Puppet masters (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Again, her closeness to him, once she realized that she had sort of smooshed him in, had made her blush hotly once again. she was so easily embarrassed it was one of her cutest qualities. She tried to give him some space after that, not wanting to suffocate him in her bulk. She was surprised buy the way he was able to gently move her aside, seems he was stronger now, his wirey muscles were not just for show it seemed. Reginald seemed to readied himself to move quickly, despite his lack of weapons he could possibly use his metal fists and ability to fly to fight with them. Maya simply nodded at Nemo ready to cover him. She wasn't the sneakiest but she knew how to be very quiet, it was simply part of her nature to be that way.

Then the door opened with a soft "hisssss" and they were on the floor above. Around them it was dimer then the floor below and it there was far more space to move. the walls were of the same silvery blue, but covered in more dust then below. in front of them sat a sort of break area with a couch, chairs, tables and even a vending machine. they all looked like they hadn't been used in sometime, covered in dust but mostly looked undisturbed. the lights would flicker here and there and a spider or too would skitter away. further away the was what looked like maybe a help desk or where maybe a secretary would sit with files and holo pads littering it's surface. Beyond that was three branching hallways, one that lead left, one that lead right, and one that went straight ahead.

".... Lets see.... this is the lounge and the security station is in the left hallway from here.... there we my find some more assets for Mistress Maya.", said Reginald turning his voice volume down.
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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo considered Maya as they rode the elevator. According to his data on his own specs, he was graded to exert enough force to move up to 1,600 pounds, should he strain... up to 400 pounds easily. The idea of benching 1,600 pounds was mind boggling. Then, he considered her form... not merely larger, but with higher grade alloys and musculature designed not for precision work, but for power. His conservative estimates placed her android strength at ten times his own, 4,000 pounds being what she could move with ease, and 16,000 pounds straining. The idea of her ramming over an armored vehicle with a shoulder rush was mind boggling. She could probably lift 8 tons over her head, and chuck it. The idea was oddly arousing. Then again, just being near her and looking at her naked body was keeping him perpetually aroused. He couldn't stop staring at her, when lost in thought, his eyes roaming her curves like hands, groping, kneading, imagining all the lewd things he wanted to do to her... again, he wondered why a weapon had such strong sexual desire as he. They must have discovered emotions or passions fueled his technomancy or somewhat.

When the elevator opened, he was out first, scanning the area with ruthless efficiency, and advancing towards the desk, before giving the all clear. The place looked even dustier than the downstairs, meaning they were probably working long after the top floor went dormant. He still hadn't seen any sort of vault door that'd keep curious machina out, though, so perhaps they'd never even made it here. This could easily be a cover for what lay downstairs, abandoned when humanity fell and cover was no longer necessary. He'd straighten at the vending machine, looking over at Maya and Reginald. "Reginald, we're graded for consuming calories to replenish our energy at least, correct?" Hopefully the nanomachines in them could make use of other parts of organic sustenance as well.
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Jun 30, 2016
Reginald regarded the machine and then said, "Why yes, that is correct. The marionettes were made to be able to use as many different resources as possible in order to avoid reliance on any one source of power. Also, I seem to recall a female scientist named Trisha saying something about it 'keeping morale up.' something about the taste of good food keeping peoples minds in good condition." He looked back to them, "That being said, anything in there is most likely out of the question.... far past expiration date.", he sighed.

Maya had him covered the whole time keeping her aim trained on the darker patches on Nemo's six. She'd look over her shoulder at him and "Redge" as she called their new friend in her mind. Her bare butt facing them. Unlike Nemo she didn't have the faintest idea of how strong she was now nor did she know how to mess around with the files in her head, it all confused her very much at least she could still think normally, but she wished things wouldn't suddenly show up in her vision explaining what things were when she picked them up. Also she had this weird feeling in her stomach like there was something extra inside of her humming with energy....

But then suddenly to Maya's left (since she was facing the opposite way from Nemo) They could hear the sound of many thin metal legs clicking against the floor. Maya trained her gun that way just in time see a spherical little droid skittering towards them on six spider-like legs with a single red eye on its front. It was heading stright for Maya who gasped and pulled the trigger twice on instinct hitting it both times and making it crumple to the floor. "What in the?!", she said looking at it just as another was running towards her from the other hallway! She heard it coming her way but she wouldn't be able to turn towards it in time!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo sighed, as Reginald explained expiration dates. Of course. Well, there were still Twinkies. After the great Twinkie scare of the early 2000's, when Twinkies were thought to be going extinct, they reformulated them, and all but calcified them with preservatives. Their expiration dates were past the expiration date on the machine its self. Nemo was cocking back his elbow to smash the glass, for the Twinkies, when Maya fired and hit the spider bot. He spun around, pistol at the ready. This area was compromised... which made little sense to Nemo, but he had no time to dwell upon it. Another came from beyond the hallway, threatening Maya, just as another dropped from the ceiling onto Nemo. He cursed and flailed, as it fired randomly, not really meant for melee, and he flung it off and shot it twice with his ankle biter, only to turn and see that the twinkies had been incinerated. "Oh, that's just not fair..."

Then there were more dropping from the ceiling, and more coming from the hallway. Nemo slashed at one with his hawk knife, tearing it in half, and backed up to Maya, taking a crack shot at the spider in the hallway as soon as he saw it. "Towards the doors, we need a more defensible position, and an escape route!" Visibility was secondary to cover in a firefight, after all.
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Jun 30, 2016
The spider bots appeared to operate with a simple swarm based A.I. There were around 20 or so of them currently, they all seemed to be tuned into each other in some manner acting as one unit as apposed to a group. Another jumped at Maya and she shot it down with some rather surprising aim. Knocking it right out of the air, she was sure her aim was never that good... Nemo didn't recognize the model of spider droid, even with his knowledge.

Meanwhile Reginald was bating at them with his strong metal fists and would swerve in the air to avoid the small advancing army. "Quickly to the left hallway!", he said waving them over. "R-Right!", Maya said as she pinged more of them with her pistol, the 10mm rounds easily dropping them in one shot. However they cared not for how many of them were destroyed in their attempts to attack them and continued to chase them. The small droids had shots much like Nemos ankle-bitter small and not very powerful, they were also somewhat inaccurate with there shots and relied more on the fact that there were more of them shooting at once. A few shots did actually hit Maya making her squeak in fear! but in actuality it seemed their shots could do very little to her only leaving small marks, even naked as she was! She would fire behind her as she went covering for Nemo even if she was still quite scared.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Reginald's fists did about as much as one might expect from a repair bot's small arms... not much. Fortunately, his forte was elsewhere, not in combat. Nemo had already noticed several things in the heat of this battle. For one, he didn't recognize the spider droids... men likely did not make them. For another, his strength and speed and eye hand coordination and reflexes were far and beyond what he'd had in life, and Maya's as well, judging by her crackshots taking out bot after bot. The bots were swarming, though, and Nemo was well prepared for such things. "Maya, charge and use your baton if they get close. It should be capable of an incapacitating shockwave, to take several even without contact." Meanwhile, he sheathed his side arms, and drew his lmg, opening fire. The explosive rapid fire rounds were perfect... in a controlled burst, he was able to easily take out a bot per bullet, the explosions making up for whatever his aim was off of. He backed away, walking backwards as quickly as Maya could walk forwards, following while covering their retreat. "Maya, we need to get out of here!" There was no telling just how many there were, and their ammunition was... limited. "Take out the door. You can do it." Easily, he thought. She could do serious damage to a reinforced, armored vehicle... if she wanted to, she could pry the top off a tank. Few doors would stand in her way.

Nemo took a few shots, and took them with less ease than Maya. He just wasn't as sturdy. He was able to evade many, and his armor absorbed more, but a bolt grazed his shoulder, under the armored section, and he lost 30% functionality in that arm, which affected his aim. He grimaced, shooting more erratically. "Quickly, Maya. These are likely just to keep us busy until something else shows up." Something far more lethal, no doubt.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya seemed unsure of herself but she figured Nemo was right. she skidded to a halt and spun on her heal and thumbed the baton on even as a few shots wizzed past her. it then crackled with electricity the long baton-club held tightly in her hand. Nemo was right in his assumption the "Thunderstrom" series batons were made to discharge into multiple enemies at once with a single swing, hence the name. She then took a swing at the frist one to jump at her from the swarm. It connected with a "crack!" as sparks flew and blots of lighting arched to many of the other spider bots and causing them to explode or simply crumple to the ground. Maya then turned back and ran with him having to reload after firing a few shots. Many more fell in the wake of Nemo's LMG but still more began to skitter over their fallen allies.

Nemo was then telling her to.... bash the door at the end of the hall down? But it was metal... and looked tough.... as security door often did. "Can I even do that?! But I don't have anything to bash it with!", she thought as she closed in on the door. "But Nemo said I could do it! I-If he thinks i can....", she was then feet away from the door. "Then... I can!", she said shouted and then with her eyes shut tight she slammed into the heavy metal door with a shoulder and it was busting right off of the wall with a loud crash! Ahead there was another door that possibly lead to the outside. Maya was so surprised that she nearly fell over, but some automatic system helped keep her upright. It only hurt a little to slam shoulder first into a solid metal wall?! she could hardly believe it....

"Good show, good show Mistress Maya! Now then, shall we continue to run for our lives?", he said almost cheerfully.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo watched as Maya incapacitated an armload of the bots at once, and shot a few bots trying to drop down on her again. They wanted to drag her down, but wouldn't ever get the chance, of course... even if they could swarm her. He found his aim was already back almost to full, and marveled. That shot didn't seem to have hurt him for long... he supposed he healed quite well because of his nanite heavy design. He might not be the most durable, or the strongest... but he could keep going, and going, at full speed, as long as he managed to stay in one piece. Maya charged the door, and Nemo had to catch his balance as the whole building shuddered, steel and concrete groaning under the impact of her weight, and nigh exploding outwards as she smashed through it. Nemo looked and saw a second door ahead, as a handful of spiders caught up to him, and jumped on him. "Shit, shit, shit!" He flailed, throwing them off, batting at the them with his lmg, and flipping through the air in controlled cartwheels to evade others, while dislodging the ones on him. They'd clung on by some means, however, and he activated an automated response, a small emp bursting from him, and disabling them completely, causing them to drop limply off of him. He then saw something devilish. A pair of automated turrets on the ceiling past the first door, with spider bots around them... hacking into them, powering them. They glowed bright red at the sensors, and Nemo grit his teeth as they trained themselves on Maya. He dashed, fast as he could, fast enough that a miniature sonic boom occurred, the concussion of air withdrawing as he spun, going backwards so that he could aim at them while flying towards Maya. He managed to place the crackshots right on one, but only grazed the other, and it got off a half second volley before its aim fell off, peppering him and Maya even as he slammed back first into her powerful frame.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya cried out in surprise as Nemo slammed into her hard and fast enough for her to feel it too, knocking right off her feet. At the very same time She and Nemo were both peppered with bullets! two struck Maya in the thigh digging in slightly but unable to get past her skin fully. while three others hit Nemo in the left shin passing out the other side and not into Maya. Thankfully the twosome hit the floor behind a table within the security room and the turret that was still intact lacked the firepower to punch all the way through the metal table. It was programmed for suppression so it kept on firing to pin them down as a small group of spider droid tried to close in on them. However, just as they were getting within pounching range the turrets fire quickly turned to them! Showering them in a small hail of bullets. Looking up Maya could see that Redge had grabbed the turret and was manually pointing it at the spider droids while shouting, "Not so fast! Have at you!"

though her leg did hurt it didn't hurt nearly as much as she thought it should.... she could see the bullets actually crushed themselves on her and sort of stuck there. "Oh god Nemo Are you hurt!?", she said pulling him up with her. "Excuse me! Would you mind shooting this blasted thing? I can't hold it much longer!", Reginald said in a worrying tone. "Oh yeah!", Maya said as she took a fired on it with her heavy pistol, putting it out of commission in two shots.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo didn't fare so well as Maya. His leg took damage... hefty damage. The ballistics tore through his shin, and shattered it, scattering pieces and spouting white, viscous fluid, even as Reginald pulled the turret away, and Maya finished it. He collapsed to one knee, leveling his lmg and holding off the horde. "The other door, Maya! Hurry! Go, go!" The spiders were closing in, coming in heavier and heavier numbers. Nemo guessed there were many around, and when one sent out an alert, hundreds more came, swarming. Cheap, ubiquitous, numerous... he popped out the clip of his lmg, reloading, and swat a jumping spider away, then held his hand in front of him, erecting a very small, blue arm shield. It took some shots for him, but it wasn't very large, and he couldn't reload while he held it. But the spiders were making it rain now, and he needed some sort of defense while Maya worked on the door. He took more shots, though. Another to the shoulder, another to the waist, his stomach... for every dozen that his armor and shield deflected, another made it through, shredding him slowly, but surely. His body struggled to keep up with his wounds.

Maya had only a few precious seconds to turn the situation around, before Nemo became a side of swiss cheese.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya had nearly had a panic attack at seeing the damage to his leg, but again her android body dosed her to try and keep her on task. "The-the door?", she said looking back. the door on the other side wasn't nearly as strong looking but was metal all the same. Reginald was meanwhile trying to avoid the wild laser fire and was hovering with her. Worried as she was for him she did as he asked and with a heaving kick she busted the door open, this time not breaking it completely off. She wanted to be able to maybe find some way to barricade it shut. She then looked back and her face turned to a look of pure terror as she saw Nemo take shot after shot with a hail of red hot blasts wizzing all around him. The bots A.I. appeared to single him out now perhaps seeing him as easy target now that his leg was damaged. Maya began to run back towards him calling out to him but everything began to move in slow motion to her. She could see or maybe feel that there was no way she could make it in time, she intended to try and put her body in the way and be his shield.... but it was too far.... he... he would.... Die?

"NOOOOO!", she cried as the strange feeling in her stomach began to stir again. Then suddenly both of her eyes had begun to glow green brightly as a blue beam of energy shot out of her out stretched head. It hit Nemo but he felt no blast of power or some forceful push.... Instead there was now a shining blue sphere of energy around him! The shots fired at him now simply were defected away or dissipated on the shining orb. Spider droids that tried to jump at it were pushed away. Behind him he could see Maya standing near the door her hand pointed at him and the beam of blue light maintaining his shield.

She had no idea what she was doing or how she did it... but she was shielding him, her mind filled with nothing but thoughts of wanting to protect him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was afraid. He didn't feel the same sort of pain that he had in his old body... it wasn't necessary in this body. He was able to accurately assess his injuries without something so terribly distracting and traumatizing as pain. Regardless, he recognized the sensation of going quietly into the night. He'd tried to commit suicide, before, so estranged from society that he'd thought himself utterly alone in the world. It was a time before he'd met Maya, a time before he'd found hope. He remembered the sensation of fading away, of coming so close to embracing that unending sleep... the lasers stopped peppering him, as a blue shield sprang up around him, far stronger and larger than his little arm shield. He was shattered at this point, his every system impaired, but data flooded him informing him as to the source of this shield. The Marionette Aegis Shield. Only a Heavy class Marionette had the vitality to manifest such a powerful defensive barrier, and it was a full body bubble around him. His shield was a foot long disk, this was... incomparable. He couldn't stare in shock and awe, however, instead rising with an effort, trying to figure out a way to make use of the time Maya had given him. Something of his had activated as well, however.

The 'backpack' part of his suit was humming, now, and started coming apart. Half a dozen different drones disengaged from his back, specialized pairs of combat and recon drones, all with offensive capabilities taking to the air around him, coming online and hooking directly into his neural systems. All fully automated, there were two laser geass drones, two homing holo-missile drones, and two interceptors, affixed with tracking scramblers, kinetic dampeners, and plasma shielding. A whole fucking cavalry, tied to Nemo's own mind like limbs, but able to operate autonomously as needed. They opened fire, peppering the bots with incredible precision, dousing them a torrent of tiny lasers, while targeted missiles focused on clusters of enemies for maximum damage. An Assault class could certainly bring far more impressive ordinance to bear, but the offensive capabilities were very impressive nonetheless, and might well turn the tide of the fight.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya held the shield as the many drone arose from Nemo, a look of shock on her face. This was all so much for her to take in but with her thoughts of protect Him still in the fore front of her mind the shield held strong. The spiders knew not the meaning of fear so they marched onwards even as they were annihilated dow to the last little bot. the dust settled they seemed to be no spider droid left... perhaps this was the whole detachment? "Gracious.... to finally see the work they put in so long ago.... Mistress Trisha would be so pleased....", Reginald said more to himself. Maya then finally let the shield drop panting. She blinked.... Did all of that just happen she looked to Nemo, then down at her hand and moved her fingers around. Looking back to him she saw him on his feet the drones hovering nearby he didn't look super steady on his feet. The little droids appeared to have been destroyed?

Next thing Nemo knew he was in Maya big strong arms hugging him close, his face now stuck between her huge breasts. Maya was blushing hotly due to having him pressed against her naked body, but she was so worried about him she had to have him in her arms hugging him. "Oh N-Nemo! I was s-s-s-so scared! I thought you might DIE!", she said as a few tears rolled down her face.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo had finally started calming down when Maya lifted him up, and smushed his face between her boobs. Well. That was about worth a near death experience. He grew hard almost immediately, his cock pressed to her belly, as he looked up between a valley of heavenly cleavage to her crying face. "Maya... I'm alright. Thanks to you." He'd pat her head, but couldn't reach, so he instead settled for hugging her back, as much as he could. "I can't go and die and leave you all alone, now can I, Maya?" He was truly grateful for her incredible resilience, though... without her, he would be gone, he was sure. Though, without her, he wouldn't mind dying very much at all.

Finally, though, he found himself able to nestle between those heavenly breasts and relax a moment, feeling their heavenly softness and warmth against his face, arms wrapped around them, tenderly squeezing. He could feel her big, stiff teats on his inner arms, and that was very nice, too. He didn't see any reason to tell her to stop or put him down, nope, and even the marvelous drones he'd just discovered didn't even matter at the moment, the things curiously chirping to eachother almost like birds as they watched him, with gods knew what amount of understanding between them. One of them seemed to blush and look away, another seemed to poke another and 'point' teasingly. They all had quirky little personalities.
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Jun 30, 2016
His hug filled her with relief but also filled her with another feeling.... that made her nipples rock hard. the "best" part was that the harness she was wearing didn't obstruct her heavy chest in any way... in fact the strap underneath her breasts seemed to push them up and support them. She'd bite her lower lip softly as the embarrassment began to settle in, but she still held him as it felt nice to have her warm body on him. She'd see the drones looking at them and would look away her blush growing. Reginald seemed to be looking away himself giving them their space. He understanding of social ques was quite good, whoever programmed him was a master.

"Uh, um... Nemo? Is your leg going to be o-ok?", she said more to break the somewhat awkward silence that followed, though she was still genuinely worried. She still didn't let go yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo bit his lip, detaching himself from her to sit down. He was hard as a rock, his cock stuck down his pants leg, and making even sitting awkward and difficult. He rolled up the leggings of his pants, grimacing at the most major of his wounds first, the shin that had been fully penetrated by three separate bullets. He could barely stand to look at it. It was a mess... it was self repairing, but slowly, the damage being so thorough, and he had so many other wounds as well. Still, Nemo felt no pain... only desire, watching Maya. "Maya, take a look for me? Tell me how it looks." He looked at her, wondering if he could get her closer. She was so tall, after all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya blinked and tilted her head. "Uh, Ok.", she said not sure why he was asking her. On the other hand she did know a thing or two about basic first aid. It was something that all officers had to know. She got down on her hands and knees to take his lower leg gently in her hand. The bullets had punched clear through, thankfully they weren't hollow point rounds. that much she could tell at by the look of the somewhat gruesome little holes they left behind. She wasn't sure what to do about it though as she she had no idea how these android bodies worked. "G-Gosh... it went clean though...", she said as she gingerly moved his leg into the light.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo wasn't concerned about his leg... it'd heal. But he'd reached his limit. He at least had to let Maya know how much he wanted her, needed her. He grabbed her hand, and pulled it, placing it squarely on his hard, pants covered cock, before also grabbing the back of her head, and roughly pulling her into a passionate kiss. He stayed there with her a long moment, if she didn't pull away, lips locked to hers, tongue gently probing her mouth. He'd wrap his arms around her neck, drape them over her shoulders and run his hands through her hair, desperate to touch her, to love her, and hoping his feelings got through without so many words.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
She gasped as he pulled her hand and put it onto his turgid covered peen just before pulling her into a very sudden lusty kiss. Her face grew so hot that he could feel it through her lips. While her gut reaction was to try and pull away, it was so sudden and so filled with passion that she just about froze up, her eyes wide. it felt.... good and dare she think.... pleasurable to make out with him. His hands gently running through her hair made her shiver from the the sensation. She gave him a look of pure confusion she did not understand just what she was feeling... or maybe she did?

In a few of the times she'd let him sleep on her lap back down in city B-2, she would have a very similar feeling. in fact anytime he would lean against her on the couch she feel an urge to hold him very tight, but she was always to meek to act on it.

The hand on his cock tensed as she again realized just were it was.. on his hard throbbing peen, clothed but still easily felt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo finally pulled back from that kiss after a time, breathless. His face was flushed, his eyes heavy lidded, and moist. "Maya... I love you. I always have. From the day we met, I've loved you. And I've wanted you. Not just as a friend... as a lover. All that missing underwear was my fault. All of it." It was a lot. "I watched you for so long, wanting you, afraid to say anything, afraid you'd leave me too. I watched you, feeling like I could never truly have you... I watched you... uh, a lot." There was honesty, and then there was spoiling a mood. She didn't need to know about the cameras just yet.

"You're the only one for me. You always have been. The only love I'll ever have. I'm left breathless just thinking about you." A hand pulled back, and pulled his clothing out of the way, placing her hand on his hard member directly. It seemed he wasn't going to spare the bots their innocence, not today. "Everyday you came to visit me was the best day of my life. Everyday you left for the academy was terrifying, hollow and empty without you. Every time you thought I was on the computer, ignoring you while you visited... I was hating myself for trying to hide my feelings, trying to smother the desire to tell you how important you are to me, for fear you'd leave. For fear you'd reject me. I'm like this because of you, and only you. You're the only one who stirs my desire, you have been, ever since I first met you. I love you, Maya. And this... everything going on... is bearable only because you're here with me. In fact, it's paradise compared to before, because you're here. I feel freed, with you." He'd kiss her again, if she didn't pull back, arms embracing her, fingers in her hair, clinging desperately to her powerful form.

His leg seemed to be healing, albeit slowly.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was beyond words at this moment, naive and innocent as she was she had no idea he felt... like this about her. (also she'd pout at him about the underwear later). After all this time he was like family to her but she, deep in her heart always felt like their might be more. In their time tougher she'd sometimes just look at him... really look at him and feel so comfortable in his presence, just watching him work and quickly look away when he looked back. Her face was still adorably filled with blush and him having her touch his naked peen only made her more embarrassed, to say noting of the fact that he just confessed his love for her.

She could think of nothing to say her heart was suddenly racing as he kissed her again. her clit and nipples could get no harder, seeming enthused despite their owner. Her hand shivered there on his cock unsure of what to do..... "I.... I.... I think..... Maybe..... that I-", she thought as her hand closed around his cock gently. "I think I love him too....", she thought her eyes looking back into his. She moved her head back and very gently broke the kiss, she didn't pull away, she couldn't.... "Oh... Nemo I... Uh... My hand is... w-w-what should I.....?", she stuttered as her eyes left his, unable to hold contact.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled at her, glad beyond words she hadn't rejected him, that she felt the same way. When she asked what she should do, obviously lost to the deeper mysteries of desire, he felt he had... more than enough ideas to make up for that. "Er, well, there is something I've been wanting to try, if you don't mind." Now that he had a very large penis, he'd like to feel big, for once. "Would you mind... sucking on it?" To see her head beneath him, bobbing up and down on his hard cock, pleasuring him... maybe even gagging on his newfound size... he shivered at the thought. "Remember that video you pulled up on my computer, when you were looking to see what I'd been doing, in your second month in the academy? The way she... used her tongue, and licked and sucked on him, and... deep throated him? Like that. I-if you're ok with that, I mean." His cock was certainly in agreement, drooling precum onto her hand and hard as steel. It's silvery hue made it seem a throbbing scepter in the light, no foreskin in sight, only a platinum helm at the top, obscenely drooling in lecherous intention.

He had a hand on the back of her head still, and would give her a gentle push in the right direction... though of course if she didn't want to, she was strong enough to just utterly ignore it without any real effort. He liked the idea of having some physical control over her, even for just a short while... while she had always been more powerful than him, he had some masculine instincts, too.
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Jun 30, 2016
With her firm hand around his cock she's look up at his face then down at the head of his cock. She'd do this several times her blush only spreading. she was so cute as she tried to remember what he was taking about. Her android body "came to the rescue" as it showed her the memory in question quite vividly... She had checked the computer and stumbled upon the video.... she couldn't look away once she saw it.... "He want's me to.... do that?", she thought feeling sheepish. However he was so hard and she blamed herself for him being in this state due to her running around naked so she wouldn't say no....

So then her head moved down, mouth open and tongue out her body shaking here and there. she about to do something.... so lewd! And soo the head of his cock was glided gently into her mouth. She had worried about the taste but it turned out his pre had a nice minty flavor to it! She wasn't sure about deepthroating.... but she was sure she could suck...

And so she started, gentle and slow, licking around and sucking on the end of his cock trying to get a feel for his penis. She was oh so embarrassed but he had practically begged her with his eyes and she couldn't say no to that....


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Aug 20, 2017
Heaven. His heart fluttered when her head descended, gently guided by his hand, and her hot lips wrapped around the head of his shaft. She suckled him into her mouth, licking the head, underneath it where it was most sensitive, and he shuddered and groaned his approval. It was bliss, it was a dream come true. He looked down at the top of her head as she bobbed on his cock, his hand atop her hair, and loved the sight, immensely. He felt her gentle gradations as she bobbed slowly, up and down, and felt her efforts on his cock, the warmth, silken pleasure of her lips and tongue and cheeks. His cock was so long, it nearly reached his nipples when erect now, and it was so much thicker now, it stretched her lips into a slutty 'o'. He shifted, scooting back a bit so that she was angled better, laying on her belly instead of resting on her side to be low enough to service him, and spoke. "Maya... look at me while you suck my cock." Not his groin, which bobbed and weaved in her vision, that silvery tummy and naval, so tantalizingly close, the further she bobbed on his cock... but his eyes.

"Look me in the eyes. I want to see your expression while you suck my cock." One hand stroked her cheek affectionately, while another dived down, roughly groping one of her huge breasts, pinching and twisting her hard teats, kneading the soft, hot flesh. He'd wanted to play with her beautiful melons for so many years... this was all a dream come true, and the end of the world was a small price to pay, as far as he was concerned.
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Jun 30, 2016
Again her face glowed with blush at his request, but at the same time she seemed to want to nuzzle into his hand as he stroked her cheek. she then had to somewhat lay on her tummy, her strong legs laid out behind her. She was hesitant to look up into his face she was afraid that she might be making a rather lewd face. However with his hand roughly grabbing her nipple and kneading her boobflesh. It made her gasp around his cock, sucking it harder unintentionally for a second. He's feel her shudder and look up at him, her face adorably blushed and still full of innocence despite the cock logged in her mouth. Holding peoples gaze was hard for her even with Nemo but she tried all the same sometimes having to look at his mouth then back up to his eyes, too say nothing about the lusty feeling she was getting from his roaming hand. She got back sucking shortly, bobbing her head up and down his pole, every cycle making her feel more and more lusty... A small puddle formed under her were her pussy was as drips of her synth-feminine juice began to leak out. Her Nipples were hard for him and the breathing from her nose was almost like steam.

Meanwhile nearby Reginald was "glaring" at Nemo's floating droids and pointing back at the backpack after putting his hands on his sides.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Reginald seemed to be a rather astute nannybot. He was all sorts of handy. The little drones tweeted and chirped and flew around ignoring him, though... which was for the best. They were sentinels as well, with long sensory ranges, and precautionary defensive measures built in, in case of ambush. They were doing their job, for the moment.

Nemo knew well how had it was for Maya to catch and hold a gaze, which was half the reason he wanted her to look up at him, with her cute, slutty expression. Seeing her mouth full of his cock made him harder than than steel... he loved it. She blushed, of course, and looked for all the world sweet and innocent, in spite of the stiff cock in her mouth. "Your nipples are so very hard, Maya. You aren't all hot and bothered just by sucking my cock, are you?" He teased, with a friendly, but mischievous grin on his face. "Why, I feel like I should reward you for your hard work..." And her reward was coming, too. He could barely hold out, against this torrent of dreams coming true, and soon enough, he was coming... forgetting himself a moment, a hand on the back of her head tried to force her down his shaft, all the way, as he groaned aloud, coming in her mouth, before seconds later releasing her, and either coming down her throat, in her mouth, or all over her face and chest, depending on how quickly she pulled back.

Afterwards, he'd still have that devilish grin as he asked her to relax, lay or sit back, and spread her legs a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya's puddle had grown since they started, showing that she could get very wet. But then again she had always been that way even as a human.... witch was probably why Nemo got such wonderful feminine smells from her panties... His teasing words and hands were making her blush spread down her neck. He'd tease her just a little when they were still just humans, just to get a luagh or a grin out of her, witch he no doubt cherished immensely. But this was different it made her pussy flex with the way he said it...

Sooner rather then later he came....While he couldn't force her down all the way to the hilt, he'd gotten quite a bit of himself into her mouth, more then halfway infact. Perhaps he would have to get her a bit more comfortable with lewd things before she'd let him push all the way down her throat, there was no doubt that she couldn't take it. the rush of silvery seed filled her mouth, giving her her first taste..... it was warm and fresh strait form his synth balls. it was good..... not to sour or salty. With out think she even gulped some down as she pulled away surprised, then was splattered by his android shaft. At the same time there was a small squirt behind her, she had came just a little, do to the sear lewdness of it. she was left panting and blushing looking at the cum all over her face and tits and then back to him. "I.... I.... might need some water....", she said trying not to speak much about the lewd thing that just happened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Maya was thirsty! She was a gusher, Nemo had known for some time. When she had to go change clothes often after romance scenes in movies, it was quite telling. He'd learned to look out for that, stealing away her underwear freshly soaked when he could. Nemo was sated, in the aftermath of that blowjob. His throbbing cock was softening, drooping to half mast, and still ridiculously large looking on his small frame, drooling still, even after being so thoroughly spitshined. "Maya... that felt incredible..." She was thirsty. Of course. He tried to put aside his most incredible feeling of contentment ever and stand up, pulling on his clothes. "Right... autobots, roll out!" The bots looked at him funny, and he sighed. "I liked that show, ok? Go do an expanding perimeter scan, locate sources of fresh water within marionette purity standards." He didn't know just how dirty of water he could drink with this body, when Reginald informed him, "As a consequence of desalinization capabilities, you can drink even seawater, sir." Nemo looked to the bot, brows raised. "Well, that IS good to know." The technology in these bodies just kept impressing him. He bet they could drink from a mud puddle if they had to.

He looked at Maya, glazed with his cum, and bit his lip, his cock already threatening another round. "Sorry, Maya. I guess I made a mess, huh? Here." He'd bend down to her, and kiss her, giving her a hand to help her up, and biting his lip this time. "I, uh... really enjoy the look of you naked, and covered in my cum, though. I hope you'll let me do that to you more in the future." He hoped he wasn't pushing his luck... she was just so damnably erotic! "And next time, I'll make you feel good, too." As soon as they'd gotten her some water, and found safety. He sent belated orders to his bots, "Scan for low population or cleared buildings or cavern formations as well. We need a place to hide and rest, and this place is recorded, compromised. Expand perimeter to five mile radius and further."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya could only look to the side and blush at his comments about him liking her nude form and being covered in cum, it only made her feel more embarrassed. Shge wanted the water for two reasons: one, to drink as she was feeling a bit thirsty. But mostly two, she wanted to wash the cum off. I was indeed surprising to her hear that they could drink even see water... but she doubted it would taste good.

Thankfully his little bots were quickly able to find some water that had been filled into a barrel from the outside. It must have rained recently as it was still quite fresh. At the same time, perhaps knowing what Maya really wanted the water for, Reginald had found an old towel nearby. It was stained a little but it would work all the same. He'd hand it too her as she would use it to rub off the cum on her body.... trying to face away from Nemo as she did so, not wanting to arouse him unintentionally. Then after getting drink or too from it, she looked around really looked around. So this was the surface now...? it looked dusty, unkempt, and utterly deserted. many building were just hollow shells, while some were just rubble, and then there were those that stubbornly stood even now.

Nemos little bots would clue him in on a promising looking building two blocks down. There were very little machina in the area, perhaps the spiders had not raised any alarms. the building i question looked like maybe an old comic book shop or manga store, at least from what he could tell from the scan the drones had sent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
The surface was bleak... mankind had fallen, and hard, at least here. It was deserted, and the machina barely watched it, it seemed. After all, only a small horde of some tiny spiderbot contraption had been patrolling the scientific facility where man's last, best hope had been created. It occurred to Nemo that the machines probably weren't very worried about resistance at this stage. Nemo thought of something as the bots were patrolling, and accessed his data logs, finding what he was searching for in short order. He gaped when he saw it.

He was virile. If that was the case, Maya could probably breed as well. They'd likely saved her eggs, and stored them in her android body. Nemo and her were an arc for repopulation, as well as weapons. It made sense... especially given that his hormones were out of control, and he was constantly aroused. There was a reason for it. If they weren't fighting for their lives, they needed to breed. He bet that there'd be something else besides Maya to incubate fertilized eggs... and found he was right. There was a hidden bot among his belongings that would retrieve fertilized eggs from her, and carry them off to an undisclosed location. No matter where he looked, he couldn't find it. So... even he and she weren't to know what happened to to their offspring. A safe measure... and it made sense as well. As a long term investment, they had the best odds of any couple alive probably to give birth to technomancer capable babies. He wondered why their genetic data hadn't been harvested while they were asleep, though, and artificially fertilized and the like. Perhaps it had been a matter of religious politics, or somesuch.

He definitely preferred doing it the all natural way. It could also be a future control measure... their main control was eachother, but having their spawn, which they recognized to be theirs, as hostages.... that would be a great way to ensure their loyalty, even under the most dire circumstances.

"Maya, two blocks north north-east, let's head there. Coast is clear according to first sweep, and there might even be something to read." He'd clandestinely ordered his bots to search for a place with a water tank, and they were even now filling it and powering the water heater there, so that Maya could have a hot shower. He ordered Reginald to inform her the option was available when they arrived. He would walk ahead of her, giving her some privacy while she toweled off, and trying to keep his eyes and mind off of her naked body, at least for a short while.
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