Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

- Started saving font size to file.
- Added the trait IndiscriminateThief to allow level drainers to steal levels from each other.
- Reyka's short duration charmed now does not apply cynical

Bug fixes:
- Airi can no longer disguise as Maya (this fixes a crash bug)
- Removed unloadable traits from loaded growth plans
- Fixed stale combats getting saved after a match (results in errors if leveling up during daytime)
- Fixed addiction removal to actually remove addictions.
- Attributes can no longer be modded below 0 (temporarily fix, they can still be drained below 0, but it will be affectively 0 for now).

- Nerfed attribute based increases to pheromones, certain toys, and draining

Bug fixes:
- Actually implemented Bottomless Pit (thanks Truepower)
- Fixed various bugs with addictions (Thanks DarkSinfulMage)
- Fixed some text issues
- Made old 2.5.0.x saves compatible with the new build
    - (warning: this will make Reyka's traits growths weird, and she'll gain extra traits she is not supposed to have any more, so do so at your own risk)
- Fixed some draining issues


- Made the body part sort order stable
- Made the body part description non-random in the status window
- Added new messages for drained and converted attributes (they work the same way though as before)

- Added Reyka's focus traits, courtesy of dndw
- At level 12, choose between disabling and seduction
- At level 22, choose between draining and corruption
    - Word of warning, if you choose corruption, she will not necessarily corrupt only the player.
- Rebalanced her trait gains to work with her new focus traits

- Seduction/beauty bonus has been cut in half for pleasure attacks (remains the same for temptation)
- Tighten now costs 15 mojo
- Powerful hips now only allow grind/bounce from below.
- Dominate can no longer be used while you are already in a dominant stance
- Tempt, Charm, Facesit and Smother temptation scaling with charisma has been nerfed

- "Wild Ride" is now called "Wild Grind" when used from below (effects unchanged)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where level ups were being displayed even though the player isn't leveling up in combat.
- Fixed a bug where drained messages would use the wrong person's name when being drained by multiple characters
- Fixed some typos with Cassie's scenes
- Fixed a bug where the wrong body part would be used for the orgasm message in a threesome.

- Added some descriptive text for draining attributes (thanks DarkSinfulMage, didn't get to put all of it in, but should be a bit better now)
- Changed the status display to display your current attribute, and how much of it is from bonuses
    - Example:
        - Power: 6 (+1) means you have 5 base power, and +1 from buffs
- Added some text to show when hurting/weakening/draining someone does basically nothing because they are stunned/winded/braced after a fall

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bunch of crash bugs related to custom starts
- Fixed some crash bugs related to addictions
- Fixed a bug where leveldrainers would not level from gaining exp from level drain/video games
- Fixed anal pussy mod resetting ass sizes in the body shop
- Fixed weaken not actually taking into account status bonuses/reductions for weaken
- Fixed the initial message never displaying for status effects (only displays when it is replaced. d'oh)
- Fixed tighten/orgasmic tighten sometimes using a cock
- Fixed frottage sometimes using a non-existent cock
- Fixed divine mod counting non-cumming inside as cumming inside.
- Fixed a bug making starting penetration not do what it should
- Fixed a bug making character start archetypes not work if the gender is not specified.
- Fix crash bugs when the main four have no pussies and turn 10.
- Fix divine mod + zeal inspiring trigger

Bug fixes (since 2.5.0.rc6):
- Fixed some thrust related bugs
    - Fixed a crash bug when thrust is being used in certain threesome positions
    - Fixed a bug where if you were in a XHF daisychain stance and you were the herm getting sandwiched,
      thrust/piston would display the wrong skill name
- Fixed titfuck pin stance causing crashes when the bottom has their dick suddenly disappera
- Fixed NPCs using diversion causing crash bugs due to string format problems
    - By the way, if you're a coder and are working on the mod, please try to use the Global.format whenever possible.
     It makes things a lot easier for me :)

New since 2.4.5 (For those that didn't try the rc builds):
WARNING: Saves will not be compatible with 2.4.5 builds!

QoL/GUI (Thanks dndw!):
- Attributes now display when they are buffed or reduced
- Training perks now only show the highest level
- Requirements for transformations are now green if you meet them or red if you don't.
- Split forced female pronoun usage PC only and NPC in the options menu
- Colorized more text in the combat window to make it easier to read
- Squashed a few messages together to reduce the amount of text

- Body part modifications have been generalized to other things.
    - Added some new body modification options for most NPCs
        - Cassie now offers arcane lipstick and runic ass tattoos in addition to her old options
        - Reyka now offers devil's ass and demonic mouth options in addition to her old options
        - Angel now offers sacred ass in addition to her old options
        - Jewel now offers molten ass and retraining (reset your levels) in addition to her old options
        - Mara now offers biomech ass and prosthetic mouth upgrades in addition to her old options
    - Body modification options now cost money, but you can now apply more than one mod at once.
        - The $ cost will go up dramatically with more mods.
        - It's currently balanced around having two, maybe three mods at most.
        - The developer will not be held accountable for what happens with more.

- Added a few new start options
    - Added reverse level drain challenge (big thanks to dndw)
        - In this mode, all NPCs will gain the "Level Drainer" trait.
            - This trait makes it so that they will not receive experience normally
            - Instead, every time they make another non-leveldrainer combatant cum while having sex,
             they will steal a level from their victim (limited to once per fight on non-hardmode variants)
            - If they win a match without draining a level, they will automatically do so
            - If you lose a match to a level drainer, you will not get experience for that loss.
    - Added futa and hardmode versions of the reverse level drain challenge

- Added a new match modifier
    - Added Level drain match modifier
        - This has a chance of appearing if you out level the competition by a couple levels
        - It has similar rules to the reverse level drain challenge

- Airi    has been completely revamped (and retconned a bit. Sue me.)
    - She now has new trait focuses.
        - Level 13 focuses consists of slime/stickiness or mimicry.
        - Level 22 focuses consists of replication/cloning or tentacles (developer's note: don't choose hardmode here... oh god)
    - Her traits have also been rebalanced to accommodate this
    - There's a few new scenes for her when she wins before transforming or while disguised.

- Mara has been completely revamped (thanks dndw, you're the best :D)
    - She now has new trait focuses.
        - Level 10 focuses consists of a new harpoon toy or an arsenal of gadgets
        - Level 20 focuses consists of mind control or autonomous robotic arms
    - Her traits have also been rebalanced to accommodate this

- Jewel's anal focus line has been changed a bit. Most of her traits now apply to face sitting as well as anal sex.
    - This is to buff her a bit more vs female characters.
    - She will also get the molten ass mod as a part of this line.
    - Fiery Pussy has been buffed
        - It will now inflict pain every turn in addition to when fucking with it.
        - If the target is stunned, it will gain a heavy bonus to pleasure applied.

- Cassie got a few more changes for her focues.
    - She gets the new Illusionist trait in the enchantress focus, which adds half of her Arcane attribute as hypnotism
    - In her mouth specialization focus, she will no longer have the mouth pussy mod.
        - Instead she will get an extended tongue at 25 and arcane lipstick at 57

- Added ass sizes
    - Currently you can modify them in the body shop
    - This affects your feminity/hotness/bonus seduction/speed a bit currently

- Added the "Molten drippings" item
    - this is collectable with an empty bottle from defeating someone with a fiery pussy (ie Jewel)
    - this is drinkable and throwable like other drafts
    - effects are: deals 500 pain damage, stuns the target for 25 turns, and makes them level up
    - only usable during combat

- Raised the prices of drafts a bit since they're much more effective now with mods being stackable
    - lowered the number of drafts needed for transformations a bit to compensate

- Tribadism can now only be used when both opponents have naked crotches. (It was getting pretty weird, you could scissor with a trench coat on...)
- kiss can no longer be used in the neutral position
    - To compensate, it has been buffed slightly
    - This actually was in the last patch, forgot about putting it into the patch notes
- changed submissive hold to only be usable when having sex (you could use it in titfuck pin/oral pin, since now they are considered "inserted")
- The boutique should be unlocked now if the PC is feminine enough (or I guess if you check the always use female pronoun option)
- changed 69 stance to have the participants not able to "reach top".
- removed facefuck/facesit's "reach top" requirement
- You can no longer use blowjob if they are face sitting on you
- Struggle/Escape will now pleasure both combatants when used in a sex stance.
- Pole control/Hole control and Tight has been nerfed to be half as effective when in a submissive position
- Ass/Cock/Pussy handler and Anatomical Knowlegdge traits have nerfed to only apply when not in a submissive position
- Kat's feral ignore orgasm has been nerfed. It actually was just coded incorrect, and had an insane chance to ignore orgasms, especially when her animism was low (???)
- Attribute scaling formulas were nerfed a bit
- Start options with elevated attributes now will automatically generate level-up data so level draining actually does stuff.

- Incubus cocks will no longer be called incubus girl-cocks
- Added a minor non-placeholder message for players using tempt

(Full changelog at

Game on tfgamessite:

Nightgames is a Java game where you sexfight other coeds in a college campus.

The idea is you and the NPCs wander around on campus, and when you get into an encounter, you try to make each other orgasm until they give up.

It starts off vanilla but then opens up as you progress, unlocking this like succubus, magic, and other content.

The mod adds additional content on top of the original, with most of them dealing with transformation.

You can grow cocks/pussies/tentacles/etc to help you in your fight. It also enables you to play as different genders to start, but it's not as well supported because the original game assumes you are a guy in a lot of places.

The portraits are drawn by me (I'm an amateur, go easy on me ), but the sex stance pictures are stolen from image boards.
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Aug 28, 2015
Welcome back!

I had just found out someone had followed up SilverBard's excellent work, when hell broke loose on fenoxo... So I basically registered only to tell you how awesome you were!

Since just that doesn't help much in the development process, here's the typos / bugs report I've been saving (I'm only level 13 in 1.8, but most of the following seem to apply as far as I could test)

Warning: wall of text! very white!

Tipoz / language stuff:

Manuever -> maneuver

<pheromones status report>
Your heart pounds in your chest as you try to surpress your arousal from contacting Kat's pheromones.
*surpress -> supress

Angel uses Tighten. Angel rhythmically squeezes her ass around your dick, milking you for all that Angel is worth. (for all she's worth)

<fluid addiction / kiss>
You are now addicted to Cassie's fluids.
As Cassie's saliva flow(->flows) down your throat, your entire mind fogs up.

"Enthrall" is spelled "entrall" sometimes. I'll look into it.
I spotted some typos in original day actions, esp. "meet x girl", but I figure I'd better wait for next source and fix them myself, then post the relevant *.java file back. Right?
Bugs / inconsistencies:

<pet slime>Two long appendages extend from your slime and wrap around Jewel's legs. A third, phallic shaped appendage forms and penetrates her pussy. She stifles a moan as the slimy tentacles thrusts in and out of her.
Jewel's none was pleasured for 26 (none -> bodypart pussy)

<pet fae>Your faerie lands on Cassie's tit and plays with her sensitive nipple
Cassie's innocent appearance throws you off and you use much less strength than intended.
Cassie was hurt for 4
-> shouldn't this be pleasure damage?

< Fluid addiction>
Cassie uses Deep Kiss.
Cassie seductively pulls you into a deep kiss [...] much of a defense.
Your drug-laced saliva leaves Cassie's entire body tingling with arousal.
Cassie was aroused for 13
Cassie is now piqued to your fluids. (*ok to this point)  
*player* drinks down your saliva and seems to want more.
Your mouth was pleasured by Cassie's mouth for 87
-> *Cassie's* drinks down your saliva and seems to want more.

- Milk addiction status for females (same as above, I think)
Mara uses Suckle. Mara licks and sucks your nipples, drawing forth a gust of breast milk from your teats. She drinks deeply of your milk, gurgling happily as more of the smooth liquid flows down her throat. Your drug-laced milk leaves Mara's entire body tingling with arousal.
Your drug-laced milk leaves Mara's entire body tingling with arousal.
Mara was aroused for 8
Mara is now piqued to your fluids.
*Player* drinks down your milk and seems to want more.
Your muscular pecks was pleasured by Mara's mouth for 14
-> *Mara* drinks down your milk and seems to want more.

<unsure which trait it is - tight? Anal control?>
Jewel's naturally oiled asshole swallows your cock with ease.
Jewel uses her powerful sphincter muscles to milk your cock, adding to the pleasure.
You were hurt for 30
You have calmed down by 7
-> Jewel uses her powerful sphincter muscles to ruthlessly sr prick.

- Allure status for females
 <Jewel was just 'allured' by a striptease>
You and Jewel circle each other cautiously
*Player* looks impossibly beautiful to your eyes, you can't bear to hurt her.
(Female-> Jewel can't bring herself to do you any harm(?))
(or Unisex-> *actor* can't possibly do any harm to someone so adorable)

<incorrect text order when trap & encounter occur simultaneously>
- You are now enthralled by Reyka.  
You resist Flat-Footed (Shameless).
You are now hypersensitive.  
At Jewel's interruption, you break free from the succubus' hold on your mind. The shock of it short-circuits your brain, though, causing you to drop to the floor and leaving all of your skin strangely sensitive
Before you have a chance to recover, Jewel pounces on you.
You resist Flat-Footed (Shameless).
As you step across the Student Union, you are suddenly surrounded by purple flames. Your mind goes blank for a moment, leaving you staring into the distance. When you come back to your senses, you shake your head a few times and hope whatever that thing was, it failed at whatever it was supposed to do. The lingering vision of two large red irises staring at you suggest differently, though.
*the "you've been trapped" sentence should go first, I think
It's nice to meet Rosea!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey, thanks for the reply and the bug reports!

I'll fix these in the next build :)

The next build will also have the following:

Custom Skills (ever wanted to add a new skill in? well now you can!)

Custom Status Effects (same deal here, it mostly is to be used with custom skills)

Custom Traits (this is a bit iffy, the problem with Traits is that the code for them is usually scattered. Right now the custom Traits will only be able to automagically apply a status effect or enable the use of certain skills)

What might be in the next build:

More Rosea development

Custom NPC day time actions. (right now custom npcs do not have any daytime actions)

What's being planned but probably not in the next build

I want to try to start moving the body mods away from the bodyshop. I added it as sort of a placeholder when adding the body part system, but I'm not really planning on keeping it there. What I'm thinking is having each girl being able to give you the cock/pussy mods that they are related to if you have a good enough of a relationship with them. Like Cassie could give/sell you the Arcane pussy mod or the Blessed Cock mod (thanks dndw!) if her affection is high enough, and Jewel could give you the Fiery Pussy/Englightend Cock if her affection is high enough. Maybe I can associate other Body mods with characters as well.

What's really stopping me though is the amount of scenes I have to write D:. It takes me way longer doing any kind of writing than coding unfortunately. So I think this will be done, just in very slow increments.

As always, I'm open to any suggestions :D


Aug 28, 2015
It takes me way longer doing any kind of writing than coding unfortunately. So I think this will be done, just in very slow increments.

As always, I'm open to any suggestions :D

Nice, I won't have to double post!

SilverBard set some crazy-high writing quality standards, that's the reason I like this game. So take your time, you've been doing a great job so far IMO.

Here's a 1st proofreading of, I included a line-by-line changelog in case I've unwillingly broken something (I used notepad++).
I'll do more when my eyesight is back and my wall-of-text fetish settles down. o_O

Please do tell if there's any inconvenience with my editing the .java directly or if I messed up anything. I couldn't get the source to run yet so I wasn't able to test the modified files.

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View attachment changeslog.txt
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
On the body mods, it might make a little more sense if they were slightly gated, too. Like, you couldn't get a cyber-penis unless your Tech is at X and then your affection with Mara is at Y. And if you get a new mod, like say you want arcane genitalia instead of cyborg ones, it replaces them. Dunno if there's a mechanic where you can stack the different mod effects, but it might be a good idea to keep that from happening.

Also, I'm technologically impaired. I still have no idea on how to get the new character into the game.   Figured it out, feel a bit silly not knowing in hindsight. . .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks for the proofread, I merged it in already :p

Just for future reference, you probably don't have to keep a change log. It's all version controlled anyways, so I can just find the diffs instantly.

If you want to learn how to use git/github that would make it easier, but if all you are doing is editing text, it's not super necessary


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Latest Release: @ 13/09/16!Rc40GBpb!W5AptfSpWCoVf_KbOdX5BglrAmkighbqHIbuOiQiV3k

-----Old Post-----

I like all the customization going on, it opens up all kinds of possibilities.

Unfortunately, I am as writing-impaired as you are, so I probably won't be of much help there...

On the subject of customization though, nergantre, *cough* inbox *cough*.
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Aug 28, 2015
JewelTime, KatTime, MaraTime and ReykaTime.

I haven't even tried compiling the source yet. I want to understand each piece, and how they come together, before I can graduate from 'useless' and hopefully go Mara with the script :) Not quite there yet >_>

My ambition:

- creating a "fetish" system so PC builds up FP (fetish points) the more he is hit by an attack type (hand, feet, mouth, etc)

- have the AI exploit resulting weakness / favor some moves

- have Suzume hypno the PC to lower/raise specific FP

That would give the player some control over the AI behavior.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've noticed that the chances of being on the receiving end of vaginal penetration are extremely rare to the point of almost not happening at all. I've played with that new option that has a slider between male and female but it doesn't seem to have bearing on the preferences of your opponents or yourself for that matter. Invitation used to be the command that invited opponents to vaginally penetrate the player. Now it just forces your cock into your opponents and puts you in a position where you have to struggle to regain a dominant position. I managed to get the one girl to penetrate my character with a strapon a couple of times but even that is rare. 

It would be helpful if a few other players tried to fool around with this issue because I'm sure we each have our own preference of skills and feats. It could be that I need to changeup my selection of of feats a bit to encourage the opponents to take my character's vagina. I'm gonna do some more testing. Also, I attached the log in case it gives any clues as to why this behavior has changed so drastically since the recent updates.

View attachment nightgames_log.txt

Edit: I just looked closer. I wanted to be certain that  it was happening the way it was happening a couple updates back. It is still doing the thing with invitation where it basically describes in the text that you guided their cock into your folds but then the very next turn puts you in a position where you're being held down and you have to struggle, escape, or choose from limited options. I also notice that starting from that turn it treats it as if your cock is inside of them rather than the other way around. I missed my chance when it happened this time because I was paying more attention to reading what it was saying and I realized I couldn't display the previous text blurb before the refresh to show that at first they penetrated my character and then suddenly its treating it as if I penetrated them instead. I can go ahead and coax an opponent to do it again and I'll copy paste the text here to show it if you really want. It's not too hard to test it out during play and get it to happen for you though so try it and see.

On a side note I have a sinking suspicion that the new cock mods are not affected by the cock enlargement option in the body shop. Meaning its basically a money sink right now if you try to enlarge the cocks. Its probably related to the fact that the new cocks do not have a size description associated with them.
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Aug 28, 2015
As of 1.8, the "invitation" command is unisex, and will prioritize "Male parts appeal" over "Female parts appeal". IOW your omnibus will always "invite" offering his male parts. You might want to try "sex counter" instead.

If you wish for the opponent to initiate penetration with "invitation", you have to play a pussy-only character. You can always buy a few incubus drafts, should you miss what you cut off...

If you wish to initiate intercourse with your vag, you need to have a dominant position over the opponent (mount). "ReverseFuck" and "ReverseFly" do that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
On a side note I have a sinking suspicion that the new cock mods are not affected by the cock enlargement option in the body shop. Meaning its basically a money sink right now if you try to enlarge the cocks. Its probably related to the fact that the new cocks do not have a size description associated with them.

This is correct. Currently, the different sizes and the mods are two distinct upgrade systems working side by side. Picking a mod will set your size to 'big'  (except for the Primal Cock, that's 'huge') and if you remove the mod that's the size you end up with. The mods are also impervious to drafts. Nergantre is planning to overhaul the body shop, locking mods behind attribute and affection walls like the npc-specific traits and skills (if I understand correctly). When that happens, I guess the size mods will always be available, whereas the new mods will have to be unlocked. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What's really weird though is the fact that the flavor text for invitation still states that you are taking their cock vaginally regardless of whether or not you're actually penetrating them. It makes the whole thing sound like invitation is still the option to spread your legs and take their cock. It might be beneficial to have it give the flavor text that indicates you're penetrating instead of being penetrated. That would be like a sentence or so difference and it would only have to flag with the appropriate situation. It presently is very confusing when you're reading the text and it sounds like you're getting penetrated but then you find out that somehow you're inside the opponent instead.

Incidentally I've discovered that cock enlargement can on rare occasions permanently bestow itself upon your target. That is a nice way of getting your female opponents to permanently grow cocks but it takes patience and great care since if you are too reckless with this tactic you could lose fights.  ( I thought that was a science move at first but then I read the flavor text after using it and discovered it is actually arcane). Ironically even with the slider set to male under the options tab I am not seeing any of the girls opting to buy one of the new cock mods. I am assuming that there is a chance they will upgrade at the end of each night which is when it switches over to your after school day period. I'll keep watching and hmm.. I wonder what would happen if I used cock enlargment on a girl with one of those new cocks... I hope it wouldn't confuse the game and cause it to switch to a standard girl cock.... that would be kinda bad. The other thing it might do is crash the game I suppose. I'll have to try it if I see one take one of the new cocks.

I will point out that the issue with one or two opponents exploding in levels has not appeared yet. I am at lvl 95  so I think it is safe to assume that the ai was indeed using level drain to devastating effect before the patch that nerfed it so that's a good thing. Although I'm kinda torn because I thought it was hilarious getting the levels into the thousands. Ironically I have not seen level drain appear for me as an option yet even though Reyka used it on me one time. I'm fairly certain I have all the feats you would require to get the option. I am aware that once I hit 100 it will be disabled for me anyways though.Oh well it will be disabled for them too once they catch up to that level.

Edit: Question... how many cocks can a girl have in this game because I just discovered that once you enlarge a cock to massive and you use cock growth again you get this.... Note the smallish girl-cock at the beginning and the massive girl-phallus right after the cat ears sentence.

A smallish girl-cock hangs between Kat's legs. Cute cat ears tops her head. A massive girl-phallus hangs between Kat's legs. Tiny A Cup breasts adorn Kat's chest. A drenched feral pussy is nested between Kat's legs. A lithe cat's tail swings lazily behind Kat's back. A primal musk surrounds Kat's body.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Rather than repeatedly editing that previous post I will post my observation that I have now pushed my character to lvl 115 and none of the girls took the option of buying one of the new special cocks. I am attaching the log because I noticed every so often as I scrolled back through it that I would see messages like this one...

Angel uses Tickle
Could not process Cassie's orgasm against Angel: self=null, opp=null, pos=nightgames.stance.NursingHold@1976fdawill power reduced from 41 to 0
will power reduced from 0 to 0

I'm gonna delete my log after I post this one. Hopefully the errors will point someone in the right direction towards correcting the issues.

View attachment nightgames_log.txt        

Rather than creating a new post I'll just make a suggestion here that came to me. Once you rework that new system that will phase out most of the body shop transformations or make special unlocking events required it would be kinda neat to offer up special transformations of like  the skin, mouth and even adding things like horns (in Reyka's case) Maybe it could go so far as allowing you to become a full fledged succubus or Feral catgirl. If you add in a slimegirl (that would be really cool) you could even create new transforms for her as well.

Right now I am playing around with the different body mod combos to see what happens. I really like how this game has massively increased stability with your latest release. I haven't encountered the ui issue where all the buttons vanish except when you use the locate button without having any of your opponent's clothing at the time. Also the exponential level explosion has definitely stopped. This is just plain excellent. I can play this for hours and hours now. It's really addicting once you get into the whole strategy mindset.
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Aug 27, 2015
Really glad to see this up on the new forum. It was a quiet couple of days without it. Quick question about the custom skills and and status effect stuff:

How tech/code savvy do have to be in order to make them?

The only reason I ask is that you could find monkeys that know more about coding than I do but the concept still intrigues me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey guys,

Thanks for the bug reports as usual. You *should* only have one cock, but i wouldn't be too surprised if there's a bug that can get you multiple. The code doesn't really play nicely with it right now so I'll try to fix it when I can.

For the cock mods, I'll eventually be transitioning those to Traits like dndw says, so the size can work on them.

@Charred, thanks, I'll merge those in eventually. I usually don't work much on this much on weekends though, so maybe Monday or Tuesday.

@Lightningshifter, that's exactly what I'm planning :)  The problem is it takes a lot of writing, which I'm super slow at. Well a bit at a time eh?

@Legion they should be simple for basic skills. If you want to get fancy it might be more complex.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey guys,

Thanks for the bug reports as usual. You *should* only have one cock, but i wouldn't be too surprised if there's a bug that can get you multiple. The code doesn't really play nicely with it right now so I'll try to fix it when I can.

For the cock mods, I'll eventually be transitioning those to Traits like dndw says, so the size can work on them.

@Charred, thanks, I'll merge those in eventually. I usually don't work much on this much on weekends though, so maybe Monday or Tuesday.

@Lightningshifter, that's exactly what I'm planning :)  The problem is it takes a lot of writing, which I'm super slow at. Well a bit at a time eh?

@Legion they should be simple for basic skills. If you want to get fancy it might be more complex.
I was intentionally trying to make things break when I found those things. That's also why I attached those obscenely long logs. Even though most of it is just noise there are some references to apparent issues recorded in them.. I did test the boob growth though and I can safely assure you that extra tits do not form when you succeed at max size. Also, the thing with the extra cocks is kinda funny. The chances of getting perma changes are very low so I was never able to confirm if I could get the second cock to persist. What happens is the first cock will that you may have grown to any size up to massive permanently  will vanish and you'll have the new cock take its place.(Once the duration for the growth runs up that is.) I was trying to see if I could get a perma grow up to massive and then a permagrow on the second cock to see if it would make it stick but I never got a permagrow before the growth duration ran up in those instances. I have managed to permagrow a cock up to massive in size though. It just takes a lot of patience and repeated growth uses. Man... it's almost tempting to hack the odds of the perma effect just to see if the second cock will remain permanently in that case.... But I'll probably never know the answer to that one. Unless I get lucky and get a string of permagrows like I did one time. One time I managed to get 4 consecutive growths. Usually though you can cast it on them until they temp grow to massive and have it run up in time so you can do it again without having a permagrow. It's all RNG though so there is a small chance of consecutive successes.

Oh ... by the way I discovered that the girls will on extremely rare occasions take the cock mods if you run the option cursor all the way to male. However, there is a strange glitch that may suddenly move that slider to one tick right of female and I haven't figured out what triggers it. I have seen it three times so far between yesterday and today though. I set the slider all the way to male and then closed the options . Checked back after the next nightly arena battle and it was still where I had put it at male. Then I played for awhile hoping to see the girls buy the new cock mods. Then I would go into the option and look at some random point only to discover it suddenly reset the cursor position to that spot one tick right of fully female. I think this is why I wasn't getting the cock mods. Something in the background is causing it to revert the option to a setting that has a very low probability of acquiring male mods. I did see that Reyka bought a bionic cock and Angel bought an Incubus Cock. The other girls have not touched the new mods though. Also, using cock growth on an npc with the new cocks will not cause that girl to grow a plain cock thankfully. (Yes I did think of things like that when I was trying to intentionally find bugs.) Cock growth will cause hypersensitivity but otherwise no other changes to those npcs with the new cock mods which is fine since the new cocks don't have size traits associated with them yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
You should see about editing the 1st post to say what this whole thing's about


Aug 27, 2015
Glad you still working on this.

I remember you posted a skilltree on the old forums. Do you still have it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Just edited the first post

Right now there's no updated skill tree. I'll see about making something soon.

BTW, question for you guys:

I'm thinking of reworking either Angel and Reyka... Currently they are both succubi characters and both are using the Dark attribute, with very similar traits and the same pussy mod.

This kind of throws a wrench in my plans to make each character give some unlockable body mods... I was thinking of maybe switching Angel to a new attribute instead of Dark, and making her not a succubi. She doesn't have very many succubus scenes written now anyways (only one victory scene), so it shouldn't be a huge change.

Anyone have a good Attribute + some skill ideas that fits her personality?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm thinking of reworking either Angel and Reyka... Currently they are both succubi characters and both are using the Dark attribute, with very similar traits and the same pussy mod.

Aye, that be my fault. I first started working on Reyka in a very early version where Night Games was still purely vanilla. (Or, at least, as vanilla as sex-fighting gets...) My aim was to create an overpowered character to make up for the somewhat lacking AI of the time. Then, when The Silver Bard started adding supernatural stuff, I offered to finish Reyka so he could use her. That would have been fine, except he had also started working on making Angel a succubus. Hence, the two succubi came to be.

You could make Angel a mixture of succubus and some other class. Maybe a half-succubus half-witch? This would probably be easier since there is less new stuff, but it might also be less interesting. For an entirely new attribute/skill set, perhaps she could be a non-supernatural character who is simply very -very- good at sex. So no enthrallment, trances or drugged saliva, but rather more powerful variations on existing skills like Handjob. She might have skills that leave her opponent especially weak to her hands/mouth/pussy/whatever for a few turns, or lock them in some crazy kama sutra-esque position that the opponent can't escape from. Maybe a status she could apply to herself that stacks like Horny does and which increases the power of her special skills if she uses them in a chain?


Aug 27, 2015
Anyone have a good Attribute + some skill ideas that fits her personality?

Well that sort of depends on how much you plan to change Angel, though I do have one suggestion:

So I immediately began thinking of mythological creatures that used seduction and then it sort of hit me.


She could become a disciple of Aphrodite. Heck even an Angel of Aphrodite (not that she had those but the name was too good to pass up). This could have a religion skill tree and be focused on blessings from Aphrodite in exchange for honoring her, IE: with sex. As for blessings it could be things like reducing arousal (I don't think there is a way to reliably to do this yet) or increasing willpower? Healing for lack of a better word. That or she could smite her enemies? Give them debuffs and the like?

Failing that you could draw inspiration from any number of other mythological sources. Like Sirens, Mermaids, Lamia, Gorgons. The list goes on. But yeah, thoughts?


Aug 28, 2015
If you want to learn how to use git/github that would make it easier

Call me impaired too... Took me some time, but I finally understood what github is for, and how one can contribute. I hope I have the time (and know-how) to tinker with Aira sometime soon-ish :)

Characters reflections:

Mara: I love her. Period.

Cassie: she strikes me as the most balanced, true-to-herself character. IOW, very good.

Jewel: would do great with more Fetish tree focus (Masochism). She has fallen a ways behind now fighting moves are much less effective. Fiery is great for her, but not enough for her to have an edge...

Kat: pretty good. Maybe boost the shy/feral differences?

Reika: She's great as she is. I wish she didn't do omnibus, but that's just me. Perhaps going Feral a bit would sit her well? After all, she's a repressed demon which is not allowed to go all out. Or is she?

Angel: she's the "dominant" counterpart of Jewel (sex vs body) and she's grown too much Reika-like... I would second making her a Holy/Unholy character, since her character is neither cruel nor kind. She might grow a bit schizophrenic (overlapping Kat :/), perhaps morphing between two forms? Holy pussy?

Just giving her more Arcane would make her overlap with Cassie instead, and Mecha Angel sounds terrible...

Angel was designed as a seductive, "I make my own rules, I'm the one decide when/how/if you cum" character. I'd say, skip the drug fluids part, make her Enthralling with unique holds (ex: oppai lock, handgrip-lock which makes you weak to relevant bodypart)

As for random suggestions:

- there's no (in-game) way to remove an unwanted appendage from a girl... So how about an expensive draft to make a "small-size cock" go poof! as in... definitely?

- a support for external skill/stance images, perhaps randomized. Something like "display oralhold_mf (**)" w/ random ** (since windows batch-rename like this)? This would allow us to use our own images with no CR issue, and add some visual diversity.

We could also point to a zip which would have absolutely nothing to do with the game :)

Meh. Long post o_O
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hmm I would rather give Angel something unique, since she's one of the main 4.

I'm not too sold on the Holy path, because she seems like a very irreverent person to me.

I do agree that it should be something related to sex/mental state. Something like an advanced version of Seduction?

My ideas right now are Dominance, Entrancement(?), Illusion.

Or some kind of sex technique. Can't think of a good name for it though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Irreverent perhaps, but she has already shown to be prepared to deal with demonic entities to give her an edge, so why not divine ones as well? She shouldn't need to pray to get her abilities, but rather it should be some kind of business deal.

Illusion alsosounds interesting. Maybe she could create a 'phantom-Angel' which would function like a pet. She could also 'change' the surroundings and maybe herself

An advanced version of Seduction is pretty much what I was getting at previously. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So fantasy illusions and special seductive holds?

That might be better, honestly, Having two succubi in the field draining attributes is pretty bad. . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Quick update, no new build for today. However, I did manage to finish moving the body part mods to individual characters! Reyka's has scenes right now and the other girls have placeholders

Reyka can do: incubus cock, succubus pussy, demonic tail, demonic wings, pointed ears

Kat can do: primal cock, feral pussy, cat tail, cat ears

Cassie can do: blessed cock, arcane pussy

Jewel can do: enlightened cock, fiery pussy

Mara can do: bionic cock, cybernetic pussy

Note that the mods are more expensive now. For example, for Reyka, to get a incubus cock, you need to have

incubusCock.ingredients.put(Item.PriapusDraft, 10);
incubusCock.ingredients.put(Item.SuccubusDraft, 20);
incubusCock.ingredients.put(Item.semen, 10);You can buy priapus and succubus drafts at the store, but you need to get the semen yourself. Just asking Reyka about demonic rituals will make her give you a magic bottle to bottle your own semen when you masturbate in fights. However you need to be > 50 arousal to get anything.

I think having side quests like this will make it more interesting :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Our chara can rise any of advanced attribute hence ends up haing some of Dark, Ki, Arcane and all other adv stats. Girls each picking one particular stat and rise it along basic ones. So to got to the point of make Angel slight more unique (if game code allow for such mix up) give her grown in 2 (or hell let go crazy 3) different adv attributes? That is in it own way something different.

Other think I thought was keeping her succubus-like apperance (like effect of fail ritual to follow Dark attribute path or well Reika doing behind scene sabotage to be only one "true" succubus around) while rising other stat. Well Holy Succubus already been scraped by you (plus we not have actualy simple counterpart of Dark attribute, right?). In this version she would be mock-succubus that ingulge in sci-fi, animalism, arcana, ki stuff. Then again she will be mostly apparence wise almost like Reika with only think that when both start use special powers of theirs difference will be noticable.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think a play on Angel's name would be appropriate. Although this would actually require the creation of a new "Class" namely the Fallen Angel. The funny thing about Angel is she kinda reminds me of a character from the anime Overlord. That character is a badass Yandere called Albedo. Of course you could also go with the Highschool DxD styled Fallen Angels. The thing with her personality is I can see her as a spellcaster. There are only two true paths right now to go that route. Arcane or Dark. It would take a bit of thinking to come up with another school of magic. I dunno. Maybe some sort of witch class or something similar to it. Reyka is a true succubus from what I gathered reading the in game story so we ddon't really need another npc succubus per se. That isn't to say that she couldn't be another type of demon/ devil/ fallen angel. Although technically to qualify for the 3rd I would think you would have to have been a true angel to begin with but.... *Just looks at the comment regarding Highschool DxD and recalls that they totally were on board with a devil converting into a fallen angel.*.

As far as their actual combat performance. I would have to say that Reyka is the more dangerous opponent of the two. Especially once you clear the level 100 mark. Of course you can presently hobble the girls by patiently force growing their boobs to max size so they are vulnerable to heavy lust damage to the tits. It just takes time and a lot of spamming of that breast growth arcane spell. I'm not sure if the science based enlargement rays also have that very small chance of permanently changing body parts too though... 

Honestly, after considering my own thought process on Angel I came to the conclusion that she is one of those characters that is best left multiclassed for now until you create a more appropriate class and form for her. I would have to agree with previous posters in their suggestions regarding her. (Especially Ormael's discussion above.)


Aug 28, 2015
Angel kinda reminds me of a character from the anime Overlord. That character is a badass Yandere called Albedo.
Agreed. They do share interesting similarities. (edit: battle axes sure bring out the cudliness in you... Or just in me)

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