Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
@Yellow Snowman
I can answer a few of these for you?

Request/suggestion: - I would really like to get rid of "corruption". It's definitely a mixed blessing, but too often I end up pinned with my Strength and Cunning drained and I can't do anything for many, many turns. Remove Addiction should be more specific, so you can choose which one
Answer: The corruption mechanic is still being worked on as of now, so it may or may not be still OP to all hell as of yet.
Also it won't be taken out of the game more than likely since every NPC in the game is planned to have some sort of addiction for them.
Although maybe an option to turn addictions in general off could maybe be added, but that depends on the ones making the mod if they want to even do so.

Request/suggestion: - I hate when I try to remove her panties but instead take her strap-on off.
Answer: That shouldn't be possible, since when they equip the strap-on it replaces everything they are wearing like pants/panties.
And if you mean you don't like them using the strap-on in general?
Well that seems to be major part of the game for female characters/NPC's, so no such luck.

Request/suggestion: - I've only had it once that two girls teamed up on me. Definitely wouldn't mind that happening more often
Answer: Fight Angel a bunch....yup.
Only advice I could give.
Until the team matches are implemented the main way for you to get in a threesome situation would mostly be by fighting Angel.

Not sure if this helped at all to answer some of your questions, but I did the best I could with the information available from reading the entire forum and from what I see in the games data.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Committed MayaTime today. Enjoy because it's almost inaccessible - Might need some work later to work it in a bit more realistically. Lots of placeholder. I'll post the sections I did today:

You eventually find Maya in one of the post-doctoral research offices, engrossed with work. Maya's office is perfectly arranged, and her face seems to be engrossed in reading and writing.

"Oh, hello, DSM." She doesn't bother looking at you, but continues typing while going through some kind of book. "What brings you here?" You ask her if she'd like to take a break and hang out for a while. "No thanks. I have important work to do here, and I'm not leaving until it's done." She picks up what looks like a piping hot cup of creamed coffee and sips it. "I'm sorry, but if you want me to play with you tonight, the answer is no. Go play with the others - that's why they are there. I am in here, working and helping to run the games."

She doesn't say much more and you leave the room, wondering if it was something you said or if you overstepped your bounds.

You find Maya in one of the post-doctoral research offices, engrossed with work. "Hello, DSM. I'm working on something games-related, so if you sit down and stay quiet you can stay.", says Maya while motioning to a nearby chair. You grab a chair and sit down, occasionally chatting with Maya about various administrative tasks that she handles while recruiting. Observing her work, you notice that Maya is very smart and seems very committed to doing a good job.

Eventually curiosity gets the better of you and you have to ask why she seems so dedicated to the games. "The games mean a lot to me. I owe everything to the games." Well, considering there's all sorts of strange supernatural stuff going on, that makes sense, but you press her for more details: "I used to compete, just like you. I almost died once, but I was thankfully saved." She glances over at you, her sharp eyes softening a bit before re-hardening as her face returns to her work. " matter how good you are, you're not perfect. Our abilities are real - take the games seriously or someone will get hurt." You get the feeling there's more to this story, but you're pretty sure pressing further is a mistake. You assure Maya that you won't do anything dangerous. "Good. I care a lot about the games, so don't make me have to discipline you myself for screwing up." It seems Maya's harder to get to open up than the other girls, but she's definitely very interesting.

Is there a way to easily build the jar files to test these things out on a whim, or no?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
These were quoted from Yellow Snowman, but I suck at editing my posts just right, so I just copy/pasted his questions/requests.

- Would be fun if when you use the "grow penis" potion on Eve (that's the hermaphrodite right?) she'd end up with two penises? Lots of possibilities. Same goes for the "grow vagina" potion.
A: The Priapus Draft, sold in in the Black Market, is a consumable that grows a penis on you or your competitor. Now it doesn't allow you to grow more than one at a time as using one on someone that already has one just makes it bigger. Wouldn't really make sense yet anyways as actions specific to having two penis' would have to be added in. I'm sure there would be more to it then that, but I like the way you think so keep it in mind.

- I had over 100 points in submissive before I could buy the trait submissive. Seems weird?
A: Submissive has the current requirements, if I'm not mistaken = Seduction Attribute must be 30 or more, Submission Attribute must be 5 or more, Level must be 10, and you need the trait Responsive. I'm basically looking at the TraitRequirements.xml file located in the game's data folder. Btw, other traits prereqs are also listed, if you fancy.

- I wish there were options to take down someone and reverse mount them in one go. Now I use Force Down, Stand Up, Reverse Mount.
A: One of my characters had a Trip move, not sure when or how she got it -- maybe it's from pushing Ki stat -- but when it works it leaves the competitor lying face up with you standing over them. There might even be other ways to cut down on needed actions elsewhere. Keep playing and experimenting and you might find more. If the devs ever get to a point that they're comfortable adding or refining existing actions in game again, adding a more direct way yourself in more ways would be fantastic for sure. Right now there's too much broken to be there just yet.

- Similarly, I wish there was a Stumble into reverse mount. I guess I'm just a sucker for face sitting / giving oral
A: Not sure if there's a move like that, but like I said before, there might be. If not, again keep it in mind for when the game's in better shape and in a position to take more suggested features.

- I would like an "Offer Mouth" when you are on your back, and an "Offer Ass" whenever your opponent is wearing a strap-on (or has a penis I guess)
A: There is a Dive action. Can't recall getting it, raising submissive stat might do it, but it puts you face up in the prone and leaves the competitor in what ever position they were in before. No way to offer mouth though, so some of that has to do with luck I guess. As for the ass part, there is already an Offer Ass action, but it's not immediately available just from positioning. You need to be lubricated (the consumable can be purchased from the XXX Store) or you need Oiled Ass. That requires you be level 10 before it shows up. It basically removes the need to be lubed up.

- I've only had it once that two girls teamed up on me. Definitely wouldn't mind that happening more often
A: Yeah, some girls can can you actually! I don't recall how you get the ability to summon things yourself, but they're possible.

Yellow Snowman

New Member
Jul 24, 2017
Thanks for the replies! :)

You can summon Yui by using a scroll, which can be bought at the Magic Store

Edit: wait, that summons a fairies swarm


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Haven't been posting about NGM here at least, but I will say I've been hoping for a new stable release.

Nothing important; but I've been trying to find good images to replace the f-on-male images for my half-assed trap-pc edition, I have quite a few good ones but I'm always lacking. It's ultimately pointless however, since my character would always trend towards dickgirl or outright hermaphrodite anyways just because I want the extra temptation.
I meant downloading it from github, should have said that from the start. I unzip it but it doesn't play.
Then it would have to be compiled; there's some guides in earlier posts somewhere. Keep in mind of course you will likely encounter game-breaking bugs.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
In the absence of progress on duplicating encounters and incorrect encounter status, I've put some work into Maya which will get a commit once it's complete.

Lines for experience draining are almost finished.

Work has started on design of Maya's Specializations and new abilities. I'm open to suggestions, as I'd like them to make sense and reflect her experience and skill in the games.

First Set (level 40):

Hypnotic Focus or FUNDAMENTAL FOCUS?

Hypnotic Focus should add bonuses or abilities that are unique to Maya. I'm a fan of Fetish addition or augmentation. Perhaps other interesting possibilities.

Second Set (level 50):

Curse Focus or ___?___ Focus?

I think it's pretty obvious she unlocks these at later levels than the other characters. I'd like curse focus to be her embrace of her cursed nature, whatever that actually is.

I have no idea what her other Focus would be at 50.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Ooh, a suggestion box...

Maybe for hypnotism, one of her perks could be that as you make a move, there is a chance, based on her hypnotism skill (checked against what I do not know...) the ability to reduce the effectiveness of the skill you do by becoming somewhat *dazed* by her. Maybe it could be a passive, maybe it could be activated like Illusions. It might work better as a sort of addiction, who knows (Please be please be please be lol god knows how many times I took that perk that doubles duration of status effects)... Examples can be - [Strength] as you perform Shattering Kick, you get tempted by her, and degrades the skill into a "Kick", with a possibility of pussy fetish, since that was what you were trying to hit; [Cunning] Tickling...or Sleight of Hand...or anything ends up working, but allows her to gain a dominant position, taking advantage of your momentary pause... [Seduction] Similar to strength, degrading skill and either gains her the dominant position or produces some kind of fetish or temptation damage, or both.

TL;DR Chance to degrade skill used and induce fetish on original targetted body part/ gain dominant position similar to Counter

It can feed into the idea of requiring varied skill to beat her as she punishes repeated actions. The fetish gained could be short term, or only till the end of the fight with her, since having 2.00 fetish on every single part is just stupid now.

I wouldn't know about her alternative lvl40 focus. Can't really give her passive buffs to her skills in general, since that doesn't make her much different from Samantha...or that statement could just be really narrow-minded. Maybe take advantage of the fact she's a lesbian and go for lezdom? Strapon bonuses, hypnotism support to induce submissiveness? Or she uses her connections and gains unique items and consumables designed to increase sensitivity and make the opponent helpless, subtle atmospheric aphrodisiacs covered from the player by random Seduction skills (so you don't know when she used something) which induces certain fetishes (such as pussy fetish when you attack the pussy). The fetish created depends on the particular aphrodisiac used (e.g. pussy fetish-inducing aphrodisiac does not trigger fetish if you do not touch her pussy), and can make her really strong when not in a neutral state (i.e. not standing).

The one question I have, though, is - will hypnotism remain a mainstay for her, as it is now? Or will you make that into a focus you can choose? Whether Hypnotism remains her core, unchangeable ability she gets from the get go, or if she can only branch into it, might affect her design, no?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Yeah, I would like to preserve Maya as best as I can for the sake of continuity. This is why I'd like her foci to be her Hypnotism and Mysterious Curse abilities.

Making the thing you suggest is very very hard, since not all abilities in ngm upgrade to new versions. It's hard going in both directions - as well, some abilities diverge. No promise you go actually backwards, and the process takes a lot of searching and sorting.

However, you COULD make an Addiction or StatusEffect that reduces the base magnitude of abilities, or even plays with different bonus components that create a lot of damage.

I've uploaded a new personal JAR for testing - this one integrates a month's worth of changes, including Maya.
I've also doubled the duration of Fetishes and increased the likelyhood of Frottage to give a Cock Fetish, since it wasn't as much as other skills that give pussy, ass, or breasts fetishes.!kdJCCTyZ!hjoXlbt3jSqUGUleorFpGy_-ujn0iDbzayEGI6SMFIw

I've been working on my games lately, so I find ngm very messy and demotivating. I had warned about this, so I'm hoping someone fulfill some requests I had for Eve's portraits or other goodies. I've posted above about existing problems so others have an easier time of it, and I've documented quite a lot of findings and exploration on my github branch.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Spotted a bug:

When fucking in dominant position (or possibly any position), If Angel forces you to foot worship, you might actually come inside of her despite entering a whole new position where you are no longer inserted.

You are holding Angel upsidedown by her legs while fucking her pussy.
Angel's divine aura forces you to forget what you were doing and crawl to her on your knees.
You use Foot Worship.
You throw yourself at Angel's dainty feet and start sucking on her toes
. Angel seems surprised at first, but then grins and shoves her toes further in to your mouth, eliciting a moan from you.
As your mouth touches hers, you draw large gouts of life energy out of her feet which is absorbed by your tainted mouth.
Angel was drained of 97 stamina by you
You have robbed some of Angel's divinity, greatly reinforcing your own.
Angel's feet was pleasured by your tainted mouth for 140 base:33.4 (11.0 + 22.4) x multiplier: 4.18 (1 + sen:-0.5 + ple:2.6 + per:1.1 + stage:0.00 )

Angel shudders as you bring her to a toe-curling climax.
741 arousal overflow
Angel lost 25+7 (32) willpower.
Angel's climax makes her positively gleam with erotic splendor; her every move seems more seductive than ever.
She seems more seductive now.
While cumming Angel's spasming honeypot seems to urge you to do the same.
Angel's concentrated divine energy in her pussy seeps into your cock, sending unimaginable pleasure directly into your soul.
Angel uses her well-trained vaginal muscles to milk your cock, adding to the pleasure.
You continue feeding on your own pleasure to charge up your divine energy.
Your massive incubus blessed runic primal shaft was pleasured by Angel's divine cunt for 560 base:63.0 (58.0 + 5.0) x multiplier: 8.89 (1 + sen:2.8 + ple:2.9 + per:2.1 + stage:0.00 )

You tense up as your hips wildly buck against Angel. In no time, your hot seed spills into her pulsing hole.
As your cum floods Angel's divine cunt, you are assaulted by a feeling of inner peace and belonging. The soothing emotions washes over you, before settling in as an unadulterated adoration for your divine partner.
338 arousal overflow
Angel is now enthralled by you.
The moment you erupts inside Angel, her mind goes completely blank, leaving her pliant and ready.
Angel flushes as the feedback from your orgasm feeds her divine power.
Angel is now alluring.

You lost 25+12 (25) willpower (Strong-willed).
As you are about to cum, you rapidly and almost involuntarily pump Angel's hot sex with your rock hard cock. The only thing she can manage to do is try and hold on.
Angel was drained of 24 willpower by you
Your demonic appendage latches onto Angel's will, trying to draw it into yourself. Despite Angel's best efforts, some of the elusive energy passes into you.
Angel resists Enthralled (Skeptical).
Power radiates out from your massive incubus blessed runic primal phallus, seeping into Angel's and subverting her will.
You use your expert cock control to grind against Angel's inner walls, making her knuckles whiten as she moans uncontrollably.
Angel continues feeding on her own pleasure to charge up her divine energy.
Your expert handling of Angel's pussy causes Angel to shudder uncontrollably.
Angel's divine slit was pleasured by your massive incubus blessed runic primal shaft for 385 base:44.0 (31.0 + 13.0) x multiplier: 8.74 (1 + sen:-0.3 + ple:7.7 + per:0.6 + stage:-0.30 )

Angel stares you in the eye as your consciousness returns from the precipice "Once isn't enough. I need more. You can do that for me, right?"
Cumming actually made you feel kind of refreshed, albeit with a burning desire for more.
You regained 20 willpower.
You expertly coax yet another orgasm from Angel, leaving her completely spent.
0 arousal overflow
Angel lost 25 willpower.
Angel's climax makes her positively gleam with erotic splendor; her every move seems more seductive than ever.
She seems more seductive now.
After Angel comes down from her orgasmic high, she doesn't look satisfied at all. There's a mad glint in her eye that seems to be endlessly asking for more.
Angel regained 20 willpower.
You see the light of reason return to Angel after her release.
Angel is now braced.
Angel is now wary.

The holy energy seeps out of you.
Your raw sexuality turns both of you on.
Angel tempted you for 25 (base:28 + 14, charisma:0.6) (Oblivious)
You tempted Angel for 373 (base:101 + 76, charisma:2.1)
Angel is now cynical towards future mind games.
Angel was aroused for 33 (your pheromones)
Angel was aroused for 3 (your primal passion)
Angel's raw sexuality turns both of you on.
You tempted Angel for 582 (base:126 + 58, charisma:3.2)
Angel tempted you for 32 (base:35 + 18, charisma:0.6) (Oblivious)
Your overwhelming presence mentally exhausts your opponents.
Being more careful now, manages to conserve most of her stamina.
Angel was weakened by 19
You were healed for 2
You built 3 mojo.
Angel was healed for 1

You are kneeling on the ground, while Angel stands over you.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
This is probably a fool's errand, but is about 2000 lines long and is creating problems diagnosing some problems that span different phases of combat.

I'm going to try rewriting it. Combat will, hopefully in the future, not represent nearly as much as it does, and be able to pass its data off to different destinations.

As well, I'm creating issue and project entries on my github for those that wish to help me contribute or want to lighten the load.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
I can see there's some activity besides myself - that's a relief. I can see one person is working on gui stuff.

I'm gonna hold on any changes to GUI and further changes to Combat until those folks are finished testing and OK to have those changes pulled. They can also pull my latest changes if they wish to help me out or take on some tasks.

I'll be reaiming focus on Maya and the new trait system.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Found a bug i ran in Mara and Jewel fight and helped Mara after that was over they were fighting. Everytime I helped one them they were still fighting.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Skimmed over discussions; but a mechanic that has been rarely used if at all for hold skills is the wait/break dynamic of risking RNG for instant reward or punishment opposed to just waiting out the status effects. Most often this ends up becoming "lose buttons" as even 99% is never a safe bet but if you wanted more illusions of choice for players then you still have options.

Another example if need be is breaking locks, but it was almost never a good idea compared to looking for a key. Unrelated; but I finally got lucky and ubanis finally made a good futa on shota doggy-style picture I can use.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
@tjmac124 known issue.

@Vintrion I'm not sure what you mean - can you explain it more clearly?

I think you mean playing the map with status effects - they currently do not sync with battle rounds, which was a complaint I mentioned a page or so ago. My game plays the map better, and I'd try to throw some of that this way, but there's too much work to do with sorting the program out first to play with the game's core elements.

Ryplinn's work is coming along well - I want to merge their changes into mine once they're finished and tested.

LogosK's recent commits might overlap a few things but serve as more immediate patching. Feel free to post or PM me what you'd like to get done so everyone avoids conflicts.

I'm currently staying out of the way of changes to Combat, Global, and GUI. My next targets are Maya, MayaTime, and implementing CharTraits. My next commit will probably be when that process is underway for all 230+ traits

I'm a bit of a newb working intimately with git and github - so I'm inexperienced at personally sorting out more than one person's work coming my way. Eventually, this stuff should get sent up the way towards nergantre, but I only say that lacking knowledge of a new launch point for nge, if possible.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Ooh, a suggestion box...Maybe for hypnotism, one of her perks could be that as you make a move, there is a chance, ...
Just that there are other ways of letting players feel like they have some semblance to control during trances. Ultimately pointless to implement, but I was feeling lazy and not wanting to quote.

Also I feel like I already posted it before and forgot.
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New Member
Aug 10, 2017
hi, this is my first post ever on this forum, but I really need help (I've been checking on previous posts but can't find anything): when trying to launch the game all I get is a black box that briefly after disappears, am I failing on some basic notion? what's my problem? (please help :( )


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
@Hornefix Sounds like you don't have java JRE installed, but I might be wrong.

Noticed a bug now that Maya's scenes are implemented: They sometimes trigger twice or out of order on account of her being so high a level on start.


Feb 24, 2017
@DarkSinfulMage I do have Java, also double checked by reinstalling it from the Oracle site, still the same problem
I had the same problem when I downloaded the game.
First, make sure you're running the right java that's compatible with your system and program. Find the Java file that you got from the Oracle site( After that open the bin file and you should see the runnable Java version 8.

Remember where it is and go back to the actual game file. Right-click the game and click properties. On the window that opens it should allow you to change what program opens the file. If the right Java version isn't shown, then the option to find the Java yourself on your computer should be given. After clicking that, find the java file you downloaded and click on the runnable Java in the bin.

You might have to guess and check which Java is the right one for you and the game(I did) but hopefully, that should help.


New Member
Aug 10, 2017
@Amygdala Already did that for every executable in both the x86 and x64 versions, but the only thing I get is that black window for a couple frames (Also, I have other stuff that runs with Java, and that works still fine)

the only executable that doesn't just close or opens a C text block is javaws, that says:
Unable to launch the application Error:Could not parse launch file. Error at line 1 (and here I could copy and paste the log)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Minor Bug: Using a command on the console in debug and then hitting Enter WHILE on the pre-night screen (SAVE or Start/doit/notinterested) results in a match you cannot quit - it also does bad things to the match's data.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016

Disregard pretty much this whole afternoon. I messed up bigtime and I have a lot to fix before I'm back up and running. At the moment my forked is completely fucked and it's my fault.
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Active Member
May 27, 2016
Is there a way to skip to a certain day? I want to look at Maya, but she only appears at a certain day. Quitting matches instantly still takes too long.