Puppet masters (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya finished after toweling her hair, still long, flowing and black. she was glad it was just like her real hair, she took care of her hair always wanting to look her best for the academy. It was a small comfort to have have that at least. She looked down at her harness it was the only scraps of clothing she had... she hated this. waling around naked in broad daylight...but at least there was no one around to see. But still it embarrassed her to no end. After a quite check of her sparse equipment she nodded to Nemo ready to move out.

getting there was easy and they found no robots, well no functioning ones as they made their way there. Nemo would see a few models of solider droid made by the US before the bombs were dropped. Many were turned against their former masters as were responsible for many deaths in the east cost at the beginning of the war. these modles were know as the T-20's. slow to move but could work well as a unit and with complex A.I. to help them think on their own. Their squarish frames littered the ground, rusty and in many pieces.

The comic store had the name sliver scopes comic and manga emporium, the sigh faded but stubbornly still standing. A picture of a girl in a somewhat skimpy sliver outfit holding a sort of sniper rifle on the sigh. "Ahem, Mistress Maya? Master Nemo has informed me that a hot shower may be available to you. It appears his drones have found a suitable shower here.", he said his arms folded behind him after a bow. "Oh uh... thanks.", she said as she stepped inside with Nemo and their "butler". All around there was still comics and manga on the floor some were too burnt but their were plenty that were still in good enough condition. On the counter next to the credit register there was what looked like a sort of flash drive or small storage device.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo watched their surroundings as they walked, noting the many T-20's. This was an early battleground of the war... the machines had likely moved on without giving it too much scrutiny, because it didn't exhibit the signs of a military black site. Machines might be thorough and precise, but they weren't terribly inventive, or intuitive. Easily tricked, if you knew what you were doing. That is, assuming AI hadn't evolved its self greatly in the last 200 years, and this wasn't a game of cat and mouse rigged from the onset. Nemo was always entertaining those paranoia ideas.

When they arrived at the shop, Nemo pointed. "Down the hallway, to the right, break lounge and bathroom with a full shower. The place was an apartment before they turned it commercial, it looks like." Not too easy to get a license like that, generally, unless the place had historic value and had been grandfathered in over zoning laws. His bots had scoped the place out, and therefore, he'd seen what they'd seen. "I know what you like, so I'll find you something to read, and poke around with calendars and data logs to see if we can't learn anything about the beginning of the war." Perhaps they could get a hint about what had happened to the military presence here, and the twenty odd marionettes that were nowhere to be found. He'd start with scrounging up some manga, before powering on the register and desk terminal to see what he could hack into and glean while she was enjoying a hot shower. Unless of course, she cared to invite him to shower with her. It was efficient, after all.

Nemo noticed the little flash drive after booting the terminal, and curious, stuck a finger-kit tool in there, to access whatever systems it was linked to.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya tilted her head at the news about the comic shop and thought, "Huh... thats kinda neat. Would have loved to see the place back in it's hayday.". then she considered getting a shower.... she had cleaned herself a little bit ago, but nothing beat a nice hot shower. Gosh, that sounded like it would hit the spot. her body did still feel a bit dirty even after washing up. "Ok well I'll uh.... be in the uh.... shower then....", she said as she rocked on the balls of her feet. She then made her to the back her wide hips swaying and her butt jiggling. She was shy so it was maybe a bit hopeful to think that she might invite him in as well. but that being said maybe she wouldn't push him out if he came in....

Jacking into the small drive he found four video files. Three were dated to before the bombs dropped, while one was dated only three days before. there was encryption on it that only Marionette could access.

She walked past the lobby and into the bathroom seeing the drones she asked. "Uh could you guys... um girls? Maybe um.... give me some privacy?" she said politely before shooing them out. She then slipped out of her harness and laid her gun and baton near the entrance leaving herself well and truly naked. She sighed heavily. "Just h-how does this even happen? I wake up as a robot and then have to walk around buck naked f-for who knows how long!", she said to herself as she stepped into the shower and turned on the water. She messed with the temp for a bit before finding just the right temperature.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo blinked down at the files. One was an encryption only a marionette could access... that was certainly not what he'd expected. He opened up the file, looking over its contents quickly, mindful that he might have an opportunity to hop in the shower with Maya. He did not feel like missing that particular opportunity... but he had to see what was on file first. (sorry for short post)
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Jun 30, 2016
(it's fine ^^)

Once he selected the file and opened it a video file began to play overwriting his visual field. The video started with the screen showing two figures ducking down near the entrance of the very comic shop he was in. They glimmered slightly in the light showing themselves to be marionettes just like him and Maya. One had a manly athletic build wearing some sort of metal plated armor it was a little hard to make out the exact details due to the video quality being a bit bad. The other figure was slim and feminine wearing a sort of light plate armor two long braids of hair could be seen hanging from her head, She looked no bigger then him... Perhaps another scout? Anyway, they appeared to be taking cover or maybe hiding. He heard the female scout say, "Are they gone yet? can we follow them?" as there was a sound of rumbling and large shadows passing by the comic shop and making the ground shake slightly. "No... but who cares! we should get out there and fight those metal maggots! not hide!", said the male one possibly a solider class, judging by the size of the rifle he was carrying. His voice would remind him of a drill sargent, gruff and aggressive. "No, you idiot if we kill them we'll never know where they took those munitions form the dawn corp building! we need to recapture that stuff....", she said annoyed. The soldiers face was hidden by a helmet but he could tell he was displeased. "Look, Wasp and Amazon aren't up yet and I don't know if they'll get up, but either way we need that gear. So, shut your trap and do what Torch says!", she whispered agnerily as the shadows pasted....

then the feed finally cuts out. and he can see just what had recorded that, a small camera that was used to watch customers long long ago. it was attached to the underside of the desk.

Meanwhile in the shower Maya was relaxing and letting the water wash over her nude body as she used an ancient shop bar, thankfully those can last for ages she was taking her time and enjoying herself and was even humming a cute little tune.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo watched the footage in silence, and ruminated over it. The other Marionettes had activated, and had gotten out and fought. He and Maya's long sleep had been... unexpected. Moreover, they were going after a Dawn Corp cache of supplies and munitions, and that piqued his interest. There was unlikely to be much left after all this time, even if they'd not succeeded, but they may have left a message, especially given that this message was left behind for Marionette's. It was a clue, a trail. Following it might be the best lead they had.

He rose, saving the data to storage, and ignored the terminal for now, stripping off his garments and passing them to Reginald for sanitation and repair. He was naked when he entered the bathroom, and simply stepped up to Maya in the shower. He stood before her, and grabbed her chest, tsk tsking. "You are doing a decent job of cleaning, but we only have so much hot water. Tell you what... I'll reward you for that kindness you did me earlier, and you wash my hair and my back. How does that sound? He barely had to kneel to get his face level with her crotch, and he pressed his lips up to her pussy, giving her a big, sloppy kiss. He snaked in his tongue, gently probing, hands squeezing her ass and pressing her hips into his face. "Oh, and don't be afraid to buck. I want you to enjoy this, Maya." He'd stop, of course, if she told him too, but if she didn't, well... he was going to pleasure her with lips and tongue until he left her trembling, unable to stand anymore.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya gasped as Nemo so boldly stepped inside the shower bear assed naked, his cock swaying with each movement. So caught up as she was in her relaxing shower he had caught her completely off guard. Her blush returned in full force just as he had his hands on her breasts making her nipples shoot back up, right back to rock hard stiffness. "B-But N-Nemo I...." was all she could say back before his lips had met with her pussy and she gasped out in surprise pleasure. her silvery clitty was out of its hood in seconds as her legs shuddered under his oral assault. her pussy would flex as drips would start falling from her folds and right into his mouth. "B-Buck? But that's....Ah~!" she squealed as a moan finally worked its way out of her. Looking down at him licking and sucking at her pussy made her made her feel a tad overwhelmed but yet she still remembered to at least try to wash his hair and back. Her hands were shaking as pleasure that she'd never felt before ran through her body. "Oh my god he's licking me... he's really licking my..... my pussy!", she though as her hands soaped up his hair. Her hips then began to move just a little in circle her walls almost grabbing his tongue.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Maya definitely was a mouthful. If she was able to wash his hair, then he wasn't doing his job right, as far as he was concerned. Though he'd never done this before, he'd imagined doing it many times, and had a fairly vivid imagination... and had studied up on the subject. He swirled his tongue, probed different places, looked up and gauged her reactions. He suckled on her clit, too. Hard. Maya was everything to him, and her happiness, her pleasure, were therefore pretty damn important to him as well. He wouldn't let up until she came, hands on her beautiful hips and butt, tasting... oh. She tasted like a heavy sugar glaze. He'd always had quite the sweet tooth. Mhmm!

The water ran hot for a good, long time. Even after the heater emptied, he had his little drones using their laser cutters to keep the water warm. Nemo had always been one for clever solutions. Looking up at Maya's beautiful, rapturous face, he wondered if they'd make beautiful babies together... even if the poor things would be spirited away as soon as they were conceived.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya's legs began to shake under his assault while her pussy became even warmer than the water. Her cunt would leak rather openly into his mouth while walls seemed to grab and stroke his tongue almost like a pair of hands! Her vaginal muscles must have been very articulate. Her face was getting so blushy it shined in the steamy shower. her breathing was getting fast and shallow and her legs almost buckled. Before she knew it she had stopped washing his head and instead had grabbed it and began to push him into her cunt as she rocked her hips faster. Her breasts would jiggle delightfully as she began to move more as did her yummy butt cheeks. She'd look at him a few times, panting and eyebrows turned up, before looking away and bitting her lip. She felt so lewd and full of lust she hoped she didn't look like a slut. In truth she couldn't not with eyes like her's, not truly. she was innocent through and through a treasure of woman to be sure. it made doing things like this with her so much better.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was enjoying this tremendously. Maya tried to hold his gaze, but predictably, blushed and looked away quickly. Ah, well. He loved that part of her, too. A thought occurred to him. They were both heavier than they were in life, but he was also significantly stronger, if not quite on her level. Still. He was sure she didn't weigh near 1600 pounds. Nemo slid down, and slid her legs, one by one, over his shoulders, before hoisting her into the air, back against the shower wall. This android body was such a drastic improvement in so many ways... he munched vigorously, diving into that muff with gusto. She'd started rocking her hips, and her pussy did its own incredible gymnastics, displaying a wide range of muscular capabilities, to the point where Nemo was half convinced there was a lethal weapon stored up there somewhere. He loved it when she was into it enough to press his head into her, forcing him deeper, controlling him. It showed just how into this she was getting... it was so out of line with her usual personality. He loved it, loved it, loved it!
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Jun 30, 2016
She was quite surprised to see him lifting her up like this! She soon found herself up against the shower wall propped up on his shoulders, while at the same time he redoubled his efforts on her leaky synth cunt. She would moan openly now unable to hold it back anymore, both of her hands now firmly pushing him into her crotch. With the wall and Nemo supporting her she was free to really start bucking her hips.... witch she did as cute gasps and moans filled the room. he was doing a great job on her he could tell as she spread her legs even wider for him as her juice leaked down his chin, then quickly washed away buy the water. it wouldn't take too much more to get her to explode all over his face.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo tasted her. Thoroughly, deeply. He enjoyed it, perhaps half as much as she did. Judging by how hard it was to hold her wriggling, writhing frame, she enjoyed it tremendously. Her moans were a symphony, her gyrations a standing ovation. He wanted her to orgasm her brains out. She edged her legs further open, pressing his mouth to her cunt, and he repayed her by redoubling his efforts, licking and suckling,teasing her clit, turning his face into a bumpy toy for her to vigorously hump.
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Jun 30, 2016
And vigorously hump she did, riding his face forcefully like a bucking bronco. Her eyes were shut tight as she held on to his head, panting like a dog and mewling like a cat. This was more pleasure then she'd ever felt before and the fact that there hormones were up so high only made it "worse". her body felt so hot she might have briefly wondered if she was making the steam not the hot water. eventually it became too much for her to bare and she slammed face first into her first real orgasm in marionette form.

She wailed in bliss as she let loose a torrent of sweet tasting gush that rushed out of her like a faucet, drenching his face and filling his mouth. Her hands held him there firmly making him drink it, though not on purpose. It was drawn out and wonderful, filling her gut pleasure and gratification. while the sheer force of her orgasm may have scared her a little... she was glad that Nemo was the one to do it..... to set her off. once her moaning subsided she went sort of limp laying against the shower wall, her breathing deep and slow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo sank to one knee, trying to hold her. When she bucked wildly, she brought her strength to bear... and while she didn't use it to directly oppose him, even guiding such massive power as was hers to command was a herculean task. He was thankful he managed to keep from falling flat and being crushed by her pleasure writhing. He lowered her to the ground once her pleasure had passed, and left her sitting, satiated, and collapsed against her himself. He kissed her neck, and held her in the afterglow of pleasure, reveling in her closeness, her softness, her warmth. Her heavy breasts felt great, naked against his skin, and he was content to just bask with her in the hot water, a hand idly roaming her body, leaning against her powerful form.

All in all, he considered it the best showering experience of his life. He thought about bringing up what he'd just seen, but didn't wish to spoil her pleasure just yet. Let her have these moments of relaxation... he wanted to share them with her too.
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Jun 30, 2016
She'd hug him gently in her arms as she panted, coming down slowly from her pleasureful high. Her hefty chest would rise and fall beneath him her nipples still kind of hard. she couldn't accurately describe what had happened there... She lost herself to the pleasureful oblivion, all other things seemed distant and muffled in that rime, it was just him and her. She reflexively crossed her legs and pulled him to sit in her lap as a few twitches of pleasure ran through her legs. Her body may be able to tank small bullets and lasers but yet it was still soft and blush, so comfortable to lay on. The water would finally stop, the reserve running dry. but they were clean enough, their bodies were in fact made in such a way that all they would need is a quick rinse for the dirt to slide right off of them. "Oh.... m-my god..... what.... was that?", Maya said as if waking up from a dream.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled at Maya's question, laying atop her, in her lap, against her breasts. "That was sex. Specifically, an orgasm." He pulled back, looking at her, and stood up. His erect cock was right in front of her face, hard, pulsing, veiny and huge. "You made me feel good, so I did you, too. Tell me... would you like for both of us to feel good together? I can put this in you if you want." He'd take one of her hands, putting it on his cock again. "We can always try other things though, if you're scared. I'd love to put this between your breasts, or feel your mouth again. Maybe you could try just using your hand." He sighed. "Sorry, a little overexcited. I'm... I really enjoy doing these things with you, Maya. Thank you. You're wonderful." He'd lean down and kiss her lips again, a hand cradling her cheek lovingly.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
he didn't have to say where he wanted to put it in, she knew what he meant and it got the cutest blushy reaction yet. The fact that he had his cock right in her face didn;t help matters. He'd feel her hand shiver on his cock as her eyes would try to swivel away from his turgid manhood. She certainly wasn't sure if she wanted to get that intense again so soon.... not to mention.... if he was going to...... "stick it in" it wasn't going to be here... not like this. She'd always had the daydream of him taking her virginity away in nice dimly lit room comfy with a nice warm bed. back then she would always try to swat those daydreams away in her head thinking "No! i couldn't... me and Nemo aren't like that...". Now however things were different the world had more or less gone to hell and their feeling for each other were now laid very bear, physically and figuratively.

The kiss had brought he back to the present again and nemo's warm hand on her cheek. "Y-You're wonderful too....", she said as she was released from the kiss. "Do you.... do you really need it? I hope i didn't um... uh.... oh gosh.... I have no idea how to even talk about these things....", she said blushing again.

But before he could answer he would feel a low rumble and the sounds of metal legs hitting the pavement form distantly outside.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo heard the sounds of something approaching. He was quick to react, pulling away, and tossing Maya a towel, and drying himself off as well. Maybe that shouldn't have been top on his list of priorities, but he wasn't going out naked... Oh, wait. Maya had to, why was he too good for it?! He needed to respond quickly. So, he pulled on his pants, yes, just his pants, he was going to be scandalous today! In truth he didn't think he had the confidence to march around naked like Maya was, as much as he enjoyed her eye candy body. He couldn't take himself seriously, fighting something naked... also, he needed as much armoring as he could get, unlike her. He went out ahead of her, carefully, retrieving his lmg, knife, and side arm, and finding a defensible position in the store to survey the area from, that would provide him with cover and space to shoot. He summoned forth his drones, and had them draw in their perimeter, circling the building in pairs, to give him a visual and perhaps take pre emptive measures against whatever was coming. It was probably a robot... or more than one. It could be a whole damn army. He ordered the drones to retain stealth at all costs... if they couldn't get a visual, oh well, he needed them unspotted more than he needed to spot whatever was coming.

He couldn't afford to be too jumpy, and give away their position, after all.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya would make a gasp of surprise, looking around suddenly fearful. She fumbled to catch the towel, quickly wiping herself and stepping out to get her sparse equipment. Despite the sense of danger flouting in the air she did briefly wounder if he was about to go out naked too. but seeing him pull on his pants stopped those thoughts. While the thought of them naked together fighting would in some weird way have given her some sense of solidarity, she would rather he stat protected as much as possible.

Anyway! there was no time for silly thoughts like that with killer bots on the loose! She sneaked out with him being quite soft on her bare feet despite her weight. She would take the opposite corner of the room crouching down behind the comic racks to peek over them, her gun drawn in a two handed grip. She then saw Reginald floating there as quiet as he could his arms shaking slightly, he had finished mending Nemo's top half of his suit and had it folded on the counter. Seeing them he give a little jolt and hover back towards them his eye fixed on the windows and door. the sound of rumbling grew louder as the stood there just about holding their breath. The drones soon were giving Nemo their feed alerting him to sight of a huge spider like robot. It was at least the size of a long-haul truck in both length and height with four legs set across it's bottom half. on top however it had a semi-humanoid appearance with a bulky black arms and a triangular head. A single red eye on its face much like the spider bots they met before. there were no hands on the machines arms it had what instead looked like cannons of a sort, very heavy and powerful looking. It was black and shiny in color again just like the spider bots... except this one was more like a spider-tank.

It stomped through the streets nearby and was about to pass by the comic shop. it looked like it was perhaps heading somewhere by the way it would look straight ahead. if it was on patrol it would have been talking a slower pace and be scanning the area. but it was moving with single minded purpose.... just where was it heading?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo saw. He saw, and he did not want to fight it. He looked back at Maya, still naked, and winced. He kind of didn't like it... wearing clothes when she had none. It bothered him. It bothered him enough that he took his pants off, casting them aside, while watching the footage. The thing didn't seem to be heading for them, so for now, they should stay hidden. He looked to Maya, then, naked except his strapped weapons and their sheaths, and made signs with his hands. Waiting here. Maintain silence. Watching enemy." He'd sit back, lmg in hand, and give her a playful grin, taking his cock in hand and stroking it while she watched. He loved to tease her, now that he could. This way, at least... he'd always liked teasing her. He enjoyed making sexual situations out of non sexual things and situations... and casual sexuality. She didn't know it probably, but he'd touched her at night, before. He'd snuck upon her while she slept, or taken advantage when she passed out on the couch while they were watching tv. It'd only ever been some fondling, some boob groping, and a few stolen kisses... he'd never pushed it very far, no matter how badly he wanted her.

Besides, he usually had to stop in his excitement to masturbate, and came right away every time. It was just too exciting to him. These were more things he thought that, maybe, Maya shouldn't ever find out about. Well, there was that one time that he was scared she'd actually been awake... he still didn't know for sure whether she knew. Now she did know he'd stolen her underwear, though.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya was looking straight ahead, watching and listening as the huge mecha spider rumbled on its way passing them without a second thought. Maya would glace back at Nemo only to notice that he was naked again! His cock hanging out as he stroked it her gasp and subsequent blush all worth it in the end. His little late knight teases hand gone unnoticed back then, she was blissfully unaware of his little caresses and kiss.... they were perhaps part of reason she would have such frisky dreams about him. But now he could openly play with her and watch the innocent girl's reactions to such lewd things. She had to wounder just how he could of doing that at a time like this! but they weren't in any danger right now.

soon the rumbling grew fainter but then they both picked up something on their HUDs. the Mechs location was being actively tracked by their systems.... they could see a white diamond shape in their vision showing where it was even through walls. focusing on it, it would read: Marionette tracking beacon located. Marking on internal map. Maya frowned, she really wished she could get all this.... stuff out of her vsison! it was bad enough haveing little tiny readouts about "energy" and "ammo" "health" in the corners of her eyes. But wait hold on..... "Tracking.... beacon? On that robot?", she said aloud once the rumbling grew fainter. "Nemo... did you see that?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo frowned when he saw what she was. That was a marionette? At first he thought it must be a mistake, then... Perhaps there was a marionette within it? It was possible. It was also possible it had the signature because it was a strange, warped marionette all its own. Whatever the case, he quickly realized it was worth the risk to bring it down, sheerly for the possibility of finding an ally. Besides, if they couldn't bring the thing down, this war of theirs was probably not going to last long, anyway.

He motioned to Maya again, "Possible ally aboard. Attack positions. On my mark." He'd then peek out, and move out. They'd take the element of surprise, but had to hurry... wherever it was going, it was unlikely they'd have a chance to stop it once it got there. He would be in the street, in pursuit in short order, his drones arranging for support and assault, collecting data on possible weaknesses, armor and weapons data. It might end up being a bad idea going naked, but oh well... it was worth doing for Maya's sake.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Maya was about to say something when he got up and hurried outside, naked and his cock swinging around, his bare boi butt kissing the wind. She wanted to shout, "Wait Nemo! You're still not dressed!" but she didn't know how good the robots hearing might be. She ran after him K-20 pistol in hand and her baton in its holster at her bare hip. She could see words in the corner of her vision every time Nemo would make a hand sign witch was weird to her, although she knew a few already from the police academy. Nemo was very quick on his feet but Maya could keep pace because her strides were so long compared to his. They weren't going to fight something that big were they?! it made her sweat slightly in fear... but soming important was going on here.... she could feel it. She really didn't want to fight something that big naked, her breasts swaying and butt jiggling all over as she ran.

Reginald would take Nemo's discarded clothes with him following from a safe distance, able to trace his signal since he was his new master.

They could see the huge spider bot ahead still stomping along on its way forward, sometimes it would crush any car or vehicle in its way, clearly unconcerned by most obstacles. The little drones would continue their scanning and give Nemo updates as they when. The bot had very thick armor on most of its body, preliminary scans stated that nothing short of anti-vehicle or armor piercing rounds would puncture it. However, there were obvious weak points across the body, namely any were that was a joint: Like the base of the neck, the elbows, the joints of the legs and possibly shooting straight up the barrel of the gun. Also the source of the signal had been identified: there was a small tracking device on the robots understide. It was identified as: Tracking beacon placed by Unit-22 callsign: Camaleon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo watched, assessed. Holorockets were trained on joints, and his laser bots would harass any automated defense systems. His protector bots would be split, protecting his drones, leaving him on his own. He put up his lmg, and motioned to Maya, "Going stealth. Back me up." He would go in quietly, using his speed and light weight to catch up to the thing, and begin climbing. Once he'd gotten high enough to where he was at a joint, he used his tarantula hawk, and would hack it apart, the blade extending into a long cutter for the task. It'd be recharged for another cut by the time he reached another joint... but he wouldn't be going for one. That signaled the drones to begin their own assault, and as the machine started reacting, Maya would have her chance to go in.

He assaulted it first because he needed the bot to stop traveling to wherever its destination was. If it was close, it would get to reinforcements too quickly. Now it was engaged, and he could begin his real mission, moving to secure Chameleon. He would by swift, swinging up under the machine, magnetically attached to its underside while he moved towards their position, hoping he could actually reach them from there.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya looked immensely worried seeing Nemo run up to huge robot like that, to say nothing about his nudity. She nodded hoping that he new what he was doing. She leveled her gun at the spider tank, aiming at the back of its head. she was sweating a little as her fear was still running throughout her system, her body was working to combat this but it could only do so much.

The the advancing drone knew nothing of the plan Nemo was concocting hitching a ride on its leg, it was none the wiser. His grip had to be strong as the machine would have to move its leg quickly to keep up its pace. Once the drones got the order they opened fire on it. The shots would do little to nothing to it but it was enough to get its attention. it's eye would flash red and it would immediately target the drones with its massive guns, with a resounding "crack!" its twin laser cannons would blast at them. of course they were too nimble to be hit by such an unwieldy set of weapons but at the same time smaller gattling turrets would appear from inside its shoulders to fire on them. The protector drones would have their shields put to the test.

Meanwhile below the behemoth, Nemo's attack went unchallenged. the energy knife cut into the unprotected joints of its back left leg. it would cut though most of the components with ease with the acception of the main supporting part of the inner frame, a bit sort of like a skeleton. The effect however was good enough to make to stop in its tracks and stumble to try and rebalance itself. The spider tank then moved to look down near its leg to see Nemo there its eye growing a brighter red when it saw him. but, before it could aim its cannons down at him it was hit in the side of the head by one of Maya's shots. the heavy round making its head jerk. with machine speed it would swivel back to look at her, its cannons pointed her way now.

Maya felt a rush of terror as its cannons charged up for a blast she jumped to the side as its shots were fired, passing by her and blasting apart a nearby pickup truck. Underneath the drone something flashed brightly for a split second. the outline of a female form could be seen before disappearing... chameleon?
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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo didn't see his target, and resorted to more conventional means of warfare. His ankle biter would be charged, as he dangled by his legs, targeted the automated turrets to keep pressure off his drones. The holographic missile drones had the payload to target joints and tear them up, and the laser drones could work on the turrets along with him, while the shield drones kept the others intact. Meanwhile, as Maya caught the big co-hone's attention, Nemo found himself in desperate need of more evasive ability when the turrets settled on him as a target.

Then, he discovered his wings. The 'wasp' was light, lightly armored, and self sustaining... and fast. His back opened two small jets, with amazing power, and he blasted off of the machine as machine gunfire tore up the area he'd just been on. He zipped and darted, the flight stable enough that he was able to switch to his lmg and aim while flying, staying vertical for the majority of the flight while dodging and weaving. His lmg rattled off, sending small explosions ripping up and down the underbelly of the beast, targeting the small turrets and the joints, harassing and crippling its mobility and defenses. Its attention was on Maya, and this was the best support he could provide while it likely bore the majority of its ordinance down upon her.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
This model was not made to split it's attention evenly to multiple enemies, it was first and foremost an anti-vehicle and mobile artillery unit, not exactly meant for fighting small mobile groups. It couldn't see Nemo underneath it But its auto turrets were the only things able to target him. The little flying drones were also drawing fire and dishing it out, splitting the fire even more. But even after all of this it sights were still dead set on Maya for some reason.,, Perhaps her size made he seem to bigger threat despite the fact that her gun was far simpler and less destructive.

The missiles would hit their marks and many of the small auto turrets would be blasted off or taken out commission. The crazy speed the Nemo had recently discovered simply out paced the simple subroutines that would run the turrets. Maya saw Nemo when he activated his newly discovered augment, her mouth agape. "What in the...?!", she said surprised as all hell. But that was when the hulk would fire on her again. Maya would gasp as her shield would pop up around her and the blasts would impact it shaking the very ground beneath her and destroying the nearby walls around her. the shot have taken at least 40% of her shield in one blast she didn't want for it to get taken out so she drooped it and again was on the move.

Some of Nemo's shots hit the joint of the adjacent leg, blasting off pieces and making it even more unstable But just then the tank like spiderbot raised its front pair of spider legs and then brought them down on the ground with a mighty crash! Shockwaves ran trough the ground and the air throwing Nemo out from under it. while flying backwards he would see the signal flying off the mech as the air shimmered again outlining the same female figure that he had seen moments ago. She would then finally fade into view crying out in surprise as she landed right next to Nemo only feet away from Maya. the woman in question looking just like the girl he saw on the video before: short braids on either side of her head and light form fitting armor and grey skinned just like them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo almost caught himself on the oily piston of one of the legs when the shockwave tore through him, throwing him wide. Almost. Well, it was oily! And he didn't have grip gloves on, because he wanted to be nude for Maya. Maybe that hadn't been the best idea of his...

He hit the ground hard, rolling to a stop, and came up next to Chameleon. There wasn't time to stand on ceremony, though, no time for introductions. He thrust out a hand and his drones returned to him to protect him as turret fire ripped up the ground around them, but the shield wouldn't hold long under sustained fire. "Move!" He told her. All he knew of her capabilities was that she could be invisible. Well and so, he could leverage that. "Attack pattern Indigo Barrage. Maya can handle it." The codes were there, the attack patterns laid by military strategists aware of their specs given to all the marionettes. Indigo Barrage was a light flanking tactic, presuming that the scouts would have to bring the firepower while the tank had the enemies attention. It was a heavy turn around, demanding assault capabilities of the scouts, and it was risky... however, without a proper assault, they had to manage somehow. He'd look to quickly see if she had a weapon, and if she didn't, he'd toss his lmg to her and his belt of clips, before dashing off to get back under the spider, and find a critical access point... sabotage and manipulation were his true specialties. He was probably the only marionette with technomancer capabilities, and once he brought them to bear, this wouldn't even be a fight.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
During this time Maya had managed to make a couple shots into the arm joints of their mechanized aggressor, making one of its arms move slower then the other. she kept targeted any unarmored part she could hit. Her slugs where hard enough to dent to the armor in places too, she figured that if she focused on one spot long enough she'd punch on through.... but that would take too long. Seeing the new girl and Nemo land nearby she gave another gasp, worried for Nemo's safety and surprised at the other girls sudden appearance. Just before she could shout to ask if Nemo and the other girl was ok his order of "Attack pattern Indigo Barrage" appeared in her vision. She had no idea what that meant but a quick diagram flashed in her vision telling her what the plan meant. It indicated her as shield and the other two as lightning bolts. Perhaps short hand for scouts and heavies."Uh!? I Ok?!", Maya said from behind them, trusting Nemo's judgement even though she didn't quite get it. She could keep being a distraction but this was starting to scare her more and more. She didn't know how much longer her shield would last.

At the same time Chameleon would look back at him, her grey eyes looking rather angry with him. She did have a weapon of her own: short pump action shotgun like weapon that showed up as SK23-B prototype shock-shotgun "Hey hold on who put you in charge?!", she called after him, clearly against this plan. but it was too late he was already on the move. She would also have called them both idiots for running around naked (and maybe even perverts) but there was a battle to fight and she she cursed under her breath.

The war machine, regaining its footing would look back to them its eye flashing red almost as if it was angry with them. It would try to follow Nemo with it's gaze while its cannons would charge up again, its remaining mini turrets firing at him. It had had enough of him perhaps aware that Maya was just a decoy. However before it could take a blast at him several volleys of electrically charged of shot gun pellets would rake across its body making it shudder and look around only to see Chameleon shimmer and vanish from were she was. Maya saw this as an opening and would fire again Making it swivel and back to her in anger and annoyance It released another double blast at her. This time aiming near her instead of on her she couldn't bring her shield up fast enough and she was thrown backwards hitting the wall near her as she screamed. She hit the wall hard and she felt the first real great pain in her new body. While her body was able to survive impacts like this it didn't leave her undamaged. she crash into the metal wall behind her own heavy weight used against her. she could swore she heard a rib crack within her. The mech was about to fire on her again but chameleon fried on it again stunning it. Maya shakily got to her feet again panting in pain, she didn't have time to hurt though Nemo needed time! she'd level her gun and fire more, an arm where her rib hurt.

Underneath the mech once again Nemo would hear Maya cry of pain but also, spot what might be the square outline of an access panel but there was no visible way to open it from this side. It was possible that it could be hacked open wirelessly or perhaps brute forced open.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Fear. Nemo felt it, as a hard lump in his throat. Metal shrieked around him, tons of steel above twisting and turning, reacting. Bullets flew, and there were grunts and groans. Some were his own, some were Chameleon's. He'd never allowed himself to stop analyzing, or enjoying the passion between him and Maya, a spark he'd been seeking to turn into a flame for so long. Now, it hit him, the reality of where they were, their situation. He heard Maya grunt, as though she were right there next to him. Felt her pain, as though it were his own. He knew fear.

Nemo roared. Instinct took over, and his body trembled, even as it burst into action. A tail erupted from his own spine, at the tailbone, with a spike on the end. The access panel. There. He flew to it, gripping dusty metal in a white-knuckled grip, as that tail thrust into the panel, piercing it with an edged plasma cutter. He forced his mind into the machine, as though he intended to possess it. This wasn't possible, of course... but code flowed in his eyes, and code flowed into the machine. He hadn't come with viruses... he made them. Viruses targeting systems he shouldn't have been able to know, but did. Viruses tailored to inhibit the major and minor functions of this behemoth of robotic savagery. He poured his mind into his task, heedless of the danger to himself. Maya was hurt.

His enemies would burn.
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