Puppet masters (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
He'd find torch on her own thankfully, still working on something or other on a terminal. she was powering it from a scavenged battery she found. She was looking ponderous as looked at the screen. Meanwhile Maya made adorable little quite moans in her sleep, barely audible if not for his drones great scanning capabilities. one had to wounder what she was dreaming... well it was obvious what it was about in a broad sense anyway. In the next room it was perhaps not to hard to guess what Chameleon was doing, if what she said was true. Maya had excepted her rather quickly but then again she was so much more of a trusting person then Nemo, and perhaps she could sense the vulnerable girl behind the irritable mask.

Torch would catch him the the corner of her eyes, she regarded him with a slight nod, "Wasp. Something on your mind?" She looked calm enough and she seemed the stern type, but she'd also treated Maya with proper respect so that may have won her some early points with him.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo watched Torch quietly for a moment, and looked at her impromptu power supply. He might offer later to help her with her set up... she was unlikely to ever find someone more technically inclined than he. Maya seemed to have descended into utter depravity... not that Nemo minded. He loved watching... had enjoyed doing so for many years before now. But right now he needed to focus on Torch, and needed a more delicate touch than he'd needed with Chameleon. He'd need to focus, for a moment. He switched off the audio and thrust the visual to a small corner, where he could barely see it. Just for a moment.

"Torch. I'm assuming Chameleon and Eagle came in a pair, which means you're alone. I won't pry. I won't pretend to know what you've gone through before our awakening. I apologize for my paranoia... it's a defining characteristic of mine. If you've checked my specs, you'll know that I'm a technomancer." Probably the only one in the program. Probably by leagues the best weapon they had at their disposal. "As I said I would follow Maya, she has chosen to follow you. I hope..." He paused, unsure of where he was going with this. He felt like he was rambling. He wasn't good with people, only Maya. "I'll do my best to make sure we don't lose anyone." Anyone else, if Torch was truly alone. "I'll leave you to it." He'd turn hastily to leave, feeling out of place and embarrassed, and unsure how to handle it. He'd always been quick to retreat from difficult social situations.
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Jun 30, 2016
There was just the barest of flickers in her blazing gaze, she was certainly one to keep her emotions in check. She didn't interrupt the him as he rambled a little, she didn't seem to mind really, perhaps he was carious about him... she'd heard about technomacy.... it was very poorly understood, they only thing that people were sure of that people with it would jury-rig, hack, and understand things about machines that would borderline almost seem like sex with machines in certain circumstances. Of course Torch said noting about it herself being a solider. She was the kind of person who took far more stock of actions then words. "Hold on, kid.... You take care of that girl of yours, you hear? girl like her deserves better then a shit world like this.", she knew it was silly to say this seeing just how obsessed he was with her. "But i want you to think about one thing: You're as Important to her as she is to you. Don't go thinking you're some disposable pawn protecting a queen, get me?", she'd said this all rather flatly but her eyes did blaze again for a second. She then looked away as if she'd never talked to him, perhaps a sign for him to leave.

In the side screen Maya was still gently rubbing herself in her sleep her other hand gently playing with a nipple under the covers. She'd likely deny doing this if asked, no matter how weird the world had gotten around her she still held onto some innocence.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo heard the entire story in those words. Torch put up an even tougher front than Chameleon, but he could see Maya's fate in her eyes, should he let himself die to defend her. Alone. A fate that could end up being worse than death. He nodded dumbly, and left, when she went back to doing her thing, and went to bunk with Maya. He watched her rubbing herself, and smiled. He'd sidle into the bunk with her, no matter how cramped it was, quiet and careful with the intention to not wake her. He'd slip his hands under the covers, holding her, and would start teasing her body, gently toying with her clit and plunging fingers into her, and playing with her nipples. If she wanted to get off in her sleep, he'd help with that, his own erection throbbing against her butt. He was quite content with pleasing her, until she had a chance to calm down and get into the deeper sleep stages.
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Jun 30, 2016
She didn't wake as he slipped his way stealthily under the covers with her, feeling the warmth of her syth skin on his hands. He could smell her feminine sent in the air and found her big gray clitty was already wet with her vaginal secretions. She'd squirm slightly but not awaken a moan escaping her lips. even when his fingers entered her she didn't wake up. Her own hand would hold onto his gently as if telling him to keep doing that. Her legs would spread wider and her breathing would get deeper as her face would go darker in blush. her other arm would slip under him and find his butt and rest there, a gentle squeeze following. Maya could sleep through a lot of things so as long as he didn't move to suddenly she might just sleep right through an orgasm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo found her hand on his butt! She hadn't woken, though, as far as he could tell. He slipped his rod between her wet thighs, letting it ride between her pussy lips, and up towards her naval. It was long enough to press to her, and have length to spare... something he was quite glad for. He rocked his hips, and gave her some good stimulation... but didn't cross the threshold of stealing away her virginity. He knew she cared for that... and wanted her first time to be something special. He wouldn't dare take that from her. Still... he groped her breasts, hungrily, pinching her teats and kneading the thick, hefty orbs, while his hips slowly pistoned, fucking her thick thighs, until he was ready to blow.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya rock her hips slightly in time with the rubs of his cock, his big tool getting basted in her wetness. the lips of her cunt were velvety soft and hot with lust. He'd hear her breathing quicken subtly as her legs would close again giving his cock a nice cozy placed to thrust through. her big round butt would press against him as her back would arch, lusty grown rolling off her tongue. One hand would hold the one playing with her hefty boobs letting him continue but would lovingly squeeze it. Meanwhile the hand on his butt would slip under his opened pants (if they were still there) and grab his butt harder. This all still not waking her, she seemed far more frisky and bold in her sleep.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo became heavily aware of her more lewd, honest nature in her sleep. She'd never been so wanton before... then again, closet pervert that he was, neither had he. Their libido's were heavily spiked. Another theory occurred to him... a somewhat lighter one, inwhich the machina had won the war, and felt some sting of conscience, and had awoken these marionettes with some adjustments so that they could repopulate mankind. Perhaps as slaves, or somewhat more in tune with machina... somewhat that could better co exist, on more equal terms. That thought was... nice. Of course, as a technomancer, he'd dream of such a thing.

He felt his orgasm pending, and thrust hotly, her hand encouraging on his own butt, squeezing, and thrust vigorously, and came... showering her breasts and belly and even her face with hot semen. Oops. He groaned in pleasure, until his climax abated, then hissed in frustration. He really should clean her... he had hydrophobic options, but also, hydrophile options in his body. He used his hand like a sponge, re absorbing all the semen on her, carefully cleaning her with caresses. His body was more efficient than most marionette's... packed with utilities most other's were passed for, because his mind could handle the absurd volume of different features.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya would piston his cock while he came stopping to gush all down her legs and really juice up his peen. She was just so wet... and it didn't take much to make her drip...... she might think it quite unbecoming but to some (meaning Nemo) it was extremely sexy. She'd Make the most adorable lusty faces while she came, gushing and squirming before finally coming back down. She'd settle back down very peacefully, almost as if nothing lewd had happened at all. As he cleaned her she would nuzzle into his hand when it touched her face, she was what they say in the old anime communities a "best girl" for sure. her breath became clam again and she fell into her deeper sleep cycle. It was interesting, they didn't seem to need rest according to their specs. but perhaps a human mind simply could not function right without rest.

Interestingly it seemed he had access to information on her body, he could spy on many of her inner processes. it seemed like it was even built into him.... they really, the makers of the marionettes. must have really understood that there was bond between the two of them. They gave him a pathway to peek right inside of her, metaphorically speaking anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was curious. Watching Maya sleep, nuzzling against her back, he wondered of what she dreamed... and decided to go into a rest mode himself, with an active scanning and entry agent. He'd do his best to link their consciences, and share her dreams. Nemo was fearful of the waking world, always had been... but as he'd told Maya many times, he'd never suffered a nightmare. He was lucid in his dreams, in control of himself, and the environment. Woe to whatever foe tried to ply his subconscious as a weakness, for it was far stronger than his waking mind. With his technomancy, it might be very possible to link their pseudo mechanical minds, and literally insert himself into her dreams. He would see.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya on the other hand, would frequently have rather embarrassing dreams. but she did have a few nice fun ones, and only a few nightmares. In their human lives Nemo would frequently ask about her dreams and quite often she would clam up and lie, saying she didn't have any, or it was all just nonsense stuff. His guesses about her having quite a few lewd dreams were most likely because of how he'd tease her in her sleep, and then hope she'd talk about when she'd woke up. Sadly, she would always turn beet red in theses situations and try to change the subject... it was sort of worth it to see her adorable blushing face.

At the present time however there was no doubt of what she might have been dreaming of, their orgasm together just about confirmed her dreams lewd nature. And now, he had a path into her dreaming world. his system would easily link up to her and in his own dream like state he'd come flying through a void of what felt like cotton before slipping into Maya's dream world.

He'd end up in a world with pink sky and many tall blue buildings. Nearby he'd find a construction site with lot of workers in hard hats and overalls all standing in a half circle. Looking past them he'd find Maya in her old human form. large, tan skinned, ebony haired, and busty as always. She was naked save for a hard hat and some boots and was apparently doing work on the building... every time she'd bend over or lift something heavy enough to make her boobs bounce the men would clap and go, "Ooooh~!" and "Aaaaah~!". and sometimes throw in whistles. What a silly kinky dream she was having. He would recall that she did do a constitution job for a short time while trying to work up the money needed to go to the police academy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
The colors! After the cottony soft introduction, that was his first impression. How wildly vivid the colors were. He supposed it made sense... Maya didn't see the same bleak, slate gray world he did, washed of color and liveliness. The world was an entirely different animal to her, even now, even in their morbid situation. Then, he saw closer. He saw Maya... in boots, a hat, and her birthday suit. The other crewmen stood around as she worked, admiring her unintentional display, and loudly at that. He blinked. Was he jealous of figments of her imagination? He shook his head. He really did need more self control.

This illustrated a good many things. She wasn't just shy... his suspicions were confirmed. She wanted more than to be looked at and admired, she wanted to be exposed, vulnerable. The shame she felt in her nudity was far outweighed by the pleasure she felt in being an object of desire, this dream confirmed it, her enjoyment of this situation, unabashed and without knowledge of a critical eye around, confirmed it. With their sex drives turned up to 11, she dreamed of being watched, of being wanted, of being vulnerable, whether she knew it or not, and being so strongly desired. A true exhibitionist. He sat among the crew for a while, just watching her, but soon wanted to enjoy her dream self. Few were as lucid as he in dreams, as awake. Where most of the brain was asleep for others, more of his remained active in his dreams, so where she would likely act like she was heavily drugged and oblivious to the world around her... he had a clarity that rivaled his waking mind. He stood next to her and picked something far too heavy for him up effortlessly, and dropped it before her. "Oh, Maya, could you get that?" When she bent over to pick it up, he'd make a little test. Just to see what else she wanted, so he could know her pleasure better... and perhaps his own.

He'd put a hand on top of her head, keeping her from being able to straighten, and he'd stand in front of her, his free hand unzipping his pants, and pulling out his prick. "While you're down there, why don't you suck this. So lewd, standing around naked... you want me to fuck you, right? Or do you want every man around to fuck you? They all see you. All of you. So pretty, so desirable. They do desire you... every man that ever see's you. How many times have I told you how beautiful you are?" He'd shove his prick in her face as he talked, rubbing it over her mouth, and pressing against her lips. There was a chance she didn't like being degraded like this... and if he saw that she didn't enjoy it, he wouldn't continue. He'd never do anything to hurt her, after all.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya give a little start once she saw Nemo and blush spread across her face. In her dream she'd hopped that Nemo wouldn't find out about her messed up contract: Working naked for extra pay. Again what a silly girl with a silly dream. She was already blushing and looking very embarrassed before he showed up, but now that he was here she'd bit her lip and rub her thighs together. Perhaps she wasn't as aware as he was in dreams but she seemed to be at least a little bit "there". The steel beam would bang down in front of her and she would say, "Oh uh-uh.. y-yes lemme just-", she said bending down showing her dream crowd her big jiggling butt and fully bloomed and open pussy. her face grew super hot again as a tiny drip escaped her folds. He'd notice the crowd wasn't quite that well defined at least in the face. all that could be seen were big dopey grins.

She'd try to stand back up but his hand was unusually strong in the dreamworld, so it came as a shock for her to be unable to lift her head up. with his cock out and his words being quite direct. She would look from his cock to his face, then back again, just like she had when she had first sucked his cock. Her face glowing with blush and sudden arousal. She would shudder and drip more from her womanly flods. "But... But... They... I-I..... had too.... I needed the money I don't like it......", she squeaked but even as she said it she'd taste his cock. Her tongue would slip out and lick it once, then twice. She'd fall to her hands and knees looking up at him. "N-Nemo I... have to finish the-the work....", she said after more licks, she just couldn't stop. She wasn't like this! she didn't like to be seen! But.... she felt so good with eyes on her... looking at everything as she licked his cock like a lollipop. "It's break time Ms.Maya go ahead and have a snack.", said someone from the crowd. Goodness, her dream was actively working to get her into as lewd as situations as it can. This was all her own mind trying to get her to be lewd, how cute in a weird sort of way.

She'd look from the men who were all still watching and now stroking themselves then back to Nemo before pushing his cock into her mouth. She would suck on the head and then lick around it, her face as red as ever and her pussy dribbling even more.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo observed, carefully. She was lost in the fantasy... and it was deeper than he'd thought. She justified it as something she'd had to do, not wanted... her denial was almost as strong as her desire, even with her libido peeked. She was innocent to her desires, as innocent as she'd ever been... and probably always would be. It just clashed too much with her ideals of modesty and self control. Well and so... that just meant he'd always need to goad her, and be careful never to go too far. It would always be difficult to tell when she went from enjoyment to torment... when she stopped liking an act. If she lied to herself about what she wanted, she was just as likely to do so with things she didn't like. He'd probe her desires more carefully... to make sure he didn't cross any lines that would hurt her, that would detract from her pleasure, her happiness. She worked her mouth around his cock and he smiled, petting her head, even as the faceless men goaded her on in various ways.

He couldn't say he wasn't jealous. He was overprotective... even from figments of her imagination. If she dreamed of strangers watching her.... he winced, imagining her taking her pleasure from other men. From *Eagle*. Jealously turned to burning anger, a fire in his veins. He'd never allow it. He'd kill him...

He banished the thought from his head, trying to focus on Maya's mouth instead. She was lovely, in her human form, on her knees before him, a body like a battle axe, a face like a deva. "Tell me, Maya. What do you want? What do you want most, when you're hot and bothered, when you feel the craving in your wet loins? What are you thinking about when you soak your panties, when your nipples turn hard as rocks?" A hand on the back of her head would guide her, pistoning her along his length, slowly.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya would go even redder then should be possible, but it was a dream, things were exaggerated here. There was a puddle behind her large enough to be as if she had cum but she hadn't yet. the men were drooling slightly as they watched looking drunk from drinking in her nude body with their eyes. She;d suck his cock gently and lick around just like he had asked the first time, the memory must have really stuck with her. It was their first ever sexual act together perhaps she cherished it. she was just so gentle and loving in the way she would suck a mirror of her personality manifest in her oral play. When he posed the question to her she'd pull off his coc but not all the way she;d keep licking and kissing up and down his manhood as she spoke with her adorable stuttering, "M-Me? Wha-What I want? I... I.... want...... touching, and c-closeness, yummy kisses and corny words...", the words spilled out of her mouth. "I-I want.... air.... on my skin a-and people to tell me I'm s-so pretty! I really.... I really like hugs!", she said meekly after sucking his cock head a few times. she was a bit more honest in this dream world and he always had a hunch that she loved hugs the most. "Don't you like being seen naked Ms.Maya?", came a question from the crowd, perhaps actually posed by her subconscious thought. "I..... I donno!", she mewled after giving his cock a big lick from base to head.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo considered her words. Were they all she was honestly interested in? He wasn't sure. Touching, closeness. Intimacy. Corny words and kissing... romanticism. Nudity, affirmation. Hugs. Vanilla, all things considered. Nemo had some... headier desires, but they all paled in comparison to his desire for her. He felt a strong desire then, to do somewhat he'd always dreamed of. He got on his knee, so he was face to face with her, and hugged her, nuzzled her neck, then kissed her lips. "Maya. I want you. All of you. Will you let me have your first time?" He'd speak right into her ear, then nibble it, hands roaming her back and her sides, squeezing and groping her heavy breasts.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya's face would look shocked for a second, she looked like she couldn't move. The whole world around would turn form night to day as a soft bed of clouds would form under them even as he grouped her breasts. She's hug him back and the whole construction sight would vanish leaving them alone under a stary night sky. No words would come out of her mouth as she took hugged him and kissed him rather passionately. She would slowly work him out of his clothes leaving him bare with her, only after that would she speak. It seemed to take quite a bit of effort on her part. "Y-Yes! You have to be my first! No one else!", she proclaim to the empty lot around them. She squeeze him tight and hold his butt rather boldly. She would then lay back and spread herself to him, opening her legs and blushing harder she looked like she wasn't sure what else she should do and gave him a pleading questioning look. Maybe she was perhaps a little more honest with herself here then he first thought.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo didn't quite expect what came from Maya. He supposed he'd be taking her virginity in a dream first! She'd never made love in her real body, but this new body was made for it... even here in her dreams it shone. Her mind still controlled an incredibly powerful body, and was limited in other ways for it, but it was more powerful here. She had more insight, more intellect, more perception... and he thought, perhaps, more faith in herself. Then again, maybe that was for the same reason he had more faith in himself... because he had her, honest to goodness, all of her, the way he'd always dreamed. The whole dream changed around, suiting her image of the perfect moment, he supposed as she undressed him, then laid on her back, spreading her legs and baring herself to him. She was so beautiful, he almost choked on the moment, froze up, and was slow and surreal in moving to embrace her. She kept a hand on his butt, steering him, and he laid atop her, cock pressed to her as he lavished her stomach and breasts with kisses, before pulling back and lining himself up with her snatch. He bit his lip, looking at her one last time to make sure she was alright with it, before slowly pushing his into her overwhelmingly wet, silken hole, inch by slow inch sinking into the hottest, wettest hole in her body. He found himself groaning as he sank into her, losing his mind with the moment.
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Jun 30, 2016
Of course this was all an approximation, Maya didn't really know how it felt to be taken vaginally. But in her mind she thought it would be mind blowingly pleasurable. One might think she'd leave the watchers there to make her even more lusty, but therein lied the difference between lust..... and love. She didn't just lust for him loved him and that made all the difference. she wanted him all to herself in a possessive kind of way, no one else should get to look upon his naked body when he'd take her v-card. She'd squeeze his butt again as he lavished her front half in kisses, her favorite! Her pussy was in full bloom as her clitty throbbed with need.

Her pussy was hot, soft, and welcoming.... his entrance making a rather lewd wet sound. Maya would moan out as Nemo's far larger rod would tear her dream-hymen, taking her dream-virginity proper. It was the sweatiest of lusty mewls that would catch his ears as her leaky snatch would hug him tightly as slid all the way to the hilt. Her legs would shudder as her mind would be filled with overwhelming pleasure, that's how she figured it would feel so the dream would reflect that. once he hilted inside she'd look up at him, eyes shining in the star light. "You.... You're..... I-In me!", she'd exclaim.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo awoke as soon as he put it in. It was too much excitement, he soon realized... adrenaline had coursed through his body, and his mind hadn't been truly asleep... and oh, what a surge of adrenaline it was. He came up wide eyed, pupils dilated, body electrified. He lay there, next to Maya, staring. Hopefully, her dream would continue without him, and she'd enjoy herself. As for him, he'd not be able to sleep anymore. He rose and paced the small room, then decided to try to busy himself working on his drones and studying his own specs. He'd look over at Maya now and again, sighing dismally. Soon, he'd ask her for real. Soon, he'd probably ask her to marry him... he didn't believe in marriage as an institution, with all of its idiotic trappings. Rings, ceremonies, legal contracts. But he felt she'd find it romantic, and that was enough to make him care to go through something akin to it. For her.
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Jun 30, 2016
He was probably right, even if there was no real way to make it official, she'd greatly appreciate the gesture. It might make her sad in other wasy though.... her family wouldn't be around to witness it.... her grandpa was the only one who really accepted Nemo. Maya's parents just were never around enough to actually meet him.... always too busy for everything. Her grandpa was supportive of her in all of her choices, he was certain that she and Nemo would tie the knot at some point. He'd give Nemo nods and winks in the few times he'd met him. Anyway!

It seemed that Maya was still resting quite peacefully and didn't have to end up stroking herself weather or not she was fucking him in the dream still or not he couldn't be sure. She grabbed hugged her pillow thinking it was him still in bed snuggling it as she made soft, "mmmm....." sounds. after a bit The door would open slightly and Nemo would see Reginald's hand waving inside. "Ahem, excuse me Master Nemo? I've managed to stitch something together for Misstress Maya. May I come in?", he whispered.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo turned when Reginald was in the doorway, and indicated for him to come on in. "Let's see it, Reginald." Hopefully it'd be something that afford her a modicum of modesty, which he believed she quite wanted, even in light of her apparent fetish for exhibitionism. Thoughts of current affairs kept his mind busy as Reginald came in, leaving him distracted.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Redge" floated in carrying a bundle of what must have been his attempt to clothe Maya. It looked like he had used mostly ballistic fiber from military grade bags and the straps he had found. "You'll be happy to know I found enough material to make a moderately modest bra for the Mistress, these should keep her..... rather ahem.... well endowed chest nice and secure." he said as he held up his work. He had made a bra out of the main parts of two ammo bags while the straps were, well the straps of the scavenged bags. He had done his best to make it look sensible as he could. The dark green "cups" would cover her nipples and most of the sides of her breasts, but there would be a lot cleavage on display. that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world and she would finally have some privacy for her private parts.

He held up another piece, it looked like a makeshift skirt made of similar green ballistic fiber..... it would be a bit short on her but better then nothing. "I did my best but I couldn't find enough to make the skirt longer I'm afraid. I used most of the material just getting it wide enough, she is such a big girl after all.", she said sounding a bit sorry. It would be quite short on her for sure.... if Maya bent over she'd be showing off her butt if she wore that. This had been a problem for her most of her life.... finding good clothes. Alot of the time she'd had to get things made for her as many stores just didn't have her sizes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled at Reginald. "Your work is more than adequate, Redge. We know what a tall order it is, with scarce materials, and rather.. unique dimensions." Shopping in big and tall stores, which catered to an exclusively male clientele had long been a sore point for Maya. He was glad Maya could finally have something... even if it was still more risque than anything she would have willingly worn in life. He watched her sleeping another moment before the adrenaline in his veins demanded action. "Reginald... keep an eye on Maya. I'm opening a line to you, since she has trouble figuring out her features. Contact me via comms if anything happens. I'm going out."

He didn't add that he intended to hunt, to test his capabilities, to run through training algorithms and find real battlefield experience. He could train faster than anyone... and would soon likely outpace everyone. If he was careful on a battlefield, he probably had the potentially be by far, far the most powerful of the marionettes. Untouchable, with a sting unmatched. But wars weren't won by the cautious. He drew his tarantula hawk plasma knife, and extended the plasma blade into a short sword. Not quite the cutting power... but effective. He drew the small holo buckler on his wrist, wondering who'd thought to provide with a sword and board fighting style... they must have taken a look at his gaming history, at his web research. He had training algorithms, and would quietly leave the hideout, ranging out to keep their location from being obvious should he find any encounters. His drones were arranged in a short recon pattern, and he felt his 'blood' pounding in his ears. Once upon a time, he'd turn on metal music and hunker down to write political rants, or hunt down the best players he could find in a range of video games, like a trophy hunter collecting scalps. He was competitive, aggressive, and in the end, egotistical, about certain things. In this world, he could treat it like a game... he could master it, he could become invincible through sheer skill. Understanding his capabilities and their limitations was paramount. He practiced stealth first, and control, over his flight in its silent mode, somewhat slow but still faster than he'd have thought, and he started finding uses for his powerful prehensile tail, more than strong enough to support his weight when needed. His shield had magnetic re engagement... he could use it as a ranged weapon, and it would come back, with lethal force against all in its path, plasma cutting edge and all. He searched, and he let himself fade into that basement dwelling, obsessive caveman, loser mode that so many mocked him for. That obsession, that utter loss of self, it was a strength here, not a failing of character.

He would use it to make of himself a monster that could save all of mankind. More importantly, that could save Maya, and their little ragtag group of lost dolls.
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Jun 30, 2016
I seemed that Nemo had found that he had more abilities then he first thought. Perhaps Dawn corp had hidden them as to not overwhelm his mind, then let him find them himself. It proved to work well for him being the obsessive sort that he was, not to mention his technomancy. Maya on the other hand had very little Idea how to mess with her systems and was very likely afraid that she might mess something up. Hanging around Nemo had given her some idea of how to fix a few things.... but usually if she had computer related problems she'd just get Nemo to fix it, witch he always seemed to have time for, especially if it was her. Redge had an open line to peek at her systems witch was part of his programming, he was tasked with helping them in anyway he could. He was certainly becoming one of their most useful friends.

It wasn't the most uncommon thing in the world for A.I.s and people to form a bond. It happened quite a lot with peoples household droids, if they had them. And these same people were usually the ones who were most vocal about sentient rights back before everyone was forced underground. He had to wounder if any of his robotic friends had survived after all these years....

In the corner of his vision he suddenly saw a flash then an blast as a large, black, and vaguely gorilla shaped droid toppled to the ground. It's black and silver armor had been breached by some sort of glowing heated blade. He'd see the figure was just as tall as Maya, ( but maybe not as wide.) pull the long glowing blade from the downed bot's chest. It was a strange figure... its armor was white and gleamed brightly in slowly setting sunlight. It would almost remind him of some sort of ornate medieval knights armor, with a helmet with a distinctly bird-like appearance. On its back strange wing-like structures. It gave a laugh in a dry masculine voice as it looked over the downed bot then said, "Ha, worthless! You collective droids disgust me with your weakness!". Wait?! Just who the hell is that?! is he a marionette? there's no beacon on him.... and his proportions didn't exactly look human, his arms and legs looked longer and the way he moved was too precise.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
It didn't have a marionette tag... which meant it was fair game. If he felt he could take him. Nemo wanted to... he wanted to fight and grow stronger. Which generally meant having care not to overextend and get ones self killed early. The purpose of recon wasn't merely to seek foes. It was to find assess possible threats, and this one exhibited strength, personality. Without being a marionette. Nemo decided quickly that he would be better served watching, carefully. His drones were in stealth mode, but he'd recede them further into it. Their spying would be imperfect as a result, but he couldn't risk discovery by this particular being.

Then Nemo frowned. Hiding, cowering... he'd had a lifetime of that. No. He'd been given power, power with potential. He would not be quiet any longer. Whatever test this one might administer, he was growing, and at unnatural speed. The other marionettes might take years to see what they were truly capable of... he learned such things in minutes. He'd been given not only power, but reckless abandon in a cocktail of hormonal drugs. There was a reason for that... he could afford recklessness. More importantly, whatever remnants of humanity might exist likely couldn't afford the time for him not to be reckless. If they could play the long game, caution was fine... but the war was over. All that likely remained was a directive to genocide.

Nemo still didn't quite know what this was, though, and it was fighting his enemy, presumably. Still. He felt it more likely foe than friend. He stepped out from under cover, eyes blazing... hoping for confrontation. His barely restrained rage and eagerness for combat were palpable, visible in his tiny visage. Sword and shield in hand, he cracked his neck, side to side, watching the fearsome being, eyeing him as a warrior eyes their foe... seeing them for a conquest.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"So another comes to face me....", said the "knight" as he turned slowly to face Nemo, he'd caught his or it's eye. It looked back at him, unmoving and unflinching. It then pointed it red hot blade at him as it spoke. "Ha, Ha Ha.... what is this? Could it be one of those stringiness puppets?", it said in a mocking tone. "A machine like me..... but with a worthless human mind! A mockery of what is pure and true!", it said accusingly. "Yet.... you come and face me. stepping up boldly as if to challenge me. how very..... unlike your cowardly kind.", it said as it seemed to consider him with interest. "Speak! What is you name? Who is it that lies within this doll? I would not let an opponent who faces me so boldly die without telling me his name!", he said pointing his blade at him vigorously.

This thing was no ordinary machine.... it had some kind of knightly code or something. its language very much unlike most A.I.s. No robots in his time ever looked like this. Just who or what built him, and just who's side was he on.... could it be that there were more then one faction of machine "races" fighting each other? just what was going on here?!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled, a true, genuine smile. "It's wonderful, you know. To see how machina have evolved. Full persona's, 'souls', as humans would call them." There was real respect in his voice. "There's no need for you to mimic human codes of honor, though." His smile faded. "Puritans are a nuisance in any form, be they man or machina. They're always patently wrong, their core beliefs twisting them into something patently -lesser- than they could be." He raised his sword, and pointed it at the machine. He'd made many incredible speeches in roleplays before, and knew a thing or two about good drama. "I am Nemo, technomancer, once friend to all machina, and I will teach you of honor." He'd clasp his blade to his chest, and bow to his opponent, showing them respect, real and unfiltered. Never make the mistake of disrespecting your enemy... other vanities would quickly follow, and they would cripple your understanding of your foe, and therefore, your value in a fight.

Thoughts of his allegiance did not filter into Nemo's mind... it was stuck on this one track, a rare condition for him, but that was the purity of a warrior mentality, a large part of the attraction of the solace of combat. The world was only the immediate threat, and your skills pit against that of your foe. There was nothing else. When he raised his blade, and dashed at his foe, it was with a fluidity and surety of movement that surprised even him. Muscle memory, programmed techniques, twisted and turned and evolved, data rewriting its self even as he first put it into practice. The value of a technomancer within a mechanical body could not be underestimated... he could master an art that his organic body would not allow him to learn with a lifetime of study and practice. His blade came in at a side ways sweep, and he twisted, feinted with a thrust, then swung it in a rising uppercut, stepping boldly into his opponents guard, using his footwork, natural agility, and reaction timing to protect him. His little shield could be used with great precision, and his eyes held a deadly focus. Every moment he analyzed a hundred different possibilities, taking into account his foes stance, personality, reach and weight, approximated strength, agility, and expertise... and pitting them against his own. These weren't pre programmed algorithms, either.... this was all his mind, working a machine with the ease of a student doing basic math on a calculator. A mind to match a machine, with human flexibility...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The knightly bot would bow shortly in mirror of him then pointed his blazing hot blade at him. When Nemo charged so did he, his bade meeting Nemo's in a flash of sparks. His blade met Nemo's half hay through the swing, armored feet planted and firm in his stance. He didn't even flinch from the fainted stab perhaps calling his bluff or seeing that there wasn't nearly enough force being put into for that to be the real strike. When his upper cut came the machine knight stepped to the side then swung in a perfectly horizontal slice, aiming to try chop him in half by the chest.

This warrior was no over confident blowhard. It seemed he had the skill of a swordsman that had fought many a battle, be it man or machine.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was outmatched... for the moment, at least. The Knight didn't utter another word once they were engaged, didn't show any of that personality he'd previously displayed, but Nemo did. He showed a feral, tight lipped grin. He knew. He knew the knight was stronger, but not by enough. The knight read his movements, true... but Nemo learned and vaunted over gaps in experience that should have been unbridgeable. He figured out his gives, quickly... why the knight didn't respond to his feints, it was in his body movements, and no algorithm couldn't be manipulated. The feint simply had to go deeper, to the point that its predictable functionality shut down. Nemo's next three movements were a league beyond his previous three. The sword came horizontal, but the knight was too tall. His reach might be superior, but he'd let Nemo into his guard, and didn't even attempt to maintain distance. Nemo's footwork was good, and he ducked the blow, using his shield to guide it overhead, and conceal his next strike, a petty thrust that looked to be a feint, but was indeed an attack, more than thrice the speed of his previous attacks, but light enough a jab that it wasn't far off from a feint. The follow up was harder to guess, still.

Nemo hopped back, spinning, and tossed his shield, whipping out his ankle biter and firing off two shots before the shield managed to return to re attach to his wrist, before he planted his feet, shifted his weight, and dashed, with enough speed to leave a concussion in the air, dashing behind the being with a wide arc slash, and then stabbing behind him with his until then concealed tail, ready to hack the machine with a code that dripped venom in its intention.