Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I may bug me a bit at the time, but I'm glad someone astute reads through most of my docs and makes suggestions. And yeah, I should better appreciate the fact you do that means you liking my stuff is a given. Sorry if I come across as snippy sometimes.

Well, we all have our sometimes grating differences, and yours really add to your ability to write certain kinds of NPCs, interactions, lore, etc.; at least IMO. Glad to know that mine also can be helpful, if even a little bit.

A repeatable first-hand encounter with the mating ball is certainly something I can see myself getting really immersed in.

Amazon kitty looks great, even more awesome than I imagined her, and that's no small feat. Hats off to Jacques.

The busts aren't 'extreme' when it comes to her muscledness or her curviness, which was the only thing I feared. Can't tell you why I thought that, maybe I just got too accustomed to many western porn artists not being big fans of subtlety. I also imagined her hair as being a bit darker, but I'm shit at color differentiation and even Google can't agree on what should be considered the proper 'honey' color.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
If ever there were a time I regretted always playing chicks in TITS, it would be right now seeing this bust cus that is a fantastic bust.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I may bug me a bit at the time, but I'm glad someone astute reads through most of my docs and makes suggestions. And yeah, I should better appreciate the fact you do that means you liking my stuff is a given. Sorry if I come across as snippy sometimes.

Going for brevity in the various win/loss scenes available in the waterfall dungeon, although I may make the Naleen gangbang a bit longer since I'd like to make that unlockable and repeatable, for players who wouldn't mind getting coiled and fucked in every imaginable way from time to time.

Also, I dunno how many of you are backers but I feel I should share Jacques' busts of Ramis more widely, because he did a really good job:

View attachment 4772

View attachment 4773! Definitely worth the wait since I first found her doc. Sera likes her too since I buy regular amounts of condensol. Ramis is...strong, on many levels and that kind of confidence and zest for life comes across very well in her interactions.

You still interested in this fam?

How about you?

Yeah I'm down, gotta pay some bills but I can definitely budget money aside to help this along


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Plantation Quest: A large project that adds a new dungeon to Mhen'ga, and will offer players a chance to play a significant part in deciding the future of the planet. The female zil chieftain will also tie into Syriquest, if that ever sees the light of day. Should be fun!

Dude, you seriously keep spoiling me, this is amazing! Will definitely give this a going over. One thing I want to say right off the bat: Love the trio of options, especially how the 'best case scenario' as it were, is the one you have to work and pay attention to get. Rewards the player for being thorough and helps the player feel like their actions matter in game. Looking forward to Quinn that's for sure, if she's going to be anything like your other forceful and strong women.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Cool, how much do you want to match?


Aug 27, 2015
@noobsaleh @argenten I'm going on holiday in a week's time, and my current project is large. So do bear in mind that it will be a while before I can accept a new commission.

Just read plantation doc will their be a bad end invoked in the quest?

There'll be one, but I don't think it will be sexy. If you really fuck things up in the zil village, I think I'll just have them throw you off the cliff.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
There'll be one, but I don't think it will be sexy. If you really fuck things up in the zil village, I think I'll just have them throw you off the cliff.

What about other fail states for the quest that won't be Game Overs? Like if PC didn't manage to defeat/overthrow/convince the ausar dude that goads the bee people, but they weren't a total twat about it either.
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Aug 27, 2015
What about other fail states for the quest that won't be Game Overs? Like if PC didn't manage to defeat/overthrow/convince the ausar dude that goads the bee people, but they wasn't a total twat about it either.

These are the outcomes:

1. You don't challenge Lah to a fair fight, or you stole the gem, or you simply go in guns blazing. In which case, you have to fight the whole zil village. If you win, you drive the zil off and can march Lah back to Darnock, as he requested. If you lose, you are introduced to a 100 foot drop {Ifwings: after they break your wings}.

2. You challenge Lah to a fair fight and lose, or you convince Quinn to listen to you but don't choose the right topics. In this case, you can then agree to their course of action, or refuse. In the latter case they'll chuck you out and bar you from returning, but you'll live. In either case, Thare is done for.

3. You straight up agree that Lah's campaign is the right thing to do because fuck Darnock, amirite? Goto 2.

4. You beat Lah in a fair fight and convince Quinn to seek an alliance with the people of Esbeth. who may be able to block Snuggle taking over if they're prosperous enough to go it alone. You can then choose to take Lah back and claim Darnock's reward anyway because you're a goddamn power player, or let him go for nice points.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sub Sera is definitely happening then? How do I throw some money in that direction?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Sub Sera is definitely happening then? How do I throw some money in that direction?

Put money in hand, aim self in general direction of Sub Sera. Violently propel hand from some approximation of behind oneself, in the direction of Sub Sera. Release money when hand is some approximation of closest proximity to Sub Sera from your current position in space-time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
2. You challenge Lah to a fair fight and lose, or you convince Quinn to listen to you but don't choose the right topics. In this case, you can then agree to their course of action, or refuse. In the latter case they'll chuck you out and bar you from returning, but you'll live. In either case, Thare is done for.

Will you be able go from a failed diplomacy attempt to brutal force and the first set of outcomes?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
@noobsaleh @argenten I'm going on holiday in a week's time, and my current project is large. So do bear in mind that it will be a while before I can accept a new commission.

Right, that was why I was trying to pin down the potential money requirements with noob now, so I could use that time to set aside the funds needed. 

My bad if you were getting the impression of being rushed. I'm really enjoying seeing the Plantation quest develop so I'm more than happy to watch that unveil.

Enjoy your holiday btw.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How much ya got? You can send it to me via Bitcoin and I'll hold on to it for you.

No but in all seriousness though, I'd be happy to match up to however much you'd like and you can send it to Nonesuch. If you need a specific amount as an can also ask Nonesuch I guess.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
An estimate from Nonesuch would be great. Heh his holiday might provide us with enough time to line up minor more folks for a collective at least. 


(Imagine if Nonesuch came back from his vacation to discover this collective commission idea snowballed into an absurdly successful indiegogo campaign...)


Aug 27, 2015
As I said to saleh, she doesn't need a huge amount more work to get into the game. There's a lot of fiddly stuff that has to be done like converting her final training scenes into repeatables, creating an "acting up" mechanic, giving her talk options based off her existing ones etc. I want her acting up to be linked to whether or not you give her an outlet; if she doesn't she requires a lot of attention, if she does she's more independent. The main option will be to invest in her so that she can act as an on-board quasi-merchant. I'm thinking a Benoit type deal where her stock changes intermittently. I also have a couple more sex scenes/punishments lined up. All told, it'll be about 90 dollars.


Aug 27, 2015
Will you be able go from a failed diplomacy attempt to brutal force and the first set of outcomes?

Sorry, forgot to address this. Yeah I guess, not much harm in giving players that option.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Sorry, forgot to address this. Yeah I guess, not much harm in giving players that option.

No problem. It's good to know that a casual, 'skip-everything-that-isn't-porn' kind of player will still be able to choose between getting one of the shitty winstates if they try to get an easy dimplomatic victory.  

And just in case I will forget to do it later, I wish you to have a great holiday, relax and recharge.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
All told, it'll be about 90 dollars.

Well, there you have it.

But shucks, is that all? In that case I'd be happy to match it and get double the content.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
As I said to saleh, she doesn't need a huge amount more work to get into the game. There's a lot of fiddly stuff that has to be done like converting her final training scenes into repeatables, creating an "acting up" mechanic, giving her talk options based off her existing ones etc. I want her acting up to be linked to whether or not you give her an outlet; if she doesn't she requires a lot of attention, if she does she's more independent. The main option will be to invest in her so that she can act as an on-board quasi-merchant. I'm thinking a Benoit type deal where her stock changes intermittently. I also have a couple more sex scenes/punishments lined up. All told, it'll be about 90 dollars.

Sweeet, definitely sounds like a lot of fun, also gives her agency and control even with the whole "Getting sold into debt and S&M slavery." premise. Curious to see what options you'll end up going for as far as her outlets are concerned, as I agree not giving her any with how...horny she is would leave her needing an equal amount of attention or else constantly breaking the rules and enjoying the punishments.

I really like the idea of her acting as another merchant like Anno, it's what she's best at and arguably would allow her to make more profits depending on where Steele stops and how many customers know to or that they can purchase from her. 

And more smut and punishments are good too, you write those very well so that as long as Steele isn't being hateful, they are very easy to enjoy. I hope I don't sound like a broken record, but I take it any pregnant slave Sera stuff would happen long after that to allow her to...for lack of a better term, want to and know her children will be safe and well cared for at the Nursery, like she does with the Sera-dom storyline? Not pushing for it, as I'd rather have it done right and take a while then rush it and make it feel wrong for Sera.

Well, there you have it.

But shucks, is that all? In that case I'd be happy to match it and get more scenes.

Yeah, I could pay for the whole thing after Nonesuch's holiday on my own, but matching can work too. 


Aug 30, 2016
Holy shit- hippocampus station? Yeah- I am sad that is orphaned. Turning my male PCs into sweet soft breeder bait for the good Doctor to groom and knock up? Hell yes. Make all the traps able to have babies if they want it? Double yes. 

As it is- wow. I have a burning desire to make enough money to someday commission you (As I doubt I will ever have such speed as you seem to have. Though with a lot of practice I might learn some of the skill, I can admit to being a bit in love with your AI. Totally inspiring, and I mean that in multiple ways. :p )

Also Sera and how she impregnates PC is like liquid lava- it's so damn hot. *purrs*
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Aug 27, 2015
Holy shit- hippocampus station? Yeah- I am sad that is orphaned. Turning my male PCs into sweet soft breeder bait for the good Doctor to groom and knock up? Hell yes. Make all the traps able to have babies if they want it? Double yes. 

As it is- wow. I have a burning desire to make enough money to someday commission you (As I doubt I will ever have such speed as you seem to have. Though with a lot of practice I might learn some of the skill, I can admit to being a bit in love with your AI. Totally inspiring, and I mean that in multiple ways. :p )

Also Sera and how she impregnates PC is like liquid lava- it's so damn hot. *purrs*

Thanks, those are some very kind words. HS is in the Orphans section for a reason - I doubt it will see the light of day, but the bothrioc clawed themselves back from worse so who knows?

As said, I'll be away in the isles of Scotland for a week now. I actually churned out a whole bunch of really filthy stuff this week separate from any on-going projects, but I do think I need this recharge - the fact I kept being distracted from Plantation Quest told me I could do with clearing my head and getting some reading done.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
As said, I'll be away in the isles of Scotland for a week now. I actually churned out a whole bunch of really filthy stuff this week separate from any on-going projects, but I do think I need this recharge - the fact I kept being distracted from Plantation Quest told me I could do with clearing my head and getting some reading done.

Have fun on your week holiday, hope you're able to recharge and reset to continue the awesome writing we've come to love.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
As said, I'll be away in the isles of Scotland for a week now. I actually churned out a whole bunch of really filthy stuff this week separate from any on-going projects, but I do think I need this recharge - the fact I kept being distracted from Plantation Quest told me I could do with clearing my head and getting some reading done.

Again, have an awesome trip, make us all jealous with the creative prowess of your fully recharged mind. And of being able to do something fun and relaxing IRL.

I'd very much like to know what the 'reading' you are talking about is, if you don't mind me asking.

The book club topic died long ago and I don't have that many good things left on my bookshelf.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Enjoy your trip, hope you feel better both while away and when you return. Moreso the latter but preferably both.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
TIL Scotland has islands.