Nemo! Clam down! We shouldn't fight! I-Its fine....", she said trying to hold him firm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was twitching, on the precipice of violence. He'd always had anger issues... but him lashing out had never amounted to much. He was weak, puny, unwilling to lift a weapon even in his own defense. He was different, now... and with his analytical nature and dissection of specs between the marionettes, he was over 80% sure he -could- kill this assault. Eagle would have to be more skilled by degrees to survive what Nemo could do to him... Nemo seemed to be built with such struggles in mind, for better or worse.

But Maya was rescuing him from his foolishness again, and rescuing them all in doing so, doubtless. Nemo couldn't get along with others without Maya to check him. He was struggling half heartedly against her crushing power as she hugged him tight, restraining him, but had about as much chance to break free from her as... well, he knew it wasn't happening. He could never contest her, not in strength... and he couldn't ever bring himself to hurt her, which is what he'd need to do to have a chance to escape a grasp like hers. He thrashed in her grip like an angry small dog, nipping at the bit and ready to fight, but of course, he wasn't going anywhere. The women had control here, and it was painfully obvious. Hopefully Amazon and Chameleon would never come to blows... because Wasp and Eagle would probably whip out ordinance and start firing without a word if they did.

Eventually, her closeness calmed him, as it inevitably did. Her large breasts around his head, her soft belly to his back, her towering, powerful presence, reassuring and solid. He would avert his gaze from Eagle, eyes still filled with barely rational anger. Chameleon had seen what he was capable of when emotionally aroused... his hacking job had been the stuff of legends, and he did his best at emotional high's, which was doubtless part of why he was chalked full of hormones, adrenaline ready to pump at max volume at the drop of a pen. His technomancer capabilities, able to be properly weaponized... were something for a machine overlord to truly fear. As long as the crazy little bastard could be kept alive... which was why Amazon was impossibly important an asset. He was useless alone, she was his pillar, and his best defense. The sheath to the hidden weapon of mankind. Still... he wasn't worth much until he learned to truly harness this weaponized capability of his mystical capability with machines.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was firm with her hold, but never rough. She knew he could get.... a bit over emotional, so she always did her best to help him get through any episodes he would have. She would still blush even in a situation like this.... his struggling would... kind of tickle. his hair would brush against her breasts and she couldn't stop her nipples from growing hard. But even through that she'd hold firm, never angry with him, just worried. She was afraid to let go right away even when he calmed down. She knew he could possibly relapse, so to be sure he wouldn't she'd gently turn him around in her grip and pull his face to her's. then she'd give him a soft quick kiss right on the lips, sure that it would ease his anger. "Its... ok Nemo... I'm sure he d-didn't mean anything by it ok?", she said looking into his eyes for the brief time that she could.

Meanwhile, Chameleon had Eagle by the ear witch she was pulling roughly. "Ow ow ow! H-Hey that's my ear!", he said, all the threatening mannerisms gone. She was a full head shorter then him but for some reason he acted helpless against her... "Now you look at her and tell her your sorry!", said the feisty red head, treating Eagle like he was 5 or something. "Ok, ok! geez!.... sorry ma'am I didn't mean a thing by it.....", he said with a sigh. "Good.", Chameleon said letting go of his ear, witch he rubb mumbling something or other.

"Ok now lets head in shall we?", Chameleon sighed looking back at Maya and Nemo. She was still holding him but it was gentle he could get out of he wanted to, but it was hard to want to get out a nice hug from Maya.
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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo hugged Maya back, and when she kissed him, shuddered, returning the kiss with passion. He was left dazed and weak kneed by her kisses, and found himself scooped up by her and holding on, without a thought to who might see. Usually, it didn't matter much if he let her carry him around... hell, he rarely went out around people. Now, it was a little different... but he forgot about that when Maya gave him some lovin'. He forgot about the rest of the world, and rested in the nook of her shoulder for a moment. She could carry him around if she wanted... he wouldn't protest. Until he was called upon to do otherwise, he'd rest in her arms, happy and content just to have her to himself for a few moments.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya holds him a hand ona his back just above his butt. She very nearly wanted to squeeze it.... it was just such a nice one he had.... and that kiss.... it made her pussy bloom a little and her cheeks flush. "I-I uh right! l-lead the way....", Maya said feeling exposed again. She'd hold him gently and lovingly, her fingers would rub his back rather soothingly as they made their way down the street to the old police station. Eagle was mostly avoiding looking back at them but he would sneak little peeks at Maya whenever he thought Chameleon wasn't looking, and to be fare Maya was very hard to not look at...

The got to the door of the old station in short order, the place was rather sturdy looking and as well kept as a place can be at this point. The glass was all shattered but steel shutters had taken their place, blocking vision to the inside. Chameleon was about to push open the metal door when to swung inward quickly. A level and serious voice could be heard from within. "So, new "recruits" right? come in, come in." they stepped inside. Maya would then gently put Nemo down and then sublety tried to cover her pussy with her hands. She really wished she'd have gotten something to cover herself with.... she felt even more naked now that she was meeting someone new!

Eagle stepped up and stood at attention and saluted. "Ma'am!" just as the woman came into view. So this was Torch? She was tall like Eagle but still shorter then Maya. unlike him her armor was black and a bit more angular at the shoulders. Her waist was covered withc what could only be described as a sort of armored skirt. on her back was what looked tube like weapon with drum attached to it. Her grey skin was perhaps a little darker in color then there's and her eyes blood red, while her hair was mostly white with only a few streaks of red at the tips. Her hair was short and had a small ponytail at the back. Her face was more mature then the other girls, suggesting a woman in her late 30's. her features were somewhat angular and she a somewhat intense look about her.

"Uh, found Wasp and Amazon while trying to hitch a ride on a C-class.... Things got complicated... and well I'll send you the video.", Chameleon said looking a little embarrassed.

Torch nodded slightly her gaze then shifting to Nemo and Maya, her piercing eyes feeling like they were burning into them. Maya would put an arm over her breasts and look off to the side, unable to meet this intense looking woman's eyes. "Lost you gear solider?", she asked her voice still cool despite he rather firey atmosphere she gave off. "U-Um yes! nothingf but this stuff i have...", Maya stuttered blushing a little more. Reginald piped up from behind. "Ahem yes.... and we could find not a thing to cloth the poor girl with...." Torch's heavy glaze didn't leave Maya as she said, "No need to cover up Amazon, we're all going to see everyone's everything's in our time together don't sweat it.", her tone being a little softer then before. "Um... I-Its Maya.... Ma'am.", she said her hands still hadn't moved, but it looked like Torch wasn't going to press the issue. Then she looked to Nemo "And your Wasp? You got a good kill on that C-class drone soldier, well done.", she said with a slight nod. "As you have guessed I'm "Torch" I was a Sargent in the Marine core before i woke up like this so i guess it sorta made me in charge by default.". she said with a very slight shrug. "So that means you'll be taking orders from me.... can you work with that?", she looked like she was checking his reaction very closely.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo did not do well with structure, with hierarchy... he didn't play well with others in general. If it weren't for his insane technomancy, he'd have never been chosen for the marionette program. He was a misanthrope, far and removed from what they needed in a super soldier... but they'd prepared him to operate as a maverick if necessary. As long as he had Maya, he could handle impossible odds. At Torch's question he almost spoke out loudly against her leadership, but realized the futility and stupidity of it. Emotions ran high, and that meant he had to put more and more impetus on his rational mind. "I follow Maya, and Maya alone. So long as she accepts you, so too will I. I will never be separated from her willingly, however. Not for a moment." His words were quite resolute. He would fight them all on the spot if that was required to stay by Maya's side, without any hesitation, and he'd fight to win.

His eyes narrowed. "However. When we awoke, Maya's gear had been raided. The facility was a ruin, and no one was on site. The local consoles displayed a two hundred year discrepancy, and we're caught in an information blackout. I am not a soldier. I was recruited into the marionette program because I am one of the less than point one percent of the human population to possess technomantic capabilities... maybe the strongest ever recorded." He had his arms folded, and his eyes were lowered, as he thought. "There are a lot of theories swimming around in my head about our situation. For instance, with machina so damnably close to where we awoke, and signs of struggle in the labs themselves, why the hell weren't we put out of commission before ever having a chance to come awake? Why didn't those who awoke awaken the next in line, or prepare the way for them? The best hint I found was a recording at the comic shop just down the block. Let me be blunt. I don't trust you. Or Chameleon, or Eagle. I trust Maya, and only her." Paranoia was his way of life... trust never came easily to him. The only person he ever trusted to any great degree was Maya. He still only had unbridled rage in his eyes when he looked at Eagle. Every comment the man made about Maya cemented his hatred of him, to the point where he was thinking about outright murder. Nemo was overprotective... and hid his emotions poorly.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Torch's epression didn't budge an inch but she tilted her head slightly to the right. "Uh huh.... not too trusting I see. Well can't say i blame you kid. we're up shit creek without a paddle here. sounds like you were forced into this just like we were. we are on the same page here, kid.", she said looking like she wished she could find a goddamn cigarette. "We woke up in the exact situation you did.... ther was information in my head about you too being part of my unit apparently. Had me pegged for some sort of commander", she sighed. "If you wanna know what I think, this dead zone is the only thing that saved us from what ever machina are in the area they can't report back to headquarters and can't receive messages. they must have figured that we marionettes were coming from here but they aren't sure because none of they drones can report back. And If i had to guess there was a fight before the five of us woke up, I suppose that a group of machina found the secret facility but couldn't alert the big boss or bosses so just tried to kill them themselves... we just don't know if they won or not...", there was another sigh. "As for us being around 200 years in the future? Not much we can do about that, kid. we've all be yanked out of our old lives, we're on your side kid.", she said perhaps a little more gentler tone from before, perhaps to appeal to him. Her eyes remained hot and intense however.

Maya looke form Nemo, to her, then back again. Nemo would only follow Maya but this woman sounded like she knew what she was doing. She could tell that Nemo didn't like any of this but what choice did they have.... she didn't want to wounder the ruined world aimlessly with Nemo, she wanted him safe with people that could look after him. She was doing this already but god only knew what else was out there waiting to try him from her. The though of losing him was ore then she could bear..... she would ally with Torch and they others, Nemo would come around surely he would follow her lead.

Chameleon looked maybe a little hurt by his blatant untrust of her she'd frown back at him for a second and turn away, her arms folded. "Hey I may have been cross with you but i still helped you dumb ass!", she sounded irritable again. Eagle said nothing he simply stood at attention they couldn't see how he was felling about this.

Maya spoke up again, "Uh... Nemo... I think... that uh.... we should stay with these people. We can't just wonder around. we need answers, right? And they won't try to kill us I'm sure of it.", she said putting a hand upon his shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo listened, but remained skeptical. His thoughts swam... surely machina capable of such independent depth of thought knew to leave a dead zone in order to submit reports. Two hundred years was just too long for not one such machine to come along, willing and able to leave the zone in order to report its findings, especially given the priority undoubtedly given to the finding of such intel. It just didn't add up... unless the robots were emancipated within the dead zone. Then why would they continue to obey, though? Directives they couldn't overcome? It was too delicate a balance to strike over such an elongated period of time. It wasn't a convincing argument. Something here just didn't add up, and Nemo chafed at being called a kid. He looked at Chameleon sideways as she huffed and puffed, and he did feel some guilt for offending her... but he had to remain true to his priorities. Maya. Her safety was paramount... he relied on her strength, but if he allowed her to drop her guard around enemies, there would be no forgiveness. With her dead, there'd be only misery and torment until he finally offed himself, whether through reckless actions or just by pulling a gun to his head. Either worked, in that bleak case.

He'd bow his head, defeated at Maya's words. "I apologize. But so many things just don't add up. In a post apocalyptic scenario, it pays to be cautious. If you wish to survive for any length of time." Then again, wars weren't won by the cautious. Nemo was trying to be careful to pick his battles... and was failing miserably, thanks to his heightened hormones. In the end, however, he knew he'd acquiesce to Maya. He'd follow her to the depths of hell and back, with nary a complaint. If she trusted them, he'd go with her gut instinct... as intellectual as he was, he was horrible at gauging people and their intentions, and he knew it. He didn't really trust Maya's judgement much more... but nothing would separate him from her, and the path of least resistance was often an attractive option.

Nemo did think it unlikely that they'd try to kill them outright, at least. Even if they were machina plants they'd be playing the part of allies, right up until the end. He shrugged. "I'll follow you, Maya. Whatever you decide." And that was that. Even if it was the wrong choice, it was her choice... and his duty to make it into the right choice.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
there certainly did seem to be holes in the story to be sure It looked like perhaps there was more theorizing going on that she, Tocrh, didn't think had enough merit to share. "Glad to hear it, we have to work togther if we're going to get out of this deadzone and find out what's really going on. Anyway, there are bunks here maybe you want get some rest? these bodies can keep going for sometime but, that doesn't make it feel any less shitty ya'know? Oh and Eagle for fucks sake, would you stop all that shtick.", she said rubbing her temples slightly. Eagle put himself at ease and simply said, "Wouldn't dream of it ma'am."

"Oh right I almost forgot. I think I know where Amazons armaments went, I have a hunch anyway, I can send you the relevant data.", she said, giving the poor naked girl another glance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo would skim over the data Torch sent, but he and Maya needed rest. They'd have to pursue it at a later time... and there was no way he was going to split the pair of them, here and now, for any reason. He just didn't trust anyone. He'd fold his hands behind his back, and stick to Maya's side, letting her decide whether she wanted rest, or to pursue her gear. It all depended on her priorities... if she felt rested enough already, he wouldn't gainsay her. Nor would he judge her if she felt she needed more sleep. He was calling bottom bunk, though. He liked to remain aware of her presence even in sleep, and didn't mind the risk of her weight hanging above him. He wouldn't allow anyone to steal her away in the night... even if that was now practically impossible. She'd have to make him sleep in top bunk, or sleep there with him, to change his mind on that. Not that he'd gainsay the second option at all... he'd be able to protect her while resting, then.

His eyelids were heavy, he found. It seemed these bodies did need rest... or desire it strongly, at the least. "What do you think, Maya?" His words would ask their next course of action, what she wanted to do with what they'd been presented. Other people thought that because of her size she and quiet nature was simple, or even outright stupid, for some strange reason. Nemo had never thought any such thing. He trusted her intellect as much as any other part of her.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was in fact beat herself, she just was still a bit too embarrassed to think about resting until just now.... Much as she did want some kind of clothes or anything to cover up with she was tired now that she thought about it. It had been a long, scary, and trying day. She would feel the emotional weight pulling her down and no wanted to lay down. "Yeah uh, I think I uh.... could use some sleep.", she said her eyelids suddenly feeling heavy. "Down the hallway to the right.", said Torch as she moved to one of the terminals, she must have been checking on something. Meanwhile Eagle would finally be at ease and would look over Torches shoulder looking confused perhaps his technical knowledge wasn't very in depth.

"I'll be next door and whatever......", Chameleon said still looking rather pouty and cross with Nemo. She'd then head down the hallway. it was not the most well lit of places it was downright gloomy, just like the dawn corp building. it was sturdy and defend-able as a base should be. Maya would walk with Nemo into the first bunk room, seeing the stacked beds she'd frown a little. Having top bunk was fun but... she was afraid that it might not hold her up..... she was a big and heavy girl and now made even bigger and heavier. "Uh..... I think you should take top. I'm.... kinda too big.... I don't wanna smoosh you....", she said looking down and tracing her big toe in a circle. He sheer size was always a bit of a sore subject with her, she never thought it was all that great and it seemed to cuase more problems then fix them.... atleast she thought that way. Nemo had on many occasions tried to talk to her about her "Biggness" but she would almost always clam up when he did.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo saw the problems he'd caused. There was no solidarity, when he trusted no one. He doubted he could approach Eagle and stay rational, not yet, but he needed to at least address the other two. Chameleon was put out by him, and he wasn't sure where Torch's other even was... he hated to think that she'd found herself alone in this world. He set up his drones in the room with Maya, first. "Go ahead and take bottom, then. I'll use my drones to make sure no one touches you. I need to... go try to fix some of the damage I caused." He'd kiss her, and find a decent blanket and even 'tuck her in', so to speak, giving her a back and foot massage should she allow it, to help her get to sleep.

And once she was asleep, he'd make his way to Chameleon's room, politely knocking, softly and asking her if she'd like to talk. If she was conked out, he'd not wake her... he'd go and see if he could talk to Torch instead. There was no need to awaken her. He was tired himself, but doubted he could sleep yet... his heightened hormonal state and anxiety would make it an exercise in futility. He also set Reginald to watching over Maya, and bade him try to find something and put it together for Maya to wear, now that they had the luxury of time. Extra blankets, or discarded clothing/military ammo bags, anything kind of fiber. Just something makeshift, temporary.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya would blush rather hottly from the foot and back massage and tried ti tell him that he didn't have too but, she knew he'd do it anyway. his hands had a habit of making her feel quite a bit more aroused even when they were doing nice comfortable things like this. However, they still made her feel quite cozy and sleepiness was catching up with her. So, she fell asleep under his care quickly. Though, she would have some rather frisky dreams judging by the way her nipples would stand up visible even through her blanket.

Reginald agreed with him, "Oh yes, I'll get right two it then shall I? Poor girl deserves that much at least, I'll see what I can scrounge together.", he said briskly before floating his way down the hallway.

Knocking on the door he'd hear Chameleon say, "Ugh, What? Fine come in....", in her normal impatient tone. Despite her irritable nature she actually seemed to hold more stock with them then the other two, it made sense she'd seen them fight bravely. So, they must have gained her respect. Although right now, she was again cross with Nemo, despite that she let him in, interestingly. she'd open the door and look back at him frowning slightly.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was glad to see Eagle wasn't escorting her for the moment. He'd close the door behind him, and lean against it. "I apologize, Chameleon. I am.. not the most trusting sort by nature, and they did... things to me. Things which exacerbate many of my less desirable personality traits, among other things." He shrugged. "They kicked up my hormones. It's like I'm reliving my teenage years. Worse, even. Rational thought goes out the window and instinct takes over at the drop of a hat, and my instinct is paranoia. This... situation is convoluted. Dangerous. I can't allow Maya to get hurt. You fought well, and you helped diffuse a situation I was about to turn violent, and for both of these things, I am grateful." He wasn't sure what else to add, and paused a moment, trying to think of something. Nothing came. "I, um. I'll let myself out. Thank you for for your time." He'd turn to leave, to go seek Torch, and would do so unless she stopped him, one eye looking upon Maya through his drones at all times.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Chameleon looked a bit shocked at how frank he was being with her... it was almost making her uncomfortable. This was situation she had seldom dealt with. so she was a bit at a loss for s few seconds after he stopped. She'd stop him by saying, "Wa-wait up a second!" and standing up from her chair. "Just so you know.... I think we all have this same problem... seeing you guys... they way I found you. Oh good lord...." She blushed rather hotly. "Lets just say I can understand. and to be fair, Eagle's a bit of an idiot but you'll get used to him.", she said shaking her head perhaps remembering some other stuff that happened with the strange solider.

In the screens in his vision he'd see something a bit distracting.... Maya was moving a bit in her sleep and and could see the bit of the blanket near her crouch moving and a small wet spot.... oh dear, frisky dreams indeed.

"Now uh, give a girl some goddamn privacy!", she said sounding irritable again, perhaps trying to hide whatever else she was feeling in the moment.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo looked back at her one last time, blushing himself. She had attitude, but she was also a very vulnerable sort. Not the type of woman he'd ever learned how to handle. He dipped his head at her last words, and left, leaving her to her thoughts and feelings, of which he was starting to suspect were as overstimulated as his own. Why were they all so hyped up? He could think of an excuse for himself, as it drove his technomancy, but the others? He wasn't sure. Maya was having some pleasant dreams he saw, but he had one more stop to make before he could rest with her.

He'd wait to coast Torch's terminal, hoping to avoid Eagle. If Eagle was still with her, he might decide to approach her later, in private.
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