Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
All of the current FoE writers sometimes adapt weird and seemingly porn-incompatible elements like that in their stuff, but they often make it work.

Plus the whole birthing process doesn't really look that disturbing when the mother isn't a member of a SoL species like humans, or ones that humans screwed with.

Edit: Back to the Sera Preg stuff. I think it will be a good idea to note somewhere if you'd like to use the 'screw logic, we'll have taurs' or the 'screw taurs, there will be logic' approach?

Now I'm kind of morbidly curious as to what "thing" I'm possessed of. Clearly I'm not self-aware enough to catch such in my work.

I know you've mentioned a few before, but eh. Any others not mentioned yet? PM me, so as not to clutter Nonesuch's topic?
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Aug 27, 2015
For bothrioc, it'd be quite easy to do the minimal amount of taur-proofing, although if find said tinkering annoying and don't wanna be bothered to look through the results, give a word and I'll tear that shit down.

No, thank you for doing it. I mean, I'm not going to do it, so it's nice someone is. The only issue I have with it is the expectation it causes taurs to have that anything else in the game is going to cater to them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
No, thank you for doing it. I mean, I'm not going to do it, so it's nice someone is. The only issue I have with it is the expectation it causes taurs to have that anything else in the game is going to cater to them.

With how little love they typically get, and with several writers and devs openly stating that the inclusion of tauric shapes was in of itself a mistake, I wouldn't worry about taur-lovers starting to demand or expect anything. Except for maybe moar taut-specific content from our resident Codecat.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
On topic-ish, @Nonesuch: I don't think I ever told you this, but I love Cerespirin. I think you did an awesome job on it. Really the only TF I've ever considered using other than Sylvanol/Dove Balm, and I think you've awoken a lust for flowergirls in me (the cunt tail support though!!!). So... take that as you will. :p  

...I just realized I haven't properly said grace for my most awaited tf in T.i.T.S. so far. Thanks for reminding me misty.

Thank you so much for making cerespirin @Nonesuch, I love it  :D

It's all I could wish for and more from a plant tf. And it was the perfect piece in the puzzle for my most tf-ed character...I was never completely satisfied with her appearance and it just became more and more of a mess to the point I couldn't even properly imagine her looks anymore. Cerespirin fixed that. Now I'm happy leaving her as a dryad morph :)  

But I'd also like to ask something. Do you have any plans for the cockwings? Like will they ever be able to act like a cocktail in scenes that supports having one? (I'm not a Kaithrit, so I'm assuming curiousity can't kill me...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ceresperin really is one of the best TFs in the game I love it as well. Heh currently it's the major TF that's keeping me interested in the game while I pine for cybernetic TFs. I really want to become a cyborg but until then being a genetically engineered plant chimera is pretty awesome.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of Ceresperin, I noticed that there is no bark skin descriptions for the PC's face and legs. Is it suppose to be like that, no bark skin descriptions in those two areas? Cause that leaves a really weird image in my head, lol.
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Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
Speaking of this, wouldn't it make sense to add a blurb about Sera looking/acting heartbroken/betrayed if the enslavement happens after the party/Seraspawn?

Enslavement cant happen after a successful party/Serapregomancy, because she's paid off her debt thanks to Steele's sluttery.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
But if you've been submitting to her and haven't done the party yet, she'll give a sarcastic remark once you've enslaved her.

Nonesuch more blurbs when


Enslavement cant happen after a successful party/Serapregomancy, because she's paid off her debt thanks to Steele's sluttery.

Well, depending on how the party goes I don't believe she has. But I'll leave off, Nonesuch has quite enough on his plate and this is really not important at all.


Aug 27, 2015
Thank you for the nice comments about Cerespirin everyone! It's been a while since I had a go at writing TFs, so it's great to hear it was well received. Thanks for the cunt snake flower TF should go to Jacques for thinking of it - he also did the demonic cock vine you can get off Lucifier.

But I'd also like to ask something. Do you have any plans for the cockwings? Like will they ever be able to act like a cocktail in scenes that supports having one? (I'm not a Kaithrit, so I'm assuming curiousity can't kill me...)

Since the plan to use them as regular cock tails was nixed, I was thinking about putting up creating a bunch of random scenes for them on my reduced commissions list. I could suggest it to Savoxo as a bounty item, however it's a bit of a niche TF as is, so I feel as if it needs something else to induce a similar transformation before pushing that forward.

Well, depending on how the party goes I don't believe she has. But I'll leave off, Nonesuch has quite enough on his plate and this is really not important at all.

It has to be a successful party. If you screwed it up you will be able to go "Well fuck it, I may as well enslave her now" if you wish.

Seraspawn is predicated on the party being successful, so I don't have to deal with that barrel of unpleasantness.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Since the plan to use them as regular cock tails was nixed, I was thinking about putting up creating a bunch of random scenes for them on my reduced commissions list. I could suggest it to Savoxo as a bounty item, however it's a bit of a niche TF as is, so I feel as if it needs something else to induce a similar transformation before pushing that forward.

Is that so? Then I'll just have to patiently await content supporting having "cockwings"  :)


Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
Well, depending on how the party goes I don't believe she has. But I'll leave off, Nonesuch has quite enough on his plate and this is really not important at all.

I did say a successful party 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It wasn't anything more than a laying pipe dream on my part. I accept the reason why they can't be jammed into cock vine scenes as is.

Really? That really sucks. In my honest opinion, if the cockvines on your back are just there for looks and do absolutely nothing, then I honestly don't understand why they are there at all. Not hating at all, just me expressing my gripes with TF's that do this. Everything else about this TF seems good though.

Also Nonesuch like I said before, are the face and legs not supposed to have bark-skin descriptions or was that an accident?
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Really? That really sucks. In my honest opinion, if the cockvines on your back are just there for looks and do absolutely nothing, then I honestly don't understand why they are there at all.

Yeah it's a shame. You can't even masturbate with them. 


Aug 27, 2015
Really? That really sucks. In my honest opinion, if the cockvines on your back are just there for looks and do absolutely nothing, then I honestly don't understand why they are there at all. Not hating at all, just me expressing my gripes with TF's that do this. Everything else about this TF seems good though.

Also Nonesuch like I said before, are the face and legs not supposed to have bark-skin descriptions or was that an accident?

As said I very much want to give them support, both in terms of giving a few cock vine scenes a quick rewrite and maybe coming up with a couple of uniques. I don't want them to be purely cosmetic, however it probably will have to be commissioned given my current schedule.

And no, that was deliberate. I guessed that most people would prefer not to get a full-on treant face from the TF, particularly given they were getting the beard and antlers as well. An idea for later expansion, perhaps.

Sissy one night standing with Ramis is done. After hanging out in a few gentle femdom threads on /d/ I'd kinda like to open them up to cute boys as well, but I'll probably leave that for her post-recruitment stuff now/ Will now be moving on to BE A MAAAAN.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As said I very much want to give them support, both in terms of giving a few cock vine scenes a quick rewrite and maybe coming up with a couple of uniques. I don't want them to be purely cosmetic, however it probably will have to be commissioned given my current schedule.

And no, that was deliberate. I guessed that most people would prefer not to get a full-on treant face from the TF, particularly given they were getting the beard and antlers as well. An idea for later expansion, perhaps.

1: Well, at least there's hope for them.

2: So as you said, possible later addition to the TF? If so, PLEASE!! Like I said before, the image I get in my head when I try to picture my PC, looks so weird lol.

Edit: unless the lady in the video is a case of extremely normalized one, and Ramis' is unapologetic and proud

Would not be surprised if it was the latter, cause that's what Ramis' character feels like.
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Aug 27, 2015
I have to say, it's a lot less pronounced and jarring and a lot more intelligible than I imagined. One of the reasons I dislike the idea of conveying accents in writing.

Edit: unless the lady in the video is a case of extremely normalized one, and Ramis' is unapologetic and proud.

Oh, I imagine a sloshed Ramis is more pronounced than that. I just reached for a general example of what a Welsh woman sounds like, and the lady from Utopia was the first person that sprang to mind.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Having had a welsh professor, I can say they sound intelligible almost always, until they speak welsh.... He did that once for the class, no one understood a word.

But in normal conversation its pretty easy to follow along, don't know what he sounds like sloshed though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Really? That really sucks. In my honest opinion, if the cockvines on your back are just there for looks and do absolutely nothing, then I honestly don't understand why they are there at all. Not hating at all, just me expressing my gripes with TF's that do this. Everything else about this TF seems good though.

Also Nonesuch like I said before, are the face and legs not supposed to have bark-skin descriptions or was that an accident?

I'm actually really glad we got the cock wings in their current state at all. That's a TF I've wanted forever even since the CoC days. If there was a hard requirement on them having scenes from the get go I doubt we'd have ever gotten them. At least now this cosmetic version serves as a place holder that makes it more likely for them to get fleshed out with actual scenes down the line. And even if they never get any actual scenes I'm still more than happy to even have them at all/ have them show up on my character's appearance screen. It's an effect that no amount of save editing / dicking around with minerva would have allowed me to replicate in game. So once again I must reiterate thank you Nonesuch. I love this TF so damn much.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Don't take this the wrong way guys, but there's limited content in the game for prehensile cocks of any kind at all, even including cock vines. Like it's great that cock wings and tentacle cocks can be done, just don't expect a whole lot of support for them, at least not until writers start respecting the prehensile flag.

Basically, it's the similar treatment multicock PCs get.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Don't take this the wrong way guys, but there's limited content in the game for prehensile cocks of any kind at all, even including cock vines. Like it's great that cock wings and tentacle cocks can be done, just don't expect a whole lot of support for them, at least not until writers start respecting the prehensile flag.

Basically, it's the similar treatment multicock PCs get.

Yeah I totally get that. That's why I'm more than happy to just have the tentacles at all even if there's not any support for them yet. Heh back in CoC Plant TF and some sort of elemental TF were some of my most anticipated possibilities. Heh when CoC ended I had to give up on elemental TF due to incompatibility with the new setting. (On the bright side cybernetics are hopefully possible in some form or another.)  But regardless, plant TF and vine tentacles are something I've wanted for a long time. And Nonesuch totally delivered big time with Cerespirin.