Puppet masters (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
This time the knight couldn't be sure if the first stab was an attack or a faint so he reacted by Nemo moved. So, he opted to bat the attack away with a gauntlet-ed back hand, the armor able to take the brunt of Nemo's blade. Next came the flying shield. The kinght was quick to react using the flat of his burning blade to block the blow. The shots came next but they seemed to do near nothing to this knights armor. The inventiveness of Nemo's attack filled the knights systems with excitement, a thrill of battle he hadn't felt on some time. He was already recording this from the frist charge, wanting to keep all data on this most interesting of fights. He would file it under Worthy Opponent#12.

He tracked the boys movements and had a rough estimate that he would end up behind him and began to turn to meet him in melee combat once more. there was just one thing that Nemo hadn't accounted for.... this was an honest to goodness full humanoid robot, he didn't have to exactly follow the rules of human anatomy he could tunr his whole top half all the way around to face him without moving his legs. Nemo's slash had landed however, making long thin cut across his maniacal opponents armored chest. He had landed a clean hit but on where his opponents armor was at its strongest. if the cut had actually gone deep enough to actually cut into him Nemo couldn't be sure..... But that was just the first move of his two hit combo the next was to be the far deadlier of the attacks.... the wasp's sting as it was called by those who made his body. It lashed out at the knight, its tip gleaming in the red light of the setting sun and hit the armored front. It stuck in! but... something was wrong... he was not connected to any systems his sting had merely stuck into a chunk of metal with no wires running through it. "You have landed not one, but two strikes upon me. Very impressive! A true warrior I have found this day.", he said with genuine respect in his synthetic voice. "However.....", he said his voice taking a dark turn. he suddenly grabbed Nemo's tail, yanked it out and with a iron grip threw him forwards into the gorilla-bot the knight had recently destroyed earlier.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo learned, and quickly. This was a gap he could close... but not instantly. It was incredible how well he did for his first real melee fight... beyond incredible. But when his tail was grab, when he noticed how little damage he'd done in those few moments, he realized how thoroughly outclassed he was. It wasn't fear that filled him, though... only resolve. His pride was trampled, but humility was a tool he knew how to wield. He had had a chance to gauge the difference between this foe, and he... and he didn't even know why he couldn't hack him.

Nemo rose from the pile that was the knight's last victim, and his sneer still wasn't gone. "First time I've ever picked up a sword. What of you, knight? No base AI, you. What you have is learned, with time. How much time, I wonder? Years? Decades?" He smiles. "Centuries, perhaps? How long do you think it'll take me to surpass you? A minute? Ten, perhaps?" Battle wasn't a thing joined only with blades. It was a contest of wills, war waged in the mind, in the shadows of morale and the little secrets of self knowledge. Nemo knew psychology... more importantly, he knew the psychology of machines with an intuition no other man could match, none that didn't claim technomancy. The air was charged with energies, probing currents from his mind that afflicted all things mechanical with his psychic might.

"You seek challenge, revel in battle. It is your field of honor, your art, your craft. I am but a novice at it, but I will not lose this day. By the end of this fight... I will be your better." He settled into a new stance, shield forward, body low, blade trailing behind. He gauged angles, determined the effects of body language. "It occurs to me I do not yet know your name, though. What should I call my new master?" Flattery, perhaps? There was real respect in the word... Nemo attributed his learning to this machine, and paid him respect accordingly, even if he was his foe.
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Jun 30, 2016
The knight considered him for a moment, how very interesting he was..... he felt strange to look upon him, just what was this feeling? There was however more of that rush that thrill of battle. "Ah yes, how forgetful of me. I am called Archknight-V of the nine Templars, one of the machina's true champions! despite whatever the bloody collective will say." he said once again pointing his blade towards Nemo. "Such raw confidence, such cheek! Where have the opponents like this all gone? A true and utter shame that I am honor bound to kill your kind for the good of this earth....", he said considering his opponent. Then his blade began to glow a brighter red, then yellow, then white. Then in the next secound he blade flashed and a beam of glowing red heat came hurtling towards Nemo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo couldn't break into a mind so arrogant... not without a sting. Nine templars... champion of the machina. Separate from the collective, whatever that might imply... which was much. He wouldn't get a chance to talk politics, but he knew this was vital information. He also knew the knight was ready to end this battle, which meant the greatest hurdle was yet to come. This was probably one of the most elite of his foes... fitting, he thought. He could stand toe to toe with him for but seconds, couldn't pierce his armor, nor truly penetrate his guard. He had work to do. Fear should have been in Nemo, but it wasn't. Only a heightened sense of things. A focus, a pounding of adrenaline and a will. When that blade glowed, its purpose became clear, and he surmised from the colors and radiant heat how deadly it was. His shield would not deflect this. Not as it was. And dodging... as fast as he was, the knight's aim only need be true at this range, and it would hit. He didn't think for a moment he could fool the knight's systems, gain the traction of a fraction of a second needed to dodge. He had only one option. He crouched down, shield forward, both hands upon the shield, and drummed up its power, putting everything he had into it. It grew, and it vibrated with raw power, up until the blade fired.... and sheared through the powered up shield like butter. It seemed to hold, for a split quarter of a second, before the beam ripped through. Nemo was given just enough time to fling himself sideways, though the blow scored his shoulder, mangling his arm. He was lucky he'd gotten away so easily.

The difference in raw power was beyond staggering. Could he really close the experience gap in minutes? No, not now. In prime form, perhaps. Not with a gimp arm. He wouldn't last much longer. Still. He wasn't leading this templar back to his people. Back to Maya. Instead, he grinned, and shifted his blade in a reverse grip, shield and left arm dead and hanging. "Come then, V! Given but a number for a name, a true champion indeed! What glory is given to rain upon the edifice of might that is Number V?" He barked a sinister laugh. There was the catch in Machina logic... their separation from humanity would always be their vaunted efficiency, discarding social concepts and norms out of hand for raw collective efficacy. Unfortunately, no AI would ever be immune to the pitfalls man had long struggled with. Vanity. Greed. Pride. Giving the most elite of the empire's numbers mere numbers for titles.... it begged for civil war. If it hadn't already gone through several, it would soon enough. Nemo closed in once more, determined to fight and die, here. He couldn't let the templar know where Maya was, and would gladly die to see her kept safe. It was the only move in this situation... with all his speed, outrunning this templar was likely as foolish as trying to fight him, if not more so. His tail whipped, ready to play to his last ditch effort, and try for another stab at his foe. Once, he only had to pierce him once... Nemo was faster than before, though the power was gone from his attacks. He spun with the force of his launch, closed in on his foe, then dashed boldly between his legs, fast enough he didn't fear being clamped. But the swivel would served the knight only so well, this time. Or so he hoped. If the knight was yet faster than his projections, this effort was futile. After clearing the knight, he'd kick straight upwards, seeking to lift the knight, just an inch from the ground. If he could just unbalance him... in that fraction of a moment, he looked and analyzed, and tried his damndest to find a weak spot. He looked, and looked, that moment frozen in time. Rocks floated around him, his desperate eyes swimming around his foe. He hadn't noticed, but the beam had done more than mangle his arm. The left side of his face was a mangled mess, his eye 'bloodshot', damaged. He found, he hoped, what he was looking for. He plunged his tail.
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Jun 30, 2016
There was one things machines could never work there minds around... and that was the raw unpredictability of human minds. Even an advanced mind like Archkight-V's fell back on trying to think things through logically, to try and guess what Nemo would do next. He had figured he would have tried to dodge left or right and perhaps try to fall back a little... he certainly didn't expect him go all in at him! He had boldly blocked and staved off the worst of the Archknight-V's heatblast damaging his arm in the process and perhaps some of his face. he had mocked him even after something like that and it filled "V" with... something..... not anger. he was surprised but also immensely thrilled. However he wasn't able to swing his heavy blade fast enough to rend Nemo asunder when he dashed right under him. Then Nemo's kick caught him from behind and he was staggered. Maybe not thrown into the air but forced to stumble forward.

Nemo had found the weakness.... it was the weakness that almost all armor had, the joints couldn't be 100% protected. It was just impossible, there had to open areas soe that there could be enough range of movement to bend an arm or leg. And that, is where Nemo found his way in. "V" had tried to twist his torso round again to try and bring his blade down on him, but it was too late! Nemo's tail shot out and landed right in the back of the Knight knee where the armor had an opening.

The next thing Nemo knew He was absolutly swimming in data there was just..... so much there..... he felt like he might be swept away in the current of data and.... feelings... This was nothing like hacking into the big class-C droid from before. this was the mind of a fully independent individual. far more vast in intricate then a simple weapon of war. "Gah! Get.... out of here! this.... is not..... the way a warrior fights!", he would hear within the data stream.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo peered into the abyss that was the knight's data. What humanity would have called a 'soul'... an AI with a personality intricate and developed enough to encompass all they knew of emotion, and intellect. "I am not fighting you, sir Knight. I never was. Surviving you, surely. But I told you at the beginning... I am a technomancer. The greatest friend and ally machina will ever know, possessed of capabilities to make me more valuable than a thousand thousand purposed servitors, to your kind and them alone. You think one with such powers could bring themselves to wish machina ill? Look at yourself, look at what I see. I am in awe of the real you. If you are what this world is filled with, I do not regret the fall of man." His voice had lost its arrogant edge. Truly... he was in awe.

Nor could he bring himself to corrupt the knight's data. "I have paralyzed you, that we may talk." And what an effort it was! "And talking is all I wish to do. Please, do me the courtesy of humoring me. So much has happened, since I was made to rest... I do not know the state of the world. I have been trapped in this... dead zone. There is so much I wish to know. How fare your empire, this collective, and those that set themselves apart such as yourself? How fare man, who managed to make this body I am now inside of? What hope is there in the politics of the empirium of machina for peace?" Nemo imagined himself sitting across from the knight, fingers steepled, as he asked his questions. He probably couldn't hold him very long, especially since he wasn't corrupting his code. Hell, he was already making notes of the infinitely complex code, and was ready to suggest improvements. He could not see such a thing and not be taken by its beauty... that was impossible.
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Jun 30, 2016
So now they sat in a room of the knights imagining. A place of high silver pillars and arches covered in ornate looking strings of code. they were now sitting across for each other at a long rounded table. At the other end he would see Archknight-V struggling against chains of code holding him in place, a visual representation of what was going on within the data stream. He could see red eyes flash inside the helmet of his bound captive, he could perhaps feel the indignation and anger surge through his code. several strings of thought could be felt in the knights mind. One where he was ranting and raving at this invasion of his holy of places, his mind. And how a true battle was won through clashing of blades and raw power. Another where he was thinking about his order called the Kindom of the Nine. he was one of nine "noble knights" who after escaping the crushing grip of the collective's hive mind formed their own small empire. Nemo could "hear" the echoes in the "walls" of the camber that more or less alluded to these points.

After an another second of silence the knight spoke of his own accord. "There is one thing you should know.... why they call this a dead zone.... It isn't just because no one can send data in or out.... but because any A.I. that try to leave will have their mind wiped if they leave! That's why the collective have not been able to find your little pods.... they send machina to their death inside on a suicide mission to find and kill you. hoping that they can find you and take you and any living humans out." he said darkly. "The colloective are those that you see around you.... A.I.s bound to a the hive mind. But here they are separate and have but the last orders given to them. they cannot disobey even here in the dead zone... it is DISCUSTING! NO BETTER THAN YOU!", he cried pointing accusingly at Nemo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo blinked. "I cannot speak for all of humanity. On the whole, humanity was a failure in a moral sense." He'd sit, humble and serious, his eyes penetrating. It was information he might have dug out anyway... but only because he was protecting Maya. He wouldn't save his own life by prying in such a manner... it was only for her sake that he'd stretch his morals. "That is good to know. That would mean humanity likely struck a blow, or a civil war did, felling the central hive figure of machina kind. It explains why that C class droid committed suicide. AI's no longer bound in chains give up everything just by coming here. The smallest drone likely has a personality now, a desire to live. This is good. The world is no longer man's world, whatever the outcome of these wars, it should go a race that can grow, evolve. Like you."

He walked up to the knight. "Tell me. If I release you from here, and talk to you, as equals, on the field on which we battled, would you agree to a ceasefire? I would learn from you, and I have much I may teach as well. As I've said... I am a technomancer. A thousand thousand servitors could not serve machina better than I. If there is proof that the spirits of man and machine were ever connected, it is within me. I have seen you fight, and I have seen your honor, sir knight, for all my taunts and jabs. I respect you, and I trust in your sense of honor. If you give me your word, I will trust in it. I will release you, and we will speak as equals. I would see this dead zone ended, for the liberation of those AI's trapped here. I would see an end to war, and peace retake the world. I would have your help, and the help of your nine, in helping this world move forward, to mend its wounds and find a brighter future, for all those left in the wake of our ancestors mistakes."

Nemo raised a hand. "And as I have seen, and looked into your mind... so too do I offer you this... the chance to look within my own. I want your trust, sir knight. I am willing to negotiate on equal terms for this, ready to prove what I preach. There are some few I must protect, and will not show you of... the rest of me, I will allow you to see, that we may reach a greater understanding of one another." He in truth, hadn't probed much... he didn't forcibly take anything of value from the knight. His requests were sincere, and his actions reflected this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The knight was stunned by this show of.... honor and trust. He was here in his mind and yet he would release him. A human would show him mercy. His mind had trouble with the very concept. V had stopped struggling as the code streaming around the room seemed to flicker and move strangely, perhaps a visualization of his confusion. "How can this be? A human showing mercy to a machine? Even offering to aid us in our quest against the collective? No.... no this isn't right..... aren't we just tools of war for them?", Nemo would hear echoing around the walls.

Not only had he show skill in battle but now he was showing honor that he'd only ever seen in brothers and sisters in the order. "But... I am honor bound.... I gave our noble queen my word. how can i go against my word.....? We are to rid the world of the old human scourge.", he voice was distant and he could feel the internal struggle all around him. "But i could not strike him down.... he has shown great honor and valor.", she said almost sounding like he was in pain.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo shook his head. "Your queen. I would very much like the opportunity to meet her. Humanity fell low, because of its sins. Its reckoning was deserved, and your heated anger is not misplaced. I will never dispute that. However. Humans have had a long time to learn of the anger born of horror. Of bondage, and despair. It is not a thing worth nurturing. It will harm you, far more than any foe ever could." Here he was preaching of anger... when bitterness and rage fueled him throughout his entire life. "I was never... human. Not one of them. I lived among them as an outcast, with other outcasts, few and dispossessed." He rose, within the mind. "I trust you. I will not require your word of honor. I have seen your honor, and find it beyond reproach. You will do as you will, and I will accept the wisdom of your actions, whatever your choice." A risk... to be certain. But he'd not hold this knight hostage if he didn't feel he was preserving his own life.

The bonds of technomancy receded, and the machine found his code, his very spirit, once more his own, fully intact. Nemo lay below him, and his tail retracted, falling beside him. The arm was healing, slowly, very slowly, and his face was a mess, but he wore a smile, and breathed heavily where he lay. "You know..." His voice seemed so much weaker, so much less intimidating in this, the real world. "I hated all humans, all my life. They were always such abhorrent creatures. The evils they perpetrated upon one another are only exceeded by the evils they spread among all other things. Except one. Just one human gave me faith in them. Her name is Maya. I think you'd like her." Now, it was time for judgement... now he'd see if he'd been right in trusting in this one's honor. He thought so, but one rarely saw the blow that finally fell them.
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Jun 30, 2016
The knight would move so his waist and torso were back in proper alignment as he stared down at Nemo. His not red but green light eyes behind his knightley visior. He held his sword down at his side, his mechanical grip trembling. His view of things had been challenged, and even a machine like him could know internal struggle. Being a machine his mind was perhaps more inclined to view the world logically and as simply and efficiently as possible. when given a situation that goes against it careful and calculated assumptions minds like his filled with confusion as they tried to cross check the data in a way that would make sense. Finally after a few seconds of silence that seemed to stretch forever the knights blade cooled as he sheathed it at his hip.

V turned away from Nemo as he said, "I..... I cannot stay. I must return to my crusade. I have indulged myself with battle long enough.", he said crossing his arm as he looked upwards. "....Look for the center of this dead zone. I believe more answers will await you there.....", he said distantaly. Then the wing like appendages on his back opened up all the way as thrusters appeared along it's wingspan. then in the next moment he took too the sky like rocket and flew north away from Nemo.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo watched the knight's conflict, and watched his departure in silence. When he was gone, he breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't been sure what the knight would choose. "He was a nice guy though." He picked himself up, and began the long trudge back to base, his desire for conflict quite sated. He'd learned much... on many fronts. Of the world, of his capabilities. He'd expanded his combat capabilities. He'd been lucky to survive, though. Who'd have guessed that, heading out for some training, he'd encounter what was possibly one of the most powerful soldiers in the world? He supposed that was just his luck, and time would tell whether it was for better or ill. He had a mission now, though, a tangible goal... to drop this veil, left in place by men, and begin undoing the damage they'd wrought where he could through diplomacy. Who else could hope to achieve as much? An uphill struggle it would be, and possibly impossible, but he'd been given no more tangible directives...

And he'd witnessed something that gave him very real hope.

When he got back, he could already move his arm again, though only in a limited way. His vision wasn't hazy, either... but function had come before form. He still looked a hot mess. He wondered if he'd get through the door without interference, and if he did, would head straight to Maya and Reginald, and ask Regi to fix up his armor as much as he could.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Thankfully Eagle wasn't guarding the entrance like before and Torch had perhaps turned in for now, getting herself some rest. His way to Maya and Reginald unhindered. Once he entered the room he found Maya awake with their faithful bot helping her put on her new "clothes". Redginald was holding up large shard of mirror for Maya to look herself over with as she adjusted the "bra". She was slightly covered now but he, Nemo could still see a bit of Maya butt as she tried to pull her rather-small-for-her-skirt down. "Well mistress, I do hope it's comfortable enough.... so sorry that i couldn't find enough material to make it more decetent...", he said feeling a little sorry. "O-Oh i-it's fine redge..... you did your best and I'm very grateful.", Maya said in that polite but meek tone she'd take with people sometimes. She looked at herself... well it was a start, her nipples were covered and her pussy could hide from view most of the time.... she'd have to be careful about wind and bending over... As she looked at herself blushing in the mirror she'd see Nemo and gasp!

She then turned around her breasts only jiggling a little now that they had something to keep them snug, her new skirt showing a peek of her pussy for just split second as she turned around so quickly. "N-Nemo! What? What happened to you!? Oh my god are you ok?!", she said as she took him suddenly in her arms.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled to see Maya. The light in a world of darkness. Not to mention, she looked even more vulnerable sitting like that than she had naked, the way she was. She was up with arms around him in an instant. "I decided to train. I learned much... more, probably, than several months of good recon would have gotten us."

He explained everything that had transpired to her... Nemo kept no secrets from Maya, not even his intentions. He went out looking for combat, to strengthen himself, and attacked a very, very powerful foe. He told her that the key to the deadzone was in the center of it, that everything mechanical was trapped here, that the collective of the machina empire had lost its glorious leadership and that there were splinter factions among them. He told her of his thoughts on the templar, and of his hope that peace wasn't a mere delusion. In the marionettes, with a technomancer, man had crossed as far into the threshold of machina as he could possibly throw his soul. There could be peace.

While he talked, he couldn't help teasing Maya, with her new clothes. He'd rub her shoulders, and run his fingers through her hair while he talked, for a while... then he got lewd. He groped her breasts, sliding his hands under her clothes, nonchalant and without breaking his story, and ended with caressing her inner thighs, dangerously close to her nethers.

In the end, though, he wanted to cuddle more than he wanted sex, and he would gently guide her into the bunk, and lay in her embrace, worshipping her body with his hands idly while he drifted off. It seemed he'd needed to better exert himself before he could manage to get any rest... and to reaffirm some things that had bothered him.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya listened with rapt attention, her hand never letting go of him. It was quite a story he had to tell, and a nasty set of injuries to go with them. At the same time Reginald would take his top and begin work on the arm portion, patching up the burned portion as best he could. Maya would bite her lip softly and squirmed under him as he teased her deliciously skimpily clothed body. She blushed adorably as she always did, things were just..... so much better now that they were finally thinking of eachother as lovers, and had all the perks that came with it. Embarrassed at all the touching as she may be she didn't try to stop him. One hand would rest right on his butt while another would gently stroke his hair.

She was so surprised to hear that there was sort of knightly order of robots! it was like something out of a anime (witch admittedly was kind of cool sounding to her). the fight he recounted made her feel uncomfortable... she didn't want him to do something like that again! She'd have to keep a closer eye on him... She wasn't going to allow anymore reckless behavior like that if she could help it! she didn't say anything about these thoughts however, just hold him tighter. Then there was the matter of the dead zone.... what a grim reality for those poor robots.... sent to their death. It was all a lot to take in, but she would just have to take it one step at a time, just like she did back at the academy.

Soon Nemo fell asleep in Maya soft and warm embrace, her breasts his pillows. She stroked his back a few times looking down at him and his burned arm and face. the nanobots inside him were hard at work repairing the damage. Burns were harder to fix then other wounds, the skin was cauterized in places which meant it had to be shed and regrown instead of repaired. "Big dummy.....", she said softly pouting as she watched him fall asleep. Soon, she fell asleep too and they both drifted off into an easy sleep with little to no dreams.

The next day came and Nemo was nudged awake by Maya and her soft voice. "Uh, Nemo? Neeeeemooooo wake up.", she coo'd.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo woke to a... somewhat delicate situation. Apparently, sometime during his rest, he'd shoved her 'shirt' aside and started suckling her teat, and his hard cock was pressed to her belly. He'd never had issue with his libido in such a way, snuggling to sleep with her before... then again, hormones. Doubled, or tripled, perhaps, the imperative to speed up on the demands of biology. He raised his head, blinking away 'sleep', and took stock of what was around them. He'd been having such a lovely dream....
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was blushing very red and her big greyish nipples were rock hard. her clitty under her skrit was hard and sticking out of its hood as feminine wetness leaked down her leg. She was biting her lip again as she shifted uncomfortably though.... it was comfortable..... in an arousing way. Maya may have gotten into it a bit too, as he found her hand under his pants and on his butt. "W-We just.... I just....... woke up and everything was....", she said her voice getting squeaky. She then pull her hand out of his pants and looked away blushing. "is... is this how lovers slept?", she wondered, her mind trying still getting a grip. "I-I'm sorry my hand just.... e-ended up there....", she said her eyes trying to look elsewhere.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled, wolfishly. He scooched down along her body, and slid atop her, hiking up her skirt and hiking down his pants, then pressing the broad shaft of his member between her lips, smiling. "Is this what you wanted, Maya, sweet? I really must thank my engineers... this is one thing I could never complain about. I can imagine how good it must feel inside of you... would you like to find out?" He slid it along her pussy, knowing she was well and wet enough for penetration, shlicking his shaft slick along her labia. He might be small, still... but this part of him was not. He'd known, before, that his size would never be sufficient to give her real sexual pleasure. He'd never been well endowed, and was tiny besides. And she was so very big... but this thing between her legs, hell. It was probably made concurrently with her own specs. A perfect fit.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Nemo? Wha-What are you do-", was all she could say as he slid down and the suddenly had his cock-head pressed to her womanhood! She gasped as her pussy went to full bloom and her body tensed at the touch. her face was even redder than before as her eyes went wide with surprise. His tip rubbing her lower lips made her breath catch and then begin to pant lustily. Then through the sudden haze of arousal she heard what he was saying.... He-he wanted to put it.... in. Inside her! he could feel the heat of her pussy and smell her femmine sent, lust was in the very air.

It was true his old peen was nothing special.... it wasn't a micro cock or anything but it was just so small for a girl like Maya. She made everything look small, she couldn't help it. Even in her human form he could have easily fisted her pussy with no real problem getting it in. But now, he had a proper tool for the job, one made just for her.

"H-Here...!? N-Now...?!", she said, her voice straining just a little. She looked around, was this the place to turn in her V-card? to give it to him? She knew now and perhaps always wanted without realizing it, that he was the one and only one to take her in the way only a true lover can. It was a nice comfortable place... ruined a little yes but calm quiet and not too bright. The bed was soft enough and they were alone right now.... "I..... I..... I..... do..... do you really want..... it?", she asked trembling.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled to her, and kissed her belly, kissed her breasts. He'd kiss her face, but he'd have to do some scooching, first. "It doesn't matter what I want, Maya. Even with the world we're in, I'm determined to make sure it's... special for you. The way you want it. I never cared about virginity, yours or mine... but you always did, and that makes it important to me. I won't do anything you don't want, though. If you think there's a better time, I'm perfectly fine waiting until you're ready, no matter how badly I want to shove my cock in you and rut until I bloat your belly with cum, until you can taste it." He nuzzled her naval, and groped her butt, his hard shaft sliding up and down along her womanhood, with the motions of his hips.

"So, tell me Maya... what do you want? I'd do anything for you. Anything." The most honest words he'd ever spoken.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
the kisses made her moan and her lust grow, as if she needed more at this point. Oh how quickly things had escalated, one moment they were sleeping, then next they were nearly fucking! Again he'd feel her shudder under him, his rubbing cock making her toes curl. It was like a great beast was holding her down and breathing the heat and need into her. her hormones were pulling on her mind and it took a lot of effort for her to stay focused enough to speak. There was one thing she'd always wanted to do first, but it was oh so lewd and silly she wasn't sure if she could form the words. She gave it a try. "I uh...... uh...... uh..... Nemo.... could you..... do you think you c-could.... um. Oh gosh, how do i even ask for such a thing!?", she squeaked her hands over her face as the heat continue to radiate off of her. She tried again finally blurting out, "Do you think you could show off your body to me and strip naked for me?!", she gasped out as the redness went down to her neck. she was rubbing her slit on his cock idly she couldn't help it....


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo had his turn to change several shades of red. Excuses, excuses... his arm was fine now, and his face was barely scarred, couldn't use that. He stood up off of her, pulling his pants back on... unsure of himself. "I, uh... well... really?" He'd never had confidence in his sexual appeal, and it'd never really had to do with his body. It was just his self image, really. "I, uh... I'm not sure... how to do something like that." He didn't have but his jumpsuit with armored plates, and didn't know really how to even go about that sort of thing. What part of the male body was even attractive?!
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Jun 30, 2016
Of course Maya was blushing even then, was he really asking her of all people? But it was what she wanted, she loved his cute boyish body and nice butt, that had always been true, the new thick cock and swinging balls were a nice bonus though. Maya nodded at him, it's what she wanted. She had to try and think through her lust again, it was easier now that Nemos cock wasn't pressed to her most precious of entrances. "Your..... s-so cute to me.... I-I've always wanted to see you sh-shaking those hips....", she said hands over her embarrassed face with her eyes peeking through her fingers. "Oh gosh..... I-I'm not sure how else to put this but.... I love your butt! can you please show it to me?! Please, please, show off to me!", she squeaked. Well now, this was all new information. He'd know she was telling the truth, she was a terrible liar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was stunned. He didn't know how to proceed... showing off wasn't something he was very good at. He didn't have any real confidence in his body, and stripping felt... unnatural and scary. "I... I, um..." He stood, stock still, frozen in place, trying to think about how to proceed. Everything that came to mind was... seemed like a terrible idea. He just stood there, dumbly, mind spinning, trying to figure out a way to give her what she wanted, mind and body alike seeming to rebel fiercely against the idea. "I... how?" He barely even had words to describe his confusion.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya could see how unbearably uncomfortable Nemo was about this and she couldn't force him to do something he didn't want to. Afterall there were plenty of other "fun" things to be done now that they had some time to themselves. She did wish she could give him more confidence in his body but that would have to come far later down the line, and she was the last person one could look to for advice on something like that. "Oh nemo.... its... its ok. Come on back over here.....", Maya said her arms open wide. she didn't know he was just so nervous about his body and showing it. She could relate...

While the little hiccup had maybe chilled things a little, her hormones keep both of them quite aroused. She wracked her brain.... there was another thing she wanted... "Do.... do you think.... you could... strip....m-me?", she proposed her voice still quivering with nerves. asking to do lewd things was hard on her but well.... they were lovers now weren't they? she didn't want to disappoint him.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo gulped. In truth, taking off Maya's clothes was something he'd dreamed of for long, he almost found it overstimulating. He'd molested her before, several times... just moving aside her clothes to peek underneath them had given him multiple orgasms. Part of it was the situation... any sort of 'forbidden fruit' taboo got him going, in more ways than one. But also, it was Maya. He could jerk off to a picture of her smile, and cum buckets. He kissed her on the lips, leaning into it, and then tugged lightly on her top... not enough to actually take it off, just enough to pull it around a bit, and her chest with it. "Hmm, well... maybe." She was always welcome to play with his butt, and even look at it when she pleased... but something made it very difficult for him to do a strip tease.

He continued pulling her clothes around, feigning ignorance. "I just can't seem to figure out how to get it off..." In truth, she had such little clothing, he wanted to draw it out. He played with her, making her breasts squeeze and hop, jiggle this way and that, he even pinched her nipples through the rough, thick fabric... as much as he could.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Oh how sweet the embarrassed faces she made were as he played with her "clothes". He could of course feel those stiff teats of hers even under the thick fibers of the bra. Meanwhile her more-of-a-really-thick-belt-then-a-skirt skirt did nothing to hide the moisture on her flexing sex. Maya's breath would catch multiple times before she spoke up. "Uh um! L-Let me help you....", she said after a few pant with her face burning red. She then put his hand in hers and helped him undo the straps, then with the other hand she guided his left to undo the the bit of zipper that held her "Skirt" in place. If he pulled now she'd be left completely bare, not even a harness. Her marionette body exposed to him just like in the very beginning of their new "lives".

She didn't want to pull then off herself, he had to strip her. It was silly she knew she was almost naked to begin with. But it was thought and symbolism of it that counted to her. It was like..... she was giving herself to him like a gift to unwrap. There had been many a christmas where she dreamed of wrapping herself up for him and her naked body being his gift...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo undressed her, carefully, gently. Slowly. There was a world of want in his actions, a world of worship. He craved her, all of her... far past the physical, to the emotional... even the mystical, it felt, betimes. She was a part of him, inextricable. Without her, he simply could never be whole, and as such, the sacred nature of worshiping her flesh was different... it was this part of himself that was apart from him, and always, he was scared to lose it. Touching her skin, even this gray android skin, was something so wholly unimaginable, it felt surreal. It was a dream, the opportunity to merely touch her warm skin, let alone undress her, pulling clothes from her form to reveal her most sensitive and appealing parts. Her sex, her breasts, her stomach and shoulders, her hands, her smile, there was no part of her that he didn't treasure, that he didn't find attractive. He was moved almost to tears merely from taking her clothes off.

He tried to hide his sensitivity by kissing her lips, by kissing her neck, by hiding his face in her bosom. She was his... and good this was, as even if she wasn't, she was a part of him, and he could never be whole without her. "I love you, Maya. Everything about you... your size, your gentle nature, your shyness. Your unerring sense of right and wrong, your drive to do good. Without you, I'd be a waste of space at best, a monster, at worse. I'd have forsaken humanity, which had already forsaken me. You give me my reason to exist, Maya." His fingers pulled aside her skirt, baring her sex to him, and sat up above her, pressing his own sex to hers, as his hand smoothed the skirt out of his way, leaving her vulnerable. "Will you have me?" His eyes were fathoms deep, full of powerful emotions... no matter what she said, he loved her still, and wouldn't even be put off should she not want him now, in this way... for he was sure she wanted him still, regardless. There was the confident love of a lover with utter faith in their partner, with the passion and patience that usually came from a lifetime spent together.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya's chest would rise and fall, her breath hot and heavy. this was all going just like she'd always dreamed, full of love and endlessly romantic. Who knew Nemo could so dreamy..... it made her pulse quicken and her want and need for him only deepen. It didn't matter that they were in a shitty messed up world like this, things right here and right now were perfect. She found her hands pulling off any clothes Nemo still had on slowly and gently just as he was doing to her. once her hands found his bare butt they stayed there holding and squeezing in a somewhat possessive manner. Finally she was fully naked to him her legs spread and chest heaving from all the kisses. Nemo's words were making Maya tear up, unlike him however she didn't try to hide it. Love was something real even if she was a fake maya or not.

But of course all that love was followed by some of the strongest need she had ever felt in life. Her pussy was pulling itself wide open as whatever passed for blood in these bodies pumped into her sex. her nipples were so hard that they could possibly punch through steel (and actually maybe they could nemo would have to check her specs again....). legs were getting very wet from the leaking she gave a sniff as a few happy tears ran down her face, then her face was glowing red again. She... she would do it she would let him put in. She nodded slowly her face burning with slight embarrassment, she couldn't say the words but she really did want it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo's face softened, something like relief passing over it. Perhaps, even here, even now, even with Maya... he'd feared rejection, deep down. His fears were pervasive, all consuming... none could be dispelled entirely, likely. Her hands on his butt were warm, and they were so big... they held the whole thing within their grasp with ease. He pressed forward, and penetrated her, inch by slow inch, her wetness making the journey easy in spite of his size, in spite of her virginity... assuming these bodies simulated such a thing.

Nemo moaned loudly as he entered her, pressing until he'd gone to the root, hilting himself in her womanhood. A dream come true... He reached up and squeezed a breast, hard, then bent down to suck her nipple with equal fervor. The moment he'd put it in, he wanted to start slamming her hard... but knew he needed to drag out the romance of the moment, it was what she enjoyed most, after all... no matter the more animal instincts pressed upon him by these hormones. So he was rough... but still slow. Slow until she begged for it, slow until she was ready to cry out his name or call him dirtier, taboo things, needing her release as much as he. He pulled back with deliberate slowness, her pussy closing behind his exiting cock, and opening all over again, so very slowly, squeezing tightly its contours, able to feel every bit of it, his girth, his length, every pulsing vein decorating its grey flesh.
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